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How to "RUIN" a young franchise qb....


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You start by hiring a FIRST time gm who REFUSES for whatever reason until year 5 to address the PITIFUL o-line to PROTECT said qb. This year's draft was FOCUSED on said atrocious line yet when the season started ONLY one player drafted (Kelly) could crack the starting lineup. Are you kidding me on a team with HOLES galore (pass rushers, playmaking lbs or a dynamic young rb) the lineman drafted NEEDED to be starter material instead of projects waiting for playing time due to injury ESPECIALLY on a team with one of the WORST o-lines in the league.


Next you hire a stubborn FIRST time hc who DREAMS of being a power running team and FORCES the issue to a fault in his OVERALL gameplan even though the team's strength is the passing game. Chuck was dc for ONE season with a talented Ravens defense full of playmakers set on cruise control. Some of the all time greats like Ray Lewis, Suggs, Ed Reed and Haloti Ngata were ALREADY stars LONG before Chuck. Entering year 5 with the Colts Chuck had been validated by some as a "good" hc based on his record ALONE but a closer look shows he greatly BENEFITTED from Bruce's CREDITED 9 wins and by stacking wins in one of the WORST divisions winning % wise in NFL history with said qb. The BASIC qualities of a good to great coach is his ABILITY to... a) GAMEPLAN week to week BASED on opponent   b) MAXIMIZE and DEVELOP talent on hand  c) UTILIZE your team's STRENGTH... and to me Chuck FAILS on ALL counts BUT I will give him an A+ when it comes to selling a dream! Too many games I have seen this team come out flat and undisciplined falling behind big ONLY to be blown out by the big boys or be in a dogfight with the bottom feeders. This defense has gotten worse and all the aggressive talk about the exotic blitzes I have yet to see it under Chuck's buddy Ted Monachino ANOTHER first timer. It STILL pains me to recall the Lions in their ONLY win march nearly 60yds in 29 seconds leaving 8 seconds on the clock to kick the game winner AFTER Luck had led the Colts to what appeared to be the gw drive. Greg Manusky (no fan) was FIRED as dc after 4 yrs because the scheme was deemed too vanilla (his MO that led to job losses as dc in the past) yet Chuck just stood back and used him as a scapegoat for poor play that had them ranked nearly last in most defensive categories.


Hamper him by hiring Pep (who was in over his head from jump) from the college ranks who had NO nfl experience as oc to replace Bruce Arians. Bare in mind that Pep was oc at Stanford in title alone because hc Shaw called the plays. I still remember Chuck singing Pep's praise about Stanford's power running game and the two tight end set that they used when Pep was brought onboard but I think after the slow starts trying to establish the run with the Colts and falling behind big led Pep to COMPLETELY abandon the run for the quick strike chunk plays downfield leading to gaudy numbers while resulting in comeback wins. Against the good teams that style didn't translate leading to Pep's firing. Enter Chud (Luck's 3rd oc in 4yrs) a former subpar hc who has experience as an avg nfl oc but who is NOT elite by any means. Funny how the OVERALL gameplan hasn't changed LEADING to the SAME slow starts and getting down big then trying to use Luck's arm to bail the team out.


Last but not least make Luck the highest paid player in nfl history SO that as the scrutiny of this team's shortcomings (staff and players) start to mount and the losses start to pile it will fall squarely on his shoulders. At the end of the day the Colts are 1-3 with their only win coming against another team that's 1-3. Let's add to the fact that the Lions and Jags only win came via the Colts. To me Chuck was exposed with the lopsided losses in the last couple of seasons against the big boys and the added dogfight struggles against the bad teams as of late. I still don't understand the hype about Philbin being the o-line coach because Tannehill was one of the MOST hit qbs beside Luck when Joe was the pitiful hc at Miami. This will be a long season! UNTIL Irsay decides to go out after an ELITE front office and coaching staff this WILL be the norm.

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1 hour ago, bluephantom87 said:

You start by hiring a FIRST time gm who REFUSES for whatever reason until year 5 to address the PITIFUL o-line to PROTECT said qb. This year's draft was FOCUSED on said atrocious line yet when the season started ONLY one player drafted (Kelly) could crack the starting lineup. Are you kidding me on a team with HOLES galore (pass rushers, playmaking lbs or a dynamic young rb) the lineman drafted NEEDED to be starter material instead of projects waiting for playing time due to injury ESPECIALLY on a team with one of the WORST o-lines in the league.


