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Jonathan Martin -- would he help our OL? [Merge]

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I'd take him (and the circus) in a minute. We need a tough guy on the line.

Had to read who you were quoting. Thought it was Martin and tough guy, lol

I'd take incognito in a minute! Don't think he needs to toughen up anyone on our team. Just bring his toughness.

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Had to read who you were quoting. Thought it was Martin and tough guy, lol

I'd take incognito in a minute! Don't think he needs to toughen up anyone on our team. Just bring his toughness.

Incognito is not very good....McGlynn is a supposed tough guy.  How is that workin' for us?  :)  Just say no...it rhymes with Incognito!

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The Colts don't need him running to his mommy when things get to hard.


Not to his mommy, i can see all in my mind, Indy vs Texas, Martin with his big sad face.


Martin: Daddy Chuck, Daddy Chuck, J.J is mean to me.

Chuck: Don't worry son, is because you suck, but easy, Satele is still here, you will be here too.

Martin: Thanks daddy, you are the best.


The next day.


Big photo in the newspaper, "Jonathan Martin crying after being manhandled by JJ Watt"


And it gets better, Irsay with a tweet, "Martin sucks, he stinks, i don't know why i agree to trade for him"


And next, "Martin suing Colt's owner, says he make him cry".

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Not to his mommy, i can see all in my mind, Indy vs Texas, Martin with his big sad face.


Martin: Daddy Chuck, Daddy Chuck, J.J is mean to me.

Chuck: Don't worry son, is because you suck, but easy, Satele is still here, you will be here too.

Martin: Thanks daddy, you are the best.


The next day.


Big photo in the newspaper, "Jonathan Martin crying after being manhandled by JJ Watt"


And it gets better, Irsay with a tweet, "Martin sucks, he stinks, i don't know why i agree to trade for him"


And next, "Martin suing Colt's owner, says he make him cry".

Pretty funny.  The reason I said his mommy is because his mother is a lawyer that specializes in workplace harrassment cases.

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Not to his mommy, i can see all in my mind, Indy vs Texas, Martin with his big sad face.


Martin: Daddy Chuck, Daddy Chuck, J.J is mean to me.

Chuck: Don't worry son, is because you suck, but easy, Satele is still here, you will be here too.

Martin: Thanks daddy, you are the best.


The next day.


Big photo in the newspaper, "Jonathan Martin crying after being manhandled by JJ Watt"


And it gets better, Irsay with a tweet, "Martin sucks, he stinks, i don't know why i agree to trade for him"


And next, "Martin suing Colt's owner, says he make him cry".


Comic genius....



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Incognito is not very good....McGlynn is a supposed tough guy. How is that workin' for us? :) Just say no...it rhymes with Incognito!

Oh does he? Honestly I didn't know. I do like his attitude though. I'm a pretty nasty dude so I can relate ;) but if he sucks no thanks, we got that covered.

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Oh does he? Honestly I didn't know. I do like his attitude though. I'm a pretty nasty dude so I can relate ;) but if he sucks no thanks, we got that covered.

I will not say he sucks New Era...but he is not worth the 'stuff' IMO.  I too like the tude...that is about ALL I have ever liked about McGlynn too.  :)

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I will not say he sucks New Era...but he is not worth the 'stuff' IMO. I too like the tude...that is about ALL I have ever liked about McGlynn too. :)

Yeah I agree. He's shown some tude during the year. But the skill doesn't match the tude, heh. Thought he looked much better at c. I would keep him if nothing else but to be able to back up two spots c/g

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Honestly, I think some of the comments about Martin are simply ridiculous.  The guy started all but 2 games (from what I can tell) in his 3 years at Stanford.  He was a key part of one of the best offensive lines in college football during those times.  They allowed very few sacks and helped Stanford be one of the best rushing teams.  He clearly is not too soft to play the position and insinuating that he is imo is simply ignorant considering none of us know all of the details behind the situation in Miami.


