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LaRon Landry suspended 4 games for PED use [Merge]


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Okay so people can take masked personal shots at large groups of people, but singling out that person who took masked shots isn't tolerated? Good double standard.

I'm not a fan of it


Difficult line. Some fans like creating threads criticizing sections of the fan base with a different opinion than them. First thread we had after yesterdays win was one of those.



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Good heavens...




Good heavens is really the right words for this and the whole steroid issue in the NFL. Only an * would even think there was even a slight chance this guy wasn't juicing. I've made comments to this FACT since the signing. Just like the case of a 5'8" inch safety we once had that was 210 lbs , all muscle and ripped tendons tying his shoes. So my question is why would a GM give a guy that only an * would think was clean , that kind of contract ? Can only be one answer. They know players are doing it and it's so widespread that they figure odds are any player they sign can get caught without the proper "masking " and other precautions.

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Hey where's John Boyett when we need him?  Dang it Grigs...... Just messin around.


Truthfully I do wish we would have gave him another chance over Colt Anderson though.


Maybe they sign him off Denver's practice squad now. At least he's a little familiar with the defense.

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Good heavens is really the right words for this and the whole steroid issue in the NFL. Only an * would even think there was even a slight chance this guy wasn't juicing. I've made comments to this FACT since the signing. Just like the case of a 5'8" inch safety we once had that was 210 lbs , all muscle and ripped tendons tying his shoes. So my question is why would a GM give a guy that only an * would think was clean , that kind of contract ? Can only be one answer. They know players are doing it and it's so widespread that they figure odds are any player they sign can get caught without the proper "masking " and other precautions.


Yeah, I disagree. First, I think it's irresponsible to assume that anyone is using steroids or anything illicit based on what their body looks like. Second, while it's hard to understand the contract, you don't get to negotiate on the basis of "we know you're using something, so we're only going to guarantee this much." It's immaterial.


However, like you said, I don't think there's any doubt that some players are using things they shouldn't be. It took three years to implement HGH testing, even though it was agreed to in the CBA. There's a reason for that. And guys still get busted for PEDs, above and beyond Adderall and similar stimulants. No question guys are using. 

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Yeah, I disagree. First, I think it's irresponsible to assume that anyone is using steroids or anything illicit based on what their body looks like. Second, while it's hard to understand the contract, you don't get to negotiate on the basis of "we know you're using something, so we're only going to guarantee this much." It's immaterial.


However, like you said, I don't think there's any doubt that some players are using things they shouldn't be. It took three years to implement HGH testing, even though it was agreed to in the CBA. There's a reason for that. And guys still get busted for PEDs, above and beyond Adderall and similar stimulants. No question guys are using. 


LOL. People don't naturally look like that plus run 4-3's and jump out of buildings. Point proven by going back to the pre steroid era and you see a handful of guys that were genetic freaks, Jim Brown , Bo Jackson and Hershall Walker come to mind. Now you have rosters full of these freaks of nature. My point with the contract is I think it's possible that GM's are thinking these guys will probably not get busted . In any event "irresponsible" as I may have been , I'll pull up posts where I pretty much said this when we signed him. 

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LOL. People don't naturally look like that plus run 4-3's and jump out of buildings. Point proven by going back to the pre steroid era and you see a handful of guys that were genetic freaks, Jim Brown , Bo Jackson and Hershall Walker come to mind. Now you have rosters full of these freaks of nature. My point with the contract is I think it's possible that GM's are thinking these guys will probably not get busted . In any event "irresponsible" as I may have been , I'll pull up posts where I pretty much said this when we signed him. 


Some people put on muscle differently. I've never argued against the idea that Landry was using something, I just don't play the assumption game about this kind of stuff.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, September 30, 2014 - talking about moderation and another poster
Hidden by Nadine, September 30, 2014 - talking about moderation and another poster

I think he's a good poster. I wish we had more fans of opposing teams here, but the bullying is too fierce. 

If you like him there's nothing wrong with that at all, and I respect your opinions. I too really enjoy having opposing teams fans on the board. My biggest issue with said poster has been he showed up the day the T-Rich trade happened, and he only pops up to comment if T-Rich is playing poorly or if Irsay/Mathis/Landry get suspended and he goes out of his way to make comments that he knows will get under that majority of people's skin.  I personally have never seen anything positive or thought provoking from the guy, that may just be me but alas I can only speak for myself.


