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What will be Reggie Wayne's entrance to TC this year?


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I still don't see it. If I drop out of basic week one, I still get to keep my uniforms. Did i earn them?   I will say though if he had worn a beret then the gloves would've been off for that.  :catfight:



Actually, no you don't. I have worked both unit supply and base CIF, central issuing facility. Your uniforms if you fail to complete basic training are turned back into CIF for discard before you leave. Now, there are some rare exceptions and instances where that doesn't always happen, but that is the regulation. Heck, once your contract is up, you are required to turn in all uniforms except for 1 set of PT uniforms and 1 dress uniform. Only time you keep all your uniforms these days is to retire. Or sometimes, depending on the unit supply, if you get medical discharged. At least in the Army it's that way. Course slip ups happen and people sometimes do get to keep theirs.  

Like I said,I like Reggie a lot, he's been one of my favorites since he was drafted. Now I know Reggie meant well and did it as a show of respect and a way to show teamwork and all that. It's just a personal thing that unless you have worn the uniform, you won't understand. Now I'm not looking down at all on those who have not served. It's just hard to relate to something you haven't experienced. And yes, you earn the right to wear that uniform, at least officially. Sure you can go to the local army/navy store, spend 30 bucks and play soldier, but until you have poured your own blood,spit and sweat along side your brothers and sisters in arms and earned that uniform, you shouldn't wear it. Just my 2 cents, if it's even worth that.

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narcissistic? :D i don't know how you got that from my comment, i just told you to chill.. accidentally hit a nerve, did i?

Again your comments are ironic to your actions.  You jumped on a post that had nothing to do with you, I was not responding to anything you had stated or posted, I was replying to someone else that had a similar reaction to mine regarding uniforms.  Nor was I saying that people should stop wearing their official jerseys nor saying "we" and "us when referring to their team... just how I felt about it.  Did you reply like zippyD or Valpo?  No, you stated that the csmopar and I should, "get over yourself" that is vastly different than chill.  So it would appear that if anyone had a nerve touched it was you.  You apparently got your little feelings hurt, probably because you have a closet full of official jerseys and always say "we" and "us" when referring to the Colts.


So yes narcissistic does apply to your posts. Cool selfie by the way.  Did you post that FB and Twitter as well?

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Again your comments are ironic to your actions. You jumped on a post that had nothing to do with you, I was not responding to anything you had stated or posted, I was replying to someone else that had a similar reaction to mine regarding uniforms. Nor was I saying that people should stop wearing their official jerseys nor saying "we" and "us when referring to their team... just how I felt about it. Did you reply like zippyD or Valpo? No, you stated that the csmopar and I should, "get over yourself" that is vastly different than chill. So it would appear that if anyone had a nerve touched it was you. You apparently got your little feelings hurt, probably because you have a closet full of official jerseys and always say "we" and "us" when referring to the Colts.

So yes narcissistic does apply to your posts. Cool selfie by the way. Did you post that FB and Twitter as well?

I was replying to multiple posts that were similar, the first one being about reggie wearing a military uniform being distasteful and second one being your reply to that one where you agreed with that statement..

i'm sorry, i was not aware that was not allowed..

And about the selfie comment, if you're finally descending to my level, my profile pic is still better than your's ;p

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... You apparently got your little feelings hurt, probably because you have a closet full of official jerseys and always say "we" and "us" when referring to the Colts.

So yes narcissistic does apply to your posts. Cool selfie by the way. Did you post that FB and Twitter as well?

Replying to this specific segment of your comment, what's wrong with having an official colts jersey or any colts apparell?

If you want, i can take a selfie with all of my colts posesions? It might take some time though, cause i have a lot.. does that make me a narcisoist?

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I'm far from exempt from referring to the team as we or us . . . but I've always thought found that funny too.


"We won!!"  No those 53 elite athletes and their coaching staff won.  We sat on our butts eating Nachos while watching them do it.  


Although one could attempt to get around that by simply considering the team and it's fan-base to be one unit or group as there would be no NFL without fans.

We'll I don't watch the games eating nachos. So the term "we" isn't applicable there either. I am also sure there are other people who don't do that either.

Just my two cents on "we"

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We'll I don't watch the games eating nachos. So the term "we" isn't applicable there either. I am also sure there are other people who don't do that either.

Just my two cents on "we"


Doesn't matter what you eat, you where not on the sideline, you didn't play.  However as I mentioned you did by either watching it on TV or going to the stadium & buying gear provide financial support for it.  

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I was replying to multiple posts that were similar, the first one being about reggie wearing a military uniform being distasteful and second one being your reply to that one where you agreed with that statement..

i'm sorry, i was not aware that was not allowed..


It's allowed.  And I never said it wasn't.  Just that your responses indicate a narcissist.  Or at least someone with narcissistic tendencies.

And about the selfie comment, if you're finally descending to my level, my profile pic is still better than your's ;p


Yes, it's better than mine.      clap                                                 clap                                                       clap                          clap           clap           clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap

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We'll I don't watch the games eating nachos. So the term "we" isn't applicable there either. I am also sure there are other people who don't do that either.

Just my two cents on "we"


There are a few, myself included, but when I watch Colts games at LOS, there seems to be a lot of people sitting down like they're at a matinee.

