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What was youre favorite Peyton Manning/old regime moment


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You mean vs T.B. ? I don't remember any big comeback vs KC other than last year. There was a great win vs them in the playoffs but no big come back there.

SO SO Sorry, Yes of course it was Tampa Bay! How could I forget that? That was the true significance of it being Dungy's birthday - beating his former team!


Wow, I must really be getting old!


With apologies!



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Peyton sitting on the bench hunched over, staring at the ground as Brady started to try and rally a comeback in the 06 AFCCG. Later found out he doesn't usually pray in moments like that but was kind of saying "Lord, let the Colts win this game and that would be a really good thing". The outcome of that game and the look on Peytons face when Brady was intercepted made that moment significant for me! That was freaking awesome!

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The Super Bowl was awesome. But I think my favorite moment was when the Jets came to town for the AFCCG talking trash and Peyton carved them to pieces. That stupid look on Rex Ryan's face was pure bliss.

Of course that game was followed by the Super Bowl loss against the Saints, which still gives me nightmares.

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SO SO Sorry, Yes of course it was Tampa Bay! How could I forget that? That was the true significance of it being Dungy's birthday - beating his former team!


Wow, I must really be getting old!


With apologies!






No worries

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The '06 AFCCG for all intents and purposes was the Super Bowl. I don't think anyone believed Rex Grossman was going to outduel either Manning or Brady! 


Our equivalent of that is seeing the Red Sox come back from 0-3 against the Yankees in 2004. Only it was a much longer dry spell... about 80 years longer, lol...

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The '06 AFCCG for all intents and purposes was the Super Bowl. I don't think anyone believed Rex Grossman was going to outduel either Manning or Brady!

Our equivalent of that is seeing the Red Sox come back from 0-3 against the Yankees in 2004. Only it was a much longer dry spell... about 80 years longer, lol...

No, it wasn't

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No, it wasn't


Closest thing in modern pro sports to the USA hockey team beating the Russians in 1980 and then having to play Finland in the actual gold medal game. As the years have passed, Colts fans seem to remember the AFCCG with a lot more warm and fuzzy nostalgia than they do the actual Super Bowl. If you think I'm wrong just read through this thread! 

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I have so many fond memories that I can't list them all.  Besides many of the ones listed the one I haven't seen mentioned yet was a game against the Ravens.  Freeney dominated Ogden all game (2-1/2 sacks, a couple more hurries and I think and close to double digit pressures) at one point they showed Ogden on the sidelines, after giving up another drive ending sack, with a look of utter confusion on his face and shaking his head no, like he just couldn't figure out how to slow him down.


That was one of the classics.

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The '06 AFCCG for all intents and purposes was the Super Bowl. I don't think anyone believed Rex Grossman was going to outduel either Manning or Brady!

No, it wasn't

Yes, yes it was. I don't think anyone thought the Bears stood any real chance. Once we beat the Pats, I knew we were going to win the superbowl. It was also a more exciting game to watch.

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All of the moments already mentioned really ring out, but my favorite was the call to give the ball to Addai on the 3 yard run to beat the Patriots in the '06 AFCCG.Usually in an NFL game there maybe 4-5 pancake blocks. If you rerun that play there were at least 4 pancacke blocks for the Colts O line on that one play. Watch Saturday pancake Wilfork. Just an amazing play. I honestly didn't think Brady could produce a game winning drive after that, so personally the Marlin INT was icing after what I thought was "the play" on Addai's TD run.


Btw--I stayed up for the the MNF historic comeback vs. the Bucs, too. What a game.

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Beating the Patriots at home to go to the Super Bowl, but the other two was winning in the snow in OT in Denver in 2002. The comeback in Tampa when everyone slept, coming back from being down big.

But more importantly watching Peyton in all those years grow and become one of the greatest QB's along with making Indy a great team for years

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The '06 AFCCG for all intents and purposes was the Super Bowl. I don't think anyone believed Rex Grossman was going to outduel either Manning or Brady! 


Our equivalent of that is seeing the Red Sox come back from 0-3 against the Yankees in 2004. Only it was a much longer dry spell... about 80 years longer, lol...


How DARE you say that horrible, dirty, nasty, Y word!!


(I'm a die-hard BoSox fan as well)... :D

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06 AFC Championship Game.  Peyton with head bowed in prayer on the sidelines in the closing minutes just before the game clinching interception by Marlin Jackson.  Humility, faith and perseverance finally rewarded for one of the greatest QB's of our time.


Honorable mention goes to the Monday Night Miracle in Tampa. 

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All great ones.  I have to go with the Pats 06. 


As for the Bronco game, that was classic.  The Colts had been (if memory serves me) beaten by the Broncos the week before in the regular season game.  My inlaws are Bronco fans so they were thinking that Jake Plummer was the second coming of John Elway and that the Colts had no chance.  I think the score ended up to to be 55-10, Colts.


That said, I hate this little costume party that Peyton is attending in Denver.

It's still weird seeing him in a broncos uniform instead of colts, but between luck, pagano, and grigson I'm happy we may have lost the g.o.a.t but we got a MUCH better coaching staff and front office. I loved dungy but he was too loyal to players and polian towards the end was horrible. But it worked out for everybody I'm glad peyton's neck issue didn't force him to retire even if its a little sad to see him with another team. But I'll get an in-person look Sep 6 season opener...first time I get to see peyton play live

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Super Bowl easy.  The fact that it was against the Bears made it that much better.  Before Manning there used to be loads of Bears fans since Ft Wayne is in between Indy and Chicago.  When I was little the Bears were more popular since people could still distantly remember the 85 team.   By this point I see 25 Colts shirts, bumper stickers or hats for every Bears one.

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I'll give a nod to the defense during the '06 playoffs & Superbowl run, basically shutting out Larry Johnson & KC's running game in the first playoff game was pretty epic, the way the run D really stepped up after sports media said the Colts would get run all over in the playoffs facing dominant running backs in Johnson, Jamal Lewis, & Corey Dillon...

If 18 could of had defenses step up like the '06 defense Colts may of celebrated a few more SB titles...

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Clark's unbelievable catch to keep the drive alive.......

Marlin Jackson sealing our SB appearance......

Marvins one handed alien like catch over the middle against the Titans

Marvins back shoulder fade in the right side of the end zone where he located it with a slap, then hauled it in

Freeney meeting Jamal in the backfield against the Ravens.

Bob Sanders upending the ball carrier in the backfield against the Steelers

Money kicking 5 FGs to win in the PO against the Ravens

Hunter Smith running down Meon Sanders from behind

Marvin poetically dislocating Rodney Harrisons shoulder on one of the most obvious no calls in NFL history

The water bottle toss

The all run drive  (13 plays?) against the Pats in NE

The Block

Dilgers roll for a first down

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