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bad news for jimmy/Jim Irsay arrested (((merge)))


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Posted · Hidden by 21isSuperman, March 17, 2014 - name calling
Hidden by 21isSuperman, March 17, 2014 - name calling


I was prepared to listen to you started agreeing with any and everyone on your "side", come on don't ruin the credible points you can make by aligning with this hyperbolic Baylessite.

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Posted · Hidden by 21isSuperman, March 17, 2014 - response to hidden post
Hidden by 21isSuperman, March 17, 2014 - response to hidden post

No. The psychopath was driving the car.


Says the guy who just said he'd cheer some guy he's never met before getting gunned down by the cops. You're clown shoes. 

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My guess is it probably is OxyContin and if anything positive comes out of this it's that we start to realize as a group that we need to stop writing scripts for that terrible crap and look I to other ways to help people deal with pain.


I've been taking Vicodin ES and Percocet 10/325 for a long time, due to severe bone on bone osteoarthritis, with bone spurs in my knee for many years. I have other health issues that prevent me from having a knee replacement, but until you actually experience long term excruciating at times pain, don't deny people who actually need and don't abuse the medicine help they need to gt through a day. I take 1 vidodin in the AM, if I am more active than normal i take one in the afternoon, if not I don't, and take 1 percocet before I go to bed so i can get some sleep. Some nights I wake up screaming because I moved the wrong way, but I don't take any more than what is and how it is prescribed. You should see how hard it is to get a prescription for any pain killer because of the abuse..It makes people that are in my situation and worse harder and harder to get the meds we need to even halfway function.


Don't let the mistakes of some people who just want to get high interfere with the good it does for some people who don't abuse it. Bet you would think differently if you were in that situation.

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Posted · Hidden by 21isSuperman, March 17, 2014 - response to hidden post
Hidden by 21isSuperman, March 17, 2014 - response to hidden post

haha good lord dude you're a psychopath. 

Please don't sully the name of decent psychopaths.....at least Norman Bates made sense in his own mind.

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I would feel the same way if the man who was stopped was Jerry Jones. On second thought, they could have just shot old Jerry and I would have cheered that. It has nothing to do with Irsay personally but it is a black eye for the franchise, the city and the NFL. I don't think the NFL will tolerate it and they are getting emails from people like me begging for them to kick Irsay or any other owner caught doing some like this out of the league for good.

I agree that there needs to be reprocussions and more than some measily financial ones but I think your getting carried away....I think we also have people thinking a slap on the wrist...somewhere in the middle they will decide to use good judgement.

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It scares me that someone like  you is allowed to vote, and is allowed out of the house during business hours. You throw the word fact around as though you have some sceintific evidence or something. See the problem with people like you (and I know you are just trolling GoodTimes...yeah we know your style) is that you use your voice for causes of which you have no understanding in hopes that you can pursuade another ill-informed ne'er-do-well to march in your crusade of lunacy.


The best advice I can give you is to log off and walk away from the computer. You've presented your case countless times in this thread, and your not adding anything. If you want to see Jim Irsay hanged for his addictions than that's on you. However for the sake of civility and the sanity of the forum go outside of your house/apartment/tent/van/bustation/dwelling and shout to the masses and bother them.


No one on here cares about your crusade of justice, and wholesomeness. There are a lot of big boy and big girl problems in the real world, let those who are qualified take care of them.


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Posted · Hidden by 21isSuperman, March 17, 2014 - response to hidden post
Hidden by 21isSuperman, March 17, 2014 - response to hidden post

The human was driving the car. The psychopath can't help himself but beat the human up for making a mistake. Classy.

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Just so you know that is what he was driving when he was pulled over...nobody knows what he was doing before that....doesn't mean he was speeding etc...but it is a deadly proposition none the less.

You are correct and I hope nothing I posted comes across as condoning driving under the influence because that was certainly not the intent.

I was simply trying to point to one of our more irrational posters that you aren't going to go monster trucking over dozens of pedestrians at 10 mph which is what he seems to be arguing.

