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Ryan Jensen Visiting Colts Today


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7 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

I will take an Average Line across the board anyday as we have had a Bad Line since Luck has been in the league. I don't see him as Average but that is my opinion. Next to Kelly I think he could be effective playing Guard and hold his own.

We hope he can be effective at guard but don’t know. Yet some are willing to put up $10 million/yr to find out but Ballard wouldn’t go $14 million to secure the best guard on the market?  Doesn’t make much sense to me to spend that much for an unknown at the position but be hesitant to spend what was needed on a proven guard, 

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23 minutes ago, PrincetonTiger said:

Look at it like this he had to play C the way the Colts had OT who had to play G

I hear you but he is virtually an unknown entity at guard so I hope Ballard does not value him as a center and overpay when he likely won’t play that position much for us. 

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14 minutes ago, Gabriel Alexander Morillo said:

As in you don’t think he’ll be a disappointment? That’s fair. I just think he’ll be average at guard, which is fine, but not worth the 10 mil it’s most likely going to take to get him 

That and the sign/cut thing.  Even if he's average, its an upgrade at that position.  All reports are that he's above average at both spots.  Our OG play has sucked so bad, even I could be an upgrade. 

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1 minute ago, Coltsman1788 said:

I hear you but he is virtually an unknown quantity at guard so I hope Ballard does not value him as a center and overpay when he likely won’t play that position much for us. 

here's my theory.  I think he signs as a center. Then Ballard/Reich let him and Kelly battle it out for the starting Center spot with the "loser" making the switch to guard.

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11 minutes ago, Coltsman1788 said:

I hear you but he is virtually an unknown quantity at guard so I hope Ballard does not value him as a center and overpay when he likely won’t play that position much for us. 


That is funny. His sample space at G is larger than his sample space at C. Maybe not starting guard all the time but G nevertheless. Most players, I repeat, most players play well in a contract year. 


Norwell elevated his play, Von Miller elevated his play, Jensen elevated his play, and there are tons and tons of examples for this. That is why we cannot just go based on 1 year to determine one's starting position, mainly talking about OL here.

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6 minutes ago, Coltsman1788 said:

We hope he can be effective at guard but don’t know. Yet some are willing to put up $10 million/yr to find out but Ballard wouldn’t go $14 million to secure the best guard on the market?  Doesn’t make much sense to me to spend that much for an unknown at the position but be hesitant to spend what was needed on a proven guard, 

again... you have ZERO proof what ballard offered Norwell nor any evidence at all.  It's entirely possible that Ballards offer was in the same ballpark but that Norwell chose to go south.  This isn't an auction, there's other factors besides just money that come into play.

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1 minute ago, csmopar said:

here's my theory.  I think he signs as a center. Then Ballard/Reich let him and Kelly battle it out for the starting Center spot with the "loser" making the switch to guard.

If that scenario happens then I would have to pull for Kelly to lose that battle and slide into the guard spot. Then we can correctly play this new guy at the position he is potentially being valued at..Center.  Kelly is still under rookie contract so we likely are not overpaying for his services at guard.  If Kelly plays average or mediocre at guard at least we aren’t paying him 10 million to do so.  

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7 minutes ago, Coltsman1788 said:

I hear you but he is virtually an unknown entity at guard so I hope Ballard does not value him as a center and overpay when he likely won’t play that position much for us. 


No,  he's not a virtual unknown at guard.   He's played it enough for GMs to know that he's perfectly capable of doing that.


Hensen appears to be our target when we didn't get Norwell.   Let's see how this plays out.




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5 minutes ago, csmopar said:

again... you have ZERO proof what ballard offered Norwell nor any evidence at all.  It's entirely possible that Ballards offer was in the same ballpark but that Norwell chose to go south.  This isn't an auction, there's other factors besides just money that come into play.

I respect that point.  However if Ballard offered $14 million I’m pretty sure that nugget would be  leaked somewhere. If not now then later.  


At at the end of the day, this guy isn’t the guard that Norwell is nor should the Colts pay him close to what they would have offered to the best at his position on the market.  If we can get him for close to or a little more than half of that then I’d be more for it. If he is going to play primarily guard here then his value should be set as such in my opinion. 

