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bad news for jimmy/Jim Irsay arrested (((merge)))


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It was just a joke about my grandmother's....let's say unorganized assortment of pills. Not really funny now that I think about it.


No I got it. There's a reason they made an industry out of those weekday pill sorters. My dad stopped using them when the laws starting changing. He didn't have any serious pain meds, but he stopped anyways.

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Perhaps but not sure all the details have surfaced yet ....


 he may have had an evil weather machine in his trunk & he may have ran over twenty squirrel's while driving the 10 miles an hour...


not only is he in trouble with local law, FEMA will hold him responsible for the horrendous winter & PETA will be on his case for hating squirrels...

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The fact that drugs and alcohol create dependency issues is no secret. Every 6th grader in America can tell you that. If you choose to develop an addiction, than the addiction is your choice. Grow up. Be an adult. Be a big boy and put your big boy pants on. Stop bleeding from your heart with pity for people who made bad choices. 


Personal responsibility. Own it. Don't point the finger elsewhere. I was addicted to Vicodin for 2 years when I was younger. I made the choice to use because they made me feel good. I knew it was wrong. I knew they were bad for me, but I did it anyway because I wanted a buzz. 


I made the choice to stop after some time. I didn't have a disease. I had weak will and poor self discipline. 


I'm glad he didn't kill or injure anyone. Irsay shouldn't be demonized for what he did. He's only human. But don't pretend it's not 100% on him. 


Ruksak, thank you for the post. This is a very sensitive subject, and we each have our own thoughts and opinions on the causes and results of such an incident.


Respectfully though, we, as readers, can either choose to accept your opinion for fact, or we can read and believe the numerous research studies done that confirm addiction is a disease. A quick Google search will bring up many articles published on varying levels of credible sources about addiction being a disease, including one on a government website. Further digging could be done to find links to a number of academic & scholarly sources proving that addiction, according to research, is a brain disease, but I'm not going to do that right now.


Like the rest of you, my thoughts and prayers are with Jim. I hope he seeks the help he needs.

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Darvocet is an opioid, just a weak opioid...

It may be weaker but that's still a pretty bad combonation to be taking. Someone very easily could hurt someone driving under those...I hope Jim gets some help..I don't wish bad for the man...but he will have to own up to his mistakes.

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So the Colts just lost all respect as an organization.  Just went from a team that lots of player want to play for to a team no one with any sense would want to play for.  How does anyone like this team anymore with an owner with these issues.  How do we as fans justify giving our money to an owner with these issues?  As someone pointed out how do any players respect him after this.  I would not be surprised if Luck, Wayne, Hilton, Davis all wanted out of Indianapolis after this. There is no way we are getting anyone we wanted anymore. I can't even imagine that any rookies we draft could want to come  here.  It's a really sad day to be a Colts fan and I feel really sorry for him. I'm just thankful he didn't hurt anyone. Is there any type of precedent to this at all?


Serious overreaction to this.


Do you always go over the top like this, or is it just a special occasion?


Get over yourself, players will come play here because as an organization the Colts are one of the best in the business.  This incident won't change a thing as far as that is concerned.

Edited by Superman
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It may be weaker but that's still a pretty bad combonation to be taking. Someone very easily could hurt someone driving under those...I hope Jim gets some help..I don't wish bad for the man...but he will have to own up to his mistakes.


All true. Still very serious, especially since he has a history of substance abuse and addiction, and has gone through some serious operations recently.


Still not quite as bad as the conclusions many jumped to, namely that he was drunk and on Oxy and hitting pedestrians with his car...

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Here is the article with the details I seen.


Irsay has gotten really skinny since 2011.


Relevant quote:


So-called Schedule IV drugs such as those with which Irsay was allegedly caught include Xanax, Darvocet and Ambien, with a low risk for abuse or dependency, according to the Drug Enforcement Agency.



So we're still not sure what he actually had. 

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neug3246, on 17 Mar 2014 - 11:10 AM, said:snapback.png

Are you for real. The man made a mistake. The colts locker room, players, coaches, and fans should not loss respect for this man. if we are as tight of a team that we say we are everyone in the organization will help and support Jimmy during this hard time and struggle that he is battling with. Jimmy has done a lot of good things for this team, city, state, people who are in need of help, etc. Don't let one incident change all that. Jimmy I hope that you learn and overcome this hard time and I support you. Good luck and lets begin the next step forward.    

