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Darren Sharper Admitted Sex Not Consensual to Witnesses


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Lol with all that money he has I mean damn if I was that rich and needed come chong Chong I'll just pay for it worst case scenario I catch a disease and die at least I'll die in my own home and not in jail lol

Generally with these sorts of things, it's more about exerting power over another human being than it is satisfying sexual urges.

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Yeah I guess you're right Jaric but man why does he need to overpower a woman? I'm married if I can avoid any women it would make my life easier lol the drama they carry!!

Now that I can't answer. It's no consolation to the victims, but where he's headed, the folks there have a tendency to help a man relive his sins. Just through the victims eyes this time.

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If Mr. Sharper had such a compulsion for sexual intercourse, he would have been better advised to keep a steady "friend with benefits" on his payroll.


For him, it would have been much cheaper financially & psychologically in the the long run & no innocent victims would have been violated against their will either. 


But then again, rape is all about power & control over another. It has nothing to do with genuine intimacy. So that solution wouldn't work for Darren. 1 sick puppy man. Sigh...

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Generally with these sorts of things, it's more about exerting power over another human being than it is satisfying sexual urges.

Precisely Jaric. It's all about intimidation, domination, & demeaning someone to stroke your own depraved ego in Sharper's case. Well said. 

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Yeah I guess you're right Jaric but man why does he need to overpower a woman? I'm married if I can avoid any women it would make my life easier lol the drama they carry!!

I still don't get it....just seems so low down


Here's a guy who apparently didn't have  any trouble acquiring women.....for whatever purpose..


...the idea of drugging them and hoping they didn't recall? In different cities?? The intent here is stunning


This is low-grade stuff ...

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Generally with these sorts of things, it's more about exerting power over another human being than it is satisfying sexual urges.

Well, I don't see hwo one can feel that asserting power is having sex with a chick who's unconscious.  I mean, everyone has their ticks, but rape is one that I already don't understand, let alone when it's done in a way that's counter-productive to the craving it supposedly satisfies.  It's like being hungry and drinking diet coke to satisfy your hunger. 

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If Mr. Sharper had such a compulsion for sexual intercourse, he would have been better advised to keep a steady "friend with benefits" on his payroll.


For him, it would have been much cheaper financially & psychologically in the the long run & no innocent victims would have been violated against their will either. 


But then again, rape is all about power & control over another. It has nothing to do with genuine intimacy. So that solution wouldn't work for Darren. 1 sick puppy man. Sigh...

As I said above, taht's what I don't understand.  How is that craving satisfied when you drug the girl into having sex?  It's one thing if she knows its' against her will.  But how do you exert power over someone who is oblivious to the fact?

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As I said above, taht's what I don't understand.  How is that craving satisfied when you drug the girl into having sex?  It's one thing if she knows its' against her will.  But how do you exert power over someone who is oblivious to the fact?


For guys who drug a girl unconscious, I feel pretty sure that this is all part of the power play.  He removes her power as soon as he removes her ability to fight back.  Now he can treat her body however he wants, in whatever demeaning fashion gets him off.  Invite friends over, take pictures, you name it.  And in the end, after she wakes up, she may not even be aware that something has really happened, while he knows everything.

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For guys who drug a girl unconscious, I feel pretty sure that this is all part of the power play.  He removes her power as soon as he removes her ability to fight back.  Now he can treat her body however he wants, in whatever demeaning fashion gets him off.  Invite friends over, take pictures, you name it.  And in the end, after she wakes up, she may not even be aware that something has really happened, while he knows everything.

I guess I just can't understand the psyche of someone who would want to do something like that.  It's like someone speaking to you in a language you can't understand.  What you say does make sense, even if it isn't comprehensible.

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I guess I just can't understand the psyche of someone who would want to do something like that. It's like someone speaking to you in a language you can't understand. What you say does make sense, even if it isn't comprehensible.

I don't understand it either. I watch a lot of true crime shows and I just can't fathom how people do the things that they do to each other. I wonder what it is that is so deeply broken in these people that they can do what they do.

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I don't understand it either. I watch a lot of true crime shows and I just can't fathom how people do the things that they do to each other. I wonder what it is that is so deeply broken in these people that they can do what they do.

Well, and for most of them, the excuse that it happened to them as a child seems to be a common theme.  I don't get that one either.  Not to divulge into to much detail, but let's just say I had some experience with the subject when I was 4 and 5 years old.  I turned out perfectly okay.  There was a ton of healing between then and now, but I actually have a very close friendship/relationship (family) with my assailant today.  I wouldn't ever let him/her babysit my about to be born daughter, but I think that's something we both would understand.  I mean, if there's one thing that doesm ake sense, it's just that once they get broken, they either don't have the opportunity for healing until it's too late, or they never seek it.  I wouldn't be where I am today if it weren't for God and a supportive family.  Maybe that's the difference...

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I don't know what to say. I am shocked, disgusted and it brings back the question "why do people in a position of power or influence feel they are above or beyond the law or feel the need to do something wacko with drugs, sex etc. to feel gratified"? I never will understand.


