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Luck addresses questions about his arm.....


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5 minutes ago, Cynjin said:


To be honest, the fact that you are embarrassed and ashamed by how the Colts or Luck perform on a football field is sad.  I have never been embarrassed or ashamed by how a team or a player that I watch has performed.  Unless it was when I was playing.  I was embarrassed by my own performance a couple of times, but never a player or team that I was not part of.

I guess when you watch the Manning era and enjoy seeing your team have so much success, then expect something similar after hearing Luck's name being called in the 2012 draft, it gives you that false illusion that you will have another magical 15 year run again. Sad to say, I was fooled and I'm disappointed. Luck isn't anywhere in Manning's league.

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3 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

My expectations were the defense wouldn't have to carry him. He's enough of a big boy where the new coaching staff and new offensive scheme shouldn't affect him too much. If he's as good as advertised, then that's not an excuse for him. He's no rookie, he's supposed to be the no1 QB prospect since Elway. You can't keep coddling him. He needs to get his head back in the game and quit making the same mistakes he made in 2012. No matter how hurt he still is or not, he still hasn't improved nearly enough. 


Who's coddling him? He's being thrown to the wolves right now against really good defenses, as he should be, & we've seen some mixed results. So far, this is exactly what I expected to see from Luck for the first 5 or 6 games of the year until he & all of his WRs are all on the same page in the new offense, & I'm willing to take the good with the bad until they find that groove. Sounds like you're throwing in the towel and want to be a Donkey fan though.

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2 minutes ago, Steamboat_Shaun said:


Who's coddling him? He's being thrown to the wolves right now against really good defenses, as he should be, & we've seen some mixed results. So far, this is exactly what I expected to see from Luck for the first 5 or 6 games of the year until he & all of his WRs are all on the same page in the new offense, & I'm willing to take the good with the bad until they find that groove. Sounds like you're throwing in the towel and want to be a Donkey fan though.

The only reason I watch the Broncos is A.) My parents are Broncos fans and it lets us spend time together now that I'm an adult, and B.) I don't get the Colts game in Colorado, so unless my friends are available to watch the game with or it's on TV that week, I can't watch them. Like I said, it becomes a chore to hope Luck gets better. My fandom is based on effort, I support Ballard because he is giving 100%. I support the team and this defense because they give 100%. I don't believe Luck is giving 100% or is 100% into football. He is smart enough not to make simple mistakes at 29 anymore. 


Manning put his blood, sweat and tears into football. He lived it. I don't believe Luck does, and it makes me not care about him.

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1 minute ago, Jared Cisneros said:

The only reason I watch the Broncos is A.) My parents are Broncos fans and it lets us spend time together now that I'm an adult, and B.) I don't get the Colts game in Colorado, so unless my friends are available to watch the game with or it's on TV that week, I can't watch them. Like I said, it becomes a chore to hope Luck gets better. My fandom is based on effort, I support Ballard because he is giving 100%. I support the team and this defense because they give 100%. I don't believe Luck is giving 100% or is 100% into football. He is smart enough not to make simple mistakes at 29 anymore. 


Manning put his blood, sweat and tears into football. He lived it. I don't believe Luck does, and it makes me not care about him.

Haha,   more delusion.   

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If anyone 'grew up' on Manning, you're going to be disappointed going forward. He was a top 5 all time great. I'm sure some Pats fans will feel the same when that dude retires.


I can't even imagine our fanbase when we are stuck with a string of regular QB's for a stretch of years like most other teams do.


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6 minutes ago, Steamboat_Shaun said:


You'd be alone on that mountain. I also live in CO, & I have tons of friends who are HUGE Broncos fans, & they'd definitely disagree with you. 

That's fine, the only difference is that Keenum is somewhat of a rental, while Luck is supposed to be our franchise QB. Until Luck recovers, there is no difference between them.

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1 hour ago, Jared Cisneros said:

That's actually a very adult view of things. We change the things we have control over if we don't like them, and we are frustrated by the things we can't change (such as our sports team) because we are only fans. Not childish at all. In fact, it's human, and it describes 99% of all the fanbases and humans in general except for the people who don't care about their lives at all.

There is really no point in continuing this conversation if you think it's adult to complain about players in a football game.  It is childish, you are complaining because a person is not performing how you think he should perform.  It has no basis in reality, you are complaining because of your perception of things.  That is what a child does, a child does not understand circumstances and cause and effect, they only understand their perceptions and base all decisions on that.

