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Jon gruden calls luck the best quarterback in the nfl


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I like Jon Gruden, he tends to know what he's talking about.  The Bucs miss him a lot.


However, he's also very prone to hyperbole.  Especially when it comes to QB's; he's very much a "flavor of the day" kinda guy.  Today Luck is the best, tomorrow it could be Tannehil.  It's just how he rolls.

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Gruden may be jumping the gun a little bit. Luck is fantastic and he is only going to improve. I have nothing but great things to say about Luck, but I think it will take a few more years and a better understanding of the NFL game before we can put him in the same class as Peyton. If it were possible to have Manning's understanding of the game with Luck's physical attributes, that would be unstoppable. 

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Gurden may be a bit here and there with guys.  But the man does know football pretty well and he does watch his fair share of film.  When he's on MNF, it's a show.  When he's on radio shows just talking football, he's a bit more real.  While he's wishy-washy from time to time, I've never heard him say anyone's the greatest QB in football except when he's talking about a handful of guys - Brees, Manning, Brady, Rodgers.  And even then, from my recollection, i'ts usually a particular trait about said football player, not that he's the greatest of all QBs in the game today. 


Now I'm not going to put all my stock in Gruden's opinion and I'll wait till Luck proves it on the field.  Regardless, it's good group of QBs to be associated with, if you ask me. 

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If it is then he has changed his mind because he is the one that nicknamed Peyton the Sheriff.  haha  He needs to come up with another name for Luck. :)

Yeah that's what I meant. I was saying he coined the nickname for our previous stud QB so does he have naming rights for our current one?

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