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How good is Andrew Luck?

mr. football

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Ok... so getting rid of manning was a tough pill for me to swallow,but i've swallowed it. . Yes i will always be a Manning fan and I always be a little sad because of how it all went down. But the pain seems to have subsided somewhat. Now, im looking towards the future and starting to get a little excited. My question to all of you faithful and brilliant colts fans is..... How good "IS" Andrew Luck? I watched him play a couple of games in college and liked what i saw for the most part. I was really impressed with him in the Fiesta Bowl (his last college game.) I watched his pro day and thought he looked great. I've watched him with Gruden and about everything i could find on him via you tube. Again...i liked what i saw. I value the opinions of many people on this website. I just want to hear from y'all what your gut tells you about our new QB. My first impressions are that he is extremely intelligent. The kid can read and dissect defenses like nobody's business! He seems to have an excellent touch on his midrange passes and he also threw a deep bomb in the fiesta bowl that was unbelievably perfect. I love his toughness and how he can run(although i hope he doesnt run too often in the NFL.) I think he has some great intangibles... and ive heard alot of people say that. Seems like he is years ahead of a college senior/rookie NFL QB. There are a some things that bother me a little though. I am just not sure about his personality. Now before i say this, i know in some ways this trait could be a positive. He just doesnt show much emotion or drive like Peyton. Peyton was sooo driven to be the best that you could see it just by his interviews. How could this be a positive?? He is alot cooler and calmer than Peyton i think...More like Eli. That could help in clutch situations. He might have nerves of steel in a pressure moment...i dont know. If thats the case, GREAT! But i just dont see that drive and excitement in him like i did Manning. That kinda worries me a little. We all new 18 wanted to be the best and we all knew how hard he was going to work. Peyton was unmatched in that area. I just hope Luck is the same way but maybe just takes a quieter approach. If Tom Moore says he is that good, i believe him. If Irsay says 29 of 32 teams would have madly pursued Luck if he was a free agent...I somewhat believe him (I would imagine he is somewhat "in the know" on this subject.) Now i want to know what all my Colt's Forum friends think. Lets hear your honest opinions! How good is Andrew Luck??? Thanks and GO :coltslogo:

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I feel he will be very promising even in his first year. What encourages me most is that he worked with the same QB coach that Cam Newton did before his rookie year. And Luck has more intangables and smarts than Newton. He has the potential to be a special QB like Rodgers is now.

I cant wait for this team to surprise ESPN's so called experts when they are all predicting we will suck and win no more than 3 games. Luck alone gives us an added 3 wins from last year in my opinion.

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Ok... so getting rid of manning was a tough pill for me to swallow,but i've swallowed it. . Yes i will always be a Manning fan and I always be a little sad because of how it all went down. But the pain seems to have subsided somewhat. Now, im looking towards the future and starting to get a little excited. My question to all of you faithful and brilliant colts fans is..... How good "IS" Andrew Luck? I watched him play a couple of games in college and liked what i saw for the most part. I was really impressed with him in the Fiesta Bowl (his last college game.) I watched his pro day and thought he looked great. I've watched him with Gruden and about everything i could find on him via you tube. Again...i liked what i saw. I value the opinions of many people on this website. I just want to hear from y'all what your gut tells you about our new QB. My first impressions are that he is extremely intelligent. The kid can read and dissect defenses like nobody's business! He seems to have an excellent touch on his midrange passes and he also threw a deep bomb in the fiesta bowl that was unbelievably perfect. I love his toughness and how he can run(although i hope he doesnt run too often in the NFL.) I think he has some great intangibles... and ive heard alot of people say that. Seems like he is years ahead of a college senior/rookie NFL QB. There are a some things that bother me a little though. I am just not sure about his personality. Now before i say this, i know in some ways this trait could be a positive. He just doesnt show much emotion or drive like Peyton. Peyton was sooo driven to be the best that you could see it just by his interviews. How could this be a positive?? He is alot cooler and calmer than Peyton i think...More like Eli. That could help in clutch situations. He might have nerves of steel in a pressure moment...i dont know. If thats the case, GREAT! But i just dont see that drive and excitement in him like i did Manning. That kinda worries me a little. We all new 18 wanted to be the best and we all knew how hard he was going to work. Peyton was unmatched in that area. I just hope Luck is the same way but maybe just takes a quieter approach. If Tom Moore says he is that good, i believe him. If Irsay says 29 of 32 teams would have madly pursued Luck if he was a free agent...I somewhat believe him (I would imagine he is somewhat "in the know" on this subject.) Now i want to know what all my Colt's Forum friends think. Lets hear your honest opinions! How good is Andrew Luck??? Thanks and GO :coltslogo:

