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Matt Ryan benched for Sam (merge)

John Waylon

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After seeing Matt Ryan’s comments, this whole situation just sucks. I feel really bad for Matt, and his career didn’t deserve to end like this. I’m not against the benching, but the overall way it happened just doesn’t sit right with me. Unless Sam can find a way to turn this situation around by playing lights out, this whole thing just sucks.


Also, respect for Matt for staying classy the whole way through and not giving up on the Colts after the benching. Props to him for sticking around to help Sam. That’s leadership right there.

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1 hour ago, DougDew said:

Pinter has promise.  I think Pryor is being exposed as a plodder no matter where he plays.  We should do better.

I agree, I think Pinter has promise.   He might be our starting center next year.  

And to be clear, I’m not lobbying for Pryor to be a starter.   I’m lobbying for him to be a backup where he can help at various positions.   He was good in that role in 2021.   He should be able to be good there again.    

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1 hour ago, chickenMan said:

After seeing Matt Ryan’s comments, this whole situation just sucks. I feel really bad for Matt, and his career didn’t deserve to end like this. I’m not against the benching, but the overall way it happened just doesn’t sit right with me. Unless Sam can find a way to turn this situation around by playing lights out, this whole thing just sucks.


Also, respect for Matt for staying classy the whole way through and not giving up on the Colts after the benching. Props to him for sticking around to help Sam. That’s leadership right there.

It sucks no matter how Sam plays.  I imagine Matt, downside, knows he isn’t playing the way anyone expected.  I also imagine he’s working the stages of grief.

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13 hours ago, MPStack said:

Absolutely, I believe he’s first ballet.  W. Moon was a first ballet, with a career record 102-101 and 3-7 in playoffs. Never played in a conference championship. 

Same deal with Eli. Two time SB MVP top 10 in a lot of stats.


There's an old saying in sports: "stats are for losers." I wouldn't go that far or that harsh, but the point is stats don't tell the whole story of how great a player was, esp a QB, to put it mildly, and esp in football, and extra esp in the W/L column. Teams win or lose games, not a QB or any single player.


Neither Eli or Wilson are first-ballot HOFers IMO and borderline not HOF at all. They owe a lot of their success to great defenses and coaching. They were good/not great QBs most years. I'd say they should be in the "Hall of the Very Good" with people like Kurt Warner and such. 

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so when watching a break down of the titans game it showed me matt even with protection failed .  that second pick he threw i counted almost 5 seconds in the pocket before he forced it into double coverage .   yes he is getting pressured close to 30 percent of his passes but the other 70 percent he is not playing well .   


good QBs can still score more than 13 points a game with pressure .  joe burrow was leading the nfl at one point in QB hits and sacks last year and still put up huge numbers .    the problem is ryan even without pressure is playing bad holding the ball and his arm is shot .

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9 hours ago, philba101 said:

It makes you think that Irsay or Ballard wanted Ryan more then. Reich might not have gotten as much input after the Wentz let down. If it was Irsay it seems he would have gotten his wish and Sam would have been the choice. That leads me to believe that Ballard preferred the band-aid QB route again over Sam. But that brings me back to your earlier statement, why were Ballard and Irsay so eager to move on from Ryan if they preferred him over Sam?

??? Because he's not playing well to put it mildly? Because he's a turnover machine? And in Ballard's case, because he likes being employed?


I think Ballard preferred Ryan over Sam because at the time it was clear Ryan was a far, far better QB and he had the opportunity to get what he thought might be the missing piece for a SB run. Which is laughable when you consider how he otherwise handled free agency, totally ignoring the WR and OL positions and how ignoring the OL got us in this mess in the first place (losing Luck). If you think you have a top QB, your next move is stacking that OL, period. I don't care what other holes you have. Yet I am amazed how many times teams haven't done that (Luck, David Carr, I could go on). 


It's frustrating. He's made some great moves and draft picks, but such screwups in other ways. It's tempting to say dump him, but careful what you ask for. We could end up with another Grigson. 

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17 minutes ago, coming on strong said:

so when watching a break down of the titans game it showed me matt even with protection failed .  that second pick he threw i counted almost 5 seconds in the pocket before he forced it into double coverage .   yes he is getting pressured close to 30 percent of his passes but the other 70 percent he is not playing well .   


good QBs can still score more than 13 points a game with pressure .  joe burrow was leading the nfl at one point in QB hits and sacks last year and still put up huge numbers .    the problem is ryan even without pressure is playing bad holding the ball and his arm is shot .

