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If Brissett performs well today, his market skyrockets


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All teams across the league know how good the Jaguars secondary and pass rush is. If Brissett can....


- Limit turnovers

- Get 200+ yards

- Complete above 60% of his passes

- Get drives going


... then his value will increase, he gets paid , and we possibly get a second or first round draft choice. This game is huge for him and for the team. 

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2 minutes ago, oldunclemark said:

Nobody's market skyrockets because of how they play against jacksonville


..and Jacoby is under contract for 2 more years...

If we win, its 'huge' for our team

I think it does. Teams will want him because he showed that he could win their team games against stout defenses. It's what any team that is QB deficient wants and what every team needs. 

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5 minutes ago, ColtsBlitz said:

I think it does. Teams will want him because he showed that he could win their team games against stout defenses. It's what any team that is QB deficient wants and what every team needs. 

No. Its one game..and he wont be available to anyone but us for 2 1/2 years.

Denver, Pittsburgh,  Houston.....still to come


Its Jacksonville

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2 minutes ago, oldunclemark said:

No. Its one game..and he wont be available to anyone but us for 2 1/2 years.

Denver, Pittsburgh,  Houston.....still to come


Its Jacksonville


?  Brissett is "available" to anyone willing to trade for him...


The OP is just pointing out that Brissett playing well against a very good defense (JAX is #1 against the pass) would increase his value if we were to trade him.

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29 minutes ago, ColtsBlitz said:

All teams across the league know how good the Jaguars secondary and pass rush is. If Brissett can....


- Limit turnovers

- Get 200+ yards

- Complete above 60% of his passes

- Get drives going


... then his value will increase, he gets paid , and we possibly get a second or first round draft choice. This game is huge for him and for the team. 


 The odds are just as good he gets paid as a Colt to be our starter.

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6 minutes ago, Lucky Colts Fan said:


?  Brissett is "available" to anyone willing to trade for him...


The OP is just pointing out that Brissett playing well against a very good defense (JAX is #1 against the pass) would increase his value if we were to trade him.

But we aren't trading him..Luck has been hurt..and somebody else will be No,1 against the pass next week..those stats change..


We have Brissett at less than $1 mil for 2 years...WE need a decent, low-price backup as I think we've proven this year.

WE need him next year because Andrew will be out there again, taking the hits

We just got him...We wont trade him. There is no market for him because he's just not for sale.



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He is under contract with the Colts for 2 1/2 more years. If he plays well he will earn a contract extension but lets be real. He is Luck's backup QB now and for the next couple of years.

Till we know the end results of Luck's medical conditions lets not get ahead of ourselves.

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3 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

He is under contract with the Colts for 2 1/2 more years. If he plays well he will earn a contract extension but lets be real. He is Luck's backup QB now and for the next couple of years.

Till we know the end results of Luck's medical conditions lets not get ahead of ourselves.

Listen to CC....he's not crazy.

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Why so many of you guys want to trade Brissett? The guy barely arrived in Indy. :)


No team will give up a 1st rounder for him, that just won't happen no matter how good he'll play ... unless he'll turn to a Derek Carr suddenly, but that's unrealistic. 


In my book, having him here as a backup for another 2.5 years, then possibly getting a 3rd round compensation pick in 2021 (if he'll indeed has a market) worth a lot more, than a (at best) 2nd round pick in 2018 + another Tolzien on the bench...

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Just to play devils advocate, which teams would give us a high draft pick (2-3) for him?  


There are several supposedly good QBs coming out this year.  Would those teams want a young vet instead?  Would a team like the Packers want a quality backup?


It’s way too early to have this discussion.  Too many unknown variables.  

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Almost nobody's value skyrockets because of one game.    That rarely happens.   Evaluators want to see performance based over an extended period of time.


That's why Kirk Cousins is in the spot he's in.    Because Washington wasn't fully convinced of how good he is and Cousins has now produced for several SEASONS, not just a game here and there.


The viewpoint of a fan is not the same of the view of an NFL GM.     Those worlds are completely different.


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48 minutes ago, IinD said:

So no first round picks when we trade him? :thmup:



Yeah ... and I'm going out with Kate Upton next week. Some of the stuff on this board is really ridiculous . He's a back up QB that NE traded for a washed up , busted WR. 

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He won a game 27-0 vs Texans because Brock and his special teams kept fumbling it. Then, he turned around and lost at home 0-16 or 0-19 vs Rex Ryan and that Buffalo D. 


I think we can safely stop talking about Brissett getting us a first or even second/third round pick at this point, and that goes to every single person who mentioned it over the past couple of weeks.


I am so over it. 

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1 minute ago, chad72 said:

He won a game 27-0 vs Texans because Brock and his special teams kept fumbling it. Then, he turned around and lost at home 0-16 or 0-19 vs Rex Ryan and that Buffalo D. 


I think we can safely stop talking about Brissett getting us a first or even second/third round pick at this point, and that goes to every single person who mentioned it over the past couple of weeks.


I am so over it. 

it must have been so hard for you, reading those posts and all

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