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Awful article on why Luck will have a sophomore slump


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The loss of Bruce Arians as the team’s offensive coordinator is going to hurt Luck more than people may imagine. He is going to be on his third offensive coordinator in the last three years, and there will be an adjustment period
Read more at http://www.rantsports.com/nfl/2013/05/07/andrew-luck-headed-for-sophomore-slump-with-indianapolis-colts/?EqSkeGtLWYKSZel2.99
The article became a waste rig there

Edited by Superman
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People really make Bruce Arians out to be the best coach in the world I swear. They act like this entire franchise will now fall since Arians left

And how are we on Luck's 3rd OC in 3 years? Didn't Pep Hamilton have some input on the offense when Luck was at Stanford? If so, doesn't that just mean he's only had ONE other OC (Arians) in 3 years?

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Luck set standards high last season.


If he performed only a little worse than last season everyone in the press will keep hammering "sophomore slump" for Andrew.


The writer forgot that Luck is expected to have a better O-line around him, what can protect him better than last season, and may block better for running plays.


So take it for it worth: writer1s 2 cents.


We still aren't media darlings.

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And also if we're going to more of a Pep Hamilton offense of relying more on the run game with shorter passes (esp. to our TE's), this should make the transition easier for Luck. We're not asking Luck to make Peyton Manning 'esque deep bombs. He just needs enough for those 1st downs.

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OK.....  here's where it quickly gets funny....   (and it does get funny!)


The sentence where the writers says this.....



He is going to be on his third offensive coordinator in the last three years, and there will be an adjustment period.


Ummm....    this will be his 2nd OC in the last 3 years.  


2013 Pep Hamiton.   2012  Bruce Arians.   2011/10   Pep Hamilton.    Ooops!


That said.....


In his own obtuse way,   the writer is somewhat correct.    If Luck has a poor year,  my instincts say we can put it at the feet of Pep Hamilton.    Is it possible?    Yes.     Is it likely?    I don't think so.    At least,  I sure hope not.



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OK.....  here's where it quickly gets funny....   (and it does get funny!)


The sentence where the writers says this.....



He is going to be on his third offensive coordinator in the last three years, and there will be an adjustment period.


Ummm....    this will be his 2nd OC in the last 3 years.  


2013 Pep Hamiton.   2012  Bruce Arians.   2011/10   Pep Hamilton.    Ooops!


That said.....


In his own obtuse way,   the writer is somewhat correct.    If Luck has a poor year,  my instincts say we can put it at the feet of Pep Hamilton.    Is it possible?    Yes.     Is it likely?    I don't think so.    At least,  I sure hope not.

Thanks thats what I was trying to copy/paste but it did not go over so well fromt he looks of it on my end at least  :funny: I did not read the rest of the article after that, a real waste of time

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My views on Luck is that he's going to be talked about in future years as an all time great if he avoids serious injury. My worry for this season is not if he has a slump, but that he will be less effective due to the play calling. And that will only happen if the defense remains in the lower tier.


Provided we play to Andrew's strengths, then he will flourish.

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How can he have a slump when he threw a lot of interceptions and got sacked/hit as much as he did?


I see his numbers going UP.


I think what people like to believe when it comes to "slump" is the win total and no more late game magic. So IMO they might be speaking of more of a "team slump" and we drop under 11 wins. And it's a fair argument.


Personally I see our team getting better as a whole this season and winning less comeback/cardiac style games and winning more "cleanly" if that makes sense. I am sure we might have a few of those rabid comebacks but I see us improving as a road team and improving more as a balanced squad.


It was a bit of a helter skelter season at times with a team full of nothing but heart and low expectations heading in. Deep down I like to think they will go from "Win for Chuck" to "Win with Chuck." :)


Also I think a lot of people who are not Colts fans are almost hoping we slip up this year and prove that 2012 was some sort of fluke. :) Doesn't matter what they think though. ;) I think Chuck will have them ready to rumble all year. ;)

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I agree Jules. I'm sure his numbers will improve, but are we a good enough overall team to move away from the big play risk and reward style of Arians, to more sustained dink and dunk drives? If not, that could very well lead to less wins. 


I guess time will tell.