If comments from players on opposing teams were going to bother him then I would think that would have shown up MUCH sooner than when he got to the NFL.  The problem in Miami was getting treated that way by TEAMMATE, an elder veteran from his own team that was supposed to be helping him out.  If there were any issues with his "softness" then I doubt Luck, Fleener, Pep, Griff etc would have been as willing to stand up for him the way they did.


Is he better than Castonzo or Cherilus? At this time definitely not.  However, is he better than our other depth at OT?  I would say most likely yes.  No telling with any certainty if he could play OG or not but he is similarly sized to Thomas so it's not completely out of the realm of possibility, especially if he can work on strength, technique etc.  


So personally, I would absolutely take a flyer on him with a cheap initial contract (if he's released) or a mid to late round draft pick in a trade.  But that's just me.

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Martin handled the situation in the correct manner without physical violence. By no means do I find him mentally weak. Both players deserve a second chance. People need to start opening their eyes. These things happen to normal people. It just isn't publicized and we shouldnt be judging peoples character. Now if own team had a chance to improve then why not bring a player in the coaches feel would help?

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I wouldn't touch either guy with a 20000 foot pole.


But, if I had to choose I would take Martin. He knows the system, knows the players, and he would have a great support staff in the locker room.


Incognito is a jerk, a big bully, and frankly I would hate to have him as a teammate. I don't care what the coaches told him to do to "toughen him up" you don't verbally belittle a teammate.

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Martin handled the situation in the correct manner without physical violence.      By no means do I find him mentally weak.


Your opinions are duly noted .


But IMO  he showed cowardice by not addressing his instigator if what he says is true .


The dude went to Stanford mentally weak ?  no,  just pampered & a mommy's boy IMO  .


In the real world men have to step up instead he chose to cut & run very unimpressive . Kids his age run home all the time looking for a shoulder to cry on & a hug . Not that he was'nt mistreated just that IMO he needed to man up & he did'nt .

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Your opinions are duly noted .


But IMO  he showed cowardice by not addressing his instigator if what he says is true .


The dude went to Stanford mentally weak ?  no,  just pampered & a mommy's boy IMO  .


In the real world men have to step up instead he chose to cut & run very unimpressive . Kids his age run home all the time looking for a shoulder to cry on & a hug . Not that he was'nt mistreated just that IMO he needed to man up & he did'nt .

I was a Mommy's boy....ya wanna make somethin' of it?   :clap:

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Incognito is not very good....McGlynn is a supposed tough guy.  How is that workin' for us?   :)  Just say no...it rhymes with Incognito!


TBH, I haven't really followed his career as a player as much as a newsmaker.  But from what I understand, he was a top 20 pass blocker in 2010, allowed 1.5 sacks in 2011, and made the pro bowl in 12.  I don't think McGlynn is in that category.


I know about him being voted the dirtiest player in the NFL and all the Martin stuff.  But it doesn't bother me to have a guy who will do anything to protect his QB on my team.  As long as it doesn't disrupt the team chemistry.

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Your opinions are duly noted .


But IMO  he showed cowardice by not addressing his instigator if what he says is true .


The dude went to Stanford mentally weak ?  no,  just pampered & a mommy's boy IMO  .


In the real world men have to step up instead he chose to cut & run very unimpressive . Kids his age run home all the time looking for a shoulder to cry on & a hug . Not that he was'nt mistreated just that IMO he needed to man up & he did'nt .


The bolded is the most important part, and right now we don't know what is true and what is not, which makes everything else you said nothing more than an assumption.  


Also, sure, a person has to stand up for himself, but when faced with possible threats of physical violence to you and/or loved ones, the lines between what you should do and what you shouldn't do become much less clear.  

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I'm not sure where this stuff comes from.....   but he wasn't.


What he was, was a disappointment.     He was a high 2nd round player and has not played like it.


But, terrible?    I don't think so.





I will respectfully disagree on this one. Martin was consistently manhandled at LT in Miami, they moved him to RT and while he fared better there, he still was not good. He got out muscled and got blown by easily by teams 2nd best pass rushers. I know Martin done pretty good in college, but the pro's are a whole new ballgame and it's been proven time and time again that just because one is good or even great in college, doesn't mean they will have that same success playing with the big boys.