I think there's bullying running rampant on all sides here lately, which is unfortunate and sad. It's not always from new members or other teams fans either.

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That would be the hit cutting him after 2014. Not chicken feed.


Right, can't cut him now. He's a vested veteran, his salary for 2014 is guaranteed. I mean, we can cut him, but it wouldn't save us anything. And we'd still have a cap penalty of $3.5m in 2015. 


By the way, while that cap penalty isn't exactly shrug worthy, it's still a cap savings of $2.25m. And it gets rid of $7.75m in 2016. Again, I'm not thinking that he gets cut, unless he's absolutely terrible once he comes back (or can't get back on the field because someone else is playing well in his place). 

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I wouldn't even say masked.  It's pretty blatant if you ask me.  It just gets tiring responding to it.  After just having a kid (which by the way, how's Brody doing?), I don't really have the energy to argue about nonsense.

Brody is great! How's Lilly?  Yeah I'm running out of sarcastic responses honestly, it is very tiring.

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He always had a HoF DE in Freeney to help him out. Do you really think the position change helped him that much....AFTER losing the synergy of Freeney playing opposite him? It makes no sense. What does make sense is that a pro athlete took a banned substance and his production went up BECAUSE he took a banned substance. 


Freeney and Mathis were BOTH held back by the defensive scheme and lack of interior linemen. Switching the defense and adding better linemen definitely helped Mathis rush the passer better. 


There will always be questions about his increased sack numbers, and that's his fault. But he's always been a terror of a pass rusher, and the position change was a huge deal for him.

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Not so far. No real indication that they will, as he wasn't the one arrested for DUI, nor does he have a history of DUI that I know of.

Purifoy dodges another bullet.  He needs to go to practice, go home, practice, home, game, then back home.  He needs to saddle up to a wily old vet like Mike Brown and learn how to be a pro.

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In football huge muscles don't translate to good football player. Only in bodybuilding does it count. I'm not surprised at all. I have hit the iron on and off for 18 years and I know what it takes. PED use in sports is nothing new. The crazy thing is there's tons of stuff you can take legally that would give you a bad drop for PED's.

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I doubt it was implemented that quickly.

I'd laugh if it's something as dumb as deer antler spray.

Lol no no only Ray lewis uses that stuff.

Seriously though. Their always going to try new stuff that can't be detected. Or shall I say they hope won't be detected

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The reason you got mocked over the Landry post is this....


The guy got a 4-year deal.    Was he a disappointment?    Yes.    But he wasn't terrible.


And you have to give guys with 4-year deals a chance to make it up in the 2nd year.


If you start cutting guys with 4-year deals after the first year,  you create TWO very big problems.


1.)    You create terrible salary cap problems.


2.)    You create serious doubt from agents that you're going to give their clients (players) a fair chance with your team.   The Colts do not want that problem.    We want Indy to be a desirable destination for free agents.    We don't want FA's eithere avoiding us, or only willing to play for us for way over-inflated contracts with huge guaranteed signing bonuses so they won't care if they get cut.


This was explained to you way back then.   But I'm happy to do it again.

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So you're not shocked at all by Landry but are completely shocked and appalled at the mere mention that at a guy over 32 years old leading the league in sacks, in which surpassed his previous TWO SEASONS sack total used a PED. Because "he wanted to get his wife pregnant."


We are just rabid football fans and that means our sense of moral outrage is a function of the importance of the player to our team. If Luck was busted for PEDs, DUI and airing his willy in front of a senior citizen -- all in one day, we would "believe" any excuses he threw out. Same thing with Mathis and his steroid-masking drug. Besides, we like them -- even though we don't know them.
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Watt looks like he's on PEDs as well, same with Landry. Watt is a great player but so was Arod before he was caught. I don't believe players that big, strong,and fast as Landry and Watt aren't taking something. If i had to guess, I would say 40% of players in the NFL are on PEDs.

Id say higher. On some sort of PED or stim.

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