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You never spend a No.1 on a running back, remember?


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You miss the point.by a mile..

...The point is...you flipped...

You said it, too. I said it. Everybody here AGREED.....there's no denying it

Never use a No.1 on a RB........we all here heard it..we all here said it

Suddenly we spend a No.1 on a RB and we all forget what we said....

You have to admit it because you cant deny it...neither can I

Even if the board 100% unanimously agreed, which never happened nor will happen, beautiful thing about free will is the ability to change your mind for any reason.
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You miss the point.by a mile..

...The point is...you flipped...

You said it, too. I said it. Everybody here AGREED.....there's no denying it

Never use a No.1 on a RB........we all here heard it..we all here said it

Suddenly we spend a No.1 on a RB and we all forget what we said....

You have to admit it because you cant deny it...neither can I

I never said it. I guess I'm unique among Colts fans.

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RB`s are worthy of being slotted on your draft board in round one.


Silly to think not. IMO


Pretty sure coaches say FIRST & EVERY WEEK, we wanna stop the run.


Would you know who have won that SB without Rhodes... and Addai? Well, and Rex? ;-)

Game has changed since then...fullbacks dont exist..HBs are a dime a dozen...we all said 'You don't have to use a 1st round pick on a RB'


Which of you didnt say that...??

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I never said it. I guess I'm unique among Colts fans.

You are rare,.,.Manning man...

...but.. you belive that teams that already have running backs Ahmad Bradshaw is quality..we can all agree.

should spend a 1st round pick on a leesr ((by resume) back to split time or replace their quality guy..

So many here are arguing against what they believe have previouisly sais...Its okay..we're all fans (and flippers)

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I think that elite RB talent is always worth a first round pick and I think that this whole "RBs are a dime a dozen" mentality is merely the latest in fashion, flavor of the week attitude.


Great RBs are difference makers that defenses have to scheme to contain.  Ergo, great RBs open up offenses.  The threat of balance is and always will be vitally important to offensive success.  Accordingly, great RBs, like all great players regardless of position, will always be in demand and such a difference maker will always be worth a first round pick.


That's my humble opinion.

Good offensive linemen make RBs and QBs better....

Richardson isn't Adrian Peterson...we all agree

Oh well..maybe we can get O-line help in the first round next year.


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Has anyone taken a look at the other RBs in the NFL?

Johnson, Mjd, spiller, Moreno, Mathews,DMC, rice, bell, Richardson, Wilson, McCoy, Ingram,Sjax, Williams/Stewart, Martin, forte, lacy, bush, ap, lynch, gore, mendenhall are all 1st or 2nd rd picks.

23 of 32 teams in the NFL start a running back drafted within the first 64 picks of the draft.

It would be awesome to find an Arian Foster off the ww. Or be a mike Shanahan RB, like Morris.....but odd are against it.

The teams that don't have a high pick RB are Miami NE Cincy Cleve stl NYJ Hou KC etc and many of those RBs are 3rd.

excellent point

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You are rare,.,.Manning man...

...but.. you belive that teams that already have running backs Ahmad Bradshaw is quality..we can all agree.

should spend a 1st round pick on a leesr ((by resume) back to split time or replace their quality guy..

So many here are arguing against what they believe have previouisly sais...Its okay..we're all fans (and flippers)

I guess I am. I just don't get the 'no RBs in the 1st round' mentality at all. I say go for the best talent available in the draft, whether it's a RB, TE, QB, Safety, etc...

And as far as Bradshaw goes, he does give us decent quality, but isn't he on a one year contract? Unless I'm mistaken, I don't think the Colts ever viewed him as the back of the future for the franchise.