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TBH, I haven't really followed his career as a player as much as a newsmaker.  But from what I understand, he was a top 20 pass blocker in 2010, allowed 1.5 sacks in 2011, and made the pro bowl in 12.  I don't think McGlynn is in that category.


I know about him being voted the dirtiest player in the NFL and all the Martin stuff.  But it doesn't bother me to have a guy who will do anything to protect his QB on my team.  As long as it doesn't disrupt the team chemistry.

No McGlynn is not...just mentioning him with his 'supposed mean streak.'


I do not mind someone who is considered dirty....OL Conrad Dobler and LB Jack Lambert come to mind immediately for the old LB.  I just do not like in the least what Incognito represents.

Edited by BrentMc11
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I will respectfully disagree on this one. Martin was consistently manhandled at LT in Miami, they moved him to RT and while he fared better there, he still was not good. He got out muscled and got blown by easily by teams 2nd best pass rushers. I know Martin done pretty good in college, but the pro's are a whole new ballgame and it's been proven time and time again that just because one is good or even great in college, doesn't mean they will have that same success playing with the big boys.


I agree, but also disagree.  I think it's just as unfair to say that just because he was manhandled as a starting OT as a rookie that there's no way he can't improve.  College production does not guarantee NFL production, but NFL rookie failures do not guarantee future failures.

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Dont want Incognito for sure. I dont believe a word he says, he is a head case and not that good of a Guard. I'd give Martin a tryout as a backup Guard if Miami officially lets him go(I dont think they have as far as I know) but I wouldn't trade anything for him...Well I'd package Mcglynn and Satele to Miami :funny:  but Miami already knows Satele stinks  (they traded him....there 2007 2nd round pick after only 2 seasons)


With you here, Martin could be useful to us as a backup, but he's not a guy that could start on our team.  We are good at tackle as far as starters are concerned.  But we've got nothing behind the two starters, so I'd be happy to have him as depth.


I don't want Incognito, it sounds to me like he'd be more of a cancer then Martin would be. 


I think the guy might have some depression or something.  But I don't think he has a problem with toughness just cause of this incident.  He by all accounts did just fine at Stanford. 

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TBH, I haven't really followed his career as a player as much as a newsmaker.  But from what I understand, he was a top 20 pass blocker in 2010, allowed 1.5 sacks in 2011, and made the pro bowl in 12.  I don't think McGlynn is in that category.


I know about him being voted the dirtiest player in the NFL and all the Martin stuff.  But it doesn't bother me to have a guy who will do anything to protect his QB on my team.  As long as it doesn't disrupt the team chemistry.


I would be very concerned about him disrupting team chemistry.  This guy seems like someone who will hunt down anyone who doesn't have 100% confidence and instead of trying to build his confidence back up he will destroy what confidence he does have left.


Also on top of this if he is a dirty player, after this incident his name will be really well known and the refs will be watching him closely.  Stuff he may have used to got away with won't fly anymore

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Your opinions are duly noted .


But IMO  he showed cowardice by not addressing his instigator if what he says is true .


The dude went to Stanford mentally weak ?  no,  just pampered & a mommy's boy IMO  .


In the real world men have to step up instead he chose to cut & run very unimpressive . Kids his age run home all the time looking for a shoulder to cry on & a hug . Not that he was'nt mistreated just that IMO he needed to man up & he did'nt .

The problem with that in this case is that if he would have stood up and done something physically about it then what if one or both players got suspended by the coach and next thing ya know that breaks all over ESPN/NFL Network then ya have the media going on and on about the 'toxic' situation in Miami and some fans saying he should have reported it in the first place.......he could not win

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The problem with that in this case is that if he would have stood up and done something physically about it then what if one or both players got suspended by the coach and next thing ya know that breaks all over ESPN/NFL Network then ya have the media going on and on about the 'toxic' situation in Miami and some fans saying he should have reported it in the first place.......he could not win

I would rather go down swinging then run out of the lunch room with tears in my eyes. He ran home to mommy and started releasing things to the press.