I think our defense WILL improve. I understand the concerns on offense though and I think it remains to be seen how good it will be. I think this team is an AFC x factor for many when it comes to AFC predictions too. It's tough to call for the non believers who might not believe in us as much as we do. They need to see more before they can believe.


I still think we will make it back to the playoffs though even if its as a WC again and if we fail to win the division. I don't think the AFC is very "deep" right now but that could change later.


Look on the plus side. We open with the Raiders at home. :)

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andrew luck makes the offensive coordinator, not the other way around



And I am going to sound like a total homer but I personally believe our offense is going to flat out be nasty good at times this coming season. :td:  :goodluck:


I understand the doubts/concerns though.

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Wow, some writer didnt do his homework ( like many others) when it came to this article. Luck is going to a system that he knows and hes going to be with one of the coaches who imo made him a number 1 overall pick. It goes to show you how bored these so called "writers" are.

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Luck set standards high last season.


If he performed only a little worse than last season everyone in the press will keep hammering "sophomore slump" for Andrew.


The writer forgot that Luck is expected to have a better O-line around him, what can protect him better than last season, and may block better for running plays.


So take it for it worth: writer1s 2 cents.


We still aren't media darlings.

good pt.  also, mix in some west coast philosophies and the quicker passes will help protect him too.

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Yeah, so many factors point up for him: rookie receivers Fleener, Allen, Hilton, and Brazill now have a year of experience under their belts; Luck now has a year of experience; DHB is probably an upgrade over Avery; the new system will put him out there as a sitting duck less often; and the OL is vastly improved.  And this guy keys on the fact that Ariens is leaving...


I think many people correctly identified that the Colts were very fortunate to be 11-5 last year, so they feel it's a safe bet to predict a "sophomore slump", with everything up to a 10-6 record qualifying as a slump.  Fine.  These people forget that Grigson had approximately zero free agency dollars to complete the transformation to a 3-4 and fix the OL, and rookies were called upon to be the play-makers on offense.  This year he had the dollars to make actual improvements, rather than stop-gap solutions.  This team is VASTLY better than last year's team at this point.  However, it's no sure thing that they will repeat the 11-5 finish.  The best teams in the NFL every year aren't guaranteed of that.  I personally think this team can contend for the SB this year, but it'll be no walk in the park...

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Other than him saying third OC instead of 2nd, I don't see anything wrong with this man's opinion on the topic

Everyone has a right to their opinion. But if I published an article saying that in my opinion the Jaguars should win the Superbowl, I should at least come up with a supporting argument.

He is either ignorant or ignoring the Colts FAs and draft selections designed to protect Luck and enhance the run game. In his opinion the schedule is harder than last year, but that's not factual.

I realize that anyone can have a blog and proper journalism is a dinosaur, but when someone puts out garbage, they shouldn't be surprised when people say it stinks.

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 Dont even waste your time getting upset. This article isnt for Indy fans - its for the "casual" fan.


This guy is betting huge on Indy this year and he's trying to keep people off the scent so the odds stay juicy.


Indy has to be the most attractive long shot playoff team to bet on. We were beat by the champs so you could say we lost to the only team that couldnt be beat.


He made no reference to the Stanford Connection because he knows A Luck already knew 75% of the offense before Pep was hired & that wouldnt work in this negative article.


Yes the schedule is harder - but we are getting harder also. We dont have to be 11-5. We just need in.


Besides - you learn more from a loss than you do a win - unless you are a loser. Get them mistakes corrected in the regular season so we are better in the playoffs.

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Teams are judged by wins, so are QBs in this team sport where the QB gets all the credit and blame. So, if the Colts go 10-6 and barely miss the playoffs, it counts against us, fair or not.


Plus, like Superman said, when you have enough breaks fall your way last year with the whole team playing inspired football, you wonder if it is a true reflection of the talent or the luxury of playing 6 out of the bottom 10 teams in the league for 8 games where you went 6-2 in those 8 games.


So, a record of 10-6, playing probably the best division in football, IMO, the NFC West right now, might be a better reflection of the talent, but for those lazy eyes that do not see beneath the surface, it will still be a letdown.


