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Grigs Expects Lance Louis to Compete for Starting Job


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The competition wouldn't be against Thomas, he is by far our best lineman. It would most likely be against Thornton. Even if Thornton ends up getting it, which I'm sure he will, Louis will be a great backup to have


It is like you don`t know Thomas was never able to crack the starting lineup anywhere and was just an improving backup.

Grigson took a Shot on him is all.


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Wow....so many experts that have been following Lance Louis all this time.  I'm impressed!   :thmup:


So here's my expert opinion.  I am a bit concerned about the fact that he's coming of an injury.  Players like this, well, you're really rolling the dice on, especially if you are counting on him to challenge to be a starter.

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Wow....so many experts that have been following Lance Louis all this time.  I'm impressed!   :thmup:


So here's my expert opinion.  I am a bit concerned about the fact that he's coming of an injury.  Players like this, well, you're really rolling the dice on, especially if you are counting on him to challenge to be a starter.

Let me ask you this - do you think that Grigson has put all his eggs in Lance Louis basket? Or do you think he might be aware of injury history and realize that maybe having some contingency plans is a good idea?

There is no risk here. If he is back to health, then they have potential starter. If he is a step or two slow they can release him. Tell me what the down side is? Is this really a role of the dice?

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its surprising to me that anyone who marginally follows the colts doesn't know this


Hey,  what can I tell you?!  


You're a die-hard!     I'm a die-hard!     Lots of people here are die-hards!      But a fair number aren't.    They're a more casual fan who stop by here every once in a while.    They just don't follow things as closely as you and I and some others do....


Takes all kinds to make the world go around!

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Hey,  what can I tell you?!  


You're a die-hard!     I'm a die-hard!     Lots of people here are die-hards!      But a fair number aren't.    They're a more casual fan who stop by here every once in a while.    They just don't follow things as closely as you and I and some others do....


Takes all kinds to make the world go around!

Nah, we're all experts here. I can't wait to see Paiton passing to Merlin Harrison this season!

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Hey, what can I tell you?!

You're a die-hard! I'm a die-hard! Lots of people here are die-hards! But a fair number aren't. They're a more casual fan who stop by here every once in a while. They just don't follow things as closely as you and I and some others do....

Takes all kinds to make the world go around!

Would you quit humoring dudeski?

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Where Louis (from what I see in my opinion) looks to get in trouble at RG is when he puts his head down on occasion and will once in a while get straight legged....he anchors well but I dont think he has natural knee bend . He doesn't appear to have great lower body strength to push the pile. He can get to the 2nd level easy but will sometimes lower his head when he gets there and whiff on his intended target , For a Guard he shows good lateral agility....if the idea is to make him a swing lineman and backup RT.....Then no....in my opinion wont work...Dude dont have the feet or technique, doesn't move well enough laterally for that. I didn't chart anything however. He flashes a strong hand punch but its very inconsistent

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Hey, what can I tell you?!

You're a die-hard! I'm a die-hard! Lots of people here are die-hards! But a fair number aren't. They're a more casual fan who stop by here every once in a while. They just don't follow things as closely as you and I and some others do....

Takes all kinds to make the world go around!

some people need to try harder
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Let civilty reign...

Maybe there is something to saying that those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. However can't you also argue that football just happens. I mean Thomas tore his quad and there nothing in his past to suggest Grigson should have known that he was in danger of such a major injury. Same with Bradshaw - foot issues previously and then a neck?

I would also argue that Grigson is building a team like any other GM would do. Everyone takes chances on players like Louis who are cheap and if they regain form, they get a good player at low cost. If they do not work out there is virtually no risk. I fail to see the harm.


All fair points. I can't disagree with that. Thomas' quad/bicep injuries were freak occurrences, and definitely could not have been predicted or prevented. In the case of Bradshaw and Toler, however, I think the red flags were there before we signed them. Both had durability issues long before signing with us, and in the case of Toler, we gave him a significant contract despite having knowledge of his history. I'll say Grigson learned from last season in the sense that he didn't OVERpay for those players with injury red flags like he did last year. He deserves credit for that much, at least

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It is like you don`t know Thomas was never able to crack the starting lineup anywhere and was just an improving backup.

Grigson took a Shot on him is all.



Thomas started 7 games in 2012 before Grigson signed him. It's not like there wasn't a good book on him already. He's a good player, and he played well for us before he got hurt. 


I don't know why people find it so hard to believe that any of our players are actually good. Particularly the ones who have played at a high level in the past. My only concern with Donald Thomas is whether he's physically ready to go. No question that he's a good lineman.

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All fair points. I can't disagree with that. Thomas' quad/bicep injuries were freak occurrences, and definitely could not have been predicted or prevented. In the case of Bradshaw and Toler, however, I think the red flags were there before we signed them. Both had durability issues long before signing with us, and in the case of Toler, we gave him a significant contract despite having knowledge of his history. I'll say Grigson learned from last season in the sense that he didn't OVERpay for those players with injury red flags like he did last year. He deserves credit for that much, at least


He didn't overpay for them last year, either.


