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We have been exposed for what we really are


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This team is just not good.  I think the majority of the blame can go to the coaches, as I have said many times on this board.  Running to prove that we are a running team is just plain stupid.  The NFL is not a running league anymore and with a coaching staff that believes that should be the core of an offence we are in trouble.  I like the run game I think every team needs to be able to run the ball however the pass sets up the run not the other way around, the old school mentality is not where todays game is.  High tempo offence with a great QB like we have will win games or at least provide a fighting chance.


Our D is just no performing, however with the lack of scoring we have produced I feel for the D.


I was being patient but honestly Pep is not the right OC for an NFL team, we need to get with the times and change things up I bet Trich gets a lot more yards if we come out no huddle and high tempo.


I love the Colts but getting blown out and getting hammered every first half just because we are "a power running team" is sad, we cant run the ball so we are not a power running team.


The game was out of hand and we still didnt give DaRick an opportunity what is wrong with this staff?  I am not a DaRick evangelist but that was our opportunity to see what he has bad or good, we were beaten try something, what happened to DBrown?  I just dont get it.


Anyway rant over, we will not be a contender until we adjust, just sayin!

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Exactly. Adjust is the word of the week and we've really needed it since Reggie went down. 


I'd love to see them open up the game in a no-huddle, high tempo offense with Luck getting rid of the ball lin 2-3 seconds. Dink and dunk, short high % routes, efficient playcalling. 


Oh wait.....Pep is the OC. I'm dreaming if I think that'll actually happen. 

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Everyone lets put on our big boy and girl undies and just suck it up for the rest of the year. Win the South......yes I think we can beat TN at home. God, we beat them in 2011 at home and we were the laughingstock of football and I think they were fighting for a playoff spot then too.


And then in the playoffs whatever happens.....happens. As usual.


This team will be great next year btw.......

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Everyone lets put on our big boy and girl undies and just suck it up for the rest of the year. Win the South......yes I think we can beat TN at home. God, we beat them in 2011 at home and we were the laughingstock of football and I think they were fighting for a playoff spot then too.


And then in the playoffs whatever happens.....happens. As usual.


This team will be great next year btw.......

We will only be great if we adjust and take advantage of our tools instead of trying to drive a square peg into a round hole.  I think we are in the playoffs but is that really all we want? Just asking.

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A fraud does not hand Seattle and Denver their first losses of the season.


We are banged up and lost some spark. Whether we get it back or not remains to be seen but we are good enough to win the South and then see where the chips falls cause the playoffs are always maddening with nothing guaranteed.......

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A fraud does not hand Seattle and Denver their first losses of the season.

We are banged up and lost some spark. Whether we get it back or not remains to be seen but we are good enough to win the South and then see where the chips falls cause the playoffs are always maddening with nothing guaranteed.......

To be perfectly realistic about it, 7-9 is good enough to win the south. The 2013 AFC South is one of the worst divisions ever to be seen in the modern NFL. Being good enough to win the AFC south is not something to brag about.
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To be perfectly realistic about it, 7-9 is good enough to win the south. The 2013 AFC South is one of the worst divisions ever to be seen in the modern NFL. Being good enough to win the AFC south is not something to brag about.


I am not bragging about it. I mean I am not sending messages to friends of mine of other teams and saying "Nah nah nah the Colts have a lead in the AFC South take that punks".


But, I'll take it......I always want to make the playoffs. I won't count out winning a playoff game either. But, if we lose I won't freak out.


It's just one of those years........it ain't over yet either. We often seem to deliver at times after a crushing loss.

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Everyone lets put on our big boy and girl undies and just suck it up for the rest of the year. Win the South......yes I think we can beat TN at home. God, we beat them in 2011 at home and we were the laughingstock of football and I think they were fighting for a playoff spot then too.


And then in the playoffs whatever happens.....happens. As usual.