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4 minutes ago, Coltsman1788 said:

If that scenario happens then I would have to pull for Kelly to lose that battle and slide into the guard spot. Then we can correctly play this new guy at the position he is potentially being valued at..Center.  Kelly is still under rookie contract so we likely are not overpaying for his services at guard.  If Kelly plays average or mediocre at guard at least we aren’t paying him 10 million to do so.  

My friend, I know you truly believe in what you feel from what you state, however it's 2018 and everyone, including yourself, needs to stop this junk regarding a positional value. The market landscape changes every single year and just like other aspects of life it's all about supply and demand. The NFL marketplace has set the going(new) rate regarding OG's and it started actually last year with Zeitler. You may not agree with what is going on in the case of positional value vs. spending/overspending, however the Colts cannot sit back and have that same philosophy in certain cases and this is one of those cases. We need O-line in the worst way, proven talent along with unproven talent(rookies) and if we have to pay for the proven, then we pay for it. This team can no longer afford not to have proven O-line talent as our franchise QB's health is suffering/has suffered. If no problems with the QB had occurred I might tend to agree with you to some extent, but in this case, your assessment of "the value" chart what to pay O-line vs. how bad the Colts need a talent influx is wrong and outdated.

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2 minutes ago, Indeee said:

My friend, I know you truly believe in what you feel from what you state, however it's 2018 and everyone, including yourself, needs to stop this junk regarding a positional value. The market landscape changes every single year and just like other aspects of life it's all about supply and demand. The NFL marketplace has set the going(new) rate regarding OG's and it started actually last year with Zeitler. You may not agree with what is going on in the case of positional value vs. spending/overspending, however the Colts cannot sit back and have that same philosophy in certain cases and this is one of those cases. We need O-line in the worst way, proven talent along with unproven talent(rookies) and if we have to pay for the proven, then we pay for it. This team can no longer afford not to have proven O-line talent as our franchise QB's health is suffering/has suffered. If no problems with the QB had occurred I might tend to agree with you to some extent, but in this case, your assessment of "the value" chart what to pay O-line vs. how bad the Colts need a talent influx is wrong and outdated.

Ok guys...apologies. Perhaps I am misguided here. Hope whatever the Colts decide to do works out for the best. 

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3 minutes ago, TomDiggs said:

I will say this:


Our forum is a very, very difficult bunch to please.


So let me get this straight:


- If we do not sign OL players, we are not addressing one of our most glaring weaknesses and we are not trying to protect Luck and we are wasting his talent and getting him hurt, etc etc etc


-If we try to sign the best guy (Norwell) and miss out (for whatever the reasoning is) then us turning to another guy who isn't as good as Norwell is met w angst


-If we pay Jensen $10M a year and he is even 70% as good of a Guard as Norwell is, then he is actually worth the contract! Yet we complain that we would be overpaying Jensen and should have spent more on Norwell.


Is Jensen an upgrade if we get him over what we have? Yes he is.


Does Jensen offer versatility and flexibility? Yes he does.


Is Jensen arguably better than Fulton who everyone else seemed to want? In my humble opinion yes he is.


Why the heck did this forum not explode over the idea of signing Fulton as a Guard when Fulton just played Center most recently for KC and when Fulton graded out better at Center than Guard?


If we can get Jensen for $10M a year or less then get him. Once he is here we play the best combo of the top 5 guys on the line that we can. I believe it will be Kelly at Center and Jensen at Guard. But if that flips then so be it.

Fantastic Post. I CONCUR!

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5 minutes ago, Coltsman1788 said:

Ok guys...apologies. Perhaps I am misguided here. Hope whatever the Colts decide to do works out for the best. 

I don't think you are mis-guided at all. It's just in this particular case with our offensive line, in most opinion, the Colts cannot to continue down the road of hoping these second tier Offensive lineman and draft picks can be coached up into all pros without some kind of proven talent support as well. We have gone through years of this type of hopeful experimentation, it's time to try something different. Not entirely give up on coaching guys up but having proven talent so the second tier guys can mentor and learn from as well and unfortunately the proven guys cost money.

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10 minutes ago, Coltsman1788 said:

Ok guys...apologies. Perhaps I am misguided here. Hope whatever the Colts decide to do works out for the best. 