He doesn’t seem to feel pressure. He also doesn’t make teams pay for blitzing very well. Oline hasn’t been great but I think Matt made it look a lot worse.

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3 hours ago, Two_pound said:

Back in February after the Colts traded Wentz I asked a steeler fan I worked with(he has since moved on to another job), who is going to quarterback the Colts this year? He looked at me a few moments and said, "Sam Ehlinger". I called him today to remind him of his answer and I said, what a guess! He said it wasn't a guess he just thought Elhinger was better than anyone else who would be available. Let's see how Sam does. I did put that conversation on here back in February but I can't find it, maybe someone who is more skilled at using the internet can.

i.e. before the Ryan move. Wasn't exactly a tough call then.  :)  



6 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:

Honestly I’m in a different camp than most here.   I think our number one problem has been the offensive line, not quarterback.   Not to say Ryan doesn’t deserve blame.   But if we had put a good O-line in front of Ryan, one that could pass block AND run block,  I think Ryan would have been much better — certainly good enough.   I think this has been one of the worst offensive line groups I’ve ever seen in more than 55 years of watching the NFL.  

There are other issues as well….  But I’ll try to save the rest for later in the year.  

I know mine likely won’t be a popular view, but I’m ok with that. 

I doubt it, except for people in major denial or are related to someone on the OL or have the hots for Sam or all three. You're stating the obvious. There's blame to go around. But I get the move. We needed to make a change and they have little to lose by trying Sam. If nothing else, he's more mobile and God knows he will need to be...



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12 minutes ago, jonjon said:


i.e. before the Ryan move. Wasn't exactly a tough call then.  :)  



I doubt it, except for people in major denial or are related to someone on the OL or have the hots for Sam or all three. You're stating the obvious. There's blame to go around. But I get the move. We needed to make a change and they have little to lose by trying Sam. If nothing else, he's more mobile and God knows he will need to be...



I’m stating the obvious?    Huh?


it looks to me that most here think the biggest problem with our offense is Matt Ryan.   I’m disagreeing with that saying I think the biggest problem is our O-line.   So how is that stating the obvious?  

Whether or not this is the right move is NOT an issue for me.   The decision has been made and I understand it.   It’s about money and next years salary cap.   I get it. The Colts are moving on from Matt Ryan.  

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15 hours ago, PRnum1 said:

One thing not mentioned is that he has a weak arm so he loses accuracy on his deep throws. But he is accurate on the short throws.


Frank will adjust the offense for him but I don't think he's a long term answer either


It'll be interesting. I need to re-read NFL draft profiles, but from just watching games over his career, he lacks a bit arm talent and consistency. 


But he is better suited for Reich's super shallow offense vs Ryan. And obviously is better running-wise. 


Won't be surprised if we run a ton this weekend, and Sam throws 20 passes or less. 

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1 hour ago, EastStreet said:


It'll be interesting. I need to re-read NFL draft profiles, but from just watching games over his career, he lacks a bit arm talent and consistency. 


But he is better suited for Reich's super shallow offense vs Ryan. And obviously is better running-wise. 


Won't be surprised if we run a ton this weekend, and Sam throws 20 passes or less. 


Also wouldn't be surprised if he gets at least 5 rushes.

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4 minutes ago, JediXMan said:


Also wouldn't be surprised if he gets at least 5 rushes.


I would say 5ish planned runs, but probably more unplanned. 


A buddy predicted.... another QB year like 2011... when Painter, Orlovsky, and Collins, all started at least 3 games... 


He believes Sam will only last 3-4 games, either due to injury or performance. And we'll end up with Foles to finish the year. 


fun... lol

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A quote from a recent article really stuck out to me:


But Ryan is the ultimate pro. He did not have to answer questions from the media after being benched. He is not required to help Ehlinger as he prepares to start the rest of the season. Yet Ryan stood by his locker and answered every question that came his way, not once blaming anyone but himself. The veteran also plans to do everything in his power to help prepare his young teammate for battle.

“I love Sam,” Ryan said. “He’s been awesome from the minute I got here. I just told him, ‘Any way I can help you let me know.’ As a player, you have to go out there and cut it loose and go play your game. It’s different – everybody’s individual game is different. So, go play yours. He’ll do a good job for us.”

“(Ryan’s) been unbelievable,” Ehlinger admitted. “He’s an absolute pro. Obviously, he’s a guy who wants to be on the field, so there’s frustration there but he has been nothing but supportive. Told me that he has my back regardless, whatever happens. I couldn’t be more thankful for him.”



