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REPORT: Trade talks involving WR DONTE MONCRIEF


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29 minutes ago, snkdy said:


If I recall correctly, we’re already near the top of the league in cap room for next season. It has to be near 60 million. Trading TY for space doesn’t make sense. Would it be nice to have 70 or so? I guess. But I don’t think it’s necessary or that it’s worth losing Andrew’s most reliable weapon.



I don’t mind moving Gore or Davis. Gore in particular deserves to be on a contender. I would just rather keep the two receivers. How do we even gauge Moncrief’s abilities when he’s thrown to once or twice per game? We need a new OC not a complete overhaul. 

Unless they plan on making a aggressive run on Alshon or another big fast wideout don't want to much cap on receivers . 

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2 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:

He’s a free agent at the end of the season and for whatever reason isn’t doing much on the field right now.  If the Colts can get something for him it makes sense.

That's an understatement. I'd like to see his snap numbers for this past game, it might just be me but it didn't seem like he was on the field much at all.

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9 minutes ago, Deadpool said:



Whether we like it or not a complete overhaul is going to be done, and quite frankly I believe the colts need it. Grigson had one good year as a GM and that was his first year. he had the # 1 overall pick, went after luck, then did some trading to get Hilton, Allen and Fleener all in the first 3 rounds. and then a week into the season went out traded a 2nd rounder for Vontae Davis. 


After that first year, he tore this team up. two big key mistakes was 1) trading a first rounder for Trent Richardson, and then drafting Dorsett in the first round when Landon Collins was still on the board. knowing our defense was an issue, he goes receiver. he neglected the defense, and neglected the offensive line. Cowboys offensive line, all but one were first round picks. La'el Collins their RT? was a top 10 pick had it not been for the investigation of murder or assault of his gf, which ever one it was, instead he was taken as an undrafted FA. Grigson had 4 years to build a decent offensive line around Luck and couldn't do it. He had 4 years to build a defense and couldn't do it. If he would have done one or the other, he probably would still be the GM right now. But he tore this team up. and now ballard has to fix it. and the only way he can do that, is get rid of all of grigsons guys, and rebuild. Unfortunately for him he will have to do it fast or Luck will be wasted talent. 


But TY wasn't a Grigson mistake. Far from it. 

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22 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


It doesn't look like 2018 is the year to have a lot of money for Free Agency.


About a month ago ESPN.com did a first look at the 2018 FA class...    a top-10.


And Vonte Davis was 9 and Frank Gore was 10.


That's how bad it was.       Guys who many here want to get rid of were both in the top-10.


By the way,  you may be right,  but I have not seen that figure of 87 million anywhere else besides your post.    Not sure if you crunched numbers or read that elsewhere....



While the FA class for next year doesn't look spectacular, especially on our biggest needs (ILB, OL, pass rusher), Gore is nowhere near a top 10 free agent next year. Not now, not next March. I love the guy but he's on his mid-30s and last legs.


Vontaed Davis doesn't belong in the top 10 either with his play so far this year and last year.

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1 hour ago, Barry Sears said:

Seeing several of our players mentioned as trade targets or available for a trade.  Appears if any of these go down, that were are in rebuilding mode, for sure.  It's much tougher in the NFL, because you have so many players involved.  Roster of 53 with 22 players involved on offense or defense on each play.  Lots of pieces to assemble and get working at the same time at a level to make a playoff run.


In baseball, you are looking at 8 every day starters who play both offense and defense, so adding pieces is a much smaller task...even smaller with 5 players in the NBA.


I can only imagine how overwhelming it is for Chris Ballard to look at our depth chart and know we only have so many draft picks next year and only so much money to spend.  I believe he's trying to lay a foundation, add players to fill the big holes, hope that Luck returns to form in 2018 and then proceed from there.


If you look at the Houston Astros, they did a complete overhaul and rebuild, then added some veterans to the young foundation of their team and they are in the World Series.  As I said, it's fewer players at the major league level, but that formula worked.  Not sure if it can in the NFL, because playing careers are generally much shorter and you can't be as patient to let that young core of players develop.


Whatever happens today, I hope we can add some picks and then let his draft picks in 2018 determine if the trades were worthwhile or not.

If he is overwhelmed, then he's in the wrong job. No whining in football.

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3 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


It doesn't look like 2018 is the year to have a lot of money for Free Agency.


About a month ago ESPN.com did a first look at the 2018 FA class...    a top-10.


And Vonte Davis was 9 and Frank Gore was 10.


That's how bad it was.       Guys who many here want to get rid of were both in the top-10.


