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P Jeff Locke Released.


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45 minutes ago, Valpo2004 said:

What are the chances that the Colts are waiting for a punter from another team to be released and sign him?


I mean if a team has 2 good punters in camp.  You know they are only going to keep one.  So we could easily sign who ever they cut.  


That same thought entered my mind too.

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I support this move also. Sanchez actually looks like a football player and Locke looks like an accountant wearing a football uniform. Not to mention Rigoberto is an awesome name. I wish that were my name.


Also, Sanchez is pretty good at kicking too.

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I'm surprised Locke was let go.


Not that Sanchez didn't do better in games,  he did.


But Sanchez is a rookie and Locke is not.    And typically veterans get every benefit of the doubt.


Because regular season games are completely different than pre-season games and rookie are much more likely to screw-up in a regular season game than a veteren might. 


I hope this decision doesn't come back to bite the Colts in the rear-end.....



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12 hours ago, lollygagger8 said:

Guess he wasn't a Locke to make the roster after all. 


Ba dum tsss

From one musician to another, what made me laugh about this was you actually spelled out the drum & cymbal crash instead of just typing the words rim shot. 

8 hours ago, lollygagger8 said:


Don't forget to tip your bartenders and waitresses ! 

Bah! Ha! Ha! When comedian Craig Ferguson used to host the Late Late Show on CBS, he always used to say something controversial on air & then reply "I look forward to your letters." A polite PC way of saying kiss my backside you uptight, American wankers. Craig was born & raised in Scotland as a kid. 


I just liked that he didn't really care who he ticked off with their repressed, moral sensibilities. It's why I enjoy your posts too actually.  

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10 hours ago, life long said:

Well I put him on my 5 in that thread...



I had Locke and Hennessy. Could Tolzien be next? He's been out played 2 years in a row. This was easy to call Sanchez clearly had the stronger leg. I like that he has experience kicking FG's too. He was 100% last year and 49/50 on pat's. He hit 88% of his FG's for his career. 


It was cool to let Locke get out ahead of all the cuts coming. I'm assuming we tried to trade him I'd hoped we'd get something for Parry. I think he's gone come Saturday. 

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20 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


I'm surprised Locke was let go.


Not that Sanchez didn't do better in games,  he did.


But Sanchez is a rookie and Locke is not.    And typically veterans get every benefit of the doubt.


Because regular season games are completely different than pre-season games and rookie are much more likely to screw-up in a regular season game than a veteren might. 


I hope this decision doesn't come back to bite the Colts in the rear-end.....



Oh...we will be punting a lot I for see so it won't take long to find out. I think all things being equal punting wise...it was Sanchez much much bigger leg for kickoffs was the deciding factor. With Adam not doing kickoff duties it was important to have someone fill that role. That shank week 1 of the preseason I thought there was no way he made the team...but he has gotten better and better and I think we will see the same as the season wears on.

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2 hours ago, Myles said:

I think people underestimate how much Pat will be missed.   Kickoffs and punts, I bet the Colts average giving up an additional 4-5 yards this season vs last.  

Oh I don't think the ones who think the SP teams play is a big part of the team. Yes Pat is going to be missed. He retired. You can bet Ballard on down the line know what will be not here anymore.

In reality what can anyone do about it? By doing exactly what Ballard is doing. Not really much more than that can be said. We all know what Pat brought to this team. Not only was he a great punter and kick off dude, he was a football player.

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