Next you hire a stubborn FIRST time hc who DREAMS of being a power running team and FORCES the issue to a fault in his OVERALL gameplan even though the team's strength is the passing game. Chuck was dc for ONE season with a talented Ravens defense full of playmakers set on cruise control. Some of the all time greats like Ray Lewis, Suggs, Ed Reed and Haloti Ngata were ALREADY stars LONG before Chuck. Entering year 5 with the Colts Chuck had been validated by some as a "good" hc based on his record ALONE but a closer look shows he greatly BENEFITTED from Bruce's CREDITED 9 wins and by stacking wins in one of the WORST divisions winning % wise in NFL history with said qb. The BASIC qualities of a good to great coach is his ABILITY to... a) GAMEPLAN week to week BASED on opponent   b) MAXIMIZE and DEVELOP talent on hand  c) UTILIZE your team's STRENGTH... and to me Chuck FAILS on ALL counts BUT I will give him an A+ when it comes to selling a dream! Too many games I have seen this team come out flat and undisciplined falling behind big ONLY to be blown out by the big boys or be in a dogfight with the bottom feeders. This defense has gotten worse and all the aggressive talk about the exotic blitzes I have yet to see it under Chuck's buddy Ted Monachino ANOTHER first timer. It STILL pains me to recall the Lions in their ONLY win march nearly 60yds in 29 seconds leaving 8 seconds on the clock to kick the game winner AFTER Luck had led the Colts to what appeared to be the gw drive. Greg Manusky (no fan) was FIRED as dc after 4 yrs because the scheme was deemed too vanilla (his MO that led to job losses as dc in the past) yet Chuck just stood back and used him as a scapegoat for poor play that had them ranked nearly last in most defensive categories.


Hamper him by hiring Pep (who was in over his head from jump) from the college ranks who had NO nfl experience as oc to replace Bruce Arians. Bare in mind that Pep was oc at Stanford in title alone because hc Shaw called the plays. I still remember Chuck singing Pep's praise about Stanford's power running game and the two tight end set that they used when Pep was brought onboard but I think after the slow starts trying to establish the run with the Colts and falling behind big led Pep to COMPLETELY abandon the run for the quick strike chunk plays downfield leading to gaudy numbers while resulting in comeback wins. Against the good teams that style didn't translate leading to Pep's firing. Enter Chud (Luck's 3rd oc in 4yrs) a former subpar hc who has experience as an avg nfl oc but who is NOT elite by any means. Funny how the OVERALL gameplan hasn't changed LEADING to the SAME slow starts and getting down big then trying to use Luck's arm to bail the team out.


Last but not least make Luck the highest paid player in nfl history SO that as the scrutiny of this team's shortcomings (staff and players) start to mount and the losses start to pile it will fall squarely on his shoulders. At the end of the day the Colts are 1-3 with their only win coming against another team that's 1-3. Let's add to the fact that the Lions and Jags only win came via the Colts. To me Chuck was exposed with the lopsided losses in the last couple of seasons against the big boys and the added dogfight struggles against the bad teams as of late. I still don't understand the hype about Philbin being the o-line coach because Tannehill was one of the MOST hit qbs beside Luck when Joe was the pitiful hc at Miami. This will be a long season! UNTIL Irsay decides to go out after an ELITE front office and coaching staff this WILL be the norm.

This describes it in a nutshell. Sad, but very well written. 

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3 hours ago, SilentHill said:

I expected this to be a link to the Amazon book store, sounds like a good book title surely written by the Colts front office.

Lol... The SAD thing is that the team is stuck with this nonsense for 4 MORE YEARS and by that time Chuck will be WELL below .500 even with Luck as his qb because he is a BAD coach with a below avg staff of ready scapegoats. I'm just hoping Irsay has some type of out clause in the contracts of Grigs and Chuck that would allow him to VOID the contracts based on performance. I doubt that Jim will open his pockets that deep to pay big for a top level front office and bring in an ELITE hc while STILL paying this staff. In some sense he SHOULD anyway because this VERY experiment and REsigning of this sad duo is his doing. We shall see how this plays out but in the MEANTIME Luck will bare the brunt of the problems and take most of the CRITICISM as the highest paid player in the league. What's funny though is WITHOUT Luck the UN-dynamic duo would've been GONE a long time ago for being shown as two clueless stubborn guys in over their heads.

