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Are these numbers right? Cinci and Cleveland have more cap space than Colts?


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Yes, we have the fourth most. Cincy & Cleveland have the most, then the Dolphins are just barely ahead of us.


EDIT: Actually, after looking at the numbers it has us at $46M, but I'm pretty sure we're at 43.somethingM. And I think Dolphins are sitting right on $44M?


I've seen many reports since January that we have 46 million if max is set at $122 million.  Recent move by the Fins have them at $44.9 million I believe.

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I was curious about this as well according to John Clayton .



The "haves'' are in good shape. The "have nots'' have to be creative.
Thanks to the carryover, there is $350.7 million of cap room in 2013,
but $200.3 million of carryover is part of that.

Eight teams, though, account for 79 percent million of total room. The Bengals
saved $8.5 million of cap room in 2012 and made the playoffs for the
second consecutive year. They have $55.1 million of room. The Browns saved $14.3 million of room in 2012 and now have $48.9 million. After being tight against the cap in 2012, the Colts  now have $46 million of room.

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True... Some teams really did a good in preparation for the changes in the CBA and the cap. I'd say the best jobs were done by Cincy and Indy.. Cleveland and Miami might have more cap space than us this year, but Indy won 11 games last year. The Bengals are going to be very good for a long time as well... I'm just glad that they aren't in our division.


The Colts have to be very wise about how they structure contracts this offseason (and I think we will be). Over the next couple seasons good financial planning will be huge in determining the haves and have-nots  in the NFL...

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They are right.


Shouldn't be too surprised about Cincy. Their best offensive players are all on their rookie contracts or have small cap hits. With the exception of a few defensive players, there isn't that one big cap hit. 50M makes a lot of sense.


Cleveland's best players are also on rookie contracts, and don't have that one big contract.

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Don't know what happened to change things. but NFL.com, which for most of the season has had us in the 46-47 Million dollar range, released new figures roughly a month or so ago....


We now sit at $43 Mill....    4th among the 32 teams.


I still expect us to spend roughly $40 Million of it.    That number hasn't changed for me.   I thought we'd spend roughly that when our projected cap space number was higher....    But now we have much less margin for error.    If we need to go higher to get the FA we really, really want  then the rest of our plans might change. 


Just thinking out loud...

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No it isn`t right, they just made it up.

I expect Grigson will spend about $30M of it. No more!


As other posts have alluded to it, the numbers seem to be all over the place for the Colts based on different sites, that is why I started it. Grigson has to spend about 89% at least before the regular season ends in 2013, according to the new CBA.


Thus, if the number is $43 mil., it is about $38 mil. and if the number is $46 mil., it is about $40 mil. - so there is no way Grigson can only spend $30 mil.


However, what Grigson can do is spend $30 mil. to get free agents, and move $10 mil. pro-rated for future years into this year by re-structuring some existing contracts. No one is going to mind getting paid more earlier in their contract. The question is, can he do that? I am thinking yes.

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True... Some teams really did a good in preparation for the changes in the CBA and the cap. I'd say the best jobs were done by Cincy and Indy.. Cleveland and Miami might have more cap space than us this year, but Indy won 11 games last year. The Bengals are going to be very good for a long time as well... I'm just glad that they aren't in our division.

The Colts have to be very wise about how they structure contracts this offseason (and I think we will be). Over the next couple seasons good financial planning will be huge in determining the haves and have-nots in the NFL...

that's weird that we aren't in the save division isn't cincy like 45 min away from each other geographically
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that's weird that we aren't in the save division isn't cincy like 45 min away from each other geographically

It is weird... Colts were in the AFC East prior to 2002, with NE, Buffalo, Jets, and Fins... now they are part of the south.. You'd think that they would have been in the central at some point after the move to Indy, but then who would have moved to the AFC South? Its very weird, but what can ya do?

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As other posts have alluded to it, the numbers seem to be all over the place for the Colts based on different sites, that is why I started it. Grigson has to spend about 89% at least before the regular season ends in 2013, according to the new CBA.


Thus, if the number is $43 mil., it is about $38 mil. and if the number is $46 mil., it is about $40 mil. - so there is no way Grigson can only spend $30 mil.


However, what Grigson can do is spend $30 mil. to get free agents, and move $10 mil. pro-rated for future years into this year by re-structuring some existing contracts. No one is going to mind getting paid more earlier in their contract. The question is, can he do that? I am thinking yes.



As other posts have alluded to it, the numbers seem to be all over the place for the Colts based on different sites, that is why I started it. Grigson has to spend about 89% at least before the regular season ends in 2013, according to the new CBA.


Thus, if the number is $43 mil., it is about $38 mil. and if the number is $46 mil., it is about $40 mil. - so there is no way Grigson can only spend $30 mil.


However, what Grigson can do is spend $30 mil. to get free agents, and move $10 mil. pro-rated for future years into this year by re-structuring some existing contracts. No one is going to mind getting paid more earlier in their contract. The question is, can he do that? I am thinking yes.



