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Da'Rick Rodgers Arrested Last Night, released (merge)


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I understand why this decision was made. Da'Rick has a history, and we gave him a chance which he has now blown. But I can't help feeling this will haunt (edit) us. I also dont like the fact that we will only have Donte, T.Y. and Griff under contract after this season .

Good thing Donte has shown potential though.

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I understand why this decision was made. Da'Rick has a history, and we gave him a chance which he has now blown. But I can't help feeling this will hasn't us. I also dont like the fact that we will only have Donte, T.Y. and Griff under contract after this season .

Good thing Donte has shown potential though.

If you meant "this will haunt" us, don't count on it

Grigson is your GM, raw & untapped talent can easily be replaced when that raw & untapped talent is a knucklehead

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..... Didn't we cut





For "conduct" reasons? Did they have a grievance?


Don't know. . . maybe it's just because we said it.  


I doubt any complaint is going to succeed.  It's been pretty well clear that teams can cut players for whatever reason they choose and players don't have to give back any guaranteed money no matter what they do.  

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Why was Purifoy and Rogers out driving at 3:30 am anyway? Don't they both know that practice starts today?


Actually I think the players are off until Wednesday.


Not sure how it works for Thursday and Monday games.  But for Sunday games I believe they are off Monday and Tuesday.  Practice Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.  Saturday they travel if applicable.  


Just general rule, not something followed 100% of the time.


For example I believe teams going to London travel earlier in the week to get used to the time change.

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If you meant "this will haunt" us, don't count on it

Grigson is your GM, raw & untapped talent can easily be replaced when that raw & untapped talent is a knucklehead

I think it could. He looked improved in the preseason, but also showed flashed last years. I see some Dez in him, who like Rogers was also a lousy route runner in the beginning of his NFL career.

If we didn't have so much talent at the WR position Rogers would likely be getting a good amount of snaps. But meh, I'm not too bummed about it since Donte has shown his potential too.

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The real question is, why is a guy with his sketchy background driving around at 3:30 am after having anything to drink? I get that he's young, but when I was his age, the only place I was going at 3:30 in the morning was back from lunch during my 3rd shift grocery night manager job. 


Some people are dumb.  The guy has to have a friend that is wanting to latch onto him since he is a pro athlete.  Might as well make him earn his keep and say we are going out celebrating our big win and you are the DD.  Simple as that. 


Heck one of my friends drives on the weekend and he is basically high classed taxi.  Tells me all about the drunks he picks up, but at least they are smart enough to have someone drive them.

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I think it could. He looked improved in the preseason, but also showed flashed last years. I see some Dez in him, who like Rogers was also a lousy route runner in the beginning of his NFL career.

If we didn't have so much talent at the WR position Rogers would likely be getting a good amount of snaps. But meh, I'm not too bummed about it since Donte has shown his potential too.

Deep draft of WR's this past draft..... Couple players we could snatch off practice squads or the UDFA pool of we felt we needed too.

McDonald being promoted to the 53 over a WR gives me the vibe that Mr. Grigson & Ms. Irsay aren't tripping over our WR depth at the moment

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Don't know. . . maybe it's just because we said it.  


I doubt any complaint is going to succeed.  It's been pretty well clear that teams can cut players for whatever reason they choose and players don't have to give back any guaranteed money no matter what they do.  


Exactly. We can cut a player because his breath stinks. We're not trying to withhold any money, he's not guaranteed anything, etc. 

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LB Andrew Jackson. Not sure what CB you are talking about. 



Andrew Jackson was a draft pick not an undrafted free agent rookie as I thought your post inferred. The other Jackson Is Kameron , who was signed as an undrafted rookie free agent. I thought he was cut but after your post was thinning maybe showed well and put on IR ? Looks like you just misspoke and the "other Jackson " was coincidence. No big deal...




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Actually it doesn't... All I saw was the face palm emote. Which is a pretty good indication of why I asked what he did. I just now got the ESPN notification on my phone that it was a DUI and was released.


There are embedded tweets in the original post. Sometimes they take a few seconds to load.

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Actually it doesn't... All I saw was the face palm emote. Which is a pretty good indication of why I asked what he did.

You might be new here. The forum got a NEW feature where we embed tweets

So if you're just seeing a big white space and the :facepalm: emoticon then you might be using the wrong browser. Try Google Chrome or Firefox might work

If none of the above helps, contact one of our mods via Private Message








One of them should be able to help you get that fixed

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Oh. Well they should still have team meetings? No?


Not typically.  Monday and Tuesday are considered their days off just like most of us have Saturday and Sunday.  


Coaches are probably working on game plans and stuff, and individual players might come to the facility to do individual work.


But the team meetings and practices don't start til Wednesday.

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I think they are canning him for the lack of judgement overall.  Between college, the punt of the ball at Cincy, and this they are cutting ties.


I guess they got fed up and wanted to send him a message.  I really wanted to see him prosper, but it didn't come to be I suppose.



I feel bad for the kid and was rooting for him. Not condoning what he did ... very very stupid. That said.. my point is .08 (if that's all it was.. I think said "at least" ) was legal in a whole bunch of states around 10 years ago. Anyway , you would think a guy hanging by a thread (inactive 1st 3 weeks) would be smarter than that.