By the way,  you may be right,  but I have not seen that figure of 87 million anywhere else besides your post.    Not sure if you crunched numbers or read that elsewhere....


spottrac has the colts going into the off season with just over $67 million to spend, which is the most in the NFL and before any trades that may happen that could save more money if any trade at all that is. the Jets are second sitting 12 million less. 

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7 minutes ago, Finball said:


While the FA class for next year doesn't look spectacular, especially on our biggest needs (ILB, OL, pass rusher), Gore is nowhere near a top 10 free agent next year. Not now, not next March. I love the guy but he's on his mid-30s and last legs.


Vontaed Davis doesn't belong in the top 10 either with his play so far this year and last year.

Malcom Butler and Trumaine Johnson are FA in the off season. wouldnt hurt to throw some money their way and get both of them. 

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9 minutes ago, snkdy said:


But TY wasn't a Grigson mistake. Far from it. 

Hence the part where I said except his first year as a GM. He got Hilton in the same draft as Luck. after that, everything he had done has been garbage. His first year was handed to him on a silver platter to make a championship contending team, and he couldn't do it

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48 minutes ago, krunk said:

This year really sucks!


Well, it's certainly not what I'd envisioned a couple of months ago.


All that off season, putting up with the typical conversations, then get slapped in the face by the Rams, and it goes DOWN hill from there? Never say it coming.


Ah well. Let the entertainment begin.

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22 minutes ago, Deadpool said:

Malcom Butler and Trumaine Johnson are FA in the off season. wouldnt hurt to throw some money their way and get both of them. 


Yeah, I'd be willing to give either of them basically whatever they want.


FA WR corps is exceptionally deep and we're probably going to need at least one as even if Moncrief isn't traded, he's pretty clearly not in Ballards long-term plans.

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1 minute ago, Finball said:


Yeah, I'd be willing to give either of them basically whatever they want.


FA WR corps is exceptionally deep and we're probably going to need at least one as even if Moncrief isn't traded, he's pretty clearly not in Ballards long-term plans.

Yeah Jarvis Landry, Alshon Jefferey, Sammy Watkins one of them next to Hilton would be nice. 

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2 minutes ago, BProland85 said:

Moncief needs to be traded since Indy isn't going anywhere this year, and he will just leave in free agency in the offseason. Same goes for Gore and Davis too really. 

Redskins are shopping around for a receiver, and they need DB help. send Moncrief and Davis to WSH for 2nd rounder? 

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9 minutes ago, smittywerb said:

Let him go.  Dude has been a disappointment.  Showed signs of being a good #2 WR but fell off.

You mean the guy that was one of the best red zone targets in the NFL last season (based on # of games played), but hasn't done well without Luck? He's definitely had injury and consistency issues, but I wouldn't call him an absolute disappointment.

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1 minute ago, Shive said:

You mean the guy that was one of the best red zone targets in the NFL last season (based on # of games played), but hasn't done well without Luck? He's definitely had injury and consistency issues, but I wouldn't call him an absolute disappointment.


In 4 seasons, dude has a total of 1800 yds.  You don't trade a player you're not disappointed in.  He's shown flashes and potential but that's about it.  He needs to be good enough to take the double teams away from TY and he hasn't done that.  

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1 hour ago, NewColtsFan said:


The problem isn't TY or Moncrief.


The problem is that Andrew Luck stands on the sidelines.      That's why our record is 2-8.


Why isn't that obvious?



One small correction. Our record will be 2-8 in a couple of weeks. It is currently 2-6 (Really not much difference though). :)


I would like to interject my thoughts, and this seems like a good place to join in. 


There is no doubt that Andrew Luck sitting on the sidelines has had an impact on the teams production, and consequently the win/loss record. That said, I don't believe it should be a good reason for the teams' 2-6 record (likely to finish 2-14). 


There's plenty of blame to go around. For the past 20 years, we have been a team that heavily depended on elite quarterback play. We need to build this team to win with any of the quarterbacks we have on the roster. Having an elite quarterback should be the icing on the cake. Granted, this is easier said than done.


It is tough for me to give any player or coach a pass based on Luck's injury. True, great players (like Luck) make others around him better. However, this is the NFL, and players (not named Luck) need to step up when adversity hits. We cannot keep asking him to carry this team on his back.


Even without Luck, Moncrief and TY need to get open, and haul in around 5 or so passes each a game. Unfortunately they're barely combining for 5 receptions a game.