There is a difference between battling cancer and battling substance abuse and DUI.  If you can't see that than perhaps I should be asking you if you are for real.  This will not be the same as CHUCKSTRONG and even to compare it to that is ridiculous.  I cannot believe that so many just run to support this man. He has been great for this organization and franchise but he made a mistake and this isn't the first time. He has had issues in the past.  It's amazing to me that you are treating this like it's something that wasn't entirely in his control.  Would you be showing this much support if he had hit and killed someone, what if it had been your family on the road while he was driving.  He made a mistake and he needs to pay for it. I just hope that him paying for it won't bring down the entire franchise that he helped build because that will hurt so many more people. 


I never compared this to "CHUCKSTRONG" or said it would have the same effect. The point I was trying to make was that FAMILY supports one another and I consider the colts locker room and organization to be a family. They support each other and help each other in times of trouble and need. I am not saying what Jimmy did was not wrong but players like Reggie, Luck, Mathis, and the rest of the colts family should not turn their backs on him but help him out.



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We know some things that it's NOT, though, like Oxy, Adderall, Percocet, Vicodin, etc.


If it were Adderall, this wouldn't have happened. He'd have been driving better, and wouldn't have been pulled over. Just kind of the irony with this whole drug classification system...

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If it were Adderall, this wouldn't have happened. He'd have been driving better, and wouldn't have been pulled over. Just kind of the irony with this whole drug classification system...


Well, I think that's probably a discussion for another day.  Just saying that Schedule IV drugs, on the whole, are generally fairly benign (defined as "low potential for abuse").

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Well, I think that's probably a discussion for another day.  Just saying that Schedule IV drugs, on the whole, are generally fairly benign (defined as "low potential for abuse").


Oh yeah, I'm with you. Just thinking out loud, not advocating one way or the other...

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Instead of focusing on the negative Let's pray his family and close friends can finally get him the help he really needs. Hopefully this is a wake up call for Mr. Irsay. we are all human beings and we are not perfect. He made a mistake and for one I'm glad he didn't hurt or kill anyone. He needs tough love right now to gt him in rehab for help. no one can do this alone. I am praying for Mr. Irsay to get the help he needs.

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Wow it amazes me of some of the over-reaction posting here today by a handful of posters !!!  And I think you all know who I mean  LOL


Have we all made mistakes....YES!!!

Are any of us perfect...NO!!!

Addiction is a cruel disease, and like others have said, is so hard to get a handle on and break its grip on some people.  True, no one wanted to hear this news this morning, but maybe this was the tipping point for letting Jim see that he needs some help to beat this thing again !!!


As far as the team and the organization goes, I don't think this makes us any less respected or any less classy, as some here have alluded to.  We are a well run organization, and are seeing players WANT to come play for us !!!


For some to say that Jim needs to be stripped as owner of the Colts, or as 1 posted called him a bozo for doing what we did, have YOU or any of us walked a mile in his shoes?  Do any of us really KNOW what is going on with him privately??  The answer is NO !!!


What Jim needs now is some serious rehab so he can get his life put back together and get the help he needs.  I will continue to support Mr Irsay as he deals with this !!!


God speed Jim, and know that your true fans are behind you 100% !!!

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Another terrible thing is, this could affect Indy's chance at getting the next Super Bowl...


Yes, I'm sure it will.  It will be announced in May, and Jim going through this in the preceding months(possibly being in rehab, issued a suspension, whatever) will probably end Indy's candidacy. 

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Ruksak, thank you for the post. This is a very sensitive subject, and we each have our own thoughts and opinions on the causes and results of such an incident.


Respectfully though, we, as readers, can either choose to accept your opinion for fact, or we can read and believe the numerous research studies done that confirm addiction is a disease. A quick Google search will bring up many articles published on varying levels of credible sources about addiction being a disease, including one on a government website. Further digging could be done to find links to a number of academic & scholarly sources proving that addiction, according to research, is a brain disease, but I'm not going to do that right now.


Like the rest of you, my thoughts and prayers are with Jim. I hope he seeks the help he needs.


Thank you for this reasonable opinion about a serious subject.


Addiction is in fact a disease.


Basically only two factors are responsible: 1) Genetics (possessing the particular neurotransmitter linked to addiction to a given substance); 2) Environment (getting introduced to that substance by way of friends, going to the liquor store, a legitimate prescription, etc.)


Of course introduction to the substances is a necessary step but science has proven that there are some individuals with particular neurotransmitters in their brains that facilitate their addictions to a particular substance.


For example, if one has the neurotransmitter responsible for opiate addiciton, the patient's introduction to opiates will increase the chance for opiate addiction for that person/patient. 


Anyone else that has a contradictory opinion, their opinion is just that: nothing more than an unsubstantiated (and dare I say ignorant) opinion.

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The fact that drugs and alcohol create dependency issues is no secret. Every 6th grader in America can tell you that. If you choose to develop an addiction, than the addiction is your choice. Grow up. Be an adult. Be a big boy and put your big boy pants on. Stop bleeding from your heart with pity for people who made bad choices. 