No need to apologize. You have your doubts that he will be Good. Problem is even if he's Above Average he's worth it because we need major help on the O.Line and versatility. For the money he will get, sure he better be better than Average. He isn't Norwell either so I get what you are saying. I for one don't see any reason why he wouldn't be Good here, especially compared to what we have had. Only time will tell I guess if we do sign him.

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14 minutes ago, TomDiggs said:

I will say this:


Our forum is a very, very difficult bunch to please.


So let me get this straight:


- If we do not sign OL players, we are not addressing one of our most glaring weaknesses and we are not trying to protect Luck and we are wasting his talent and getting him hurt, etc etc etc


-If we try to sign the best guy (Norwell) and miss out (for whatever the reasoning is) then us turning to another guy who isn't as good as Norwell is met w angst


-If we pay Jensen $10M a year and he is even 70% as good of a Guard as Norwell is, then he is actually worth the contract! Yet we complain that we would be overpaying Jensen and should have spent more on Norwell.


Is Jensen an upgrade if we get him over what we have? Yes he is.


Does Jensen offer versatility and flexibility? Yes he does.


Is Jensen arguably better than Fulton who everyone else seemed to want? In my humble opinion yes he is.


Why the heck did this forum not explode over the idea of signing Fulton as a Guard when Fulton just played Center most recently for KC and when Fulton graded out better at Center than Guard?


If we can get Jensen for $10M a year or less then get him. Once he is here we play the best combo of the top 5 guys on the line that we can. I believe it will be Kelly at Center and Jensen at Guard. But if that flips then so be it.

Out of likes.....have to extend the thread. Well said. 

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10 minutes ago, TomDiggs said:

I will say this:


Our forum is a very, very difficult bunch to please.


So let me get this straight:


- If we do not sign OL players, we are not addressing one of our most glaring weaknesses and we are not trying to protect Luck and we are wasting his talent and getting him hurt, etc etc etc


-If we try to sign the best guy (Norwell) and miss out (for whatever the reasoning is) then us turning to another guy who isn't as good as Norwell is met w angst


-If we pay Jensen $10M a year and he is even 70% as good of a Guard as Norwell is, then he is actually worth the contract! Yet we complain that we would be overpaying Jensen and should have spent more on Norwell.


Is Jensen an upgrade if we get him over what we have? Yes he is.


Does Jensen offer versatility and flexibility? Yes he does.


Is Jensen arguably better than Fulton who everyone else seemed to want? In my humble opinion yes he is.


Why the heck did this forum not explode over the idea of signing Fulton as a Guard when Fulton just played Center most recently for KC and when Fulton graded out better at Center than Guard?


If we can get Jensen for $10M a year or less then get him. Once he is here we play the best combo of the top 5 guys on the line that we can. I believe it will be Kelly at Center and Jensen at Guard. But if that flips then so be it.



As was the case with Hitchens, a 3rd party told us we were LINKED. You know, they'd been introduced to someone in our FO. We take that is a bird in the hand, just waiting to happen. They become a big deal, because they're basically OURS. 


Then...........................they sign elsewhere.

There's no other explanation 'cept someone (Ballard) blew it, when, in fact, we may not have been interested.....because we knew them(?).


So, the next shinny penny comes along, and we start to wonder what in the heck were we ever thinking regarding the old penny that just passed us by. Good riddance. You know, kinda like how we got out new HC.

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4 hours ago, Jared Cisneros said:

We need both Jensen and Nelson, that's how bad the O-Line is. The problem is even if Ballard is interested in Nelson instead of Norwell, there's a chance the Giants could draft him. So in that case he would be either risking it on a 50/50 chance or be willing to move up a pick to guarantee him if he was interested in Nelson. The better strategy would of been just to sign Norwell and overpay and take Nelson if he fell to 3. If he doesn't, then you can take Chubb and still have Norwell. Doesn't make any sense.

He couldn't be that bad if he is commanding to be the highest paid center in the league you don't give out money like that o players that are not as good.

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51 minutes ago, Coltsman1788 said:

If that scenario happens then I would have to pull for Kelly to lose that battle and slide into the guard spot. Then we can correctly play this new guy at the position he is potentially being valued at..Center.  Kelly is still under rookie contract so we likely are not overpaying for his services at guard.  If Kelly plays average or mediocre at guard at least we aren’t paying him 10 million to do so.  