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I feel bad for the kid and was rooting for him. Not condoning what he did ... very very stupid. That said.. my point is .08 (if that's all it was.. I think said "at least" ) was legal in a whole bunch of states around 10 years ago. Anyway , you would think a guy hanging by a thread (inactive 1st 3 weeks) would be smarter than that.

.08 is the limit here in VA. Not sure what Indy's is. And it said he blew between .08 & .11 so that's trouble either way

And regardless what he blew, he was drunk enough to be swerving. Putting other people's lives in danger is a no no. Sure it was 3:30am so probably the streets were like a ghost town but still. There's enough of those drunk driving commercials for people to understand it's not a game. It's seriously dangerous

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.08 is the limit here in VA. Not sure what Indy's is. And it said he blew between .08 & .11 so that's trouble either way

And regardless what he blew, he was drunk enough to be swerving. Putting other people's lives in danger is a no no. Sure it was 3:30am so probably the streets were like a ghost town but still. There's enough of those drunk driving commercials for people to understand it's not a game. It's seriously dangerous


I read that he hit or crossed the yellow line. That might be a little different than" swerving ." Have you ever been on a barren road with a buddy at 3:30 in the morning and went on the yellow line ? Maybe they were laughing about an incident ad he just drifted a bit left. Or maybe he was drunk.. Dunno.  I mean he could have been driving with a level of .08 , which in your state , he may have been released if that was the case. I'm guessing Indiana is like CA and is a no tolerance state. Once again, I'm not condoning but if he blew a .08 and had one less sip in your state , he would have been released as no offense was committed .

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Chuck Pagano announces that the Colts have released WR Da'Rick Rogers and promoted S Dewey McDonald from PS to active roster. #Colts


Yippee!  Another below-par safety to add to the gaggle of below-par safeties we already have on the roster!  Always a great sign when your 5 active-roster safeties consist of a 1st round bust on his third different team who can't cover a tupperware bowl, and 4 undrafted free agents.


Thanks again for refusing to upgrade this blatantly obvious position-of-need during the offseason, Grigs!

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I read that he hit or crossed the yellow line. That might be a little different than" swerving ." Have you ever been on a barren road with a buddy at 3:30 in the morning and went on the yellow line ? Maybe they were laughing about an incident ad he just drifted a bit left. Or maybe he was drunk.. Dunno. I mean he could have been driving with a level of .08 , which in your state , he may have been released if that was the case. I'm guessing Indiana is like CA and is a no tolerance state. Once again, I'm not condoning but if he blew a .08 and had one less sip in your state , he would have been released as no offense was committed .

Crossing the yellow line is probable cause enough for an officer to stop you. At that point, if you're intoxicated you're basically busted

If you were laughing at jokes, almost certain they would let you go with a warning to not laugh so hard that you merge into oncoming lanes next time

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Yippee! Another below-par safety to add to the gaggle of below-par safeties we already have on the roster! Always a great sign when your 5 active-roster safeties consist of a 1st round bust on his third different team who can't cover a tupperware bowl, and 4 undrafted free agents.

Thanks again for refusing to upgrade this blatantly obvious position-of-need during the offseason, Grigs!

When you come up with 5 ways to upgrade the safety position right now where we are in the season, I'll take your post a bit more seriously

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Yippee! Another below-par safety to add to the gaggle of below-par safeties we already have on the roster! Always a great sign when your 5 active-roster safeties consist of a 1st round bust on his third different team who can't cover a tupperware bowl, and 4 undrafted free agents.

Thanks again for refusing to upgrade this blatantly obvious position-of-need during the offseason, Grigs!

So you think we are thin at safety ?
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.08 is the limit here in VA. Not sure what Indy's is. And it said he blew between .08 & .11 so that's trouble either way



NHTSA says the limit is .08 everywhere.  Any state that didn't adhere to that didn't receive funding for their highways and streets.


If Purifoy had been drinking, I'm surprised he didn't get PI'd.  Da'Rick, Da'Rick, Da'Rick.  SMDH.

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I read that he hit or crossed the yellow line. That might be a little different than" swerving ." Have you ever been on a barren road with a buddy at 3:30 in the morning and went on the yellow line ? Maybe they were laughing about an incident ad he just drifted a bit left. Or maybe he was drunk.. Dunno. I mean he could have been driving with a level of .08 , which in your state , he may have been released if that was the case. I'm guessing Indiana is like CA and is a no tolerance state. Once again, I'm not condoning but if he blew a .08 and had one less sip in your state , he would have been released as no offense was committed .

I'm usually all for liberalization of drug laws and reducing punishments. But 0.08 is too lax IMO. An adult male can pound a six pack and be right around the limit in an hour or two. You can be pretty seriously impaired and be under the limit.

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NHTSA says the limit is .08 everywhere. Any state that didn't adhere to that didn't receive funding for their highways and streets.

If Purifoy had been drinking, I'm surprised he didn't get PI'd. Da'Rick, Da'Rick, Da'Rick. SMDH.

Ah, taught me something new today Moon. So then yeah, his arrest was warranted. Gotta make better decisions in life, it's that simple

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NHTSA says the limit is .08 everywhere. Any state that didn't adhere to that didn't receive funding for their highways and streets.

If Purifoy had been drinking, I'm surprised he didn't get PI'd. Da'Rick, Da'Rick, Da'Rick. SMDH.

You won't get a PI for riding with a drunk driver unless you are belligerent with the officer

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