You will love Andrew Luck's personality. He is incredibly competitive and driven. He has nerves of steel. Pay attention to his stats in the red zone, his stats after picks and in crucial situations. He really is awesome. He has quiet but unmistakeable confidence and is mellow and relaxes his teammates by that. He is a great leader ... His teammates absolutely love him ... This is because of how hard he works and how supportive he is ... And he is totally unselfish. They would do anything for him. He'll always indicate to a receiver if there's an incompletion that is on him. He apologized to his O line when he ran out of bounds for a loss that counted as a sack on them. Flying back from the Fiesta Bowl, he sat with the kicker who missed those two kicks and supported him. He fires the team up during games by his focus and intensity. He's great at bringing out the best in his teammates by how great a quarterback he is, but also by being supportive and encouraging. And, like Grigson said, he's genuine ... He really is a good guy. He just focuses on the job and getting better ... No mini dramas or immaturity or showboating. He'll never bad mouth his teammates to the media. You'll absolutely love him, he's an even greater person than he s a QB.

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We will only have to wait and find out how he will be.

If Irsay says 29 of 32 teams would have madly pursued Luck if he was a free agent...I somewhat believe him

Patriots, Giants, Packers, Lions. So that is already wrong, and there is many more.

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We will only have to wait and find out how he will be.

Patriots, Giants, Packers, Lions. So that is already wrong, and there is many more.

Patriots might have just based on Brady isn't a young guy anymore, He could have sat behind Brady and learned but then again they have Mallet to
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Patriots might have just based on Brady isn't a young guy anymore, He could have sat behind Brady and learned but then again they have Mallet to

I doubt Irsay was saying his starting QB is capable of being a backup for 29 teams. We can assume he meant to be picked up as a starter.

He is still wrong though.

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We will only have to wait and find out how he will be.

Patriots, Giants, Packers, Lions. So that is already wrong, and there is many more.

You've got other teams that might like the chance, but couldn't pursue it over cap issues.

29/32 is well, i can't really say what 29/32 is.

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I doubt Irsay was saying his starting QB is capable of being a backup for 29 teams. We can assume he meant to be picked up as a starter.

He is still wrong though.

I agree he was just sticken up for the pick but I am very confident in the pick and also I am not expecting greatness his first year anyway
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I doubt Irsay was saying his starting QB is capable of being a backup for 29 teams. We can assume he meant to be picked up as a starter.

He is still wrong though.

He was saying that many clubs would have drafted him ... Some probably to start but no reason some might not have drafted him to start down the line ... There were/are a lot of folks who wanted him behind Peyton for a year or two ...

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He was saying that many clubs would have drafted him ... Some probably to start but no reason some might not have drafted him to start down the line ... There were/are a lot of folks who wanted him behind Peyton for a year or two ...

That is not what he said at all. He statement said if he was a free agent. So if Luck was a free agent this moment 29 teams would acquire him to be their starter. That is what Irsay said.

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I really wish Irsay would try to be a lot more accurate, realistic, and reasonable.

You know, like us!

Gotta say that I'm a little miffed over how overblown that comment is.

I understand where/what/who it comes from, but geez. Who cares.

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That is not what he said at all. He statement said if he was a free agent. So if Luck was a free agent this moment 29 teams would acquire him to be their starter. That is what Irsay said.

29 is an exaggeration not the exact number what he meant was majority of the NFL would be trying to get him to be there QB. You know exaggerations when you here it.it was not to be taken literally

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You will love Andrew Luck's personality. He is incredibly competitive and driven. He has nerves of steel. Pay attention to his stats in the red zone, his stats after picks and in crucial situations. He really is awesome. He has quiet but unmistakeable confidence and is mellow and relaxes his teammates by that. He is a great leader ... His teammates absolutely love him ... This is because of how hard he works and how supportive he is ... And he is totally unselfish. They would do anything for him. He'll always indicate to a receiver if there's an incompletion that is on him. He apologized to his O line when he ran out of bounds for a loss that counted as a sack on them. Flying back from the Fiesta Bowl, he sat with the kicker who missed those two kicks and supported him. He fires the team up during games by his focus and intensity. He's great at bringing out the best in his teammates by how great a quarterback he is, but also by being supportive and encouraging. And, like Grigson said, he's genuine ... He really is a good guy. He just focuses on the job and getting better ... No mini dramas or immaturity or showboating. He'll never bad mouth his teammates to the media. You'll absolutely love him, he's an even greater person than he s a QB.