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6 hours ago, bluephantom87 said:

You start by hiring a FIRST time gm who REFUSES for whatever reason until year 5 to address the PITIFUL o-line to PROTECT said qb. This year's draft was FOCUSED on said atrocious line yet when the season started ONLY one player drafted (Kelly) could crack the starting lineup. Are you kidding me on a team with HOLES galore (pass rushers, playmaking lbs or a dynamic young rb) the lineman drafted NEEDED to be starter material instead of projects waiting for playing time due to injury ESPECIALLY on a team with one of the WORST o-lines in the league.


Next you hire a stubborn FIRST time hc who DREAMS of being a power running team and FORCES the issue to a fault in his OVERALL gameplan even though the team's strength is the passing game. Chuck was dc for ONE season with a talented Ravens defense full of playmakers set on cruise control. Some of the all time greats like Ray Lewis, Suggs, Ed Reed and Haloti Ngata were ALREADY stars LONG before Chuck. Entering year 5 with the Colts Chuck had been validated by some as a "good" hc based on his record ALONE but a closer look shows he greatly BENEFITTED from Bruce's CREDITED 9 wins and by stacking wins in one of the WORST divisions winning % wise in NFL history with said qb. The BASIC qualities of a good to great coach is his ABILITY to... a) GAMEPLAN week to week BASED on opponent   b) MAXIMIZE and DEVELOP talent on hand  c) UTILIZE your team's STRENGTH... and to me Chuck FAILS on ALL counts BUT I will give him an A+ when it comes to selling a dream! Too many games I have seen this team come out flat and undisciplined falling behind big ONLY to be blown out by the big boys or be in a dogfight with the bottom feeders. This defense has gotten worse and all the aggressive talk about the exotic blitzes I have yet to see it under Chuck's buddy Ted Monachino ANOTHER first timer. It STILL pains me to recall the Lions in their ONLY win march nearly 60yds in 29 seconds leaving 8 seconds on the clock to kick the game winner AFTER Luck had led the Colts to what appeared to be the gw drive. Greg Manusky (no fan) was FIRED as dc after 4 yrs because the scheme was deemed too vanilla (his MO that led to job losses as dc in the past) yet Chuck just stood back and used him as a scapegoat for poor play that had them ranked nearly last in most defensive categories.


Hamper him by hiring Pep (who was in over his head from jump) from the college ranks who had NO nfl experience as oc to replace Bruce Arians. Bare in mind that Pep was oc at Stanford in title alone because hc Shaw called the plays. I still remember Chuck singing Pep's praise about Stanford's power running game and the two tight end set that they used when Pep was brought onboard but I think after the slow starts trying to establish the run with the Colts and falling behind big led Pep to COMPLETELY abandon the run for the quick strike chunk plays downfield leading to gaudy numbers while resulting in comeback wins. Against the good teams that style didn't translate leading to Pep's firing. Enter Chud (Luck's 3rd oc in 4yrs) a former subpar hc who has experience as an avg nfl oc but who is NOT elite by any means. Funny how the OVERALL gameplan hasn't changed LEADING to the SAME slow starts and getting down big then trying to use Luck's arm to bail the team out.


Last but not least make Luck the highest paid player in nfl history SO that as the scrutiny of this team's shortcomings (staff and players) start to mount and the losses start to pile it will fall squarely on his shoulders. At the end of the day the Colts are 1-3 with their only win coming against another team that's 1-3. Let's add to the fact that the Lions and Jags only win came via the Colts. To me Chuck was exposed with the lopsided losses in the last couple of seasons against the big boys and the added dogfight struggles against the bad teams as of late. I still don't understand the hype about Philbin being the o-line coach because Tannehill was one of the MOST hit qbs beside Luck when Joe was the pitiful hc at Miami. This will be a long season! UNTIL Irsay decides to go out after an ELITE front office and coaching staff this WILL be the norm.

agreed, one of the best posts I have read in awhile

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4 hours ago, lollygagger8 said:

Make your QB so scared to take hits, he won't take off running when there's 10 yards of open field.


