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so how do we get this running game solved?


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Assuming we solve the holes on the oline this offseason. I honestly think we are okay now that satele is gone. The offensive line would do great without him.

Here is what I think to start the season:

1. Trent Richardson

2. Vick Ballard-allow Ballard to slowly get back into rythym after his injury.

3. Bradshaw-use him on 3rd down situations for now. Then full force in the postseason (assuming we make it)

Maybe activate someone from practice squad for the first few games to replace Vick and bradshaw so they slowly get back. They both had some serious injuries.

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From reports, it appears that Grigson is attempting to improve the O-line with the pursuit of Mack. This will help. However, I still think that we need to move away from the Power Run formations and just run out of our regular formations. We simply did not do well out of the Power formation, with the exception of 1 game vs. the Niners.

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Fix the offensive line. Once again, EVERYTHING STARTS UP FRONT

Fix the offensive line & everything else will fall into place

And defense's don't need to be worried about our running game. Cause if we get this offensive line together with Reggie & Allen coming back....... that passing game will be →→→→ :yahoo:

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I don't think we need to step away from "the power" run game. It wears a defense down. It was working until injuries happened up front. We do need a WR who can block to replace DHB. Although he had problems catching, he was our best run blocking WR. Dwayne Allen returning is going to help. We need depth at guard and I'll take a serviceable center if we can't get Mack. Luck is mobile so we can mask the need for an elite center.

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It took about 2-3 guys to tackle Trent when he was tackled. So once he learns the playbook and feels comfortable I think coaches give him the chance to start.

I'm still having flashbacks to that play vs the Chargers where he went wild on their defense while our players stood & watched the play happen

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Folks, it all comes down to the O-line. I don't care if you put Barry Sanders in the backfield, if we can't run-block it will be the same result. Donald Brown had success with situational downs, but we fed obvious running downs to Trent. Hence the discrepancy in results.

We must have a solid Center. Jeff Saturday wasn't successful because he was the most athletic. He was successful because he had the intelligence to understand every facet of the offensive game and plan his offensive line accordingly. People forget that the center has as much go do with the play calling as the quarterback.

We most likely need two guards, with the departure of McGlynn and Link. We lost some guys that could move around on the line.

If we accomplish that...instant running game. If not, another season of inadequacy.

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1. Sign Mack or a second-tier FA C is a must and #1 priority.  Could have enough Guards with the existing roster.

2. Ballard starts and splits the bulk of the rushing attempts with Bradshaw.

3. Richardson gets the occasional carry, but primarily provides blocking and is a receiving target out of the backfield.

4. Richardson gains more carries as Vick or Ahmed get nicked up.

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Folks, it all comes down to the O-line. I don't care if you put Barry Sanders in the backfield, if we can't run-block it will be the same result. Donald Brown had success with situational downs, but we fed obvious running downs to Trent. Hence the discrepancy in results.

We must have a solid Center. Jeff Saturday wasn't successful because he was the most athletic. He was successful because he had the intelligence to understand every facet of the offensive game and plan his offensive line accordingly. People forget that the center has as much go do with the play calling as the quarterback.

We most likely need two guards, with the departure of McGlynn and Link. We lost some guys that could move around on the line.

If we accomplish that...instant running game. If not, another season of inadequacy.

Sorry Barry ran behind a bad line for years.  Doesn't cut it here.

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1. Sign Sproles cheap, use him on kickoff and punt returns..

2. Use him as a receiver out of the backfield when needed

3. He'd make a great back-up in case of injuries, as insurance if Ballard, and Bradshaw go down for any length of time..but with returns, he fills another void..and can still produce..


Use him like SD uses Woodhead just for another threat..

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To key to a successful run game (or offense for that matter) is a dominant O-Line.  It doesn't matter who you have at RB if they cant get out of the backfield before getting hit.  That's the main reason Trent had a bad YPC, and they gave it to him up the middle on obvious running situations (Where our line was the weakest).  I believe when we get a good Center (and if we can stay healthy), Trich, Ballard, and Bradshaw will all run down the throats of defenses. 


On top of that, the passing game will flourish because Luck will actually have a pocket and time to throw to an open WR instead of threading the needle.  Which, in return allows us to have A BALANCED approach.  Less 3rd & long, more 2nd & short situations.

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Richardson is an awesome running back. Just underutilized. T-Rich ran a 4.40 40 while Donald Brown ran a 4.5. Richardson can catch the ball, he's faster than Brown, stronger than Brown and more violent than Brown. Yet every time he stepped on the field the opposing defense would stack the box. Because why? Well, that's all we ever did with him was straight between the center and guard. But people continued to say Brown was the superior RB last year. No he wasn't! He just had more plays designed around him that kept the defense guessing.

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Richardson is an awesome running back. Just underutilized. T-Rich ran a 4.40 40 while Donald Brown ran a 4.5. Richardson can catch the ball, he's faster than Brown, stronger than Brown and more violent than Brown. Yet every time he stepped on the field the opposing defense would stack the box. Because why? Well, that's all we ever did with him was straight between the center and guard. But people continued to say Brown was the superior RB last year. No he wasn't! He just had more plays designed around him that kept the defense guessing.

That time is disputed. Google is your friend. You can just look at Richardson and tell there is no way he's a 4.4 guy.

That would make him faster than Shady McCoy and Dez Bryant

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1. Sign Mack or a second-tier FA C is a must and #1 priority.  Could have enough Guards with the existing roster.

2. Ballard starts and splits the bulk of the rushing attempts with Bradshaw.

3. Richardson gets the occasional carry, but primarily provides blocking and is a receiving target out of the backfield.

4. Richardson gains more carries as Vick or Ahmed get nicked up.



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