Don't look now, but I think Andrea Allen has just revealed she's a Stanford fan like I am! :thmup: No one but a Stanford fan could know as much about Andrew. :heart: :luv: :flowers:

Seriously, Andrea is right. You will love Andrew. But beyond what she said, the difficulty some here have with loving Andrew is that what really makes him special are not the things that you can see. You won't watch his hi-lights and feel like you're seeing things you've never seen before. His hi-lights don't jump off the screen at you. He just doesn't make a lot of mistakes. Play after play, game after game of steady, correct decision making. If a run was called and Andrew audibles to a pass and throws a for a first down, or a TD, well, that's great, but you didn't know he called an audible. He just makes the right decision more than most.

He's not going to make many "Oh My God!" type plays. Don't worry that RG3 has a stronger arm. Andrew's arm is plenty strong.

His best quality is inside his head. The way his mind works. His uncommon maturity and poise. His team-first attitude. He was quoted in the last 6 months as saying the more he learns about football, the more he loves football. It's important to him. Watch Andrew's half-hour with Gruden. Look at the section when he's at the white board drawing up plays. Watch Gruden's face. He knows there's no other rookie with as much knowledge as Andrew. Read the feature (Bob Kravitz?) the interview with former Colts Offensive Coordinator Tom Moore. Andrew spent 3 weeks with him in March/April. Moore is crazy about Luck. Says he's just like Peyton. Says he'd tell Andrew something on Monday and then ask about it on Friday and Andrew would have total recall. It's his mind that makes him special. The way he processes information. With the speed and complexity of today's NFL defenses, his mind is more important and valuable than ever.

I did like Amereicolt's comparison for Andrew. A mix of Peyton, Eli and Aaron Rodgers. He's got something of all of them inside. Whether you think he's most NFL-ready since Elway, or just since Peyton, the point is the same. He's as close as you're ever going to find to being a sure thing as college football provides.

Just be patient. There will be growing pains. No way around them. Just know that Luck will learn from them and get better fast. Better days are ahead for Colts fans..... :td:


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29 is an exaggeration not the exact number what he meant was majority of the NFL would be trying to get him to be there QB. You know exaggerations when you here it.it was not to be taken literally

I took it as if he was saying that if there wasn't a draft, and it was a FA free for all, pretty much every team would have made a play. Under that scenario, 29 is a bit of an exaggeration but not that much of one. It wasn't meant to be taken literally and shouldn't be overblown. Of course, you tweet it, you mean it in 2012. So, he brings it on himself.

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Just FYI Moon also is the one who predicted success for Newton.

Overall, just enjoy the ride and see how it all transpires on the field next year. I think people are trying to predict things so much to the point it gets confusing. There are so many changes here it is difficult to call at times.

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I took it as if he was saying that if there wasn't a draft, and it was a FA free for all, pretty much every team would have made a play. Under that scenario, 29 is a bit of an exaggeration but not that much of one. It wasn't meant to be taken literally and shouldn't be overblown. Of course, you tweet it, you mean it in 2012. So, he brings it on himself.

I agree with everything you said.

However, with some, it doesn't matter what you say, or how you say it. Someone's gonna find issue with it.

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29 is an exaggeration not the exact number what he meant was majority of the NFL would be trying to get him to be there QB. You know exaggerations when you here it.it was not to be taken literally

Why would he not say majority then? Because was thinking Brady, Rodgers, and Eli are only better than Luck. I think he actually meant twenty-nine.

You can also tell his moronics by the rest of his tweet. "Most unprecedented, frantic pursuit ever." If I'm not mistaken he tweeted this after a certain someone was in the news that whole day. Which also was "the most sought after free agent ever."

Irsay also has a smart remark after 18 is in the news.

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Why would he not say majority then? Because was thinking Brady, Rodgers, and Eli are only better than Luck. I think he actually meant twenty-nine.

You can also tell his moronics by the rest of his tweet. "Most unprecedented, frantic pursuit ever." If I'm not mistaken he tweeted this after a certain someone was in the news that whole day. Which also was "the most sought after free agent ever."

Irsay also has a smart remark after 18 is in the news.

Yeah it was a shot.

