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I Hope This Is Not True/ Irsay chooses grigson over gruden....(merge)


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6 minutes ago, Fisticuffs111 said:

Nope. I meant that in regards to Grigson being close to the Irsay family because a some people seem to be unaware of it or treat the "Grigson is like family" notion as a lie.

I even went on to say "I know people are skeptical of rumors and I'm not saying I think it did happen."

The "grigson is like family" notion is also nothing but a rumor.   That's what I was getting at

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Okay fans, I don't see what's so hard here.  This isn't about a desire to keep Grigson or how many vacation or personal days you receive or who reports to who.  This is all about Money!  Big time negotiations even small time  negotiations eventually comes down to money.  You think for one moment Irsay started talks without knowing what his range and demands were.  The problem here is money and who is going to move first if at all.  People at that level can be pretty hard negotiators.  And they can be stubborn.  That's how they became successful in the first place. The Manning thing can be a big factor too.  Hard to do one big deal let alone two at the same time.  Now that it is out ,it could expedite things or it could fall apart altogether.  I'm not rushing to judgement on anything.  As far as I'm concerned it's still a working fire and anything could happen in the coming days.  I won't rule anything out. 

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8 minutes ago, richard pallo said:

Okay fans, I don't see what's so hard here.  This isn't about a desire to keep Grigson or how many vacation or personal days you receive or who reports to who.  This is all about Money!  Big time negotiations even small time  negotiations eventually comes down to money.  You think for one moment Irsay started talks without knowing what his range and demands were.  The problem here is money and who is going to move first if at all.  People at that level can be pretty hard negotiators.  And they can be stubborn.  That's how they became successful in the first place. The Manning thing can be a big factor too.  Hard to do one big deal let alone two at the same time.  Now that it is out ,it could expedite things or it could fall apart altogether.  I'm not rushing to judgement on anything.  As far as I'm concerned it's still a working fire and anything could happen in the coming days.  I won't rule anything out. 

No, this isnt about money. All of these guys have enough money it doesnt matter.

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1 hour ago, Jared Cisneros said:

They turned us down because Irsay didn't give them what they wanted. He created this mess by going after them, then he wouldn't give up something to get their services. You won't hear anything from Irsay, I guarantee you. Cause if it's confirmed as true that Irsay kept Grigson over Gruden and Manning, the fan base will revolt. Even the casual fan base knows who Jon Gruden is and that he's an upgrade to Pagano. Oh, and did I mention that Manning guy was kind of a hero to Colts fans and Irsay chose Grigson over him?


There is nothing to verify this. In fact, it sounds like Gruden wanted to stay in the broadcast booth and Manning didn't want to jump into an FO role. 


Of course, you won't hear something from Irsay, what's he supposed to say? "No the sticking point wasn't Ryan, if it was I would have fired that *?" Or the other way around?


Everyone here loves Peyton, which is why I find it impossible to believe that Irsay lets Grigson be the sticking point in a potential deal.


If you let the owner kicking the tires on someone you want to be hired but the deal falls through be the reason that you don't watch the Colts...that just doesn't make sense to me.

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3 hours ago, The Fish said:

Irsay thinks the criticism of Grigson "is so unfair". He's wrong. That's what's going on here. Barf.



He does?   Where was that reported?



“The heap of criticism that has fallen on Ryan Grigson, it is so unjust. No one bothers to see what the accomplishments have been the first five years.”


taken form here- 




Stated to a USA Today reporter.




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28 minutes ago, VocableLoki said:

There is nothing to verify this. In fact, it sounds like Gruden wanted to stay in the broadcast booth and Manning didn't want to jump into an FO role. 


Of course, you won't hear something from Irsay, what's he supposed to say? "No the sticking point wasn't Ryan, if it was I would have fired that *?" Or the other way around?


Everyone here loves Peyton, which is why I find it impossible to believe that Irsay lets Grigson be the sticking point in a potential deal.


If you let the owner kicking the tires on someone you want to be hired but the deal falls through be the reason that you don't watch the Colts...that just doesn't make sense to me.

People just need to calm down. If it is true that Jon Gruden makes $6.5 million/yr  at ESPN, there would have to be a huge plate of $ offered along with the type of control that would make a normal GM irrelevant to pry him away. The lifestyle of the NFL coach is so much worse than the world Gruden currently inhabits. 


Frankly, Gruden has been away from the day to day operations of the NFL for a while now. He may be a talented offensive coach, but he's a little stale at the moment. I would hope the Colts, in making a change, grab a current, experienced coach ready to make the next leap, like Matt Patricia of the Pats. And that should be done by hiring a GM first who will help make that choice. Peyton next year?