Sorry for the long quote, but this really speaks to Matt's character. He doesn't have to do anything for this team and most guys probably wouldn't, but he's sticking around to help out Sam and the team however he can. I have a lot of respect for that.

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43 minutes ago, chickenMan said:

A quote from a recent article really stuck out to me:


But Ryan is the ultimate pro. He did not have to answer questions from the media after being benched. He is not required to help Ehlinger as he prepares to start the rest of the season. Yet Ryan stood by his locker and answered every question that came his way, not once blaming anyone but himself. The veteran also plans to do everything in his power to help prepare his young teammate for battle.

“I love Sam,” Ryan said. “He’s been awesome from the minute I got here. I just told him, ‘Any way I can help you let me know.’ As a player, you have to go out there and cut it loose and go play your game. It’s different – everybody’s individual game is different. So, go play yours. He’ll do a good job for us.”

“(Ryan’s) been unbelievable,” Ehlinger admitted. “He’s an absolute pro. Obviously, he’s a guy who wants to be on the field, so there’s frustration there but he has been nothing but supportive. Told me that he has my back regardless, whatever happens. I couldn’t be more thankful for him.”



Sorry for the long quote, but this really speaks to Matt's character. He doesn't have to do anything for this team and most guys probably wouldn't, but he's sticking around to help out Sam and the team however he can. I have a lot of respect for that.

Love Matt Ryan. He's the ultimate professional and leader. Regression of physical ability happens to everyone, and it's expedited when you're getting hit every throw. While he may be done as a player, I doubt this is the last we see of him on the field and or in the NFL in general. 

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51 minutes ago, chickenMan said:

A quote from a recent article really stuck out to me:


But Ryan is the ultimate pro. He did not have to answer questions from the media after being benched. He is not required to help Ehlinger as he prepares to start the rest of the season. Yet Ryan stood by his locker and answered every question that came his way, not once blaming anyone but himself. The veteran also plans to do everything in his power to help prepare his young teammate for battle.

“I love Sam,” Ryan said. “He’s been awesome from the minute I got here. I just told him, ‘Any way I can help you let me know.’ As a player, you have to go out there and cut it loose and go play your game. It’s different – everybody’s individual game is different. So, go play yours. He’ll do a good job for us.”

“(Ryan’s) been unbelievable,” Ehlinger admitted. “He’s an absolute pro. Obviously, he’s a guy who wants to be on the field, so there’s frustration there but he has been nothing but supportive. Told me that he has my back regardless, whatever happens. I couldn’t be more thankful for him.”



Sorry for the long quote, but this really speaks to Matt's character. He doesn't have to do anything for this team and most guys probably wouldn't, but he's sticking around to help out Sam and the team however he can. I have a lot of respect for that.

If Ryan wants his 30 million he probably does need to stick around. Not saying he isn't loaded with character, as he obviously is, and a lot of other guys would "check out."  But he's still getting a hefty paycheck to help the team win, whether he's on the field or off the field. 

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12 hours ago, chickenMan said:

After seeing Matt Ryan’s comments, this whole situation just sucks. I feel really bad for Matt, and his career didn’t deserve to end like this. I’m not against the benching, but the overall way it happened just doesn’t sit right with me. Unless Sam can find a way to turn this situation around by playing lights out, this whole thing just sucks.


Also, respect for Matt for staying classy the whole way through and not giving up on the Colts after the benching. Props to him for sticking around to help Sam. That’s leadership right there.

It's a tough situation but he is getting paid almost $25 million this year to make more turnovers than Betty Crocker. 

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2 hours ago, RollerColt said:

Love Matt Ryan. He's the ultimate professional and leader. Regression of physical ability happens to everyone, and it's expedited when you're getting hit every throw. While he may be done as a player, I doubt this is the last we see of him on the field and or in the NFL in general. 

It really sucks that it's ending the way it is. At least with us Rivers got one more playoff game and a complete season as a send-off.

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Keefer nailed it with this quote from his latest article.


This is the first time the Colts are openly acknowledging that this approach has failed them, that getting younger — and likely worse in the short term — is the only way they’ll finally get better. You can only plug-and-play at quarterback for so long.

38 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:


Glad to here Hines say that.

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1 minute ago, TaylorTheStudMuffin said:

Keefer nailed it with this quote from his latest article.


This is the first time the Colts are openly acknowledging that this approach has failed them, that getting younger — and likely worse in the short term — is the only way they’ll finally get better. You can only plug-and-play at quarterback for so long.