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I don't care if I come across as unreasonable about DUI because that is exactly what I intend to be. I would have been sympathetic until he got behind that wheel. I guess none of you have lost a loved one or a good friend because of an accident caused by DUI.

Why yes in fact. I have. My father.

However, my loss didn't turn me from a rational, and coherent human being, to an irrational lunatic.

Stop projecting.

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Just so you know that is what he was driving when he was pulled over...nobody knows what he was doing before that....doesn't mean he was speeding etc...but it is a deadly proposition none the less.

You are correct and I hope nothing I posted comes across as condoning driving under the influence because that was certainly not the intent.

I was simply trying to point to one of our more irrational posters that you aren't going to go monster trucking over dozens of pedestrians at 10 mph which is what he seems to be arguing.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, March 17, 2014 - duplicate
Hidden by Nadine, March 17, 2014 - duplicate

Just so you know that is what he was driving when he was pulled over...nobody knows what he was doing before that....doesn't mean he was speeding etc...but it is a deadly proposition none the less.

You are correct and I hope nothing I posted comes across as condoning driving under the influence because that was certainly not the intent.

I was simply trying to point to one of our more irrational posters that you aren't going to go monster trucking over dozens of pedestrians at 10 mph which is what he seems to be arguing.

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Yeah? I've been hit by a vehicle doing approximately 10. A Ford F350 Super Duty. 


You know what happened? 


N O T H I N G. I stepped to the side and moved out of the way. 


The only way being hit at 10 miles an hour is going to do anything is if you're laying in the street. 


And just shut up now because THAT is NOT the motorists fault. 

Defend this man all you want. I don't care what happened, I care about what could have happened. Have you ever had a child step out on the street or swerve on a bicycle and made you have to brake for them? A man impaired like Irsay would not be able to do that. I don't care that it was 11:30 at night. This guy has been driving day and night in this situation. Now, if he ran over that person like you say and he was impaired it would certainly be his fault. He was supposed to be able to stop. Now, tell someone else to shut up because that isn't going to work with me.

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I don't care if I come across as unreasonable about DUI because that is exactly what I intend to be. I would have been sympathetic until he got behind that wheel. I guess none of you have lost a loved one or a good friend because of an accident caused by DUI.


Ok, I'll bite. 


You're appalled. You upset. You hate Irsay. You think he needs to be burned at the stake and his corpse fed to feral billygoats. 


We get that.


It doesn't make us think you're being any less illogical. 


So why are you here? Why are you a fan of this organization? It is OBVIOUSLY far below your standards. You are OBVIOUSLY much too good a person to support such an awful conglomerate of diabolical acts.


So whats your endgame? Are you hear to tear Irsay down?


Task accomplished.


Are you here to change our minds?


Not going to happen.

Edited by 21isSuperman
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I don't think you can punish the team for a personal private matter for the owner that has nothing to do with football.


As someone else has noted,  last summer, Denver had two very high ranking execs both have big DUI's in a short period of time.

They were both right under Elway.


Nothing happened to the Broncos because of that.    Nothing.


A fine may or may not much according to you.    But a suspension -- if it happens -- will hit close to home.


I'll be beyond shocked if the Colts are punished for this.    And very disappointed in Goddell for doing it.

Well that could be true if Irsay's was only the DUI but since if has the control substance issue I won't be surprised if he gets a stiffer penalty.

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I agree that there needs to be reprocussions and more than some measily financial ones but I think your getting carried away....I think we also have people thinking a slap on the wrist...somewhere in the middle they will decide to use good judgement.

He will be forced to some sort of addiction therapy and probation, along with whatever punishment the league hands down

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Posted · Hidden by 21isSuperman, March 17, 2014 - response to hidden post
Hidden by 21isSuperman, March 17, 2014 - response to hidden post

I was prepared to listen to you started agreeing with any and everyone on your "side", come on don't ruin the credible points you can make by aligning with this hyperbolic Baylessite.

I have no idea who he was but his post was right on.

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Posted · Hidden by 21isSuperman, March 17, 2014 - response to hidden post
Hidden by 21isSuperman, March 17, 2014 - response to hidden post

I was prepared to listen to you started agreeing with any and everyone on your "side", come on don't ruin the credible points you can make by aligning with this hyperbolic Baylessite.