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2 hours ago, NannyMcafee said:

Well we know that the entire irsay family just loves grigson. So I wouldn't be surprised if we are seeing another Chris polian situation, in the form of owners. When you have 3 daughters whispering in your ear telling you what they want. Boy. Ownership is one way to get rid of your fan base. As far as I'm concerned, listening to your 3 daughters ( a man who has 3 daughters has no balance in his life) is about just as bad as listening to the fan base. 


I have seen men who have multiple daughters, and he becomes a sort of girly man because he absolutely adores his daughters. Nothing wrong with that in the real world. Just not the place for football. I'm taking a slight break from all this. 


Given what you just wrote, this is a good idea.

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Gruden makes 6.5 million/yr, the highest ESPN on air personality. After telling Pagano he will be back in 2017 Irsay decides to chat with Gruden. Not very sharp Jimmy. Jimmy it is reported has also chatted with Peyton about some type of job. What type of job do you think was discussed Grigson. Seems to me Irsay has lied to both about their future with the Colts. I'll guess Peyton has too much sense to work directly for Irsay and Gruden probably told Irsay to fly away.

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1 hour ago, AZColt11 said:

Until Irsay speaks it's all still just spec.

He can't speak now.  What would he say?  If he's keeping Grigson and Chuck,  there is no way he would publicly admit to going after Peyton and Gruden.  You couldn't do it.

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There is so much misinformation about this entire incident. 


Why would anyone trust what Brad Wells has to say on the subject? Everything he has said has come after JMV already said it first. The things Wells claims,  like Irsays reluctance to fire Grigson, have not been verified by anyone else.  In fact,  it's come as a direct contradiction to what JMV and Bob Kravitz have had to say.  Oh,  and Brad Wells previously stated several months ago in a tweet that he has no sources in the organization.  All of a sudden that changed? I don't think so.  


I plead with you verify the information as best you can.  Don't listen to Brad Wells.  Trust in JMV who has been reporting the information for weeks before ESPN verified it...and was was the one who broke the luck concussion story this year.  

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1 hour ago, Shafty138 said:

Nah, I'm good.  try to post things that make sense.  Irsay is most likely a girly-man because he has multiple daughters according to you.... lol.


When you have 3 daughters and a wife whispering in your ear, you most certainly listen to them, especially over a period of 35+ years. I'll post what I want. 

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9 minutes ago, 21isSuperman said:

At this point, I just want a definitive answer.  Whether it's Pagano and Grigson returning or if one has been let go or if both are being let go, I just want a reliable source (not someone who says "per sources close to the situation") to say something definitive.

Of course once that announcement is made, we lose all hope.  Until then, we at least still have hope.

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8 minutes ago, #12. said:

Of course once that announcement is made, we lose all hope.  Until then, we at least still have hope.

Yes and no.  It depends on the announcement.  If the news is that Grigson and Pagano are fired and Irsay is looking for new people to take their spots, we at least have something to go off of.  We know we're looking for new people, so the discussions can focus on which people to bring in.  If the news is that Grigson and Pagano are staying, then we know that.  Right now, it just seems like there is a lot of misinformation or unreliable sources, so we don't know what to believe.

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16 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

Even if it's nonsense.and completely without basis

Do you have any evidence that this is complete nonsense? Are you close to the Irsays? Do you know if his daughter's have his ear? You seem to be sure of it..Where is your link or source proving this?

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Just now, jshipp23 said:

Do you have any evidence that this is complete nonsense? Are you close to the Irsays? Do you know if his daughter's have his ear? You seem to be sure of it..Where is your link or source proving this?

I never said anything was true or not.   Somehow you still aren't grasping that.

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Just now, jshipp23 said:

Im going to need evidence baxking up that claim that you NEVER said it wasn't true...Ill be waiting. ..Please explain in great detail..

Read the forum.   All the evidence you need is there.    I have made no claims one way or the other.  You on the other hand...

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1 minute ago, jvan1973 said:

I've never said anything is true or not.    Do you have a learning disability?

No you just try to act superior when really you don't know anything about the situation...Why are you so sure about everything? What inside info do you have that the rest of us don't? 

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1 minute ago, jshipp23 said:

No you just try to act superior when really you don't know anything about the situation...Why are you so sure about everything? What inside info do you have that the rest of us don't? 

I'm not sure about anything,   That's the point.  I don't make outlandish statements and present them as fact.

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