But then, for all the shootings you hear about as front page news, you have 99% of people having survived another day without incident. I'd extrapolate to the same with Sharper and other NFL players. For every Sharper or NFL player that gets in trouble, there is probably 95% of them that have lived another day without incident. I will choose to focus on the good.

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Well, and for most of them, the excuse that it happened to them as a child seems to be a common theme.  I don't get that one either.  Not to divulge into to much detail, but let's just say I had some experience with the subject when I was 4 and 5 years old.  I turned out perfectly okay.  There was a ton of healing between then and now, but I actually have a very close friendship/relationship (family) with my assailant today.  I wouldn't ever let him/her babysit my about to be born daughter, but I think that's something we both would understand.  I mean, if there's one thing that doesm ake sense, it's just that once they get broken, they either don't have the opportunity for healing until it's too late, or they never seek it.  I wouldn't be where I am today if it weren't for God and a supportive family.  Maybe that's the difference...


Yeah, Jason Whitlock once wrote about how NFL players coming from broken homes without father figures/mentors sometimes have to be mentored continually. Some choose to associate with the kinds like Dungy and other mentors that will guide them right. Others, like Aaron Hernandez and Darren Sharper might have chosen to associate themselves with the wrong crowd. Choices and supporting cast, despite your circumstances, can make or break your life.

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Yeah, Jason Whitlock once wrote about how NFL players coming from broken homes without father figures/mentors sometimes have to be mentored continually. Some choose to associate with the kinds like Dungy and other mentors that will guide them right. Others, like Aaron Hernandez and Darren Sharper might have chosen to associate themselves with the wrong crowd. Choices and supporting cast, despite your circumstances, can make or break your life.

And it's really heartbreaking to see and know that circumstances like that can be the difference.  Part of you wants to feel sorry for those people, but the other part of you looks at what they've done and you can't help but feel contempt.

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Getting worse by the day for this guy.  Pretty tough to see how he could be innocent at this point.


I agree he's been accused by too many women in too many different places for me to think he's innocent.


That having been said I don't personally understand why he would rape someone.  He's still fairly young and he has money.  You can't tell me that he can't get a woman to sleep with him.  


Shoot Tiger Woods seemed to be able to get a woman to sleep with him in every city he ever stayed in.  And that's while he had a wife at home.


I don't tend to think it's a power thing, especially when he's doing it with drugs.  But at the same time I just don't understand why he would rape someone.  

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Well, and for most of them, the excuse that it happened to them as a child seems to be a common theme. I don't get that one either. Not to divulge into to much detail, but let's just say I had some experience with the subject when I was 4 and 5 years old. I turned out perfectly okay. There was a ton of healing between then and now, but I actually have a very close friendship/relationship (family) with my assailant today. I wouldn't ever let him/her babysit my about to be born daughter, but I think that's something we both would understand. I mean, if there's one thing that doesm ake sense, it's just that once they get broken, they either don't have the opportunity for healing until it's too late, or they never seek it. I wouldn't be where I am today if it weren't for God and a supportive family. Maybe that's the difference...

Sorry I just wanted say, well I'm not quite sure the right way to say it but I respect you immensely for the above.

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People have got to stop using the broken home and they was treated badly etc... Don't get me wrong I still have sympathy for people who go through horrible ordeals when they are young. I went thru crazy stuff too not as bad as others but everyone in thier lifetime experience life changing moments. But you can't use that as an excuse to do wrong to others!

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People have got to stop using the broken home and they was treated badly etc... Don't get me wrong I still have sympathy for people who go through horrible ordeals when they are young. I went thru crazy stuff too not as bad as others but everyone in thier lifetime experience life changing moments. But you can't use that as an excuse to do wrong to others!

I agree....there are plenty of examples of people who grew up under tremendously horrific and traumatic conditions and situations that were able to overcome them and lead honorable, productive lives. God bless them.


Unfortunately, we also have to acknowledge a stark reality that often gets drowned out by analysis when a horrific crime takes place.


Some people are just plain wicked.

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People have got to stop using the broken home and they was treated badly etc... Don't get me wrong I still have sympathy for people who go through horrible ordeals when they are young. I went thru crazy stuff too not as bad as others but everyone in thier lifetime experience life changing moments. But you can't use that as an excuse to do wrong to others!

No one has perfect parents or a perfect upbringing. That being said, we are projecting an awful lot onto this guy. Does anyone know how he was raised or if he was abused? Some guys get a thrill from this sort of thing and it has absolutely nothing to do with their childhood.

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its OKAY for him to rape people

I think I've found the "quote" for my signature...

But seriously while I appreciate your opinion on the Martin situation this was not the time or place to bring it up in this comparative fashion. At best it shows a lack of tact, at worse if you really believe that statement (which I hope you don't) it shows sociopathic tendencies.

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its OKAY for him to rape people because it may have happened to him guys chill out....


just like it was okay for jmart to engage in the same behaivor as incognito and be coddled like a toddler


Did you forget some key words here? Your point is hard to figure out, but I'm certain that what ever the actual point is, it's stupid... What the heck..
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