That guy IS the hyperbolic baylessite.

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It won't be rock bottom unless they take the team away from him and they should do exactly that or when they come down hard on players for different issues, they will have no respect from anyone.

Just curious... because I haven't encountered anything yet... but is there even one thread on this forum where you've posted so much as one cogent thought?  I'm not saying anything I agree with... I couldn't imagine that is possible... just something that has even an ounce of rational thought and logic behind it?

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Ok, I'll bite.

You're appalled. You upset. You hate Irsay. You think he needs to be burned at the stake and his corpse fed to feral billygoats.

We get that.

It doesn't make us think you're being any less illogical.

So why are you here? Why are you a fan of this organization? It is OBVIOUSLY far below your standards. You are OBVIOUSLY much too good a person to support such an awful conglomerate of diabolical acts.

So whats your endgame? Are you hear to tear Irsay down?

Task accomplished.

Are you here to change our minds?

Not going to happen.


Texans fans in disguise

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I've been taking Vicodin ES and Percocet 10/325 for a long time, due to severe bone on bone osteoarthritis, with bone spurs in my knee for many years. I have other health issues that prevent me from having a knee replacement, but until you actually experience long term excruciating at times pain, don't deny people who actually need and don't abuse the medicine help they need to gt through a day. I take 1 vidodin in the AM, if I am more active than normal i take one in the afternoon, if not I don't, and take 1 percocet before I go to bed so i can get some sleep. Some nights I wake up screaming because I moved the wrong way, but I don't take any more than what is and how it is prescribed. You should see how hard it is to get a prescription for any pain killer because of the abuse..It makes people that are in my situation and worse harder and harder to get the meds we need to even halfway function.

Don't let the mistakes of some people who just want to get high interfere with the good it does for some people who don't abuse it. Bet you would think differently if you were in that situation.

I was actually advocating for pain relieving methods that don't involve opiates. I wasn't in any way suggesting people in your circumstances should just "deal with it."

Also for what it's worth, I hope you get all that worked out so one day you don't need to worry about pain relievers.


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I have not read through this entire thread, nor do I care to because I am sure that many people have jumped to their own conclusions.


But, I have read enough to know that some of the conclusions that have been made are wrong.  According to the IndyStar:


1.  Alcohol was NOT involved.


2.  Irsay was arrested at 11:41pm . . . not at 3am.  He was booked at 3:07am.


3.  Irsay was not driving like some maniac.  The article that I am linking said that he was driving at a very low rate of speed and failed to signal a turn. 


4.  The drugs in his possession that were not associated with any prescription bottles were Schedule IV prescription drugs which may have been prescribed. 


However, he still failed to pass several roadside sobriety tests according to the arresting officer.





Just so you can laugh your heartiest at a man who could have killed multiple people with this action, I can assure you that there was no sarcasm in my comments. I am tired of this Bozo and I want new ownership for the Colts NOW!!


apparently you have not read through the Indy star report...


I am not laughing at the fact that Jim endangered the lives of others, but after reading and finding out more facts it seems a lot less like Irsay was out drinking & drugging/ partying it up...


the over reaction to the initial report of the DUI, is what is hilarious...

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Says the guy who just said he'd cheer some guy he's never met before getting gunned down by the cops. You're clown shoes. 

If we don't feed the troll we could get to the more clear civilized discussion on this. I can't go through 11 pages of non-sense but was is the consensous on what the punishment will be....I'm thinking at least 250,000 fine and loss of 2nd rd pick minimum.

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It amazes me that some people think they know everything and that they are so powerful that they would never get involved with drugs or make bad decisions when drinking alchohol..

Have some respect for him.... He has done some great things for the community! He isn't a terrible guy or anything. Just someone who has had trouble with addictions for about 10 years now. This should not be a surprise to anyone! Yes he set a VERY bad example but don't act like you would never make a mistake.

He has done plenty of good things for the community and obviously has in own problems.. For people to call him a phsyco path is crazy! I'm totally against anyone doing drugs but if people really followed the Colts they would have already known he had a problem! Now it's finally time he does something about it!

