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Predictions for Sunday


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Broncos are overrated, and we'll thrash them just like last year, I don't think they did anything spectacular in the off-season to help beat teams like Seattle and the Colts.


Their defense isn't even close to on par with our offense, and our defense matches up better against their offense. I expect nothing less than rolling them.

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Broncos Win...

                     1. Their house + Altitude

                     2.  Peyton's on a Mission to getg another ring in his limited time left

                     3.  Beat down in SB.. they beat anybody they play in the first game ... including the Seahawks in


                     4. We beat them last year... He wants revenge... plus he would OWN the Record

                         for the only QB to  Beat ALL 32 Team

                     5. Thay are a better team than last year

                     6. Owner Stepped down with Alzheimer ... more kindling on the Fire and Bring The Ring To Denver

Colts Win IF....

                      1. We pressure Peyton... gonna be hard without RM

                      2. Can our LB set the edge and stop runs on the outside ... can we keep Peyton from cutting      

                           us  up  like Breeze did.. I  know we will have Freeman and didn't against the Saints..

                      3. Luck throws NO Int...   and we win the TO ...

                      4. Can we run????????????


Broncos win    ........... but I'm rooting for My Colts...

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I feel the Colts will be able to keep it close the first half disrupting Peyton and that O's offensive rhythm while having long drives of our own. However, I just don't have the confidence to say they will be able to sustain it for 60 minutes, especially on the road where the crowd gives Peyton silent treatment.


Cant beat Peyton in a shootout in the 30s, so I am going to say their new kicker misses a few and we conjure some Mile High magic of our own 27-24 Colts  :).

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you do realize chelius was heavily coveted. sound like someone who isnt above average. canstanzo is the best LT we've had since glenn retired. before we had trash like charlie johnson and tony ugoh

Saying Castonzo is better than trash isn't exactly a compliment

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I can't wait to see Ahmad Bradshaw get into a grove against the Broncos like he did against the 49ers.  You have to admit that the guy just get's you excited when he gets pumped up.  I remember he bust off that long run against San Fran and came back to the huddle shouting "Let's Go Man, Let's Go!"  "Bring that **** On!"  The dude is such a warrior and he inspires his team mates to take it to another level.  He's like a fire that just ignites everybody, Pep would be mistaken not to get the guy very much involved in the game.  He's like a shot of courage and confidence all in one.  I'm ready for Sunday!!!!!  I know he's going to bring a much needed attitude.

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I won't predict W/L because that is foolish. It's the NFL. The Broncos could come out looking like they did in the SB or they could come out looking like they did against the Patriots and Chargers in the playoffs. Controling the line of scrimmage, milking the clock, and scoring on almost every possession. I think we see a high scoring game. I think both offenses have the ability to gas the opposing defenses. Both teams have question marks...both don't know if they can run the ball...and I think both have question marks on defense getting after the QB. Are Miller/Ware healthy? Who steps up for Mathis? Both QBs should be able to move the ball at will...both have good secondaries but with all the weapons each have there are definate matchup nightmares. To me the key on both sides will be LB play. Can our LBs generate a pass rush. Can they step up and stop the run...and most importantly how do they handle coverage. I can't describe how poor Jackson looked in coverage a couple weeks ago against an athletic TE and he will have another one possibly to cover...and very fast WRs coming across the middle etc. I think Peyton will look to take advantage of that. On the other side its the same thing. Denver's weakness is their LBs. The loss of Trevathan is huge...he was their leading tackler and best cover LB....I look for us to utilize Allen, Fleener, and many crossing routes underneath. In the end home field advantage is huge....its early in the season and mile high....thats tough even when your in condition...and who knows what condition these guys are in with little work in the preseason. Time of possession will be key...and the team to own that I think wins the game. Advantage may go to Denver but we have the team that matches up well with them...and I think we certainly can win. Sunday night will be exciting...and no matter if we are down we have confidence to come back...so it won't be over until the final play.

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name me 15 better starting LTs


Thomas, Williams, Stayley, Peters, Solder, Smith, Gross, Long, Glenn, Kahlil, Monroe, Whitmore, Brown, Albert, Roos, Dunlap, DeBrick....


Thats 17 off the top of my head. I know Im forgetting a handful as well. 






Back on topic. 


Broncos 31 Colts 24, but its not as close as the score indicates. Broncos jump out to an early 17-3 lead, and pound time of possession in the 2nd half, keeping it out of Lucks hands for any prolonged amount of time. 


I am prediciting a pick 6 on Manning. I think its gonna be a LB. Maybe Jackson. 

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name me 15 better starting LTs

Jason Peters

Ryan Clady

Nate Solder

Joe Thomas

Joe Staley

Matt Kahlil

Trent Williams

Russell Okung

Duane Brown

D'Brickashaw Ferguson

Jared Veldheer

Andrew Whitworth

Jake Long

Mike Roos

Cordy Glenn

Eugene Monroe

Brandon Albert

Tyron Smith

You could argue a couple of those, but i don't think you could argue for AC in the top 10.

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Jason Peters

Ryan Clady

Nate Solder

Joe Thomas

Joe Staley

Matt Kahlil

Trent Williams

Russell Okung

Duane Brown

D'Brickashaw Ferguson

Jared Veldheer

Andrew Whitworth

Jake Long

Mike Roos

Cordy Glenn

Eugene Monroe

Brandon Albert

Tyron Smith

You could argue a couple of those, but i don't think you could argue for AC in the top 10.


whitworth is playing guard last I checked. solder and kahli is a stretch. jake long has been injured the last couple of seasons. 

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whitworth is playing guard last I checked. solder and kahli is a stretch. jake long has been injured the last couple of seasons.

Whitworth played guard due to injuries on the Oline and is back to playing LT......the move had nothing to do with his playing ability.
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you really dont pay much attention to our line do you? how many sacks were given up by our tackles as you put it suck? have you seen holmes play to say hes not qualified to be our starting center? 


 Yet our tackle pair was the 3rd worst rated pass protecting tandem last season. AC was UP TO 22nd thanks to Andrew getting rid of the ball quicker. They both are tall, slightly stiff, with trouble redirecting. lol fixing that.

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 Yet our tackle pair was the 3rd worst rated pass protecting tandem last season. AC was UP TO 22nd thanks to Andrew getting rid of the ball quicker. They both are tall, slightly stiff, with trouble redirecting. lol fixing that.


and where did you get that PFR

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Honestly, I fear for Andrew's life behind this banged up OL. And Denver is at full force defensively for the most part.


Broncos win 38-24



TRich will stink running.

If Bradshaw gets 60 yards we score the 17. If not ugh!

Andrew will throw a number of slightly late, high passes resulting in a couple dropped passes, int`s?? and a stung/injured receiver.

Gonna Love our d-line, Werner will be solid, Walden not so much. DQ will stuff some run lanes well and miss a few tackles.

 Landry will be in the wrong place several times because of poor communication because he doesn`t join his teammates in camps.

  Still a decent start to building the D unit.

 Shaking our heads about our o-Line prospects.Mewhort? oh ooo!


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