Toler got an average, balanced contract with very little guaranteed money. In hindsight, maybe we can say he overpaid, given that better corners like Grimes, DRC and Talib signed one year deals for about the same money. But they all signed AFTER Toler did, in a weird CB market. Looking at the money corners got this year, I think Toler's deal fits right where it should. Relying on a player who had some significant injury history is a different story, but Toler's deal is only considered a problem by Colts fans who haven't put it into proper perspective, and then it gets repeated enough that it's just accepted as fact.


Bradshaw got a one year deal for a small amount of money, with incentives based on how many games he played in. They obviously acknowledged his injury history. And Bradshaw was signed to be a complementary back, at most. Ballard was the #1.


Thomas had some minor injury history, but again, he didn't get a lot of money, guaranteed or overall. Especially compared to the guard market. He got a little more than half of what Vasquez got from the Broncos. The only guards who got less were one year fliers -- either depth moves or older vets. 


This year, he didn't pay anything for Louis or Costa, and still managed to lock in a second year, in case either or both of them actually do what he hopes they can. He hardly paid Nicks anything; we were all shocked that he only got $4m, and the incentives make it clear that they understand the risk and the potential upside. Worst case scenario, we get great production out of a veteran receiver, and it costs us $6m.

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I would like the O Line to be stacked full of pro bowlers but high priced FA's is not the way to build a team for the long haul. Prior to injury Lance was starting G for Bears. In Week 12 of the 2012 season against the Minnesota Vikings, Louis tore his left ACL after getting blindsided by Jared Allen, and was placed on injured reserve. Allen was fined $20,000 for the hit.


Sounds like a cheap shot put him on the shelf. I'd guess Louis was getting the better of Allen lead to the hit. Either way it takes about 2yrs to fully recover you do the math. The guy is a monster. 6'3" 320 with starters experience. .


Current G's on the roster Allen 328lbs, Lance 320, Thomas 308, Thornton 334lbs, Reitz 323. I see us taking another in the 2/3 round Cyril Richardson 340lbs Dozier 312 or Thomas 317lbs. Those are big boys to protect an undersized C Costa. No one knows anything about Holmes expect he could only do 12 reps of 225 at combine unless he has added a lot of strength Costa put it up 30x at his pro day he will not be starting. I think Costa will surprise. We have the muscle around him the O Line will will be much improved. Then add Allen to the mix the blocking will be improved. While O Line like D Line can always be upgraded. I think just getting our guys back will help and every player that hasn't been to the pro bowl or you don't know isn't from the scrap heap. 


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For those of you who think there is no risk or down side, think about this.  We can agree that Louis is better than Hugh, so the chances of Louis starting over Hugh is good. 


Now for the kick in the butt.  Louis has problems with his knee in the first game and allows, say JJ Watt, to sack Luck and Luck gets hurt and ends up on IR.  Was this a good move by Grigson?  Are you going to call for Grigson's head?


The move to get Louis is only good, if he stays healthy and performs up to what he was before the injury.  This is what I have against Toler and Nicks.


Getting prior hurt FAs is only good if they came perform, otherwise, they hurt your team by taking snaps from your own players.

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For those of you who think there is no risk or down side, think about this.  We can agree that Louis is better than Hugh, so the chances of Louis starting over Hugh is good. 


Now for the kick in the butt.  Louis has problems with his knee in the first game and allows, say JJ Watt, to sack Luck and Luck gets hurt and ends up on IR.  Was this a good move by Grigson?  Are you going to call for Grigson's head?


The move to get Louis is only good, if he stays healthy and performs up to what he was before the injury.  This is what I have against Toler and Nicks.


Getting prior hurt FAs is only good if they came perform, otherwise, they hurt your team by taking snaps from your own players.

He is gonna have play better then he did prior to his knee injury to be honest

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For those of you who think there is no risk or down side, think about this.  We can agree that Louis is better than Hugh, so the chances of Louis starting over Hugh is good. 


Now for the kick in the butt.  Louis has problems with his knee in the first game and allows, say JJ Watt, to sack Luck and Luck gets hurt and ends up on IR.  Was this a good move by Grigson?  Are you going to call for Grigson's head?


The move to get Louis is only good, if he stays healthy and performs up to what he was before the injury.  This is what I have against Toler and Nicks.


Getting prior hurt FAs is only good if they came perform, otherwise, they hurt your team by taking snaps from your own players.


Dear God...

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For those of you who think there is no risk or down side, think about this.  We can agree that Louis is better than Hugh, so the chances of Louis starting over Hugh is good. 


Now for the kick in the butt.  Louis has problems with his knee in the first game and allows, say JJ Watt, to sack Luck and Luck gets hurt and ends up on IR.  Was this a good move by Grigson?  Are you going to call for Grigson's head?


The move to get Louis is only good, if he stays healthy and performs up to what he was before the injury.  This is what I have against Toler and Nicks.


