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Collins Could Really Mess Things Up


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I've watched a lot of film on him over the last week and a few days, his pocket prowess, at times, is just horrible. He holds on to the ball way to long at times, thus allowing the pocket to collapse. His roll-outs are very inconsistant, thus his throws on the run are awkward and clumsy. His arm is strong but his accuracy has really declined.

If I'm way to harsh, I'm sorry.

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I've watched a lot of film on him over the last week and a few days, his pocket prowess, at times, is just horrible. He holds on to the ball way to long at times, thus allowing the pocket to collapse. His roll-outs are very inconsistant, thus his throws on the run are awkward and clumsy. His arm is strong but his accuracy has really declined.

If I'm way to harsh, I'm sorry.

Not harsh if it's what you saw. How old was the tape?

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I've watched a lot of film on him over the last week and a few days, his pocket prowess, at times, is just horrible. He holds on to the ball way to long at times, thus allowing the pocket to collapse. His roll-outs are very inconsistant, thus his throws on the run are awkward and clumsy. His arm is strong but his accuracy has really declined.

If I'm way to harsh, I'm sorry.

Got a better option?

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I couldn't disagree with you more. While Peyton is gone, Collins is going to force the Colts to get better for the following reasons:

1) He is helping our young line get their feet wet against 1st stringers in the NFL. Because Collins has a longer release than Peyton, Our line will be forced to learn how to give him that extra .5-1 second. When Peyton returns that extra half a second or a second will seem like an eternity for the opposing defenses when they try to defend Peyton

2) It is forcing us to run the ball more and become a more balanced offense. This plays into the idea of helping our young line, because it is easier to block for a run as opposed to blocking for a pass. With the bigger sets we will be using it will further establish our running game. This will set up the play-action pass both while Collins is in there and when Peyton returns. A successful play-action game with Peyton in the line-up is a linebacker's worst nightmare.

3) It is forcing our defense to show up and not worry about playing with the lead. Collins will not put up the numbers Peyton will, and he will not throw for as many TDs. This means our defense will have to step up their game. I think this could really light a fire under our defense's you know what and force them to improve.

We will be a totally different team with Collins under center. I personally think that is a good thing. We will experience some growing pains. However, the way I see it growing pains are good...it means our team is growing.

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I've watched a lot of film on him over the last week and a few days, his pocket prowess, at times, is just horrible. He holds on to the ball way to long at times, thus allowing the pocket to collapse. His roll-outs are very inconsistant, thus his throws on the run are awkward and clumsy. His arm is strong but his accuracy has really declined.

If I'm way to harsh, I'm sorry.

His very 1st pass in the Cincy game was a 50 yd. bomb that was dead on perfect. Not bad for a guy that had not thrown a ball in 9 months. I don't think accuracy is a problem.

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I've watched a lot of film on him over the last week and a few days, his pocket prowess, at times, is just horrible. He holds on to the ball way to long at times, thus allowing the pocket to collapse. His roll-outs are very inconsistant, thus his throws on the run are awkward and clumsy. His arm is strong but his accuracy has really declined.

If I'm way to harsh, I'm sorry.

I do not understand most the stuff you say and I do not like you.


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I couldn't disagree with you more. While Peyton is gone, Collins is going to force the Colts to get better for the following reasons:

1) He is helping our young line get their feet wet against 1st stringers in the NFL. Because Collins has a longer release than Peyton, Our line will be forced to learn how to give him that extra .5-1 second. When Peyton returns that extra half a second or a second will seem like an eternity for the opposing defenses when they try to defend Peyton

2) It is forcing us to run the ball more and become a more balanced offense. This plays into the idea of helping our young line, because it is easier to block for a run as opposed to blocking for a pass. With the bigger sets we will be using it will further establish our running game. This will set up the play-action pass both while Collins is in there and when Peyton returns. A successful play-action game with Peyton in the line-up is a linebacker's worst nightmare.

3) It is forcing our defense to show up and not worry about playing with the lead. Collins will not put up the numbers Peyton will, and he will not throw for as many TDs. This means our defense will have to step up their game. I think this could really light a fire under our defense's you know what and force them to improve.We will be a totally different team with Collins under center. I personally think that is a good thing. We will experience some growing pains. However, the way I see it growing pains are good...it means our team is growing.

Well said.

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I couldn't disagree with you more. While Peyton is gone, Collins is going to force the Colts to get better for the following reasons:

1) He is helping our young line get their feet wet against 1st stringers in the NFL. Because Collins has a longer release than Peyton, Our line will be forced to learn how to give him that extra .5-1 second. When Peyton returns that extra half a second or a second will seem like an eternity for the opposing defenses when they try to defend Peyton

2) It is forcing us to run the ball more and become a more balanced offense. This plays into the idea of helping our young line, because it is easier to block for a run as opposed to blocking for a pass. With the bigger sets we will be using it will further establish our running game. This will set up the play-action pass both while Collins is in there and when Peyton returns. A successful play-action game with Peyton in the line-up is a linebacker's worst nightmare.