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Not all fans posted on the conversation about not drafting a RB with a first round pick. In my opinion the NFL is more a copy cat league than a passing league. I started watching football in 1958 and I have seen years when there was balance, years when passing dominated, and years when running dominated. A lot of the trends happened because of the type of talent coming out of college and now colleges are training good QBs and WRs. If the Colts, Ravens, Giants, Seahawks and 49ers prove successful at balanced offenses more NFL teams will copy that. On my youth team I could not always get the speed players the inner city teams seem to get every year so I ran power running teams from the double wing. One year I had a 250 lb - 12 year old FB and we were so successful the league outlawed my big backs by placing a weight limit on certain positions. Good coaches have to adjust to the talent available to them. I look forward to the time when balanced attacks become more in vogue again.

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I haven't posted for almost a year.  I got tired of people "reading into" what I was saying a little too much, being upset when "everyone" didn't agree  with them (kinda like this thread), and some being offended by my sarcastic and dry sense of humor (VERY dry).

I value all opinions here (well, almost, haha) but I HAD to respond to this OP's stance.

OUM, I NEVER said you shouldn't draft a rb in 1st round either.  Its VERY frustrating to see you continue to say we ALL agreed.  Its simply not true.


I'm not ranting on you but VALUE is the real topic we should be discussing, not a round #.

I think part of the reason RBs are considered not as important is because there are many serviceable backs available of pretty equal value.  But I think TRich is a step above that.  I agree the "value" of RBs has changed but a good running game makes sooo many parts of the team stronger. Passing game, time of possession, opponents defensive tiredness, etc.  The staff wanted a "bruising" style both on offense and defense.  This guy has much more of that than anyone on the team and is regarded by EVERYONE I've heard talk say he is a better back than anyone on the team (whatever that means).  TRICH is a special talent.  I haven't heard anyone (that matters) deny that.


Now to the real "nuts and bolts" .  We got a much better than average back who has good speed, seems to be a smart player, blocks well, catches well, and has somewhat of a mean streak in him.  This, I think, will fire up the OL when they see the effort this guy brings. I'm personally not real worried about the "injury" talk because he was beat around in Cleveland like Luck was here last year.  Just the threat of him running should save Luck a half dozen or more sacks and MANY pressures and hits. It should open up the passing game and help us run the clock when needed. And thats if he doesn't reach his full potential, imo. If he excells, we will be an offensive powerhouse.

  And the best part was we avoided the COSTLY signing bonus. At less than 3M over the next 3 years, he's a bargain if he stays healthy.  (The healthy thing applies to EVERY player on the team)


What I really like is the Luck, Richardson, TY similarities to our last triplets.  Is VERY exciting.

I just can't see how we could pass it up.  Seems like it was almost too good to be true to me.  VALUE at its best.

When you have a chance to improve your team, you take the chance. This was not a normal trade.  I think Cleveland acted a little desperate.  And I'd be willing to bet there are several GMs around the league that would have also jumped on this one.


Sorry to rant, but the "WE all said it thing" really drove me to it.

And remember........... VALUE, not just round by itself.



Good rant......but do you think Richardson is better than the 1000- vet guy we just got a month ago for cash...

No? Then why spend a No.1 on a RB....

.....we all (sorry to upset you) said that

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Even if the board 100% unanimously agreed, which never happened nor will happen, beautiful thing about free will is the ability to change your mind for any reason.

That was my only point here....house man...

I love all the passionate denials....

but we flipped (err..changed our minds with free will)

you just delivered my closing argument

Thanks, counselor. How much is your fee? Can I keep you on retainer??

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That was my only point here....house man...

I love all the passionate denials....

but we flipped (err..changed our minds with free will)

you just delivered my closing argument

Thanks, counselor. How much is your fee? Can I keep you on retainer??

Your closing argument is that the board never agreed, and even if they had, changing your mind isn't at all the big deal your making out to be?

Strange way to end your rant. Pretty accepting and rational of you. Though it completely undermines everything you posted before agreeing with my post.

Honestly, I never thought you would admit that we never all agreed. Feels good no?

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No ranta all....just a point which stung..clearly....with you and others

..who believe in their own consistent sports logic....

To my pleasure...you did finally address a rationalization for why we all flip

...which was, if you recall... the original post..

even if you qualified your rationalization that suggestion...for cover...as we all do

again..Thanks..and send me the bill...