This team will be great next year btw.......

i do agree on that. new draft and FA should help this team a lot. I think this team has no depth, which may be solved next year. Also we need playmakers, but we are close

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You are what your coaches are...soft.  This entire team is getting manhandled in the trenches on both sides of the ball.


Belichick benches Ridley after he fumbles to set an example.


John Harbaugh calls out his entire o-line to the media and trades Mckinnie after Flacco takes a beating vs the Dolphins


Sean Payton is the biggest risk taker in the league, goes for it on 4th a lot if he knows his defense won't be able to stop anyone.


Pagano pats David Reed on the back after he returns the ball to the 8 yard line constantly. Pats DHB on the back drop pass after drop pass. He continues to start Satele and Mcglynn even though everyone outside of the Colts organization knows they both aren't good. The worst of them all he continues to start Angerer even though he's the slowest ILB in the league and can't shed blocks but keeps Kavell Conner on the bench who is a better player.


This team is inconsistent because of Pagano and it is showing week in and out.

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This team is just not good.  I think the majority of the blame can go to the coaches, as I have said many times on this board.  Running to prove that we are a running team is just plain stupid.  The NFL is not a running league anymore and with a coaching staff that believes that should be the core of an offence we are in trouble.  I like the run game I think every team needs to be able to run the ball however the pass sets up the run not the other way around, the old school mentality is not where todays game is.  High tempo offence with a great QB like we have will win games or at least provide a fighting chance.


Our D is just no performing, however with the lack of scoring we have produced I feel for the D.


I was being patient but honestly Pep is not the right OC for an NFL team, we need to get with the times and change things up I bet Trich gets a lot more yards if we come out no huddle and high tempo.


I love the Colts but getting blown out and getting hammered every first half just because we are "a power running team" is sad, we cant run the ball so we are not a power running team.


The game was out of hand and we still didnt give DaRick an opportunity what is wrong with this staff?  I am not a DaRick evangelist but that was our opportunity to see what he has bad or good, we were beaten try something, what happened to DBrown?  I just dont get it.


Anyway rant over, we will not be a contender until we adjust, just sayin!

I agree with many of your comments, particularly about the coaching and how they cling to this outdated notion that you need to be a run-first/stop-the-run team in order to win championships. That said, I wouldn't put the Blame on Pep for the loss versus the Cardinals. We were throwing it quite a bit, but none of the receivers could catch the freakin' ball. And when they were open, Luck was off-target, mostly due to running for his life, which takes us back to the trenches, were we are getting are * handed to us.

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A fraud does not hand Seattle and Denver their first losses of the season.


We are banged up and lost some spark. Whether we get it back or not remains to be seen but we are good enough to win the South and then see where the chips falls cause the playoffs are always maddening with nothing guaranteed.......


I believe that is the definition of a fraud.  Fraud or fool's gold.  Take your pick. 

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injured?  Because that's what we are.


You keep harping on the injuries.

Sure we have a lot. But really, outside of Toler (who gets burned often)  and Walden being suspended, the defense was in tact Sunday.


And on offense we lost Allen, Wayne and one of our Guards. Any team should be able to replace a guard.


These injuries are no excuse for getting manhandled the way we do.

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Do you guys really think the coaching staff is not aware of what's going on? That's just silly. We are hurting in almost every position and we don't have viable candidates to really make things better. Lets enjoy this year no matter what happens.

At the beginning of last year we didn't expect much for a while and we were handed a gift of a decent team. They are still in first place and things could get better again. We could be a sorry franchise that haven't even seen the playoffs in years!

I'm proud to be a fan through thick and thin..... Proud!

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It should be featured on My Super Sweet 16.

Father: "Happy sweet 16 birthday sweetie! Here is your Acura cake!"

Daughter: "Dad! You stupid failure, I wanted a Ferrari cake! Where's my Ferrari cake?!?!? I hate you, you ruined my super sweet sixteen spectacular birthday bash at Justin Bieber's mansion!!!


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You keep harping on the injuries.