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1 minute ago, Coffeedrinker said:

There is really no point in continuing this conversation if you think it's adult to complain about players in a football game.  It is childish, you are complaining because a person is not performing how you think he should perform.  It has no basis in reality, you are complaining because of your perception of things.  That is what a child does, a child does not understand circumstances and cause and effect, they only understand their perceptions and base all decisions on that.

The majority of football fans, casual or hardcore, complain about players in a football game. That's what a lot of conversation is about, especially on football forums. Not every team is doing well all the time or winning the SB. Like I said, we change things we can control and as humans, we are frustrated by the things we have no control over because we can't change them. Humans rely on control in their lives.

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6 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

The majority of football fans, casual or hardcore, complain about players in a football game. That's what a lot of conversation is about, especially on football forums. Not every team is doing well all the time or winning the SB. Like I said, we change things we can control and as humans, we are frustrated by the things we have no control over because we can't change them. Humans rely on control in their lives.

Whatever you say Jared.  You keep whining and justifying it if that makes you feel better.


If it gets too much for you, I'm sure you can find a therapy dog to help you work through your frustrations.

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15 minutes ago, aaron11 said:

i dont think its nonsense, luck has not been the same passer and that is a fact

I’m not doubting that. He has a bit to go to get back to form. And I think the part was missed about “Facts” compared

to something substantial that’s coming from the person throwing balls mouth. 


 I was referencing the other craziness the thread turned into. That is a FACT. 

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2 hours ago, Jared Cisneros said:

Actually, that's the type of thing people should be complaining about. The things we have control over, we can change if we don't like them for the most part. This is something we can't change, and it's frustrating for us when we've invested so much time into him, and the outcome has been underwhelming (especially when so many young QB's are panning out just as well or better for other teams that shouldn't be on Luck's level).

What an incredible sense of entitlement. 

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16 minutes ago, Reidm said:

lol Gotta love Fair weather fans

negativity gets brought up a lot on here


i think its fair for a football fanbase to be somewhat negative when the team has not been any good since 2014.  some people go a little far with it though

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11 minutes ago, aaron11 said:

negativity gets brought up a lot on here


i think its fair for a football fanbase to be somewhat negative when the team has not been any good since 2014.  some people go a little far with it though

I've admitted numerous times on this forum I'm bipolar. I overreact to both positive and negative things heavily. Just the way I am. I may overreact to Luck doing bad, but I have also overreacted in a positive way to Darius Leonard doing awesome through 3 games. I wish our entire team could do great so I could overreact in a positive way to them.

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1 hour ago, Jared Cisneros said:

The only reason I watch the Broncos is A.) My parents are Broncos fans and it lets us spend time together now that I'm an adult, and B.) I don't get the Colts game in Colorado, so unless my friends are available to watch the game with or it's on TV that week, I can't watch them. Like I said, it becomes a chore to hope Luck gets better. My fandom is based on effort, I support Ballard because he is giving 100%. I support the team and this defense because they give 100%. I don't believe Luck is giving 100% or is 100% into football. He is smart enough not to make simple mistakes at 29 anymore. 


Manning put his blood, sweat and tears into football. He lived it. I don't believe Luck does, and it makes me not care about him.

I feel sorry for the team because Luck and the offense don't give their 100%.  I'm just confused because pre-Luck injury, I think he carried the whole team on his back.  Probably the main reason why he got injured the first place because he was doing it all.  Sorry that you hate watching the Colts but I watch them because I support them no matter what.


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10 minutes ago, Devildog said:

I feel sorry for the team because Luck and the offense don't give their 100%.  I'm just confused because pre-Luck injury, I think he carried the whole team on his back.  Probably the main reason why he got injured the first place because he was doing it all.  Sorry that you hate watching the Colts but I watch them because I support them no matter what.


I don't hate watching the Colts, I hate watching Luck right now. Period.

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Not exactly sure what we would expect him to say. Luck is a smart, well-spoken guy...he's going to say the right things. 


That being said...whether it's physical, muscular or mental (trust, rust, etc.)...Luck is not there yet. Seems like people are getting defensive about this. But it's actually an exciting prospect...that Luck will continue to get better (hopefully). If this was Luck fully back...then there would be legitimate cause for concern.

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7 hours ago, Coffeedrinker said:

There is really no point in continuing this conversation if you think it's adult to complain about players in a football game.  It is childish, you are complaining because a person is not performing how you think he should perform.  It has no basis in reality, you are complaining because of your perception of things.  That is what a child does, a child does not understand circumstances and cause and effect, they only understand their perceptions and base all decisions on that.


This is as Bonkers as it gets.  Decaf for you.      

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Day's of our lives...



So PFT dropped a piece that's typically annoying, but it does have a quote from Steve Young saying he's not seeing the same ball from Luck either. 

