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Rams Colts Predictions


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I predict that the Rams will go up by an early score and the Colt game thread will be littered with posts from fans who just love to complain and will say at least one of the following:


Our o-line sucks

Our defense sucks

Our offense sucks

Pep sucks

Pagano sucks

Irsay sucks


and in the end..............we'll be 7-2.



...oh wait......that's not a prediction.....that's like a premonition. :thanks:

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I was thinking about the same thing.  They have a some good players on defense but are still giving up to many points, and with Clemons the D can focus more on the run as usual.

Our defense can not play down to that offenses level though, if we do they will make a game of it, we have to get pressure on Clemens, They have talent at wr but without a good QB those wr's wont be able to show that

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