Sure we have a lot. But really, outside of Toler (who gets burned often)  and Walden being suspended, the defense was in tact Sunday.


And on offense we lost Allen, Wayne and one of our Guards. Any team should be able to replace a guard.


These injuries are no excuse for getting manhandled the way we do.

I've been saying we need to do something different on Defense since the Texans game and have talked about I think the issue there is the pass coverage and that I think our man-to-man and namely the fact we don't come out of it was show cased in the Broncos game that I think teams have figured out how to attack it and we need to mix in some more zone coverage defense. 


On offense, clearly injuries have crippled them.  First of all you left out the fact we have lost two starting level running backs.  Both of which have preformed better than T-Rich and honestly fit what Pep wanted to do on the ground and were working on the ground when we had them.  I said and feel when you lose a Reggie Wayne you just don't replace him.  All one has to do is Luck's lack of production vs. his production with Reggie in the line up see just what he means to the team. 


it's a sum total of the injuries.  If we had just one of those or even two of them they could probably over come it.  However, when you have as many as they have to key starters it takes it's toll and to just discount them when you look at the team is foolish. 


Also no you can't just always replace a guard.  If the Colts could do that they wouldn't have paid Thomas the money they did to bring him here this off-season.  With that said, his isn't the key injury that has crippled the offense.  They did over come him when he went down.  Again it's the sum total of losing two starting caliber running backs, a starting guard, your starting tightend, and your future Hall of Fame WR.  That's enough to cripple any offense.  Even if you count only one of the running backs going down as a starter add in Havili being out on Sunday and that's half the starting offense from opening day and all but one of them is on IR. 

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A fraud does not hand Seattle and Denver their first losses of the season.


We are banged up and lost some spark. Whether we get it back or not remains to be seen but we are good enough to win the South and then see where the chips falls cause the playoffs are always maddening with nothing guaranteed.......


Agree with you completely.  my how times have changed.  :highfive: 


the colts have been exposed for what they are....a very young, very talented team that is inconsistent.  inconsistency is one of the things a young but talented team has to work through.  this team was not built to win a superbowl in 2013.  They are being built to be a powerhouse team for many years and they're still very much trending in that direction.  


In another thread someone said that the wins over San Fran, Seattle and Denver gave the team a false sense of confidence.  I don't think that's true.  I think those wins gave some fans a false sense of confidence that the monster had already been built and was ready to go when that clearly was not and is not the case.  It's a process and it's going to take a little bit of time and patience.  

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u cant fix a whole team this late in the year with many mediocre at best players!

We still have time to fix things before the post season gets going. If we don't we will get knocked out again and hope all of our IR players get healthy for next year. and we weed out expensive unproductivity. Just looks bad at the moment.



Arrgh, I do this all the time. type so fast Ieave out a word.  Today, it is "some".  It goes in the second sentence. :)

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No, we are a team that has been exposed to a team having lack of depth.


Yes, but even I admit now we really got hammered with the IR to key players bug.  I typically dismiss the injury thing. Depth can only cover so much. Not much to do.  coaching can clean up some other issues.  Do not know if it would be enough.

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This team is just not good.  I think the majority of the blame can go to the coaches, as I have said many times on this board.  Running to prove that we are a running team is just plain stupid.  The NFL is not a running league anymore and with a coaching staff that believes that should be the core of an offence we are in trouble.  I like the run game I think every team needs to be able to run the ball however the pass sets up the run not the other way around, the old school mentality is not where todays game is.  High tempo offence with a great QB like we have will win games or at least provide a fighting chance.


Our D is just no performing, however with the lack of scoring we have produced I feel for the D.


I was being patient but honestly Pep is not the right OC for an NFL team, we need to get with the times and change things up I bet Trich gets a lot more yards if we come out no huddle and high tempo.


I love the Colts but getting blown out and getting hammered every first half just because we are "a power running team" is sad, we cant run the ball so we are not a power running team.