The Colts will be fine and this shouldn't effect them very much besides the fact the media will roll around in the topic and bask in it! But heck when don't they do that to small market teams! haha

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If we don't feed the troll we could get to the more clear civilized discussion on this. I can't go through 11 pages of non-sense but was is the consensous on what the punishment will be....I'm thinking at least 250,000 fine and loss of 2nd rd pick minimum.


Yeah, we're not losing a draft pick. 

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apparently you have not read through the Indy star report...


I am not laughing at the fact that Jim endangered the lives of others, but after reading and finding out more facts it seems a lot less like Irsay was out drinking & drugging/ partying it up...


the over reaction to the initial report of the DUI, is what is hilarious...

At some point, people get so entrenched in their position, they will continue to argue long after they know they are wrong.  Don't expect the over-reactions to stop any time soon.

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If we don't feed the troll we could get to the more clear civilized discussion on this. I can't go through 11 pages of non-sense but was is the consensous on what the punishment will be....I'm thinking at least 250,000 fine and loss of 2nd rd pick minimum.

I don't see any way the NFL can justify taking away a teams draft pick for something that happened off the field and had nothing to do with the NFL. There will be fines, most likely a lengthy suspension, and possibly mandatory rehab and public service.


Irsay could turn ownership over to his daughters for a set period of time to seek help, and to serve out any sort of suspension and such.

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Irsay wish u well go get some rest and get healthy.  I smoked cigs for about seven yrs and had a really hard time quitting.  done for three yrs and don't even think about them anymore but it was hard. I cant even imagine being addicted to pain killers since nicotine was so hard to kick.

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Irsay is a repeat offender. He will do it again and he won't get off booze or drugs. The NFL should force him to sell the Colts. He is and always has been an embarrassment to the NFL, the Colts and Indianapolis.


Wow over-react much ???  :::shakes my head and walks away::::  

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I was actually advocating for pain relieving methods that don't involve opiates. I wasn't in any way suggesting people in your circumstances should just "deal with it."

Also for what it's worth, I hope you get all that worked out so one day you don't need to worry about pain relievers.



Thank you for your prayers and clarification. The way it was worded made it sound like no one should be able to get this...


And just wait until the next new drug comes out..I forget what its called but its supposedly 10 times stronger than 1 vicodin and stronger than oxy...I wish I could get the knee replacement, there would still be some pain, but nothing like what I have to go through..I thank God I can even walk just a little bit. I wish there wan something that could help people without opiates as well, but until then, I have to go through what I have to through the best that I can...

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Some of you seem quite certain the Colts won't be losing a draft pick.  I'm curious what evidence or facts you have to be so certain.  I really hope the organization doesn't lose a draft pick but I'm unsure whether it will happen or not.  I'm not disagreeing with you that they won't I'm just asking for what evidence or facts you have that it won't happen.

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Irsay wish u well go get some rest and get healthy. I smoked cigs for about seven yrs and had a really hard time quitting. done for three yrs and don't even think about them anymore but it was hard. I cant even imagine being addicted to pain killers since nicotine was so hard to kick.

Ozzy Osbourne said kicking cigarettes was harder than kicking heroin

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I hope he doesn't get all three years he could get in prison out of this but who runs the colts if he does.

I imagine he will be forced to step away from the organization until he has gone through some rehab/counselling...its all pretty fresh yet and we don't know the details but it would suggest that he could also be running the organization while addicted to medications as well and the NFL would likely ask one of his daughters or Jim to appoint someone until he has proven he is sober etc. All in all...I still see a fine from the NFL...and likely forfeiting a draft pick.

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Thank you for your prayers and clarification. The way it was worded made it sound like no one should be able to get this...

And just wait until the next new drug comes out..I forget what its called but its supposedly 10 times stronger than 1 vicodin and stronger than oxy...I wish I could get the knee replacement, there would still be some pain, but nothing like what I have to go through..I thank God I can even walk just a little bit. I wish there wan something that could help people without opiates as well, but until then, I have to go through what I have to through the best that I can...

You're welcome, not something I'd wish on anyone.

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