You could look at is as if you are not paying Jensen to do so either. I see this as a very good signing potentially because of his versatility. If he were to be signed at 10M and you really wanted to nit pick you could consider Jensen as a 7-8M a year guy as guard and 2M as a starting caliber backup center. You are getting more value out of him as a backup because he is still playing. This is added insurance and allows you to have added depth at arguably a more valuable position (center). 7-8M is still a lot for a guard and he would need to be better than average at the position, so hopefully the scouts on the Colts staff know what they are doing.

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10 minutes ago, Dingus McGirt said:

Looks a bit cramped...

That's the clownin' part. That is his picture from flight TO Tampa Bay for meeting. 


We sent private jet for him after that to bring him here. I'm sure he had plenty of leg room for that one.

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50 minutes ago, stitches said:

Colts sent a private plane to pick up Ryan Jensen:


This is after Jensen posted this picture yesterday flying to Tampa 



I recommend everyone go read the comments on Jenna’s tweet. haha Colts fans aren’t the only ones who can be dramatic.  

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1 hour ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

No need to apologize. You have your doubts that he will be Good. Problem is even if he's Above Average he's worth it because we need major help on the O.Line and versatility. For the money he will get, sure he better be better than Average. He isn't Norwell either so I get what you are saying. I for one don't see any reason why he wouldn't be Good here, especially compared to what we have had. Only time will tell I guess if we do sign him.

He’s not saying he won’t be good. I don’t think anyone is saying that. He’s one of middle tier free agents that Ballard likes and would be an upgrade on our o line. We just think that if we sign him at $10-12M per year then it’s hypocritical that Ballard constantly preaches not overpaying for average or slightly above average players. He’s been a backup for most of his career and played well, not amazing, in a contract year. Imo it’s foolish to sign him at that price and switch him back to guard. If we do get into a bidding war with Tampa over him then it shows Ballard panicked after not getting Norwell. If we get him around $7-8M then it shows Ballard stuck to his guns. 

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11 minutes ago, Luck 4 president said:

He’s not saying he won’t be good. I don’t think anyone is saying that. He’s one of middle tier free agents that Ballard likes and would be an upgrade on our o line. We just think that if we sign him at $10-12M per year then it’s hypocritical that Ballard constantly preaches not overpaying for average or slightly above average players. He’s been a backup for most of his career and played well, not amazing, in a contract year. Imo it’s foolish to sign him at that price and switch him back to guard. If we do get into a bidding war with Tampa over him then it shows Ballard panicked after not getting Norwell. If we get him around $7-8M then it shows Ballard stuck to his guns. 

He wasnt a backup he was a starter js if you look at the film he played every game in this past season

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18 minutes ago, Luck 4 president said:

He’s not saying he won’t be good. I don’t think anyone is saying that. He’s one of middle tier free agents that Ballard likes and would be an upgrade on our o line. We just think that if we sign him at $10-12M per year then it’s hypocritical that Ballard constantly preaches not overpaying for average or slightly above average players. He’s been a backup for most of his career and played well, not amazing, in a contract year. Imo it’s foolish to sign him at that price and switch him back to guard. If we do get into a bidding war with Tampa over him then it shows Ballard panicked after not getting Norwell. If we get him around $7-8M then it shows Ballard stuck to his guns. 

Bottomline is we need major help on the O.Line, standing pat with who we have doesn't make sense. People have been complaining constantly on here that we haven't upgraded the O.Line at all. Now we have a chance to sign someone Good and some people still don't like it, does that make sense? If we just keep the same O.Line, if I was Andrew I wouldn't even come back. Why should he, he will just get injured again. Jensen isn't Great but he's one of the best O.Lineman left out there and would help us bigtime. We have the money to get a deal done too.

