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Playing the Cheifs again gives us a huge advantage.

Legend of Luck

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So, I was sitting around, reading articles online about our game, and the most common theme seems to be, "Don't expect this game to play out like the last game."


While I agree, it will be different, I think the outcome will remain the same, and here's my reason why.


In the Luck era, we have never lost to a team after we have played them once already that season.


Last year, we lost to the Jags in our first meeting against them, then came back to crush them 27-10 in their stadium. Then, we lost to the Texans, but when we played them for a second time, we dominated THAT game as well, winning 28-16.


This year, we went undefeated in the division, but here's some telling info. In our first game against the Texans, we needed a miracle second half to come back to win that game. What happened in the second game? We CRUSHED them, 25-3.


We also needed a huge second half rally to beat the Titans in our first go around. What happened in the second game? Although we didnt dominate, we played one of our better games of that stretch, and most importantly, we won.


And of course we crushed the Jags in both meetings.



My point is, this team, this coaching staff has a great (yes small, but great) track record of being prepared for a team on the second go around. Making adjustments and knowing our enemy has been a huge key to this team.


Knowing this, I am feeling even more confident about the game on sunday.

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Chiefs are much more healthier now. This could go either way. And I don't expect them to go down without fighting. They'll be looking for revenge

You don't go in someone's house & embarrass them in front of their fans and expect them not to be seeking revenge


True, but if your not "hyped up" for a playoff game regardless of the previous games, youve got something wrong with you. We are gonna be just as pumped. We got beat in the first round last year. We have the same taste in our mouths.


At least weve been trending positively, while the chiefs have lost 5 of their last 7 games.

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if we can get an early lead like last game, i can see us winning. they put charles alot more as WR than RB in the 2nd half to try and catch up, didnt work... i think we should make em do that and have butler on him or something.


he only had like 6 touches in the 2nd half or something, i forgot..most were catches though, and we did a decent job holding him down .


theyre gonna be playing very very angry. we just gotta outplay them come saturday.. cant wait. 

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The Chiefs are a very weird team. Early in the season they appeared to have a dominating defense and a pathetic offense. After the injuries on defense that aspect slipped substantially, but all of a sudden the offense was lighting it up in a manner that seemed astonishing from any team associated with Alex Smith. Against the Colts, neither worked well.


Their players admit that they were soundly beaten, but the thing about the NFL is that the game requires such intense sacrifice to succeed that it's hard to replicate the same effort if you don't have to win. For all the talk about the Chiefs still having a shot at #1 overall when they played the Colts, the fact is that that was entirely dependent upon the Broncos blowing a game to one of the worst teams in the league. The reality is that the Chiefs were locked into #5, and the odds were high that their opponent would be the Colts. In fact the MORE effort they expended to beat the Colts, the higher the probability that they would have to then beat the Colts a second time. And in contrast to what the OP suggests, it's very hard to beat a good team twice in one season.


In short - it's entirely possible that the Chiefs just don't match up well against the Colts, and round two will be similar. It's more likely that the Chiefs will come out with the intensity and urgency that their backups demonstrated Sunday against the Chargers - with the addition of some exceptional and well rested players. With home field and the better QB, the Colts should win - but if the Chiefs can get their pass rush and running game going it will be far from the cake-walk that many expect. It should be an interesting game regardless.

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Chiefs fan here.


Good luck guys! I'm excited about this game as we get the chance to avenge some heart breaking losses in the playoffs to you guys. 


I think the Chiefs actually hold the advantage within this topic. During the first matchup, Hali was playing injured and lacked his normal burst. He's been handled easily by average LT's recently because of it. Hopefully the week off will do him good because he hasn't been the same since November when he was injured in the first half of the SD game. Houston has also been out since that same SD game and he will be back, refreshed and hungry. If the Chiefs can return to form defensively with their two star OLB back, and everyone refreshed after a week off, then Luck will be running for his life back there. It's like taking Freeney and Mathis away from your defense a few years ago and what kind of effect it would have on them.




FS Lewis. Probably the worst FS in football and responsible for most big plays given up by the Chiefs. He's always late in coverage and he's an awful tackler. If Luck has time back there then watch the big plays given up by Lewis. Or if Brown breaks off a big run the watch Lewis wiff on the tackle. His terribleness was masked for 9 weeks due to Hali/Houston pressuring QB's.


OLB Houston and Hali. While i've been hearing that they are healthy, it's always a concern until you see them in action.


WR Bowe: Typical got paid then mailed it in. He's been awful this year effort wise. Hopefully he turns it up a notch for the playoffs as he's the only legit receiver that the Chiefs have.


K Succup: Missed field goals have haunted this team in the playoffs. And a normal sure thing < 50 yards out he missed a gimmie 41 yarder against SD to win the game.


Keys to winning for the Chiefs: Run, Run, Run...which unfortunately, is against Reids DNA. Get pressure on Luck, something that they rarely did the first matchup.