The game was out of hand and we still didnt give DaRick an opportunity what is wrong with this staff?  I am not a DaRick evangelist but that was our opportunity to see what he has bad or good, we were beaten try something, what happened to DBrown?  I just dont get it.


Anyway rant over, we will not be a contender until we adjust, just sayin!


FRAUD ??  Ridiculous


As a Colts fan I'm not happy with losing any games but with wins over Denver Seattle & San Fran  I believe the Colts have shown to be very capable just not consistent . 


The Colts  have adjusted there play according to available personnel from day 1 it all comes down to making plays & no ones making them  on either side of the ball for the Colts .

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Running is for losers. How many passing plays do you see gain 30 yards or more vs how many running plays. Why run when its so much easier to pass the ball down the field. A good passing day is 300 yards, a good rushing day is 100 yards. Plus you don't get defensive holding and interference calls running, only offensive holding which is a drive killer.

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Running is for losers. How many passing plays do you see gain 30 yards or more vs how many running plays. Why run when its so much easier to pass the ball down the field. A good passing day is 300 yards, a good rushing day is 100 yards. Plus you don't get defensive holding and interference calls running, only offensive holding which is a drive killer.


This may work easily in Madden, but not so much in real life. ;)

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Running is for losers. How many passing plays do you see gain 30 yards or more vs how many running plays. Why run when its so much easier to pass the ball down the field. A good passing day is 300 yards, a good rushing day is 100 yards. Plus you don't get defensive holding and interference calls running, only offensive holding which is a drive killer.


I don't know why I took the time to do this but I did...here are the records of a few teams that might interest you:




5-0 when the team rushes for over 100 yards

1-5 when the team rushes for under 100 yards


New England:


7-1 when the team rushes for over 100 yards

1-2 when the team rushes for under 100 yards


Green Bay (I only included Aaron Rodgers' full games):


5-1 when the team rushes for over 100 yards

0-1 when the team rushes for under 100 yards


Denver and New Orleans were the 2 aberrations:




7-1 when the team rushes for over 100 yards

2-1 when the team rushes for under 100 yards


New Orleans:


3-1 when the team rushes for over 100 yards

6-1 when the team rushes for under 100 yards

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Yes, but even I admit now we really got hammered with the IR to key players bug.  I typically dismiss the injury thing. Depth can only cover so much. Not much to do.  coaching can clean up some other issues.  Do not know if it would be enough.


Yeah, depth isn't our only problem but it's our main problem.  If you look at our IR and weekly injury reports, I don't think there is another team that has lost as many (keywords: as many) impact players as we have.  I don't know if we have any extra money or not, but we need to dabble a little in the FA market.  Nothing major but we have to survive until the playoffs and from what it looks like, it's a possibility we can lose everything we've fought hard for this season.

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Yeah, depth isn't our only problem but it's our main problem.  If you look at our IR and weekly injury reports, I don't think there is another team that has lost as many (keywords: as many) impact players as we have.  I don't know if we have any extra money or not, but we need to dabble a little in the FA market.  Nothing major but we have to survive until the playoffs and from what it looks like, it's a possibility we can lose everything we've fought hard for this season.


Its probably debatable but I looked at the wiki that shows the NFL rosters and also IR and no other team has been hit with as many key players offensively as us. Might have been a team or 2 that could make a case for losing a lot of key players on defense. Most players on other teams on the IR list were backups or rookies and didn't really have an impact.

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Its probably debatable but I looked at the wiki that shows the NFL rosters and also IR and no other team has been hit with as many key players offensively as us. Might have been a team or 2 that could make a case for losing a lot of key players on defense. Most players on other teams on the IR list were backups or rookies and didn't really have an impact.


I just find it astonishing when people attack the staff and front office as if they are just sitting on there hands.  Yeah, our offense is too conservative, yeah, some players haven't panned out, but we have to stop and realize that the amount of injuries may have an affect on the team.  

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