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I've never believe in the you shouldn't draft a rb in the 1st round. That's just dumb. You draft 1st round talent in the first round regardless of the position. The game hasn't changed. It's still football last time I checked and running the ball and stopping the run is huge.

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No ranta all....just a point which stung..clearly....with you and others

..who believe in their own consistent sports logic....

To my pleasure...you did finally address a rationalization for why we all flip

...which was, if you recall... the original post..

even if you qualified your rationalization that suggestion...for cover...as we all do

again..Thanks..and send me the bill...

So you agreed with what I wrote, but your discounting the portion where I said no one ever agreed? But even if they had, which again they didn't, it's not a big deal?

And then cherry picked the shocking revelation that people can change their minds as some admission that your right?


I mean I get my why your so engrained in your position. Because you came out swinging with it, assuming that others would rally behind it. Because you were given the impression that everyone agree no RB in the first round. And when no one really took up that coat of arms, you decided to act like all posters betrayed the "No RB in first round" cause.

But to act like my post agreed with anything you said is beyond comical. It's reeks of grasping at straws, and desperation to fit a square peg in a round hole.

My advice? If your going to cherry pick a post, try to do it with one that remotely resembles a point you've made/are trying to make. It makes at least a little more sense that way.

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No ranta all....just a point which stung..clearly....with you and others

..who believe in their own consistent sports logic....

To my pleasure...you did finally address a rationalization for why we all flip

...which was, if you recall... the original post..

even if you qualified your rationalization that suggestion...for cover...as we all do

again..Thanks..and send me the bill...


Sorry, OUM. It is just not how the world works. You may eat crow for something you said that backfired but you can't expect others to do so. That is just how it is. It is not just fandom or fanaticism, it is also called pride. :)


People who know they are wrong will know they are wrong even if they don't admit it. It is not like their opinions are a matter of life and death that they need to be called out for if they are wrong, at least that is how I view it personally. We are armchair QBs, GMs, and no different than the talking heads on ESPN but with less reach, clout and/or possibly wallets :). Accountability for opinions is not expected and not warranted either, IMO, on this message board. While I like to take credit for something I told that becomes right, I really don't care if people come back to eat crow on something they told that was not right. Consistency in stance is nice but should not be expected either.


Personally, I did not believe there was a legit round 1 RB this year, so I agreed with the sentiment that an RB pick would be a wasted pick at the end of round 1 for us. Lo behold, LeVeon Bell, Montee Ball and Eddie Lacy all went in round 2.


Trent Richardson's upside is definitely higher compared to those, IMO. He may not be Adrian Peterson but his value is definitely closer to a round 1 pick if he were considered a draft pick in 2014. The rookie wage scale allows you to run an RB with a high ceiling to the ground when he is young and not re-sign him. So, just like the Vontae Davis trade, the bets being hedged are that our round 1 pick will be later, and I hope that works. That is why Bill Polian tried to put Richardson close to an Addai in terms of draft position making an assumption our draft pick and production/value to the team that we will be getting via Richardson will be similar (though some folks misunderstood it to be an absolute direct comparison).


We could either take our chances with a washed up Willis McGahee or underachieving Beanie Wells, or take a chance with an RB with upside. Each draft is different, and when the talent is not overwhelming enough, and you don't have a pressing need, the statement that a first round pick on an RB is not necessary may have validation in context. But when the need is there and your starting RB goes down, we are a little more on the wrong end of the negotiation table.


It is a bet and a chance Grigson is taking from a draft pick point of view. But it is not a chance Grigson is taking from a talent point of view or financial point of view since the Browns have borne most of the financial damage. In this world, you can't come out winners on every front. That would make life too easy, which it is not. :)

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Check again.....New Era

we all (sorry House, conventional log here) said that running back quality can easily be found in lower rounds and 1st picks should be used on key positions


Shouldn't be hard to track down the post or thread this happened in. I'm sure you could find it with relative ease if it exists.