Keys to winning for the Colts: Ball Security. The Chiefs thrive on turnovers and not turning it over. It worked for you guys the first matchup perfectly. Protect luck and big plays. Take advantage of an awful FS in Kendrick Lewis early and often.

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I take zero solace from our previous win. It means virtually nothing. It's all about how both teams play, are coached, a few lucky bounces, and the reliance on good, fair refereeing. I vividly remember whacking the Steelers late in the regular season in 2005. ANd we all know how that turned out. No two games are alike. 


What I do like, is our up-turn in performance recently, which is more important. But I shall watch with antici.........pation, hope, and some nerves.

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I take zero solace from our previous win. It means virtually nothing. It's all about how both teams play, are coached, a few lucky bounces, and the reliance on good, fair refereeing. I vividly remember whacking the Steelers late in the regular season in 2005. ANd we all know how that turned out. No two games are alike. 


What I do like, is our up-turn in performance recently, which is more important. But I shall watch with antici.........pation, hope, and some nerves.

Good points. I think Pagano has already reminded the team about that Steelers game. The Chiefs fan in this thread said it best, we're not playing the same team we played a few weeks ago.

In any football game, from peewee to the pros, it's all about matchups and how the coaches gameplan to exploit or account for them. And ultimately it comes down to how the players on the field execute the plan.

One thing the Chiefs fan didn't mention is that our young team already has playoff experience.

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This game is not going to be a pushover... KC is a tough and talented team that is very well coached.  They are going to learn from the last game and come out swinging. 


My biggest concern is the injuries to our D that we have sustained over the last 2 weeks... Almost everyone is listed as day to day but we have seen that that could mean they will play or they are in a full body cast for the next 8 weeks...


I think turnovers will be one of the biggest keys to this game along with containing Charles and pressuring Smith.  Our DBs need to be able to give our pass rushers time to get to Smitty so he doesn't sit back and look like Peyton Manning.


I think we have just a good of chance of winning this game as any other.  I just hope the Colts from the last 3 weeks show up and not the team that lost to St. Louis.

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My experience says that as a player when I played against a team that I expected to dominate and win easily, and you can best believe that's exactly how the Chiefs felt after that first drive, then to be dominated and hunbled at home, well that creates a very SMALL kernal of doubt in a players mind. That COULD create a very small disadvantage for the Chiefs if the Colts get off to a great start and that doubt begins to grow. As a player when that happened to me I found myself trying to push back the desperation and the urge to try too hard. You play best as a player when you can push all those thoughts out of your head and stay completely in the moment playing fast. loose and free with the body taking the lead not the mind. Will that disadvantage materialize for the Chiefs? Probably not, but I would still prefer to be in the Colts position of having no disadvantages, not the crowd, not the weather, not performance doubts even vague ones. And if you don't believe doubt creeps in to the human psyche the just repeat out loud for me 3 times.... I want to play San Diego, I want to play San Diego, I want to play San Diego.

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Chiefs fan here.


Good luck guys! I'm excited about this game as we get the chance to avenge some heart breaking losses in the playoffs to you guys. 


I think the Chiefs actually hold the advantage within this topic. During the first matchup, Hali was playing injured and lacked his normal burst. He's been handled easily by average LT's recently because of it. Hopefully the week off will do him good because he hasn't been the same since November when he was injured in the first half of the SD game. Houston has also been out since that same SD game and he will be back, refreshed and hungry. If the Chiefs can return to form defensively with their two star OLB back, and everyone refreshed after a week off, then Luck will be running for his life back there. It's like taking Freeney and Mathis away from your defense a few years ago and what kind of effect it would have on them.




FS Lewis. Probably the worst FS in football and responsible for most big plays given up by the Chiefs. He's always late in coverage and he's an awful tackler. If Luck has time back there then watch the big plays given up by Lewis. Or if Brown breaks off a big run the watch Lewis wiff on the tackle. His terribleness was masked for 9 weeks due to Hali/Houston pressuring QB's.


OLB Houston and Hali. While i've been hearing that they are healthy, it's always a concern until you see them in action.


WR Bowe: Typical got paid then mailed it in. He's been awful this year effort wise. Hopefully he turns it up a notch for the playoffs as he's the only legit receiver that the Chiefs have.


K Succup: Missed field goals have haunted this team in the playoffs. And a normal sure thing < 50 yards out he missed a gimmie 41 yarder against SD to win the game.


Keys to winning for the Chiefs: Run, Run, Run...which unfortunately, is against Reids DNA. Get pressure on Luck, something that they rarely did the first matchup.


Keys to winning for the Colts: Ball Security. The Chiefs thrive on turnovers and not turning it over. It worked for you guys the first matchup perfectly. Protect luck and big plays. Take advantage of an awful FS in Kendrick Lewis early and often.