My recent posts might sound like I am not treating everyone fairly, especially Chris Ballard. After all, he is in his first year as GM. That said, I don't believe our expectations should ever change this drastically due to one player getting hurt. Andrew Luck, can lead a bad team to 8 wins or so a year. What if this team was good enough to win 8 games a season without him? Then we would really have something. What if the team was good enough to win 10 games a season without Andrew Luck? Now we're talking Super Bowl's. 


I believe that our perceptions are almost always intertwined with our expectations. I believe having the great Peyton Manning, and unbelievable talented Andrew Luck, has inadvertently created an atmosphere for Colts fans, in which we don't hold the other 52 players and coaches properly accountable.


Just my two cents. :)

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1 hour ago, NewColtsFan said:


The problem isn't TY or Moncrief.


The problem is that Andrew Luck stands on the sidelines.      That's why our record is 2-8.


Why isn't that obvious?



it is.


people are a little slow.

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4 minutes ago, smittywerb said:


In 4 seasons, dude has a total of 1800 yds.  You don't trade a player you're not disappointed in.  He's shown flashes and potential but that's about it.  He needs to be good enough to take the double teams away from TY and he hasn't done that.  

Success of a WR isn't always measured in yards. If a WR averages 30 yds/game but every reception was for a first down or TD, I'd consider that to be a very clutch WR. I'm not saying that I believe Moncrief is a great WR, but he's not exactly a bum either. That said, if we can get decent value for him in a trade, I wouldn't be mad.

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I believe most folks tend to overlook the fact that Brisset's canon of an arm and lack of touch doesn't help our WR's. Moncrief entered the league with body-catching issues. Having a QB that consistently fires bullets at you is not good for a WR that has struggled with hands only catching. Some QB's and WR's just don't work well together. I could see him going somewhere like KC and lighting it up.

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In half a season he is probably gone anyway with his dropped balls and lack of production. Why not get a little something for him now. It's not like we are going anywhere this year anyway. A 4th or 5th would be a nice addition to the draft arsenal and we don't lose much production on the field that someone else can't fill. Not like teams gameplan for him. 

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54 minutes ago, Deadpool said:

Malcom Butler and Trumaine Johnson are FA in the off season. wouldnt hurt to throw some money their way and get both of them. 

Butler doesn't fit Ballards mantra of wanting long, tall corners but Johnson certainly does and should be a day 1 target. 

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2 hours ago, snkdy said:

I would rather we keep TY and Donte. They’re playing without their franchise QB and Donte in particular has barely gotten any targets. I don’t see the benefit of taking weapons away from Andrew. His transition back (whenever that happens) will be difficult enough. We don’t need to make it harder. 

Moncrief disappears with or without luck so does Hilton.

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If the Colts are interested in trading Moncrief but don't, won't these trade talks sway him to not sign with us next year?  I have no idea if they will or won't but someone will probably pay him more.  I guess if Ballard isn't dead set on resigning him the Colts have nothing to lose by getting a pick or player. 

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25 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:


One small correction. Our record will be 2-8 in a couple of weeks. It is currently 2-6 (Really not much difference though). :)


I would like to interject my thoughts, and this seems like a good place to join in. 


There is no doubt that Andrew Luck sitting on the sidelines has had an impact on the teams production, and consequently the win/loss record. That said, I don't believe it should be a good reason for the teams' 2-6 record (likely to finish 2-14). 


There's plenty of blame to go around. For the past 20 years, we have been a team that heavily depended on elite quarterback play. We need to build this team to win with any of the quarterbacks we have on the roster. Having an elite quarterback should be the icing on the cake. Granted, this is easier said than done.


It is tough for me to give any player or coach a pass based on Luck's injury. True, great players (like Luck) make others around him better. However, this is the NFL, and players (not named Luck) need to step up when adversity hits. We cannot keep asking him to carry this team on his back.


Even without Luck, Moncrief and TY need to get open, and haul in around 5 or so passes each a game. Unfortunately they're barely combining for 5 receptions a game.


My recent posts might sound like I am not treating everyone fairly, especially Chris Ballard. After all, he is in his first year as GM. That said, I don't believe our expectations should ever change this drastically due to one player getting hurt. Andrew Luck, can lead a bad team to 8 wins or so a year. What if this team was good enough to win 8 games a season without him? Then we would really have something. What if the team was good enough to win 10 games a season without Andrew Luck? Now we're talking Super Bowl's. 


I believe that our perceptions are almost always intertwined with our expectations. I believe having the great Peyton Manning, and unbelievable talented Andrew Luck, has inadvertently created an atmosphere for Colts fans, in which we don't hold the other 52 players and coaches properly accountable.


Just my two cents. :)


Understood, but the damage has already been done (again), and we're in year one (half way through) of trying to fix is (again). 


It takes time.

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