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Why are people so against picking a running back in the 1st round?  For the first time in 50 years, in last year's draft, no running back was drafted in the 1st round.  If your need is a running back and there is a running back in the first round worth picking, you pick him.  Last year, there was not really a running back worthy of being picked in the first round.  Maybe Lattimore if he wouldn't have been injured would have gone in the 1st round.  I would rather trade a potentially low 1st round pick for a young and inexpensive Trent Richardson than sign an older FA running back to a high priced contract.  Everyone needs to simply forget how Polian ran things around here.  Many of you were complaining that he didn't make moves and wanted him gone.  Now he's gone and you miss the way he ran things.  Now, how many times did Polian draft a running back in the 1st round?

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Good offensive linemen make RBs and QBs better....Richardson isn't Adrian Peterson...we all agreeOh well..maybe we can get O-line help in the first round next year.Ooops....

I too, for years, have been an advocate of building from the trenches out. Since before the Donald Brown draft I have been saying the Colts need to concentrate the top end of the drafts on getting some premium OL help. That being said, I truly believe that Trent Richardson is a rare RB talent and for that, based on the fact I expect next year's Colts' pick as being in the bottom third of the 1st round, I think the price paid for Richardson is an absolute steal for the Colts.

In the next draft the Colts can still focus their remaining top picks on OL help and they can still be aggressive in FA or make other moves as needed. To have a four pronged attack of weapons in Luck, the TEs (Allen & Fleener), a potent WR crew in Wayne, Hilton, D.H.B., and maybe the newly promoted Da'Rick Rogers, and now a PREMIUM RB talent in Trent Richardson makes to Colts truly formidable on O if the OL holds up. The weapons are all now there, just need to get a couple more OL pieces now and concentrate the rest of the efforts on D.

Go Colts!

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Im pretty sure Vontae Leach exists....you know the best Fullback in the game

You know, I have been wondering of late if the 'ol "I" formation with a FB and premium Tailback might soon again become very effective now that defences have been refocused to stop single back spread option formations. It's funny how what's in vogue on offensive seems to come around in cycles.

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You know, I have been wondering of late if the 'ol "I" formation with a FB and premium Tailback might soon again become very effective now that defences have been refocused to stop single back spread option formations. It's funny how what's in vogue on offensive seems to come around in cycles.

If it was me coaching I'd do a variety of different formations and run multiple plays out of those formations to always keep the defense guessing, Offense should be about deception and imposing your will in multiple ways

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I guess I just don't get the need for this thread.  Fans change their minds about as often as they change clothes, heck sometimes more often.  I've seen posters here be for something, then against it, and then for it again all in the SAME game before.  Fans flipping their opinions isn't exactly news. 


Now with that said I highly doubt every single member on the forum said we should never take a running back in the first round.  Even if they did times and situations change.  There was a time where the whole forum or probably 99.9% of it also said the Colts will NEVER release Peyton Manning too.  I would say if you are trying to build your team from the ground up you don't take a running back to do that around.  Really the Vikings are the only team to do it in recent memory that made it work and I think we can agree that Peterson is a pretty special back.  The Colts aren't doing that.  They are building the team around Andrew Luck, yes even with the commitment to the run.  Look at the numbers we are still passing more than we are throwing we are just moving closer to balance.  That's NOT a bad thing.  Balance will extend Andrew Luck and our receivers careers.  What the Colts did was a get what they feel is a missing peace for their offense.  I think that's okay to spend a first round pick on.  Now could they have gotten a running back with their first round pick in next years draft?  Probably but what this is telling me is that they don't think they could have gotten one who is a better fit for their offense than Richardson is in Grigson's mind. 


I wouldn't freak out over trading the first round pick either.  If there is a player in the first round around where the Colts would have picked that Grigson likes something tells me Grigson will make another move to go get him.  There have been something like 47 or 49 trades since Grigson took over as the Colts GM and Grigson has made 20 of them.  Something tells me Richardson wont be the last trade he makes. 

