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is there a starter in the nfl that throws a worse deep ball than Luck


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You have to give him the benefit of the doubt because of the pass protection and the quality of team he's stepping into, but the number of open receivers he's missed grows by the week. But he's rarely thrown from a clean pocket. If you protect him, I do think he will pick people apart.

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Ok this is going too far. I'm all for criticism after this game, but saying Luck throws the worst deep ball is laughable. Keep in mind it was a very windy day.

I think they wait too long to stretch the defense with deep throws. Luck will be fine with time and a #2 receiver.
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We all know Andrews issues with his deep throws. It was well documented coming out of college and we have plenty of evidence at the NFL level too. I hardly think he is the worst but to say that is his biggest weakness is not incorrect...and yet that is by far the thing I would worry the least about for an nfl rookie. AL was a 50% passer his first year at Stanford...and we know what he was as a senior. Yes he has never been asked to stretch defenses but we don't have to be a team that relies on the deep throw. Just because we had PM and a team notoriously built on the deep ball through the years doens't mean that is who we have to be. I wouldn't say Brady is a great deep ball thrower but his ability to read the defense and be incredibly accurate on his short and medium passes is robotic. Luck will get better as he adjusts to his players and has more time to work with them...his mechanics will improve but I much prefer an accurate mid-range passer who moves the chains consistantly than one that maybe one that gets a couple big plays but overall stalls drives and makes you pull your hair out on 3rd and 4.

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he needs better weapons around him to make those throws.

Enh better weapons doesn't really have much to do with Luck over throwing or under throwing guys. There have been several times this year where the WR beat his guy and the pass was not where it needs to be. That goes on the QB. It's something Luck needs to work on that's all.
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This is a good point, lucks biggest concern was his deep ball and he keeps missing his guys up top... obviously not everyone is gonna make those passes but so far he's very poor when going up top.

Getting used to the speed of the NFL doesn't cut it either... yes luck is a rookie and he will make mistakes but there are mistakes then there are capabilities

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We all know Andrews issues with his deep throws. It was well documented coming out of college and we have plenty of evidence at the NFL level too. I hardly think he is the worst but to say that is his biggest weakness is not incorrect...and yet that is by far the thing I would worry the least about for an nfl rookie. AL was a 50% passer his first year at Stanford...and we know what he was as a senior. Yes he has never been asked to stretch defenses but we don't have to be a team that relies on the deep throw. Just because we had PM and a team notoriously built on the deep ball through the years doens't mean that is who we have to be. I wouldn't say Brady is a great deep ball thrower but his ability to read the defense and be incredibly accurate on his short and medium passes is robotic. Luck will get better as he adjusts to his players and has more time to work with them...his mechanics will improve but I much prefer an accurate mid-range passer who moves the chains consistantly than one that maybe one that gets a couple big plays but overall stalls drives and makes you pull your hair out on 3rd and 4.

Yeah like I said in another thread I don't think we forget that Luck is a rookie at times I think we forget what to honestly expect from a rookie QB. It's going to take three to four years for Luck to become a finished product and one would hope that once he does a lot of these issues will work themselves out.
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How quickly we forget...the guy is still a very good NFL QB. His arm strength is fine. He did overthrow a couple of guys, but that's part of the learning curve. It doesn't help that the O-line gave him almost no protection

What it tells me is this is something he's working on. He started out really under throwing guys. Now he's over throwing them so I think he's adjusted to under throwing guys. Now he just needs to find something in the middle. He's a rookie five games into his NFL career and like you said we need to remember it's part of the learning curve.
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I'm more worried about his continuous over throwing on short and intermediate routes. His balls seem to sail and they have all year. That 1st qt throw to Fleener in the end zone was a prime example.

So was the missed throw to Allen before. I think he just got a little excited on both throws. It happens for a rookie.
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So was the missed throw to Allen before. I think he just got a little excited on both throws. It happens for a rookie.

I'm beginning to wonder if its a mechanics issue. He's done it all year. I wonder if he is releasing the ball to early into his throw, and not following through.

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more worried about his turnovers but like everyone said he is a rookie, and is learning every snap

meh, one was a tipped pass, albeit a bad pass, he fumbled after being hit from behind, and threw another int in the endzone when getting beat by 20pts

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