Defensive players will be calling him way worse then Incognito ever did every time he lines up across from them.

Everyone likes to say how the Colts organization is classy amd this and that, but that doesnt mean we are rehab for the emotionally battered, and even if we handled him with kid gloves, the defensive players on the other team ain't gonna.

We would have an O-lineman crying, we can't have this because Richardson might slip in them tears and never get to finish his dance before being tackled.

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I would rather go down swinging then run out of the lunch room with tears in my eyes. He ran home to mommy and started releasing things to the press.

Defensive players will be calling him way worse then Incognito ever did every time he lines up across from them.

Everyone likes to say how the Colts organization is classy amd this and that, but that doesnt mean we are rehab for the emotionally battered, and even if we handled him with kid gloves, the defensive players on the other team ain't gonna.

We would have an O-lineman crying, we can't have this because Richardson might slip in them tears and never get to finish his dance before being tackled.

Wow...congratulations!  Two Hates with one stone...err post... :spit:

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I would rather go down swinging then run out of the lunch room with tears in my eyes. He ran home to mommy and started releasing things to the press.

Defensive players will be calling him way worse then Incognito ever did every time he lines up across from them.

Everyone likes to say how the Colts organization is classy amd this and that, but that doesnt mean we are rehab for the emotionally battered, and even if we handled him with kid gloves, the defensive players on the other team ain't gonna.

We would have an O-lineman crying, we can't have this because Richardson might slip in them tears and never get to finish his dance before being tackled.

A few things, The NFL is a business...a production business and if a GM or coach thinks a player can play then that GM will take whatever baggae that player comes with short of murder/rape/molestation, Thats been proven. And we dont know why he released it to the press...Maybe its to shed light on the truth of some things like what he was going through in the locker room. I dont know what taking a pot shot at Richardson has to do with Martin....you should probably cut down on that....more and more wont take you serious if you do that.....Plus in case ya haven't noticed.....If Grigson or Pagano and staff think a player can play then they wont hesitate to bring you in. Martin can play and prior to this he has had no incidents. He does not look like starting material...at least yet...and may never be...But he would be a upgrade over the depth we have now at back up Tackle and Guard

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I would like to see Nixon get into 'camp-shape' and see what he has to offer.  He looked like he gave his all out there, but was out of shape....

Yeah he has good size and strength but needs to get in better football shape. Love his long arms though

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Football is played with passion, 'tude, nastiness and yes violence!  Picture yourself in the huddle and your fellow lineman says "C'mon fella lets do a better job on blocking".  I can't see that nor did I hear that in practice during my days - I heard ***!##$* ((&^$%%#@.

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Football is played with passion, 'tude, nastiness and yes violence! Picture yourself in the huddle and your fellow lineman says "C'mon fella lets do a better job on blocking". I can't see that nor did I hear that in practice during my days - I heard ***!##$* ((&^$%%#@.

I'm 38, but when I played rb in school I sprained my ankle so bad I couldn't walk on it during practice. My coach told me to get back in there. I said I can't walk coach! Dude sent me back to the locker room, lol. And he yelled every cuss word there was at me. Tough love, lol. Was my track coach also, so yeah. It sucked. Seems like dudes now days are cupcakes.

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Football is played with passion, 'tude, nastiness and yes violence!  Picture yourself in the huddle and your fellow lineman says "C'mon fella lets do a better job on blocking".  I can't see that nor did I hear that in practice during my days - I heard ***!##$* ((&^$%%#@.

Damn those leather helmets!  I now look like a puggle. :)

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I'm 38, but when I played rb in school I sprained my ankle so bad I couldn't walk on it during practice. My coach told me to get back in there. I said I can't walk coach! Dude sent me back to the locker room, lol. And he yelled every cuss word there was at me. Tough love, lol. Was my track coach also, so yeah. It sucked. Seems like dudes now days are cupcakes.

lol!  Thanks NewEra.  Well son you weren't born when I had the leather helmets with no face mask!  You play when you're hurt, you rest when you're injured!

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