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I think most people are sore about the Donald Brown draft pick which cost us a 1st rd pick....that kinda of quality back is probably draftable anywhere in the draft (evident of Ballard in the 5th). However, Trent Richardson I believe is a top talent type RB...has special talent and yet I wouldn't take him with a top 10 pick....I would only take a Barry Sanders/AP can't miss type runner in the top 10...Trent isn't that...but certainly he is just as good if not better than Addai or someone like Doug Martin that was taken later in the first or certainly Wilson. I like to think our pick will be in the 20's if not mid 20's and to me that isn't too early to take an elite runner.


I will say...I try to say never. I would say a general rule is a running back isn't worth taking in the first rd for most teams....certainly for a team the way we use to be built with Peyton and spreading the defense. For teams like that or GB or NO I wouldn't likely take a pick that early...however if running the ball is ESSENTIAL to your offense...a priority to your PHILOSOPHY then having an elite back or spending an early pick on your running game certainly makes sense! We aren't a pass first team...we don't have Peyton Manning...we no longer have Arians calling plays...we want to play ground and pound offense and utilize play action. I think a lot of people need to realize we want to be a balanced offense...run just as much as pass....a ton of people need to suck it up...they aren't going to see AL throw 40 times a game..we want Luck to be more Matt Schaub to our offense..not Aaron Rodgers. You have to look at this move in the eyes of our coaches and offensive coordinator...we are just giving them what they need to be successful...just like Polian tried to give Peyton and Dungy what they wanted to run their schemes. We will be a run first offense and play action passing team...not a shotgun arial attack with a few draws and runs to keep the defense honest....this is our direction..this is what we are...all you pass happy Colts fan need to get used to it. 


Hopefully, this power run attack with Trent and Bradshaw will allow Luck lots of windows to throw into and be much much more efficient when he does pass....we may even pass for just as many yards or more because our running game will open up the field better for us allowing us to have better numbers with fewer passes.

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Oh god, this dude is still at it.

Not sure why he needs to feel like he is right when its sooo obvious to ALL he isn't.

Insecure?  Stubborn? Clueless?  A Troll?

I'm not sure but add another "blocked" poster to my list.

I encourage different opinions than mine, but this is crazy.  Its not opinion, its denial of facts.  Apparently EVERY Colt fan that ever lived agreed right here that you NEVER take a RB in the 1st. Like saying the sky is green.   I guess I'm not a Colt fan then.  hmmm, surprise, surprise.Plus, I won't be able to take the "crying" next draft for every single player we could have had instead of TRich.


Good luck to the rest of you.

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I too, for years, have been an advocate of building from the trenches out. Since before the Donald Brown draft I have been saying the Colts need to concentrate the top end of the drafts on getting some premium OL help. That being said, I truly believe that Trent Richardson is a rare RB talent and for that, based on the fact I expect next year's Colts' pick as being in the bottom third of the 1st round, I think the price paid for Richardson is an absolute steal for the Colts.

In the next draft the Colts can still focus their remaining top picks on OL help and they can still be aggressive in FA or make other moves as needed. To have a four pronged attack of weapons in Luck, the TEs (Allen & Fleener), a potent WR crew in Wayne, Hilton, D.H.B., and maybe the newly promoted Da'Rick Rogers, and now a PREMIUM RB talent in Trent Richardson makes to Colts truly formidable on O if the OL holds up. The weapons are all now there, just need to get a couple more OL pieces now and concentrate the rest of the efforts on D.

Go Colts!

Well put.

There were  only a few good OL available in FA this year.  Most went for too high $$ for their VALUE.

The ones we did grab had contracts attached that were manageable.

We have some good $ for FA next year, Grigs could pull another trade... who knows.

Overall tho,  I am VERY happy with the decisions the front office has made.

We have a GREAT nucleus of young, talented players at literally ALL the skill positions.

The rest can be filled in between offseason and next draft, imo.