Then refuse to adjust the play calling to help the rookie O-Line protect the QB. 


I mean, that seems like sound logic, right? 


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Chuck is feeling the heat.... The national sports media would ALWAYS fault Grigs alone or to a larger extent for this team's shortcomings but NOW I'm seeing MANY shows and analysts question the coaching staff or LACK OF for the Colts as far as playcalling, the team's LACK of focus, the poor tackling issues, time management at times and the general BREAKDOWNS across the boards causing this team to REGRESS.


Merril Hoge pointed out on a couple of different shows on how the o-line was getting manhandled by just a 4 man Jag front that was simply teeing off on Luck with some BIG shots and on many occasions the bad playcalling had Luck coming from under center with his back to the blindside a theme in many of Luck's games. Add to the Colts were in max protection using both TEs to chip and on many times sent only 2 wr against 7 defenders dropped in coverage. The Colts couldn't take advantage rushing due to their hit and miss running game that scares NO one. He said if you look at the Colts that's why they have MORE success by going up tempo (something Reggie Wayne stated also) and spreading the field something that Luck EXCELS in.  a) It starts winding the opposing big boys  b) The shotgun ALLOWS Luck more time to survey the field thus HELPING the o-line  c) The speedy receivers start finding holes with the dbs on their heels  d) It starts opening up running lanes (pass to set up the run) but for WHATEVER reason the Colts WAIT until they're down BIG to switch which is a real head scratcher. I know... BAD COACHING!


Stephen A Smith talked about Irsay's announcement of the REsigning of Grigs and Pagano for four MORE years like the Colts had won the SB for crying out loud. He said by no means is he a fan of Grigson and that is WELL documented but he's starting to look at Chuck as hc because this team see above is falling apart right before our very eyes and dragging Luck down with it. No fan of Colin Cowherd but he did make me chuckle when he said that the coaching staff STUNK while the front office is doing him no favors with the talent around him. MOST of this falls on Jim Irsay for ALLOWING these stooges to play in the sandbox anyway.....

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On ‎10‎/‎3‎/‎2016 at 9:11 AM, lollygagger8 said:

Make your QB so scared to take hits, he won't take off running when there's 10 yards of open field.


Then refuse to adjust the play calling to help the rookie O-Line protect the QB. 


I mean, that seems like sound logic, right? 

I never understood why Chuck has taken that element of Luck's game away. That's why many had compared him to Rogers and Elway with his scrambling ability but he was BIG enough to run over people like Cam. I think the Colts view him more like a big Ben type as being able to stand strong in the pocket while being able to absorb shots. Luck needs to continue to use his legs when the play breaks down (often) but be SMART and slide or head out of bounds ala R Wilson INSTEAD of taking on lbs. Luck has greatly improved in this area this year but seems hesitant to run now. I didn't realize this but on one of the sports shows they said the Colts were ranked like 23rd in rushing and if you take away Luck's rushing yards this season the team would be dead last in rushing... WOW!!!

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How dare they. The Nation Football League that is. Making it so difficult for us to have a multiple Super Bowl winning team under our new super #1 draft pick. Stupid rules like reverse order drafting and salary cap limitations etc. We are the INDIANAPOLIS COLTS, we totally have a divine right to have a perfect team. You should not allow the other 31 teams to have better players. It's ridiculous. Have you not heard of Johnny Unitas or Peyton Manning? Geez.


No wonder half this forum is reacting like like a bunch of brattish spoilled selfish know it all cry babies. 


Fix it now Goodell, or I'm not going to watch your messed up league ever again. 

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On 10/3/2016 at 6:41 AM, bluephantom87 said:

You start by hiring a FIRST time gm who REFUSES for whatever reason until year 5 to address the PITIFUL o-line to PROTECT said qb. This year's draft was FOCUSED on said atrocious line yet when the season started ONLY one player drafted (Kelly) could crack the starting lineup. Are you kidding me on a team with HOLES galore (pass rushers, playmaking lbs or a dynamic young rb) the lineman drafted NEEDED to be starter material instead of projects waiting for playing time due to injury ESPECIALLY on a team with one of the WORST o-lines in the league.