Personally, I want to see Luck's completion % go up and INTs come down with another 4000 yard season with 25 TDs at least. If that happens, I think you can safely say his sophomore slump has no merit at the end of the season, regardless of team record.

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How can he have a slump when he threw a lot of interceptions and got sacked/hit as much as he did?


I see his numbers going UP.


I think what people like to believe when it comes to "slump" is the win total and no more late game magic. So IMO they might be speaking of more of a "team slump" and we drop under 11 wins. And it's a fair argument.


Personally I see our team getting better as a whole this season and winning less comeback/cardiac style games and winning more "cleanly" if that makes sense. I am sure we might have a few of those rabid comebacks but I see us improving as a road team and improving more as a balanced squad.


It was a bit of a helter skelter season at times with a team full of nothing but heart and low expectations heading in. Deep down I like to think they will go from "Win for Chuck" to "Win with Chuck." :)


Also I think a lot of people who are not Colts fans are almost hoping we slip up this year and prove that 2012 was some sort of fluke. :) Doesn't matter what they think though. ;) I think Chuck will have them ready to rumble all year ;)

Great post, exactly right!

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Also, just a few weeks ago, didn't he say that the Colts will have one of easiest schedules (if not the easiest) and now the writer says it'll be a harder schedule this year?  Or was that a different writer?

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Bruce Arians I think was a great teacher but might have hurt Luck a bit with his play-calling and vertical offense.  There is a reason he was known as "bombs away BA"


I don't think the question is so much the play calling but the question of if Luck has learned enough in his rookie year that he can pick up where he left off without his guru on the sidelines.  

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All I hope this year is that we have more games where we lead the entire game. Last year with all those nailbiters & amazing finishes, I can't take those no more. Well, my heart can't take those no more. Mess around and have me in the hospital all those dramatic games

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I think a lot will depend on how fast everyone on the offense picks up the new system. If it takes some of these guys some time to pick it up, I wouldn't be surprised to see the offense struggle a bit in the first quarter, give or take a game, of the season.


And of course, if the whole offense is struggling, Luck's numbers won't be great coming out of the gate.


Hopefully the camps will get everyone on the same page relatively quickly before the regular season starts.


I particularly hope that the O-line solidifies quickly. If that happens, I really don't foresee a slump from Luck at all.

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At first I'm thinking, come on Colts fans, not everybody is going to have the sunshine on Luck's behind.  Then I read the article...


First and foremost, understand the team you are talking about.  Understand who they hired as their OC.  Understand that the guy was Luck's former OC in college.  Understand that, from that aspect alone, the Colts are doing everything they can to keep Luck on a steady course.


Then, he refers to our run game.  I don't have a huge problem with low hopes there, as we have a lesser known rookie back there.  But I do have a problem that he doesn't even consider the possibility that Ballard was improving last season (he was).  He took over the starting role, and did so a in a very respectable fashion.  Then, you look at what the Colts did with their line, and see upgrades at at least 2 spots, if not 4.  Cherilus and Thomas ought to be sure things, Thornton is a likely sure thing, and Holmes is a possibility and at least sufficient depth.


All in all, this guy missed every conceivable thing the Colts addressed this offseason.  I put more effort in researching my posts on this forum than he does on his "article."

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OK.....  here's where it quickly gets funny....   (and it does get funny!)


The sentence where the writers says this.....



He is going to be on his third offensive coordinator in the last three years, and there will be an adjustment period.


Ummm....    this will be his 2nd OC in the last 3 years.  


2013 Pep Hamiton.   2012  Bruce Arians.   2011/10   Pep Hamilton.    Ooops!


That said.....


In his own obtuse way,   the writer is somewhat correct.    If Luck has a poor year,  my instincts say we can put it at the feet of Pep Hamilton.    Is it possible?    Yes.     Is it likely?    I don't think so.    At least,  I sure hope not.

I don't understand why he's bringing up who his college OC was anyway. This writer didn't seem to realize Arians offense was kinda hard on Luck, with long routes and lack of line protection.

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Oh, the irony of it all..!!


Here I am knocking the writer and I actually made a mistake in my post.    BRAIN CRAMP!!       :slaphead: 


Pep was NOT the OC back in 2010.    He was the OC for two years,  2011 with Andrew, and last year,  when Stanford had very, very, very poor QB play for 2/3rds of the season.    (Not Pep's fault.)


