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All the Free Agents/Pieces added thus far/Our free agents....Overall Grades and Comments (merge)


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Despite the obvious overpaying to some free agents, I love the moves made to the defense. Of our starting defensive lineup there is not one player I see as below average or even average. Davis, Bethea, Landry and Mathis are all definitely above average while RJF, Angerer, Toler, Butler, and Chapman are all known to have potential or be at least average but more on the above average side. Then there's unproven guys like Walden, Hughes, and Redding but each of those players have some upside. What I'm saying is we could possibly have a starting defensive lineup of all above average players. When was the last time that was the case in Indy? And on top of that the players we signed are hard hitting guys that will make the WR's a little scared and QB's worried to throw into tight spaces. All in all, I like what Grigs did this year signing a ton of good players rather than 2 or 3 great players who by the time we know it would be old but with huge contracts. 


RJF was a vital part of a great 49ers defense, Toler was ranked the 5th cornerback in allowing the least QBR to QB's throwing to them and also had a PFF 2012 grade of +6.7 which is above average, Landry was a pro bowler last year and when healthy is a top 10 S in the league, I don't know too much about Sidbury but I've heard he has potential though is a head case (hopefully Pags can fix that somehow), and finally we resigned Butler, a huge playmaker last year for us and actually registered 2nd best QBR against from a Cornerback. Very underrated imo. 


If there was one more move I would like though it would be getting Moore or Vollmer. That would truly end this free agency period on a high not. Grigs, get it done!

So Redding is unproven and Chapman is above average...im very very confused

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I would say that while Redding had his share of injury problems he definitely made an impact last season. I always felt it was noticeably different when he was on the field. He brought great leadership and energy (for an old man haha). Ask Tannehill if Redding made an impact haha

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1) cornerstone RT. Atleast that's the hope and the kind of $ they have Cherilus. Big need and it sounds like he's a solid guy.


2) Pro Bowl SS. Great move and when he's healthy he's top 5 or 10 in the NFL. "Building the monster" with a  monster.


3) Rising guard prospect. Just what the Dr. ordered. Even though I wanted Levitre or Vasquez I don't mind this signing. The guy had a great year in NE.


4) #2 CB. Toler sounds like a good pickup and even though they threw a little more $ than he should have gotten I'm OK with this. He is physical and can cover. Only question is durability.


Last but not least


5) A NEW ELITE RUSH LB: yes that's right. The signing of Walden(who is a strong side LB)actually allowed us to move Robert Mathis to his more natural position and turn him loose on the QB. So, I'm looking at the Walden signing as a big win because there was no one NO ONE on the market with Mathis' skills rushing the passer so all in all this was a good move.


I'm liking the moves but the only ? will be durability with some of these guys

Now add Ricky Jean to the mix and we have added another good Defensive linemen to go along with the potential of Chapman, McKinney, Moala, Nevis, Redding. It's a good collection of linemen

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now all we need is a good draft and were back at the top.

...right where the Colts belong!


While I don't love all the signings, I' m confident in Grigs.  He clearly sees something in these guys and judging by how he scouted guys in last year's draft, I have no problems with the signings.

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I meant to say Chapman has potential if healthy to be really good. And yes Redding has proven to be good in Baltimore but can you really say he was that good for us last season?

LOL yes i can really say he played good for us last year. 


You have to understand the DE's in this systems isnt going to gobble up the QB like before. These men up front are there to take blockers and double teams to free up the LBS. He did his job.

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While we didnt go after very big names, this is what we did do. Pag and Grig knew the guys they wanted and they got them. Everyone that visited, was signed. They hit the targets they wanted early. As for overpaying. Thats how Free Agency goes. Market value plus a little extra to outbid other teams. We upgraded a lot of spots, made the money go around.


Big Props to FO of the Colts. I would rather waste 4-6 Million on a guy for 1 or 2 years and have him bust then waste 10-12 Million on a guy and have him bust. 


YEP!!  Very smart in my mind.

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Your forgetting about Freeman who you can guarantee will be starting this upcoming year. Also, McKinnie is going to fight Chapman for the nose tackle starting job. Not to mention we have some very good backups. Anyone remember Drake Nevis, Kavell Conner, or Antonio Johnson to name a few. Cassius Vaughn is no slouch when he's sitting at the 4th corner spot. Zibekowski as a backup to Landry. This is without mentioning the new people we just got, and whoever we get in the draft. The problem is going to be who to keep towards the end of training camp, not if we have enough good players. 