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Replying to this specific segment of your comment, what's wrong with having an official colts jersey or any colts apparell?

If you want, i can take a selfie with all of my colts posesions? It might take some time though, cause i have a lot.. does that make me a narcisoist?

On the first part.  Just like the uniform... to me it's something earned not bought and it's just the official jerseys.  I have a quite a bit of Colts apparel: hats, tees, footballs, I even have a a Colts button down shirt that I can wear with a tie to the office and a Colts hard hat to wear to the job site.


On the second part, I don't want to see your selfies with all your colts stuff.  Does that make you a narcissist?  Not in and of itself... more petty than anything but overall yeah that is pretty narcissistic.

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2 questions, hopefully someone can help me out:


How do you upload an image that ISN'T online, like, from my desktop for instance?

How do you embed a tweet?


Not sure why it's so difficult, but, it kind of is. Thanks in advance!

1. You will either have to upload it to a website and use the link, or click "More Reply Options" and there will be an option to upload attachments

2. Click the timestamp on the tweet (where it says how long ago the tweet was posted, ie. 2h, July 15, etc).  That will take you to a page with just that one tweet and all of its responses/retweets.  Copy the URL of that page and paste it in your post

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Doesn't matter what you eat, you where not on the sideline, you didn't play.  However as I mentioned you did by either watching it on TV or going to the stadium & buying gear provide financial support for it.  


If your at the game and you are causing false starts as the 12th man you sure as heck did help.

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I agree.  But I'm weird because I also feel that way about fans that wear "official jerseys" and refer to the team as "we" or "us".

12th man has helped the outcome of many home games, and those of us that payed taxes and bought the Colts license plates also helped build the stadium they play in. So while we are not physical members of the team shouldn't we have the right to refer to the team as we or us? JMO

Anyway, spectacular entrance by Reggie as usual..and kudos to Ed Carpenter for driving him in, big fan of that dude and all his charitable contributions throughout the Indianapolis area!!! LETS ROLL!!!!! GO COLTS!!!!!!!

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True.  But that's kind of like saying, "I saw this guy breaking into a car so I called the cops and WE arrested him." :D


It's a colloquialism. I know some people don't like it, but it seems pointless to complain about it. The people who use "we" aren't going to stop; they're more likely to take offense because they feel like their connection to the team is being undermined.

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True.  But that's kind of like saying, "I saw this guy breaking into a car so I called the cops and WE arrested him." :D

Good point......Citizens arrest? does that even work anymore? Probably not the greatest thing to attempt in Indy anyway....

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12th man has helped the outcome of many home games, and those of us that payed taxes and bought the Colts license plates also helped build the stadium they play in. So while we are not physical members of the team shouldn't we have the right to refer to the team as we or us? JMO

Anyway, spectacular entrance by Reggie as usual..and kudos to Ed Carpenter for driving him in, big fan of that dude and all his charitable contributions throughout the Indianapolis area!!! LETS ROLL!!!!! GO COLTS!!!!!!!

I realize I'm not going to change anyone's opinion or anything but using your logic from this post then I can safely say.  That I am a part of any organization in which I buy their products.


Spending money does not make you part of an organization that just makes you a consumer.  Paying extra taxes does not make you part of the organization.  And while I agree the 12th man can cause a penalty now and again and make things tough for the opponent to hear, you would be hard pressed to point to any game and say...the other team would have won had it not been for the crowd.


And further, the people that refer to the team as "we" and "us" or any other personal pronoun and/or wear official jerseys, I do not think are bad people or delusional or disrespectful to the team.  It's just not something I do and I think it's a little silly and a little presumptuous.

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It's a colloquialism. I know some people don't like it, but it seems pointless to complain about it. The people who use "we" aren't going to stop; they're more likely to take offense because they feel like their connection to the team is being undermined.

Well there mister big and fancy word person ;).  All true and I think I've stated a couple of times that I don't think anyone is going to stop, on the flip side nor do I really care if my attitude offends them.


Lastly, I don't think I really complained about it.  I replied to someone in a related topic and then answered questions when asked why I feel that way.  That is all.

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True.  But that's kind of like saying, "I saw this guy breaking into a car so I called the cops and WE arrested him." :D


Actually it's more like a perpetrator is running from the police and you jump out from an alley or around a corner and scare him, he jumps and stumbles and the cops arrest him.


IE he may or may not have been caught if you hadn't intervened, but your efforts had a direct effect on the arrest.

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1. You will either have to upload it to a website and use the link, or click "More Reply Options" and there will be an option to upload attachments

2. Click the timestamp on the tweet (where it says how long ago the tweet was posted, ie. 2h, July 15, etc).  That will take you to a page with just that one tweet and all of its responses/retweets.  Copy the URL of that page and paste it in your post


Thx Super, very helpful. Didn't even notice the "More Reply Options" tab. As for uploading to a site and using the URL, I tried that with an image that I uploaded to Twitter, but it said that wasn't allowed. Is that just with a Twitter pic, or would that apply to Facebook as well?

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Actually it's more like a perpetrator is running from the police and you jump out from an alley or around a corner and scare him, he jumps and stumbles and the cops arrest him.


IE he may or may not have been caught if you hadn't intervened, but your efforts had a direct effect on the arrest.

Ha.  If you say so my man.  Fans do not have that much of an impact on the game.

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