We are close but it doesn't happen overnight.  Although Soooo much has been done already in a short time.

ALL our concerns from last year have been addressed.  Especially getting bigger and more aggressive on both lines.

Some seem to forget the lack of talent across the board at all positions just a year and a half ago.

This is a totally different team, being built the right way to withstand the long-haul, imo.

And btw, Bradshaw is NO TRich.  And Bradshaw is gonna want twice what we're paying TRich.

I'll take TRich and Ballard over Bradshaw and Ballard..... even if it was at the same price.  Which it won't be.

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I think it comes down to team building philosophy in light of modern football.  imho, successful teams must build a dominating passing offense; those that build around a stud RB and solid defense, like the Vikings and Texans, are limited to how far they can go.  I hope Pep is not trying to turn the Colts offense into mainly a rushing offense that can pass; with a talent like Luck, it should be the other way around, otherwise just let Orton qb the team.


If Trent is used heavily in the passing game, the way Sproles, Forte, Cobb, and Harvin are used ... more like a weapon than a traditional position ... then he should be worthy of a 1st round pick.

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last year the colts traded a 2nd for a starting cb. it's a safe statement that cb's are of much more importance than rb's in the current nfl. so why would you give up more for the equivalent level rb as you did for a cb? people are acting like he is a peterson like player, he isn't even close, he is comparable to current starting low 1st to 3rd round rb's. giving up a 2nd (i wouldn't be real happy) or 3rd (fine with me) is better. people are saying he is a 3rd pick talent, but he hasn't shown it in a year and two games. what's more important, being "a beast in college" (as a lot of posters have said) or what you have done as a pro?

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last year the colts traded a 2nd for a starting cb. it's a safe statement that cb's are of much more importance than rb's in the current nfl. so why would you give up more for the equivalent level rb as you did for a cb? people are acting like he is a peterson like player, he isn't even close, he is comparable to current starting low 1st to 3rd round rb's. giving up a 2nd (i wouldn't be real happy) or 3rd (fine with me) is better. people are saying he is a 3rd pick talent, but he hasn't shown it in a year and two games. what's more important, being "a beast in college" (as a lot of posters have said) or what you have done as a pro?


In general, I agree.  Also, in the unlikelihood that the Colts lose a lot of games this season, a top 15 pick can usually get a dominant DL, a superstar DB, or a top notch OL.  From the Browns, I'd use the pick plus an extra pick to get Joe Thomas ... it's not like the Browns have recently had a QB worth protecting, hah.


In the end, how much Trent upgrades the offense will determine if he's worthy of the pick.  It's a risky gamble.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, September 22, 2013 - personal shot
Hidden by Nadine, September 22, 2013 - personal shot

I know this is a message broad and we all go back on what we say.

We're all right and we're all wrong. Sometimes we go back on what we previously said.

But during the draft, I don't remember ANYONE here who didnt agree that you simply do not spend a No.1 pick on a running back in today's NFL. Many insisted that was true and that anyone who disagreed just wasn't knowledgable.


1.) Because Its a passing league. To win, you get there by throwing the ball.

2.) Running backs don't last very long. The effective playing career is short. That's the position.

They all get hurt. They all have knee injuries.

3. You can always get a quality back in rounds two or three. No.1s are for other key positions...

But when our Colts spend a No.1 on a running back who has had some injuries...

Even though we just acquired a quality guy (albeit with injury concerns) we forget about all the things we previously said.

I hope the tandem of Bradshaw and Richardson works...the way our coaches suggest it will.

Many of you have heard me say that I want to make the playoffs EVERY year..even while we're rebuilding

But what about everything we previously said about 1st round RBs? Did we flip on all of that because we're Colts fans???

You're just a drama queen. Man up, and shut up. Geez.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, September 22, 2013 - personal shot
Hidden by Nadine, September 22, 2013 - personal shot

@oldunclemark shut up god your life must be boring even if somebody did change their mind, who cares.

Just shut up. You philosophical, egotistic, drama queens are tireless leeches in life

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