A veiled shot, but a shot nonetheless.

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Why would he not say majority then? Because was thinking Brady, Rodgers, and Eli are only better than Luck. I think he actually meant twenty-nine.

You can also tell his moronics by the rest of his tweet. "Most unprecedented, frantic pursuit ever." If I'm not mistaken he tweeted this after a certain someone was in the news that whole day. Which also was "the most sought after free agent ever."

Irsay also has a smart remark after 18 is in the news.

Because exaggeration sounds better now if you take everything people say literally then that's on you when it's obvious exaggeration

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I find it hilarious that people think JI is wrong. If that's what he believes, then that is what he believes. I wouldn't attempt to tell FX or FJC that their opinions about Peyton are wrong, because that is what they think.

On topic, I will reserve all my judgement until he's had some real NFL playing time under his belt. Hoping or thinking he is going to be great is pretty much pointless.

Edited by Maureen
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Because exaggeration sounds better now if you take everything people say literally then that's on you when it's obvious exaggeration

Obvious exaggeration is saying "man it feels like a million degrees out" on a hot day. Is it as obvious an exaggeration if you instead say "man it feels like it's 98 degrees out today"? No, it's not.

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I find it hilarious that people think JI is wrong. If that's what he believes, then that is what he believes. I wouldn't attempt to tell FX or FJC that they are wrong to still pine over Peyton and lauch attack after attack on anything Andrew Luck related, because that is what they think.

On topic, I will reserve all my judgement until he's had some real NFL playing time under his belt. Hoping or thinking he is going to be great is pretty much pointless.

What's so hilarious about people thinking Irsay is wrong? He IS wrong. No way 29 teams ditch their QB's to try to get Luck. Not a chance. If that's what he believes then by all means, let him believe it. He can believe that Santa Claus is real and is able to deliver gifts to every house on Christmas because Batman is his Chief Elf. Just because Irsay believes it doesn't mean it's true. ;)

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What's so hilarious about people thinking Irsay is wrong? He IS wrong. No way 29 teams ditch their QB's to try to get Luck. Not a chance. If that's what he believes then by all means, let him believe it. He can believe that Santa Claus is real and is able to deliver gifts to every house on Christmas because Batman is his Chief Elf. Just because Irsay believes it doesn't mean it's true. ;)

What's so hilarious about people thinking Irsay is wrong? He IS wrong. No way 29 teams ditch their QB's to try to get Luck. Not a chance. If that's what he believes then by all means, let him believe it. He can believe that Santa Claus is real and is able to deliver gifts to every house on Christmas because Batman is his Chief Elf. Just because Irsay believes it doesn't mean it's true. ;)

I never said it was true. And you can't say he is wrong. There is no right or wrong when people state their OPINION. But I suppose your opinion is always correct? Have I got that right? Or am I wrong again?

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Obvious exaggeration is saying "man it feels like a million degrees out" on a hot day. Is it as obvious an exaggeration if you instead say "man it feels like it's 98 degrees out today"? No, it's not.

Yea it is exaggeration if you say it feels like 98 when it's Feb..same as Luck 29teams out 32 when you have(Brees,Rodgers,Brady,Vick, Roethlisberger,Rivers etc) obvious exaggeration..common sense has to kick in at some point and recognize exaggeration when you here it

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Yea it is exaggeration if you say it feels like 98 when it's Feb..same as Luck 29teams out 32 when you have(Brees,Rodgers,Brady,Vick, Roethlisberger,Rivers etc) obvious exaggeration..common sense has to kick in at some point and recognize exaggeration when you here it

Well said. All he was doing was exaggertating his stance on how highly he rated his new QB. Nothing wrong with that at all.....

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Irsay was stating his opinion, fact is we dont know how many teams would pursuit Andrew Luck if he was a Free Agent but with all the comparisons to Manning as far as brains and given how athletic Andrew is not to mention Andrew Lucks age then it certainly isn't outside the realm of possibility that many teams would pursuit him, I can name a few for sure








49ers (they pursuited Manning why wouldnt they pursuit another highly prized QB)-8



Saints (Brees isn't getting any younger)-11

Raiders (Palmer isn't getting any younger)-12

Eagles-Vick isn't getting any younger-13


Cowboys-Romo not getting any younger-15

also take into account teams that dont have good depth at quarterback where Luck could learn a couple years so while it seems unlikely its certainly possible and Irsays statement wasn't that far fetched as people seem to think

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