The Colts (or any other team for that matter) under the new CBA are required to spend 89% of the cap over four league years starting in 2013, so for the seasons 2013-2016 they have to be at 89% or face penalty.  Grigson can spend any percentage that he likes this season or any season for that matter just so long as by 2016 they are at least 89% for the past seasons.  


Here's a quote from the article I linked:http://www.cincyjungle.com/2013/1/23/3905376/minimum-salary-requirements-force-teams-to-spend-in-2013


"Section 9. Minimum Team Cash Spending:

(a) For each of the following four-League Year periods, 2013–2016 and 2017–2020, there shall be a guaranteed Minimum Team Cash Spending of 89% of the Salary Caps for such periods (e.g., if the Salary Caps for the 2013–16 and 2017–2020 are $100, 120, 130, and 150 million, respectively, each Club shall have a Minimum Team Cash Spending for that period of $445 million (89% of $500 million))."

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The Colts (or any other team for that matter) under the new CBA are required to spend 89% of the cap over four league years starting in 2013, so for the seasons 2013-2016 they have to be at 89% or face penalty. Grigson can spend any percentage that he likes this season or any season for that matter just so long as by 2016 they are at least 89% for the past seasons.

Here's a quote from the article I linked:http://www.cincyjungle.com/2013/1/23/3905376/minimum-salary-requirements-force-teams-to-spend-in-2013

"Section 9. Minimum Team Cash Spending:

(a) For each of the following four-League Year periods, 2013–2016 and 2017–2020, there shall be a guaranteed Minimum Team Cash Spending of 89% of the Salary Caps for such periods (e.g., if the Salary Caps for the 2013–16 and 2017–2020 are $100, 120, 130, and 150 million, respectively, each Club shall have a Minimum Team Cash Spending for that period of $445 million (89% of $500 million))."

No matter how many times people post this, it doesn't sink in for some

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Yes, we have the fourth most. Cincy & Cleveland have the most, then the Dolphins are just barely ahead of us.


EDIT: Actually, after looking at the numbers it has us at $46M, but I'm pretty sure we're at 43.somethingM. And I think Dolphins are sitting right on $44M?



I've seen many reports since January that we have 46 million if max is set at $122 million.  Recent move by the Fins have them at $44.9 million I believe.




I don't know what you guys are seeing, but it says Miami has 35.8 million to spend.

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No matter how many times people post this, it doesn't sink in for some

Exactly. Now I do think we will make some serious upgrades but they can easily role some of that cap into future years to target free agents that may become available if they don't like what's on the market this year. I think we will be choosey. Picking a couple bigger impact players now and keeping flexibility going into future years to compete for a big pass rusher. To me there just isn't a big name pass rusher on the market and while there is nice corners out there it would be more likely to wait for someone like Revis to hit the market after next year. It's like how Miami cleared cap space for Lebron and Bosh. You sign these short term deals to get by and then open up big money when the big names hit the market. We also will leave some flexibilty to resign Luck when his contract runs out too...probably front end it with rolled over cap space to ensure we have maximum flexibility in the future.

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I don't know what you guys are seeing, but it says Miami has 35.8 million to spend.


Here is one site-




And if we have indeed been lowered from 46 to 43 million, then Cincy, Cleveland, and Miami all have more to spend than us.  Byt we are still in good shape there, IMO.

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Doesn't matter if Cleveland has more than us. Who really wants to play for the Browns? A lot of these FA are gonna wanna play for contenders. Browns aren't contenders. But should be getting closer cause the Ravens & Steelers are aging & will probably take a step back

Who wants to play for the Colts? I don't see anything special to attract talent. I'm a super fan, but I don't think ANYONE looks at the Colts as a team they WANT to play in.

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Who wants to play for the Colts? I don't see anything special to attract talent. I'm a super fan, but I don't think ANYONE looks at the Colts as a team they WANT to play in.

"Who wants to play for the Colts?" <----

The same players who were telling us they would play for us. It's a thread on here about it actually

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Who wants to play for the Colts? I don't see anything special to attract talent. I'm a super fan, but I don't think ANYONE looks at the Colts as a team they WANT to play in.


You mean who would want to play for arguably one of the leagues elite franchises over the last decade; and after one bad season are back in the playoffs, with a QB, coach, and GM that already have us on the verge of reclaiming elite status???

I just don't see why a player would want to sign onto that!?!

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You mean who would want to play for arguably one of the leagues elite franchises over the last decade; and after one bad season are back in the playoffs, with a QB, coach, and GM that already have us on the verge of reclaiming elite status???

I just don't see why a player would want to sign onto that!?!

I have never heard of a player openly say they wanted to play in Indy. I've heard, steelers, skins, patriots, cowboys, jets. You have sold me, but can you name 1 player that has stated this. I know Guys wanted to play with manning, but never heard Indy.

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It is weird... Colts were in the AFC East prior to 2002, with NE, Buffalo, Jets, and Fins... now they are part of the south.. You'd think that they would have been in the central at some point after the move to Indy, but then who would have moved to the AFC South? Its very weird, but what can ya do?

The Baltimore Colts were in the Coastal division at one time, in the same division as San Fran, L A rams ect.

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