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Your forgetting about Freeman who you can guarantee will be starting this upcoming year. Also, McKinnie is going to fight Chapman for the nose tackle starting job. Not to mention we have some very good backups. Anyone remember Drake Nevis, Kavell Conner, or Antonio Johnson to name a few. Cassius Vaughn is no slouch when he's sitting at the 4th corner spot. Zibekowski as a backup to Landry. This is without mentioning the new people we just got, and whoever we get in the draft. The problem is going to be who to keep towards the end of training camp, not if we have enough good players. 


If McKinnie is starting that means Chapman doesnt look very good to the coachs, and i dont like that. McKinnie is a career back up and always will be. Drake Nevis has a motor but hes not big enough to really do much in a 2 gap scheme but is serviceable as a backup. Would like to see him get a starting gig somewhere tho i really like the guy in a 4-3 or a 3-4 1 gap. Vaughn, blah he made a couple plays but to be honest i hope he never sees the field other then ST.

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Think about this... four guys starting on a D that by the end of the season held 4 teams to 1 TD a game - are now back up players.  I'd call that decent depth.


This is assuming Landry, Toler, Francois and Walden start.  Plus we've added several decent backups and retained Butler.  And like the OP said, we have at least high hopes for Chapman and McKinney to beef up the middle.


Yet we have a lot of people complaining... 

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If McKinnie is starting that means Chapman doesnt look very good to the coachs, and i dont like that. McKinnie is a career back up and always will be. Drake Nevis has a motor but hes not big enough to really do much in a 2 gap scheme but is serviceable as a backup. Would like to see him get a starting gig somewhere tho i really like the guy in a 4-3 or a 3-4 1 gap. Vaughn, blah he made a couple plays but to be honest i hope he never sees the field other then ST.

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If McKinnie is starting that means Chapman doesnt look very good to the coachs, and i dont like that. McKinnie is a career back up and always will be. Drake Nevis has a motor but hes not big enough to really do much in a 2 gap scheme but is serviceable as a backup. Would like to see him get a starting gig somewhere tho i really like the guy in a 4-3 or a 3-4 1 gap. Vaughn, blah he made a couple plays but to be honest i hope he never sees the field other then ST.

Well, agreed about McKinnie. I hope that Chapman comes out hard. They must believe he's going to be something great. They did know there was a high possibility the guy wouldn't play all season and they took him anyway. Vaughn won't play much being the 4th corner anyway, if he can beat out Josh Gordy for the spot. I'd try and drop down and get 2 2nd rnd picks and get Jonathan Cyprien to back up and learn from Bethea, and a decent guard. What do you think?

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If McKinnie is starting that means Chapman doesnt look very good to the coachs, and i dont like that. McKinnie is a career back up and always will be. Drake Nevis has a motor but hes not big enough to really do much in a 2 gap scheme but is serviceable as a backup. Would like to see him get a starting gig somewhere tho i really like the guy in a 4-3 or a 3-4 1 gap. Vaughn, blah he made a couple plays but to be honest i hope he never sees the field other then ST.


I have to disagree with your first sentence.  McKinney has experience and is huge.  That position is very hard to learn.  Chapman is still coming off an ACL, they'll ease him in.  This is sort of like how the coaches dealt with Zibs and Lefeged.  I think everyone could see that Joe has more talent but Zbikowski had the experience and knew the D scheme better.  

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I have to disagree with your first sentence.  McKinney has experience and is huge.  That position is very hard to learn.  Chapman is still coming off an ACL, they'll ease him in.  This is sort of like how the coaches dealt with Zibs and Lefeged.  I think everyone could see that Joe has more talent but Zbikowski had the experience and knew the D scheme better.  


To that i do agree, but by 4 games to mid season if Chapman isnt the sure fire starter then im worried about it. And even with Zbik having more experience he still looked horrid lol.

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Well, agreed about McKinnie. I hope that Chapman comes out hard. They must believe he's going to be something great. They did know there was a high possibility the guy wouldn't play all season and they took him anyway. Vaughn won't play much being the 4th corner anyway, if he can beat out Josh Gordy for the spot. I'd try and drop down and get 2 2nd rnd picks and get Jonathan Cyprien to back up and learn from Bethea, and a decent guard. What do you think?


We are in a spot to where we can target players and try to trade down, with all the pieces we have added. But you'll get a 2nd and maybe a 3-4. Could be wrong someone might be trying to trade up to get one of the crappy QB's lol...And Bethea is a FA next year i believe. So getting someone younger to learn for a year would be amazing. And more cost efficient 

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To that i do agree, but by 4 games to mid season if Chapman isnt the sure fire starter then im worried about it. And even with Zbik having more experience he still looked horrid lol.