Getting prior hurt FAs is only good if they came perform, otherwise, they hurt your team by taking snaps from your own players.


This makes very little sense. You could make the same argument for not playing Thomas.


Obviously you're not going to play a guy who's hurt.  Every player in the NFL has had some type of injury and every one can be injured on any play.  A GM takes a chance by signing any player in the NFL.  Yes, prior injury history can increase the odds that they may not make it through the season.  You temper that by not paying them huge salaries or long contracts, like they did with Nicks.

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This makes very little sense. You could make the same argument for not playing Thomas.


Obviously you're not going to play a guy who's hurt.  Every player in the NFL has had some type of injury and every one can be injured on any play.  A GM takes a chance by signing any player in the NFL.  Yes, prior injury history can increase the odds that they may not make it through the season.  You temper that by not paying them huge salaries or long contracts, like they did with Nicks.


If Castonzo allows a sack on Luck, was it a good idea to draft him?

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Great retort.


Explain yourself - Grigson says this guys tape is good.  You say otherwise.  Who to believe?

He said similar things about Satele and Mcglynn....I said otherwise BEFORE they even played a Down for the Colts....Yep who to believe....For the record I think Louis is a serviceable backup RG...A slight upgrade over Mcglynn......Not a starting long term solution

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For those of you who think there is no risk or down side, think about this. We can agree that Louis is better than Hugh, so the chances of Louis starting over Hugh is good.

Now for the kick in the butt. Louis has problems with his knee in the first game and allows, say JJ Watt, to sack Luck and Luck gets hurt and ends up on IR. Was this a good move by Grigson? Are you going to call for Grigson's head?

The move to get Louis is only good, if he stays healthy and performs up to what he was before the injury. This is what I have against Toler and Nicks.

Getting prior hurt FAs is only good if they came perform, otherwise, they hurt your team by taking snaps from your own players.

I don't agree he's better than Hugh which is why I expect Thornton to win the job.

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He said similar things about Satele and Mcglynn....I said otherwise BEFORE they even played a Down for the Colts....Yep who to believe....For the record I think Louis is a serviceable backup RG...A slight upgrade over Mcglynn......Not a starting long term solution


Like I said you know more than Grigson.  Comical.  Simply comical.

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Like I said you know more than Grigson.  Comical.  Simply comical.

Ok now your either trying to bait me into an argument-Childish


Or you cant make the argument yourself that Louis will be the answer....I think this is the one but wouldn't be surprised if it was both

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Great retort.


Explain yourself :scared:

I dont think its a given Louis is better then Hughes....Thats kinda why I believe Louis was brought in...Not as a clear cut starting move but just a move to push Thornton in case Thornton hasn't improved(and Hughes is only going into his second year).....I certainly dont think he has as big an upside

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Can we all just agree that the O-line is only negligibly if any better at all and we are all getting tired of Grigson's refusal to seriously address it.  The Colts have so much cap space this year they could have gotten someone that would have been a major contributor but instead we seem to just be sitting on that extra money doing nothing and once again being the third best team in the AFC in large part because of this O-line.

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Ok now your either trying to bait me into an argument-Childish


Or you cant make the argument yourself that Louis will be the answer....I think this is the one but wouldn't be surprised if it was both

I don't have to foggiest idea if Louis will be the answer and neither do you. I know that he will be among those in the competition. That is not the point however. You just said you know player personnel better than an NFL GM which is laugh out loud funny.

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Can we all just agree that the O-line is only negligibly if any better at all and we are all getting tired of Grigson's refusal to seriously address it.  The Colts have so much cap space this year they could have gotten someone that would have been a major contributor but instead we seem to just be sitting on that extra money doing nothing and once again being the third best team in the AFC in large part because of this O-line.

Umm, no we can't agree on that because it is factually inaccurate. Your entire premise is flawed.

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I don't have to foggiest idea if Louis will be the answer and neither do you. I know that he will be among those in the competition. That is not the point however. You just said you know player personnel better than an NFL GM which is laugh out loud funny.

Not saying Gavin is right or wrong, but because he's not the GM is hardly a reason to dismiss his opinion. Grigson has missed just as much as he has hit since being the GM, so his evaluations are not infallible at all. I'd say he's been more miss than hit so far, regarding the offensive line. Gavin has a fair point about Grigson saying similar things about McGlynn and Satele. I definitely take his endorsements of oline players with a grain of salt right now

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Can we all just agree that the O-line is only negligibly if any better at all and we are all getting tired of Grigson's refusal to seriously address it.  The Colts have so much cap space this year they could have gotten someone that would have been a major contributor but instead we seem to just be sitting on that extra money doing nothing and once again being the third best team in the AFC in large part because of this O-line.

We shouldn't all agree until we actually see them play. Sure, I would love to have Mack, and I'm all for going all in for the best Oline we can get. But aside from Mack, are we really sure the FAs available are that much better than what we have? No one can say yet.

One thing we should all agree on is that the Colts have a very wise capologist. Some big decisions have to be made to keep guys in the next couple years.

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