It worked with Rivers, and that's it. I'm glad Sam is getting his chance. He outdid Eason last season, and he fought his way into the locker room this season. I'll give him props, he's a fighter. I think he'll probably have the same outcome as Pickett: make some mistakes, but then give you some wow plays mixed in between. 


If anything, him playing well enough, even with a losing record, will give him a shot with another team in the NFL. It's a funny league, I mean PJ Walker is out there starting for the Panthers, so who am I to say Sam doesn't work out somewhere? 

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17 hours ago, coming on strong said:

sam is not a normal 6th round pick he is polished played a lot in college .  his height and arm strength made him fall into the 6th round .   sam gained a lot of weight and his arm is stronger now .   you will see he is gonna play well


16 hours ago, coming on strong said:

your friend is a very smart man and will be proven right

You are being extremely bullish on a 6th round draft pick my friend. I want him to succeed as much as the next person and I agree a change at QB was needed, Ryan not playing particularly well, coupled with the O line playing like hot garbage meant a change HAD to be made. I just wouldn't be so all in on Ehlinger if I were you, in all likelihood, he isnt going to be the long term answer for the Colts. 

Again, I hope he is, but being completely realistic, he probably isn't.

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15 hours ago, Stephen said:

Ive watched Ryan and he was not as quick as Rivers, manning, and brady at reading defense and getting ball out quick. Jags game is the one he did the best at but even then his release was slow. Another thing I noticed and Im surprised it wasnt brought up on this forum is that Ryan has played significantly worse on the road versus at home. Infact most of his turnovers happened in road games.


yes the Ryan fallacy of being a quick read/release guy had NO BASIS in reality.  He's NEVER been this type of QB.

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8 minutes ago, Nickster said:


yes the Ryan fallacy of being a quick read/release guy had NO BASIS in reality.  He's NEVER been this type of QB.

Joel Erickson said someone in colts told him Ryan has never been a quick guy but they thought he could do it. It was a fail.

Sam fits this offense so much better but there is going to be a adjustment period.

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4 minutes ago, TaylorTheStudMuffin said:

Joel Erickson said someone in colts told him Ryan has never been a quick guy but they thought he could do it. It was a fail.

Sam fits this offense so much better but there is going to be a adjustment period.


I was saying that before the season started.  The guy spent a decade and a half with outstanding pass catching talent in a downfield passing attack with play action and deep drops. 



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4 minutes ago, Nickster said:


I was saying that before the season started.  The guy spent a decade and a half with outstanding pass catching talent in a downfield passing attack with play action and deep drops. 



You did say that and credit to you but against the Jags he was getting it out quick. I also think Matt wanted complete control of the offense and Frank did not want that. That is why I have my theory's. Frank wants to call the plays and I think Matt wanted more control. When Matt just ran the hurry up, he was good without Frank calling anything.

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I have been a huge defender of Frank but if I was coach and had a Hall of Fame QB, I would let them run the offense. Whether it be Peyton, Rivers, Matt. See Frank can get away with things with a QB like JB, Wentz, and Sam because they aren't on that level. As classy as Matt is, I bet he told Frank what was up behind close doors - hence the bench for the whole year. The whole year is so funny Homer Simpson Laughing GIF by FOX TV

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10 minutes ago, TaylorTheStudMuffin said:

Reggie will have his young guys ready.




Yep, Reggie would be the only one to get away with calling Manning's throws "ducks", like a user pointed out. But like Chap said, those ducks got there on time. Those ducks were also the reason why playing in windy conditions bothered Peyton more because his spirals weren't as tight as Brady's throws come playoff time.


The WRs do need to keep continue running after the first few seconds if Sam starts scrambling to get used to a scrambling QB, but with them working back towards Sam's direction giving him windows hoping he will hit them accurately. That will be the significant change to me.

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2 minutes ago, chad72 said:


Yep, Reggie would be the only one to get away with calling Manning's throws "ducks", like a user pointed out. But like Chap said, those ducks got there on time. Those ducks were also the reason why playing in windy conditions bothered Peyton more because his spirals weren't as tight as Brady's throws come playoff time.


The WRs do need to keep continue running after the first few seconds if Sam starts scrambling to get used to a scrambling QB, but with them working back towards Sam's direction giving him windows hoping he will hit them accurately. That will be the significant change to me.

Yep broken plays could be huge. I didn’t watch any cincinatti games but apparently pierce and ridder were very good at it.  So hopefully not to much of a adjustment.

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