Agree about Zibs, but the coaches played him none the less.  As far as the NT, I've said this before.  Remember MT. Cody at Bama?  He was a legend there, all american first team, and a first round pick by the Ravens.  He still hasn't cracked the starting line up.  Admitting that Baltimore has a lot more talent at NT than we do, but still it goes to show that's not an easy position to learn in the NFL.


Chapman was a nice player at Bama, and about 40 lbs smaller than Cody.  I hope the kid does well but we have to have realistic expectations for him.  I'm really hoping he works out and anchors that D for years to come.

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Agree about Zibs, but the coaches played him none the less.  As far as the NT, I've said this before.  Remember MT. Cody at Bama?  He was a legend there, all american first team, and a first round pick by the Ravens.  He still hasn't cracked the starting line up.  Admitting that Baltimore has a lot more talent at NT than we do, but still it goes to show that's not an easy position to learn in the NFL.


Chapman was a nice player at Bama, and about 40 lbs smaller than Cody.  I hope the kid does well but we have to have realistic expectations for him.  I'm really hoping he works out and anchors that D for years to come.


I would like but i cant, none left :D

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and i could point out that your name says NewColtsFan, but you've posted close to 3000 times, which means you must have been on this forum for quite a while.


I've been here about 10 months.    When I picked NCF as my handle, I didn't think that far down the road that at some point,  I wouldn't be a New Colts Fan.   A few other Colts fans have also pointed this out to me.


I'm trying to figure out what -- if any -- is my next move?!?      Decisions,  decisions......

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I've been here about 10 months.    When I picked NCF as my handle, I didn't think that far down the road that at some point,  I wouldn't be a New Colts Fan.   A few other Colts fans have also pointed this out to me.


I'm trying to figure out what -- if any -- is my next move?!?      Decisions,  decisions......


A conundrum indeed.

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Agreed, I see that is the most likely route.


Somebody is going to want Barkley or EJ Manuel.


As long as Grigson doesn't ask for the moon, and asks for a 2nd and 3rd and a extra pick or 2 next year, I would easily drop down. So much talent rounds 2-4 this year. 

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I give grigsons signings a B grade. Thomas,cherilus, francois(10 or more teams wanted that guy and he signed with us) and Landry of course were are best pickups. I'm very sketch about Sidbury and most of all Walden. Walden was rated as the 2nd to last worse pass rusher in the league behind vanden Bosch. He struggled to set the edge In Green Bay as a run defender also. I'm not satisfied with him starting. I still hope we draft an OLB or WR depending on who is available

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I wanna see all our new pieces gel together 1st. Talk to me after the 3rd preseason game. I never put much stock in new signings until I see them play in a game that actually matters. Right now, it's just a signature on the dotted line nothing more. Let's see what these men do in August. 

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It appears to be a very weak WR class though, especially at the top. Next year is the Receiver Year.


I don't think it's being called a 'weak' WR crop.    I think it's being noted that there aren't any franchise level WR's.


No Calvin Johnson, or Julio Jones or AJ Green, or the Johnson from Houston.   Those guys.


But there are lots of good to very good WR's who will get drafted in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th rounds.   And these days, with the rules such as they are,  you can find a very good WR there.


I think we'll wind up being fine.   I don't think we have cause for concern -- at least, not yet.

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I've been here about 10 months. When I picked NCF as my handle, I didn't think that far down the road that at some point, I wouldn't be a New Colts Fan. A few other Colts fans have also pointed this out to me.

I'm trying to figure out what -- if any -- is my next move?!? Decisions, decisions......

How about nothing related to colts as things change. Like the guy with the name 18toCollie or something like that. He name is now obsolete.

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If McKinnie is starting that means Chapman doesnt look very good to the coachs, and i dont like that. McKinnie is a career back up and always will be. Drake Nevis has a motor but hes not big enough to really do much in a 2 gap scheme but is serviceable as a backup. Would like to see him get a starting gig somewhere tho i really like the guy in a 4-3 or a 3-4 1 gap. Vaughn, blah he made a couple plays but to be honest i hope he never sees the field other then ST.


I think Nevis would excel in that type of situation, but I still think he can excel here as well.  Our defense is a hybrid so there's still definitely a spot for him.  Last year, against more run heavy teams they ran mostly from a 3-4 front, but against passing teams they went with a lot more 4-man fronts.  In those 4 man fronts, Nevis was definitely effective and got a good push on the pocket.  I'd say he and Redding give us the best interior pass rush so he'll definitely still see the field quite a bit provided he stays healthy.  He's definitely not the best 5 tech DE but I don't think he's terrible either, so he's good for the rotation.


Actually if there were someone I'd be ok with letting go who I think should be in an exclusive 4-3 team it'd be Ricardo Matthews.