3) It is forcing our defense to show up and not worry about playing with the lead. Collins will not put up the numbers Peyton will, and he will not throw for as many TDs. This means our defense will have to step up their game. I think this could really light a fire under our defense's you know what and force them to improve.

We will be a totally different team with Collins under center. I personally think that is a good thing. We will experience some growing pains. However, the way I see it growing pains are good...it means our team is growing.

I agree our team will have to be successful in all of these areas. However you can't force something out of someone if they aren't capable. We will find out Sunday and in the following weeks if this team is capable of doing these things that they weren't last season. But I seriously doubt the line breaks down quicker for Manning, our running game fails, and the defense relaxes due to Manning being in the game. The O-line looks to have improved, and the defense stepped up the end of last season against the running game. As far as the rushing game goes, I think we need to bring in someone new, Brown and Addai don't cut it for me.

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I thought Collins looked good for his first game with a new offense...

He has a great arm....we have to protect him because he's a fence post...

If garcon can get deep...and open up the middle for Wayne and Clark...

Didnt give up..this man didnt quit because he COULDN't play anymore..

He quit because of the team he played for....Remember how Jon Kitna rallied the Cowboys last year>>??

we could score 23..maybe 2 TDs and 3 FGs...

Could that be enough?

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I couldn't disagree with you more. While Peyton is gone, Collins is going to force the Colts to get better for the following reasons:

1) He is helping our young line get their feet wet against 1st stringers in the NFL. Because Collins has a longer release than Peyton, Our line will be forced to learn how to give him that extra .5-1 second. When Peyton returns that extra half a second or a second will seem like an eternity for the opposing defenses when they try to defend Peyton

2) It is forcing us to run the ball more and become a more balanced offense. This plays into the idea of helping our young line, because it is easier to block for a run as opposed to blocking for a pass. With the bigger sets we will be using it will further establish our running game. This will set up the play-action pass both while Collins is in there and when Peyton returns. A successful play-action game with Peyton in the line-up is a linebacker's worst nightmare.

3) It is forcing our defense to show up and not worry about playing with the lead. Collins will not put up the numbers Peyton will, and he will not throw for as many TDs. This means our defense will have to step up their game. I think this could really light a fire under our defense's you know what and force them to improve.

We will be a totally different team with Collins under center. I personally think that is a good thing. We will experience some growing pains. However, the way I see it growing pains are good...it means our team is growing.

Cannot agree more. This is exactly what I stated in another thread. Even if we don't see Peyton come back this year, or when he comes back it is too late to do anything usefull, we should have a team ready for 2 more superbowl runs in the future if Peyton still plays at a pretty high (doesn't need to be as high as he used to be but decently high) level, or we should be ready to welcome a young QB and be competitive quickly after.

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If it makes you feel any better

last season Collins had quite a few 100+ QB rating games and most of them towards the end of the season when he was a starter again. He had 14 tds and 8 picks and his two best games were actually against the Colts (Titans lost by 2 and 3 points)

I am confident he can still play at a high level. I also think the Colts offense is an upgrade over the Titans offense. Yes they have Chris Johnson but we have better receivers + tight ends. If the O line plays solid then our running game could really get going and our offense would still be very good. Obviously not as good as when Manning was under center but enough to squeeze out some wins.

Remember this is the guy who led the Titans to a 10-0 start and a 13-3 season. And he didn't even play that well statistically that year (12 TD's 7 picks FOR THE YEAR).

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With Foster being a bit injured, we may actually stand a chance. Then again, that hasn't stopped him in the past.

I'm feeling optimistic, but it's going to take all the planets in the solar system to align to pull this one off.

"A bit injured"? The anti-awesomeness in his leg will keep him at like 30%

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You know what, sometimes i think we have some of the best fans in the league...but sometimes i think we have some of the most bandwagon fans i have ever seen. More Colts fans than not are already writing off this season due to the news we've heard. I can always tell what fans are true fans from these posts and i definately think we have some pretty shady fans. Let me ask this...why is everyone down on Collins anyways??? Didn't anyone see how he played against us when he was playing with Tennessee at the age of 37??? I'm just sayin that whether we have Peyton or we don't, I really don't like to hear or see how "Collins can ruin the season." Me personally i have faith in what he can do, but more importantly, i have faith in what this TEAM can do. So from now on, whoever reads this post, just be more of a Colts fan and let's believe in the "Next Man Up" montra. Thats what i'm hangin my hat on. Don't let your meat loaf Colts Fans:)

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