Just wanted it on the record.....

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Let the haters hate!!! Besides I'm not so much concerned that we have an outstanding record in the reg season. Its about getting into the playoffs and winning when it really counts. Still need to do well in the reg season, don't get me wrong but its all about hitting your stride in the playoffs.

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OK.....  here's where it quickly gets funny....   (and it does get funny!)


The sentence where the writers says this.....



He is going to be on his third offensive coordinator in the last three years, and there will be an adjustment period.


Ummm....    this will be his 2nd OC in the last 3 years.  


2013 Pep Hamiton.   2012  Bruce Arians.   2011/10   Pep Hamilton.    Ooops!


That said.....


In his own obtuse way,   the writer is somewhat correct.    If Luck has a poor year,  my instincts say we can put it at the feet of Pep Hamilton.    Is it possible?    Yes.     Is it likely?    I don't think so.    At least,  I sure hope not.

I think he was counting clyde in the playoffs that's why he said three lol plus he had luck only throwing 15 to 20 tds this year. The only way I could see that happening is if he gets hurt.

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Everyone has a right to their opinion. But if I published an article saying that in my opinion the Jaguars should win the Superbowl, I should at least come up with a supporting argument.

He is either ignorant or ignoring the Colts FAs and draft selections designed to protect Luck and enhance the run game. In his opinion the schedule is harder than last year, but that's not factual.

I realize that anyone can have a blog and proper journalism is a dinosaur, but when someone puts out garbage, they shouldn't be surprised when people say it stinks.

He gave his reasons, he feels losing BA is a bigger loss than people think, he doesn't have faith in our running game which would make Luck drop back just as many times as he did this past year. He feels our schedule is tougher than last year and see us going 9-7 this year. Nothing wrong with his opinion(other than the OC count) even though some people(including me) might be on the other side of the fence on the subject.
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People really make Bruce Arians out to be the best coach in the world I swear. They act like this entire franchise will now fall since Arians left

And how are we on Luck's 3rd OC in 3 years? Didn't Pep Hamilton have some input on the offense when Luck was at Stanford? If so, doesn't that just mean he's only had ONE other OC (Arians) in 3 years?

I not worried about what these jealous *s write about! He'll really look stupid when we kick some butts this season. 

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He gave his reasons, he feels losing BA is a bigger loss than people think, he doesn't have faith in our running game which would make Luck drop back just as many times as he did this past year. He feels our schedule is tougher than last year and see us going 9-7 this year. Nothing wrong with his opinion(other than the OC count) even though some people(including me) might be on the other side of the fence on the subject.

I get he gave his opinion, but not his reasons. I'm just saying he didn't list any facts to back them up. Logically, losing BA means Luck may be LESS exposed. He may drop back more, but maybe for less time in the pocket. He didn't address any of the moves that were made to shore up the line, or how they could result in Luck throwing more.

And it may be his opinion that our schedule is tougher, but it's not true. If he felt that way he should have explained why the NFL figure is wrong.

I think we're on the same page that we don't agree with his opinion but that he has a right to it. I just don't think he did a good job of supporting it.

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I think his yards, attempts, and maybe yards/completion will go down. He was also pretty strong on third down, including third and long, so if that goes down I wouldn't be surprised. But he ought to be more efficient, throw more touchdowns, fewer interceptions, get sacked less, etc.


The writer is nuts.

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I get he gave his opinion, but not his reasons. I'm just saying he didn't list any facts to back them up. Logically, losing BA means Luck may be LESS exposed. He may drop back more, but maybe for less time in the pocket. He didn't address any of the moves that were made to shore up the line, or how they could result in Luck throwing more.

And it may be his opinion that our schedule is tougher, but it's not true. If he felt that way he should have explained why the NFL figure is wrong.

I think we're on the same page that we don't agree with his opinion but that he has a right to it. I just don't think he did a good job of supporting it.


he also completely ignored that this is andrew luck and not alex smith. he sounds like he doesn't actually know anything indepth about the colts. the article is based on generic media talking points and not knowledge

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