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Bob Sanders (Threads Merged)


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I hate to see it b/c I loved him as a Colt, but Sanders is looking to miss his first game with the Chargers, in week 3...at least he made it that far this season. What a shame, he was playing well from what I saw/hear, in SD. I hate SD as much as any Colts fan, but always want to see Bob succeed. The heart of a champion but the body just can't take the abuse it seems.

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Last night I responded to the thread "Watch out for a falling satellite tonight" by saying:

I think we're safe. It will probably land in CA, and Sanders will stumble over a piece while walking his dog - suffering a season ending broken toe.

I thought I was kidding. Poor Bob. Hopefully it won't keep him down for long.

The things that made him special to us - intensity and ferocious hitting - are exactly what keeps damaging him. That and being 5'8" but carrying as much muscle as a much larger man. The big question I've always had is whether he could still be a difference maker on defense if he played more cautiously. His familiar comments about "only knowing one way to play" sound great in theory, but why does it have to be that way? Being effective against the run means making tackles. Isn't it possible to do so without trying to kill the guy - and hurting yourself in the process. While I loved watching him play and he was one of my favorites, it's really pretty stupid. Is he going to be as proud of his "virtues" twenty years from now when he's in constant pain? THINK Bob, while you still have a career and your health.

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usualy you want or are saying would you guys hit and tackle someone with Bob you dont have to think that you know hes going to. ya he abuses his body and going to have a short career because of it but thats who he is and how he plays football it is a rough sport. playing/hitting like that is what got him to the nfl will have him in hard hitting highlight films and was always something to see. anybody who likes football liked seeing Bob hit people most of the time it left you wow that was awsome hit

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I hate to see it b/c I loved him as a Colt, but Sanders is looking to miss his first game with the Chargers, in week 3...at least he made it that far this season. What a shame, he was playing well from what I saw/hear, in SD. I hate SD as much as any Colts fan, but always want to see Bob succeed. The heart of a champion but the body just can't take the abuse it seems.

bob saw the giants game and is faking an injury before the game, they cant fine him for that.

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Ouch, that's too bad. Time for him to take a year off and just rehabilitate everything, and then come back. I also agree with what CCH said, and what it's time to retire soon.

Retire? Man it's a DREAM job! You get paid millions and only go to work 1-2 games a season!

Seriously, though, his body just can't take it. He should retire so he can still walk in 10+ years.

Best wishes to him/may he get well soon.

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I'm guilty of making lots of "glass bob" jokes, but...this is just flat-out sad. He has got to be emotionally devastated. I'm sure the millions of dollars he absconded with will help console him, but man, just sad.

It actually is sad...and we can only wonder what our fortunes might have been had he been healthy for us the entire time.

Anyways....he oughta have a pretty nice pile of money stashed away. There are worse fates in life.

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It actually is sad...and we can only wonder what our fortunes might have been had he been healthy for us the entire time.

Anyways....he oughta have a pretty nice pile of money stashed away. There are worse fates in life.

I think Bob has proven that the term "injury prone" is not a myth. Some people cannot do it, they just can't physically hack it.

I was an amateur competitive BMX freestyler from the age of 14 to 26. I had to quit after numerous wrist and ankle injuries. When I had to miss work for a week because I had high ankle sprains to both ankles, I thought about quiting. First day returning to my passion, riding bikes, I tore my left ankle sooooo bad. Laying at the bottom of the ramp transition in the hot sun, I knew my lifelong love had come to a stop. I can relate, I had to walk away and its been 13 years since I last rode. No, I didn't make a living doing it, no millions of green backs, but I loved it.

Bob's probably feeling the same. He made his cut, and a darn good one. I imagine whats bothering him most is the strong potential that he is walking away from the sport he loves.

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Ouch, that's too bad. Time for him to take a year off and just rehabilitate everything, and then come back. I also agree with what CCH said, and what it's time to retire soon.

He's already taken a year off before only to comeback and get injured immediately.

What's his injury?

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SHOCKER!!!! Well, he's definitely not gonna get resigned by the Chargers, and if no one picks him up by the end of the the 12-13 season, you could say bye bye to Bob in the NFL, cause he'll be retiring. He's 30 right now, and by the end of the 12-13 season he'll be 31 (32 in late Feb)

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Everyone is making it sound like he's out with a bad injury. No, he's not, rotoworld didnt even elaborate. From what i'm reading in the SD rags, it's just a precautionary step due to a knee issue that appears to be minor. So he is just out this one game and will be back making awesome tackles like normal.

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Everyone is making it sound like he's out with a bad injury. No, he's not, rotoworld didnt even elaborate. From what i'm reading in the SD rags, it's just a precautionary step due to a knee issue that appears to be minor. So he is just out this one game and will be back making awesome tackles like normal.

You mean he will miss this one game and then miss 11 more before making awesome tackles in one more game before being forced into retirement by the SD training staff because he uses up all their tape and salt tablets?

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Everyone is making it sound like he's out with a bad injury. No, he's not, rotoworld didnt even elaborate. From what i'm reading in the SD rags, it's just a precautionary step due to a knee issue that appears to be minor. So he is just out this one game and will be back making awesome tackles like normal.

I've heard that one before. Often times, Bob doesn't even need to get injured in a game, and we'll find out he's out all season. I guess the guy carries furniture up and down stairs as a second job. That little sore booboo on his knee will doom his entire season.

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Yep, just read about it; the article says he only played in 2 games for the Chargers.

Chargers' Sanders out for season with knee injury

The Associated Press

Published: Wednesday, Sep. 28, 2011 - 2:00 pm

SAN DIEGO -- The San Diego Chargers have placed Bob Sanders on injured reserve with a knee injury, ending the season for the oft-injured strong safety.

Sanders played in only two games with the Chargers before getting hurt. Coming into the season, he missed the equivalent of four full seasons due to injuries.

The Chargers signed Tommie Harris to add depth to their banged-up defensive line.

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Bummer... but can't say I'm shocked or surprised. I think he was helpful in bringing the other guys up a notch in intensity while he was here along with Takeo Spikes.

Soooooo sick of the injury bug - this is 3 years straight we've had a ridiculous run of decimating injuries.

Was reading the reactions on the Chargers message boards ..didn't realize he'd won over so many hearts in his brief stint there.

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One of the potential greats career all but ruined, decimated with injuries he still has a legacy that won't be forgotten by Colts fans. It's time to pack up and retire, once as a champion. Live his life out with his health and the millions he made, he will always be known as a football player.

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Was reading the reactions on the Chargers message boards ..didn't realize he'd won over so many hearts in his brief stint there.

Yeah, he really did. It was his attitude. He was one of the hardest working guys on the team. I firmly believe he gave it all and left it on the field. He was either going to play hard and set the tone for the rest of the D or not be there. It made the younger guys step up. There is tremendous respect on the team for him and for Takeo Spikes. The guys were really broken up when they heard he went to IR. Short stint - big impact. By the way, the Chargers were willing to wait for him to heal - he's the one that took himself to IR. He knew he couldn't be what he could or should be. That's CLASS.

I got to root for him when he played for the Colts (any time they weren't playing my Chargers) so I knew how good he could be, I think his skill surprised a lot of the Charger's fans that don't watch that closely.

Edited by Girlzarefanstoo
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Yeah, he really did. It was his attitude. He was one of the hardest working guys on the team. I firmly believe he gave it all and left it on the field. He was either going to play hard and set the tone for the rest of the D or not be there.

Which is one of the things I always loved about him. Well said.

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