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Person pays $100,000 to hang out with Tebow for one day


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It's charity, but who would pay that much money just to hang out with someone!?! I'd imagine 20% of that day is devoted to discussing religion. Tebow also probably feels disappointed after being kicked off his former team, so I doubt he would discuss football relationships, in-detail. Even if Tebow wanted to, most football details are confidential (ex. the playbook). Furthermore, Tebow will not joke at other people's expense, so good luck cracking Sanchez jokes, so what is there worth talking about? It sounds it would be a very uncomfortable conversation!

I can think of 100,000 other things I'd rather spend $100,000 on.

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It's charity, but who would pay that much money just to hang out with someone!?! I'd imagine 20% of that day is devoted to discussing religion. Tebow also probably feels disappointed after being kicked off his former team, so I doubt he would discuss football relationships, in-detail. Even if Tebow wanted to, most football details are confidential (ex. the playbook). Furthermore, Tebow will not joke at other people's expense, so good luck cracking Sanchez jokes, so what is there worth talking about? It sounds it would be a very uncomfortable conversation!

I can think of 100,000 other things I'd rather spend $100,000 on.

Why so bitter? The kid is outstanding, and before you judge, you have read what they are doing for the day right? I applaud the kid, and the people.
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$100,000 dollars to spend 1 day with Tim Tebow?!! Anyone who spends that kind of cash on Tebow is off their rocker & needs to seriously re-evaluate their priorities in life. Yes I know, the money went to a worthy charitable organization, but still.

Tim Tebow does seem like a fine, upstanding fellow, but if it were me, I would hang out with the Deli Lama, Nelson Mandela, or 1 of my favorite musicians personally.

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$100,000 dollars to spend 1 day with Tim Tebow?!! Anyone who spends that kind of cash on Tebow is off their rocker & needs to seriously re-evaluate their priorities in life. Yes I know, the money went to a worthy charitable organization, but still.

But still what? Anybody that would donate $100,000 to a worthy charitable organization needs to seriously re-evaluate their priorities in life? I'm sure there are many examples out there of $100,000 being spent in far worse ways.

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She colt,

I bet Peyton would do it for free, then donate his own cash to a charity.

Perhaps, but I would think that would defeat the very purpose of having the fund raiser.

I find it far more likely that Peyton would match my donation.

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Just wanna try on the championship belt after the winning score.

All right, I am done now.

Tebow!!!!!!!! Tebow in NY. I have to say.....I kinda like it. I am not sure why but I have this funny feeling this might work out. When things look this odd sometimes they work out in the end.

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I wouldn't pay 10k to hang out with Anne Hathway in her catwoman suit, so there is no way I'd pay 100k to hangout with Tebow in his friar outfit.


Would you play 10,000 to see Tebow in a catwoman suit?

It is tempting......I know.

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For $100,000 I would request that he dance for me until I was satisfied with his efforts to amuse me.


Funny, but also succinctly demonstrates the absurdity of the whole thing. Being willing to pay so that someone spends time with you wavers somewhere between mental dysfunction and prostitution. Frankly if somebody has no desire to hang out with me unless I pay them, then why the heck would I want to debase myself in that fashion. Just ridiculous.

I mean if through pot luck a celebrity that you respected ended up being a personal friend, terrific. That would be pretty cool. But trying to buy their time? What's wrong with these people? If you want to give money to a charity, give money to a charity. If you want to communicate with an athlete, send them an honest letter of appreciation. Combining the two like this makes my skin crawl. And as others have said, what the heck would you talk to Tebow about anyway for all that time? The depth and breadth of his knowledge and experience with the world is a fraction of my own, he doesn't actually know HOW to play quarterback, and I have no interest in rubbing oil on his biceps. Unless he shares my unnatural fondness for slurpees and pizza, there really wouldn't be a lot to talk about.

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I don't understand why some of you are upset with this.

Rhett payed $150 to dance with Scarlett at a charity ball. Yeah, I know that is fiction. But, charity based auctions of this type have been conducted for years and years.

The $100,000 isn't going into Tebow's pocket. It is going to the TIm Tebow Foundation which IMO supports several very good causes.

The person(s) who bid this high are more than likely fans of Tebow. But, they may also be very supportive of the workings of his foundation. I see nothing wrong with that.

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I don't understand why some of you are upset with this.

Rhett payed $150 to dance with Scarlett at a charity ball. Yeah, I know that is fiction. But, charity based auctions of this type have been conducted for years and years.

The $100,000 isn't going into Tebow's pocket. It is going to the TIm Tebow Foundation which IMO supports several very good causes.

The person(s) who bid this high are more than likely fans of Tebow. But, they may also be very supportive of the workings of his foundation. I see nothing wrong with that.

I can't say that it upset me. Celebrities frequently auction themselves off for charity, it's just that it's usually for someone else's charity, not their own, and it's usually for a dinner or a golf round or something, not an entire day, and it's usually for a few thousand bucks, not $100k. It just seemed like an extreme example of Tebowmania related adulation. I couldn't fathom what they planned on doing with him. Perhaps painting him gold and parking him on the front lawn to impress the neighbors. Just wierd. None of this is an effort on my part to denigrate Tebow, I'm just confused by those who love him a little bit "too" much. There was some nervous laughter from him after it happened as well. Apparently he had similar thoughts to the effect "what the heck can I do to justify that",

However in an effort to be more fair, I have read a couple of stories about it. I now understand that the donors are looking to hold a little charity event in a run down area near where they live, and see if he can inspire some local kids who don't have much going on. In others words these aren't freaks looking for 12 hours of face time, they want to put him to work and try to use his reputation to do some good. Considering that Tebow would have probably been happy to do that kind of work without compensation, the donation merely serves to steer the location of his efforts, not to serve themselves. That's a whole different ballgame. More power to them all.

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I wonder how much Aaron Rodgers costs for a night?

Oh, did I say that out loud? Nevermind.

Well JPP and Justin Tuck got to do it for free. You just have to be able to get passed the Packers o-line Jules and knowing how much you like Rodgers I don't think that would be an issue for you ;).

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