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1 hour ago, Indeee said:

My friend, I know you truly believe in what you feel from what you state, however it's 2018 and everyone, including yourself, needs to stop this junk regarding a positional value. The market landscape changes every single year and just like other aspects of life it's all about supply and demand. The NFL marketplace has set the going(new) rate regarding OG's and it started actually last year with Zeitler. You may not agree with what is going on in the case of positional value vs. spending/overspending, however the Colts cannot sit back and have that same philosophy in certain cases and this is one of those cases. We need O-line in the worst way, proven talent along with unproven talent(rookies) and if we have to pay for the proven, then we pay for it. This team can no longer afford not to have proven O-line talent as our franchise QB's health is suffering/has suffered. If no problems with the QB had occurred I might tend to agree with you to some extent, but in this case, your assessment of "the value" chart what to pay O-line vs. how bad the Colts need a talent influx is wrong and outdated.


I agree but ... can we please just stop this "we need an oline to protect Luck's health" nonsense... Really...


The only person who can protect Luck's health is Luck himself. Him, and some luck (without capital letter). He hurt his kidney while rushing with the ball trying to bullrush a linebacker. He hurt his shoulder moving outside the pocket, holding on the ball for like 7-8 seconds, then falling down and a player accidentally falling on him. Eli Manning has had bad olines for years and never got hurt. Russell Wilson had terrible olines, and never got hurt (except once, when he hurt his ankle RUNNING with the ball). Carlson Wentz on the other hand, got hurt behind the BEST oline of the leauge. Aaron Rodgers got hurt behind one of the better olines of the league. Marcus Mariota get's hurt pretty much every season behind one of the best olines of the league. Derek Carr got hurt behind one of the best olines of the league.


The Colts need better oline to a) be able to run the ball more effectively, b) give Luck more time to read the field and select the best possible target, c) avoid sacks so the offense won't have to make 3rd and longs all the time because the QB has been sacked. That's why we need better oline.


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3 minutes ago, Peterk2011 said:


I agree but ... can we please just stop this "we need an oline to protect Luck's health" nonsense... Really...


The only person who can protect Luck's health is Luck himself. Him, and some luck (without capital letter). He hurt his kidney while rushing with the ball trying to bullrush a linebacker. He hurt his shoulder moving outside the pocket, holding on the ball for like 7-8 seconds, then falling down and a player accidentally falling on him. Eli Manning has had bad olines for years and never got hurt. Russell Wilson had terrible olines, and never got hurt (except once, when he hurt his ankle RUNNING with the ball). Carlson Wentz on the other hand, got hurt behind the BEST oline of the leauge. Aaron Rodgers got hurt behind one of the better olines of the league. Marcus Mariota get's hurt pretty much every season behind one of the best olines of the league. Derek Carr got hurt behind one of the best olines of the league.


The Colts need better oline to a) be able to run the ball more effectively, b) give Luck more time to read the field and select the best possible target, c) avoid sacks so the offense won't have to make 3rd and longs all the time because the QB has been sacked. That's why we need better oline.


Apparently you don't realize how Bad our O.Line is. Luck isn't the only one that has been getting injured and kicked around for years. Every QB we have had has been getting injured or banged up. From Hass to whoever. Brissett was the most sacked QB last season. So Luck isn't the problem. He needs blocking. Luck can get rid of the ball quicker but you can only mask the problem for so long. Peyton got rid of the ball quick but Peyton also had a better O.Line than we have had in this era. In 2006 our O.Line manhandled the Bears in the SB if you go back and watch. Our O.Line now isn't even close to that.

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1 hour ago, stitches said:

Colts sent a private plane to pick up Ryan Jensen:


This is after Jensen posted this picture yesterday flying to Tampa 


Okay, my thinking from the beginning was that he set up the visits in the order he did as to give the team he wanted, Indy, a target to beat. 


I should have said this yesterday, but getting it in before he's signed........

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1 hour ago, rickybobby said:

You could look at is as if you are not paying Jensen to do so either. I see this as a very good signing potentially because of his versatility. If he were to be signed at 10M and you really wanted to nit pick you could consider Jensen as a 7-8M a year guy as guard and 2M as a starting caliber backup center. You are getting more value out of him as a backup because he is still playing. This is added insurance and allows you to have added depth at arguably a more valuable position (center). 7-8M is still a lot for a guard and he would need to be better than average at the position, so hopefully the scouts on the Colts staff know what they are doing.

He was probably the best linemen in the ravens O-line last year started all 16 games.

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