Take that for what its worth. 

Brace yourselves for more "zip" talk in the coming weeks.


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7 minutes ago, The Fish said:

Day's of our lives...



So PFT dropped a piece that's typically annoying, but it does have a quote from Steve Young saying he's not seeing the same ball from Luck either. 

Take that for what its worth. 

Brace yourselves for more "zip" talk in the coming weeks.


I seen the interview. Young said Luck is 80% of what he was, needs to get to 95-100% to be that special player again. After missing a whole season I think 80% is pretty darn great through 3 games. Many in here said he would never play again. We are 1-2, if we were 3-0 everyone would be saying he is in the discussion for MVP because he is completing 68.5% of his passes with 2 comeback wins had we beat Cincy and Philly. 

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9 hours ago, jvan1973 said:

Haha,   more delusion.   


Lol, cocaine is a hell of a drug!!!  He’s always been one of the biggest Luck haters on the board but tries to make up for it sometimes by acting like he likes him.  Sometimes I truly think it’s actually a burner account for Skip Bayless..


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15 hours ago, Coffeedrinker said:

So after being out of the game and unable to throw a football for a year and a half, Luck needs to get his timing down with his receivers and learn again that in situation A he needs to throw the ball with x velocity at angle B which means to release at point Y from his ear.


Huh, who would have thunk it?

Truly shocking.

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10 hours ago, Steamboat_Shaun said:


Who's coddling him? He's being thrown to the wolves right now against really good defenses, as he should be, & we've seen some mixed results. So far, this is exactly what I expected to see from Luck for the first 5 or 6 games of the year until he & all of his WRs are all on the same page in the new offense, & I'm willing to take the good with the bad until they find that groove. Sounds like you're throwing in the towel and want to be a Donkey fan though.


One thing that does worry me is this WR core.  Boy is it horrible.  Chester no clue why he’s on the team.  I was hoping he would well, just do anything.  Anything at all besides drop passes.  Grant has been reliable but isn’t really a threat thus far, the defense really doesn’t need to game plan for him.  Doyle, injured and that horrific fumble.  Ebron looks great but looks terrible.  I can already see what Lions fans have seen in him. 


Watching the Vikings and Rams game today I just realized how horrible this reciving group is compared to the rest of the league in general.  


Mack needs to get back to add something hopefully semi dynamic to this offense besides Hilton. 

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9 hours ago, Coffeedrinker said:

There is really no point in continuing this conversation if you think it's adult to complain about players in a football game.  It is childish, you are complaining because a person is not performing how you think he should perform.  It has no basis in reality, you are complaining because of your perception of things.  That is what a child does, a child does not understand circumstances and cause and effect, they only understand their perceptions and base all decisions on that.


If Fans and Sports Talk show host on tv, radio etc... didn't talk, complain about players ESPN and other media would be out of business lol.

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2 minutes ago, Malakai432 said:


One thing that does worry me is this WR core.  Boy is it horrible.  Chester no clue why he’s on the team.  I was hoping he would well, just do anything.  Anything at all besides drop passes.  Grant has been reliable but isn’t really a threat thus far, the defense really doesn’t need to game plan for him.  Doyle, injured and that horrific fumble.  Ebron looks great but looks terrible.  I can already see what Lions fans have seen in him. 


Watching the Vikings and Rams game today I just realized how horrible this reviving group is compared to the rest of the league in general.  


Mack needs to get back to add something hopefully semi dynamic to this offense besides Hilton. 


Yes our offensive skill players beside TY are definitely underwhelming to put it nicely.


I also noticed the difference in our offense compared to vikings/rams while watching tonights game.

Wow, it's like not even in same league.

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8 hours ago, Malakai432 said:


Watching the Vikings and Rams game today I just realized how horrible this receiving group is compared to the rest of the league in general.  



Its been like that for 5 years.  I remember when folks were giddy about signing Hakeem Nicks, then AJ, then I thought the Dorsett pick at least was an attempt to finally address the issue, but that didn't work out.  Its been nobodies ever since then.

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8 hours ago, LJpalmbeacher2 said:


Yes our offensive skill players beside TY are definitely underwhelming to put it nicely.


I also noticed the difference in our offense compared to vikings/rams while watching tonights game.

Wow, it's like not even in same league.

That's really funny because both squads are several years in the making of the WR corps.  The Rams are made up of other teams cast offs and a lot of talking heads and fans thought Josh Reynolds would be better than Cooper Kupp.


The Vikings have a 5th round pick and an UDFA as their primary receivers.  And again it's been 5 years in the making.

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