Personal responsibility. Own it. Don't point the finger elsewhere. I was addicted to Vicodin for 2 years when I was younger. I made the choice to use because they made me feel good. I knew it was wrong. I knew they were bad for me, but I did it anyway because I wanted a buzz. 


I made the choice to stop after some time. I didn't have a disease. I had weak will and poor self discipline. 


I'm glad he didn't kill or injure anyone. Irsay shouldn't be demonized for what he did. He's only human. But don't pretend it's not 100% on him. 


The choices a person makes are his responsibility. That doesn't mean that some don't struggle more than others with certain issues. 

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Well...what a thread.  I wish it was about the Irsay situation.  But it really isn't.  Its about people using the Irsay situation to, on one side, defend their own lifestyle choices or , the other side, defend their values.  


If it wasn't for his wealth, I'd feel sorry for Jim Irsay right about now.  So many people here, and probably the rest of the country, using his personal life to validate their own poor chocies or their own judgmental opinions, 


Okay, I'll make both sides mad....


Having a painkiller issue, which is what is likely here, and driving 10 mph while stoned, is no reason for the government or the NFL to to take away his business.  Its no reason to punish the Colts either, like taking away a draft pick.  The issue is not football related.  And despite this issue, Irsay is still a good guy.


And yes, I'll say it, if this substance situation is brought on by simple recreational use.....frequently injesting a substance for the purpose of simply getting a buzz.... boy is he, like all the others who do that, really really stupid.

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Goodness gracious.      :thmup:


You've just thrown in with the guy whose had his brains beat in making some of the most nonsensical posts of this or any other thread.     And he's your go-to guy?


Say no more.    Two peas in a pod.


You sure you're a Colts fan?

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lol. He's the owner of the team.

Agreed, even if the league punishes just Jim Irsay and not the team it's going to impact the Colts in some way even if it's just Irsay being suspended for a period of time.  Someone would have to run the team in his place.  At one point, sometime around 2004 to 2007 he dropped hints of turning the team over to his daughter once Peyton was done.  Well clearly things changed with the release of Manning but that time table could still be in place and you might see a situation where the league quietly puts pressure on him to turn the team over to his daughter. 

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Agreed, even if the league punishes Jim Irsay it's going to impact the Colts in some way even if it's just Irsay being suspended for a period of time.  Someone would have to run the team in his place.  At one point, sometime around 2004 to 2007 he dropped hints of turning the team over to his daughter once Peyton was done.  Well clearly things changed with the release of Manning but that time table could still be in place and you might see a situation where the league quietly puts pressure on him to turn the team over to his daughter. 

Yeah, this is a black eye for the league. A player is thing, an owner is a whole different story.

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Do not worry.  He is rich so he will get off with a slap on the wrist.


Hopefully he gets what help he needs.  Many of us can sit here and look down on him, but none of us have walked a mile in his shoes.  Divorce, hip replacement, and the stress of being a NFL owner can be a recipe for disaster.  Hopefully this is a wake up call to him and his family to get him the help he needs.

I wasnt condemning him in any way.  I was merely pointing out the possible charges.  Idk where this "look down on him" part came from, unless your not specifically talking about me.  If this is his first charge he may get a reduced sentence along with an agreement that he enrolls in some treatment facility. Passages Malibu maybe?!

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How did you get it the twitter to post like that?


It's kind of difficult. You have to get to the webpage of the particular tweet you want to embed. Copy the url and paste it in the post, and the software takes care of the rest. But getting the right page isn't always easy, especially if you're doing it from mobile.

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"Goodell was asked if NFL owners accused of crimes would be disciplined similarly to players accused of crimes.

“We actually hold ownership to a higher standard and management,” Goodell said. “And I think we’ve proven that in what we’ve done. It’s not just accused. As you know, in our policy, oftentimes we let the criminal process unfold because you need to do that to find out the real facts. Sometimes we don’t have all the facts, and we need to do that. What we look at is multiple offenders. As you know, that’s a real focus for us.”




Haslam is under FBI and IRS investigation for fraud.  Felonies.  Irsay hurt himself.  Nobody else, luckily.  My guess is if found guilty, there will be some penalty coming from the NFL too. 

I would somewhat disagree Irsay did hurt the team and the NFL image not just his own. From having family in law enforcement DUI cases are pretty open and shut, unless evidence goes missing or something like that. If he has a good lawyer and i would assume he does they will make a plea deal, lesser charge with community service and a fine. The NFL can pretty much do what they want after that point. Irsay does have a history, so it could really be any ones guess.

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