Would you mind terribly forwarding this information to Chuck

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I think its going to be a nail biter/knuckle buster.....and come down to a few key  moments here and there.....we are pretty good at ball security and KC (when healthy) is good at making sure your not....I think whoever wins that battle will come out on top.

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"Playing The Chiefs Again Gives Us A Huge Advantage"


No it doesn't.

The only potential advantage I see in this game over the last game is the Colts' "12th Man."  Let's hope LOS is completely Colts blue.  I went to the Cardinals game, and while it seemed there were a lot of Colts fans there...it had no effect - Cardinal Nation ruptured eardrums that day.  Let hope the Saturday crowd blows the roof off when KC has the ball.

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2 key things to beat Chiefs:


1. Ball security, no turnovers leading to easy field position and points for Chiefs


2. Special teams - they have athletes all over the field that can gain huge returns on our turf, it actually helps them play faster on our home field with the speed of their returners, so keep the returns minimized, no freebie TDs whatsoever

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True, but if your not "hyped up" for a playoff game regardless of the previous games, youve got something wrong with you. We are gonna be just as pumped. We got beat in the first round last year. We have the same taste in our mouths.


At least weve been trending positively, while the chiefs have lost 5 of their last 7 games.

And they rested their starters.

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Chiefs are much more healthier now. This could go either way. And I don't expect them to go down without fighting. They'll be looking for revenge

You don't go in someone's house & embarrass them in front of their fans and expect them not to be seeking revenge

We are getting healthier also. I think out defense has a better chance of stopping them then theirs stopping us.

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Like Cowherd says, just pick the team with the franchise QB.  They usually win playoff games and Super Bowls.  Alex Smith is good but not a playmaker.  He is good enough to win regular season games, but it takes more than that in the playoffs.  Now, he might pick this time to "prove" he is a playmaker, but he hasn't yet.  That's pretty much why Harbaugh went with Kap.  With a one and done scenario, Andrew Luck will run as much as he has to thereby causing their defense to have to account for him.  This is our X factor going through the playoffs, imo.  I expect Luck to make some big 3rd done runs and it will open up the receiving game for him as the game goes on.

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Concerning the post by KC fan, jaa1025:


I'm not sure Kendrick Lewis plays. We played other guys against San Diego and did ok. Ron Parker is a stud on special teams and can play DB. Abdullah can play deep. We have Demps and of course, Eric Berry. Lewis will not be afforded much playtime if he wants to screw it up.


Jamaal Charles is rested. He'll give you Colts a good game.


Houston and Hali will play. The question is, do they play healthy or "dinged up". It could be a long day for Luck if we get pressure on the edges AND from Poe at NT.


Alex Smith is a top-flight QB. He's had a season to work with Chiefs receivers now. We also have worked in AJ Jenkins, a 1st. round pick we received in a trade with the 49'ers. Junior Hemingway is catching EVERYTHING thrown to him. Colts will be surprised with him.


Saturday will be an entirely different experience for all concerned. Don't think for a minute that the Chiefs don't remember the history between these 2 clubs.


No injuries and GO CHIEFS!! :goodluck:

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Honestly why would you think its an advantage, other than we know we can beat them. They get to go over film an analyze what they did wrong an try and correct it. Like they say the hardest thing to do is beat someone twice! I re watched the Chief game last night an I have concern, although I think we can win, being at home helps. My small takes from that game.


1 It was a VERY HARD HITTING affair, would expect the same.

2. I think early the Chiefs underestimated us & honestly. They think they are the better team & were surprised we stayed with them & I thought we were more Physical team after the first drive. They won't underestimate us this time, they will want revenge.

3. The Chief return game is SCARY to so the least!

4. Charles is SCARIER to say the least!!!

5. The Chiefs defense is good.

6. Alex Smiths running scares me!!

7. We played VERY WELL this game we will have to be even BETTER & MORE PHYSICAL this time if we want to win.

8. Our offense when in up tempo is MUCH BETTER at moving the ball. DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

9. Derrek Johnson is a STUD ILB!

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For what it is worth. Here is KC’s W/L record


  Opponent       Outcome     Score

Jags (4-12)          won           28-2

Cowboys (8-8)    won          17-16

Eagles (10-6)      won           26-16

Giants (7-9)        won           31-7

Titans (7-9)         won          26-17

Raiders (4-12)     won          24-7

Texans (2-14)      won          17-16

Browns (4-12)     won          23-17

Bills (6-10)          won          23-13

Broncos (13-3)    lost           17-27

Chargers (9-7)     lost           38-41

Broncos (13-3)    lost           28-35

Redskins (3-13)   won         45-10

Raiders (4-12)     won          56-31

Colts (11-5)         lost           7-23

Chargers (9-7)     lost           24-27


They have only beaten 1 .500 team and one playoff team. They have lost to every other team with a winning record and who are in the playoffs. Take this for what it is worth.


Huge advantage no, but Imo we win

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