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Really good read! It mentions most of our signings, but misses on a couple more. I think people are forgetting a couple signed FA's....

Yes, I wanted a few big names, we got maybe one or two, but not the big names I thought we would bring in. Some factors people are forgetting, some players might not have wanted to play for Indy. Let's face it, not everyone does. And we lost out on Vasquez, did you ever think...He had Denver with Manning or the Colts with Luck. Maybe he thought his chances at a ring were with Denver and Manning right now? Maybe that is why we didn't get him. So many unknowns for why we didn't get players. So I decided to focus on what we did do. And when I looked, we did a lot.

We filled sooooo many holes. We could have filled a couple with big names, but we did so much more.

First, most are forgetting, we tagged Mcafee!!!!! Yes, he was our FA, but we kept him. We kept our Punter and possible Kicker if we need him. He is a great player and made sure we didn't add a hole on our team.

We upgraded our OL. We brought in a RT and OG. We got rid of a few names, which we didn't need. I still think we might bring in a few more guys, hopefully at cheaper contracts, but were still better than our orginal starters and backups. Filled a HUGE hold!

We upgraded our secondary!!!! Where do we begin???? We brought in Landry, signed Toler and Butler. Yes, we kept Vaughn and I am not a fan either, but we still might find our 4th CB in the draft. Once again, HUGE hole filled. Not just with one guy, but 3!

We added 3-4 LB's to our team. I know Freeney leaving wasn't a big favorite of fans, but most knew it was coming. He isn't a 3-4 LB. If for some reason, we were to bring him back, if nobody wants him, it would be for pass rushing only and at a HUGE discount. We added two LB's, one that allows us to move Mathis to a rushing role even more, is good against the run and decent against the pass. We brought in debt for a cheap price on Sidbury. We already have Freeman, Angerer and Conner...Oh yeah, Hughes which is a pass rusher and actually did well last year as he is a 3-4 LB. He wasn't great, but wasn't as bad as he was in the past. So, our LB's are better.

We added a big boy up front. RJF I feel will do well up front with Redding. I know there is a lot of hope Chapman turns out to be the NT we need and even if McKinney does challenge him, maybe makes him a better person. Once again, upgraded our DL.

So...In ending we upgraded our OL, Secondary, LB's, DL and kept our special punter. I have NO idea, NONE as to why people are considering LT a whole. AC is doing well and only two years in. I still believe he is good and just think how good, if we have a better all around line.

The only wholes I see are we are thin at unproven WR's! But we did bring in that big WR and as many here, I am a fan of Whalen! We still have depth at RB with Ballard/Brown/Carter. I don't see them going anywhere and I believe the team is happy with them, just felt the line improvement will also help them.

We are good at TE and QB. So as it stands, we filled almost all the wholes. Still have a little money left for the draft, as I should remind you all, we had 5 or 6 starters come out of the draft last year?

Yes, we might have over paid, but as I said, I will only say we over paid until after I give the guy to PROVE to us, that he wasn't worth what we spent on him. Let him prove his contract, before we throw it under the bus.

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I don't think it's being called a 'weak' WR crop.    I think it's being noted that there aren't any franchise level WR's.


No Calvin Johnson, or Julio Jones or AJ Green, or the Johnson from Houston.   Those guys.


But there are lots of good to very good WR's who will get drafted in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th rounds.   And these days, with the rules such as they are,  you can find a very good WR there.


I think we'll wind up being fine.   I don't think we have cause for concern -- at least, not yet.



Agreed, which is why I said at the top. Definitely value to be found in the middle rounds. In a perfect world, it would be great to get a future #2 this year, and really make a go at getting a franchise receiver next year, when is seems like there will be a few available. Luck, in a few years with an absolute top drawer receiving core (that would also include Hilton, Fleener, Allen) would be a scary prospect.

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Agree about Zibs, but the coaches played him none the less.  As far as the NT, I've said this before.  Remember MT. Cody at Bama?  He was a legend there, all american first team, and a first round pick by the Ravens.  He still hasn't cracked the starting line up.  Admitting that Baltimore has a lot more talent at NT than we do, but still it goes to show that's not an easy position to learn in the NFL.


Chapman was a nice player at Bama, and about 40 lbs smaller than Cody.  I hope the kid does well but we have to have realistic expectations for him.  I'm really hoping he works out and anchors that D for years to come.


I don't know much about Mt. Cody but just because he was better than Chapman at Bama doesn't mean that Chapman can't be better than him in the NFL. It could be something as simple as Cody not having the work ethic or drive to succeed at the NFL level while Chapman does. There is only one way we are going to find out and that's during a game starting in September.

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