First, the notion that grigson refused to address the OL until year 5 is ridiculously false. 


To your complaint about Kelly being the only drafted rookie to crack the opening day starting lineup, do you not realize that starting caliber offensive linemen do not grow on trees and become more and more difficult to find outside of round 1?  EXPECTING grigson to find starting caliber linemen in mid to later rounds is just stupid. Do you also expect Santa Claus to deliver what you want to your home every Christmas?


Finally, for the love of God there were 2 threads pinned for complaints about grigson and pagano. What exactly was so special about YOUR opinions that they couldn't be expressed there and instead apparently required their own thread?

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On ‎10‎/‎3‎/‎2016 at 9:11 AM, lollygagger8 said:

Make your QB so scared to take hits, he won't take off running when there's 10 yards of open field.


Then refuse to adjust the play calling to help the rookie O-Line protect the QB. 


I mean, that seems like sound logic, right? 

I concur

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On ‎10‎/‎4‎/‎2016 at 9:53 AM, bluephantom87 said:

Chuck is feeling the heat.... The national sports media would ALWAYS fault Grigs alone or to a larger extent for this team's shortcomings but NOW I'm seeing MANY shows and analysts question the coaching staff or LACK OF for the Colts as far as playcalling, the team's LACK of focus, the poor tackling issues, time management at times and the general BREAKDOWNS across the boards causing this team to REGRESS.


Merril Hoge pointed out on a couple of different shows on how the o-line was getting manhandled by just a 4 man Jag front that was simply teeing off on Luck with some BIG shots and on many occasions the bad playcalling had Luck coming from under center with his back to the blindside a theme in many of Luck's games. Add to the Colts were in max protection using both TEs to chip and on many times sent only 2 wr against 7 defenders dropped in coverage. The Colts couldn't take advantage rushing due to their hit and miss running game that scares NO one. He said if you look at the Colts that's why they have MORE success by going up tempo (something Reggie Wayne stated also) and spreading the field something that Luck EXCELS in.  a) It starts winding the opposing big boys  b) The shotgun ALLOWS Luck more time to survey the field thus HELPING the o-line  c) The speedy receivers start finding holes with the dbs on their heels  d) It starts opening up running lanes (pass to set up the run) but for WHATEVER reason the Colts WAIT until they're down BIG to switch which is a real head scratcher. I know... BAD COACHING!


Stephen A Smith talked about Irsay's announcement of the REsigning of Grigs and Pagano for four MORE years like the Colts had won the SB for crying out loud. He said by no means is he a fan of Grigson and that is WELL documented but he's starting to look at Chuck as hc because this team see above is falling apart right before our very eyes and dragging Luck down with it. No fan of Colin Cowherd but he did make me chuckle when he said that the coaching staff STUNK while the front office is doing him no favors with the talent around him. MOST of this falls on Jim Irsay for ALLOWING these stooges to play in the sandbox anyway.....


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9 hours ago, Jason_S said:


First, the notion that grigson refused to address the OL until year 5 is ridiculously false. 


To your complaint about Kelly being the only drafted rookie to crack the opening day starting lineup, do you not realize that starting caliber offensive linemen do not grow on trees and become more and more difficult to find outside of round 1?  EXPECTING grigson to find starting caliber linemen in mid to later rounds is just stupid. Do you also expect Santa Claus to deliver what you want to your home every Christmas?


Finally, for the love of God there were 2 threads pinned for complaints about grigson and pagano. What exactly was so special about YOUR opinions that they couldn't be expressed there and instead apparently required their own thread?


Ahhh.... Mr Jason S! The notorious one who seems to OFTEN take personal shots with SARCASM when Colt fans discuss football on this forum. I notice your demeaning tone and name calling on various threads to different fans so mine was bound to happen BUT I can't figure out WHY do you feel so SUPERIOR hiding behind a keyboard on a forum FILLED with different opinions about the team. You either AGREE or you DON'T and I don't mind feedback but it's the OTHER nonsense you can leave behind because you ALSO have the OPTION not to read said post. I for one USED to handle things a lot different in my life by lashing out with aggression even on jobs that REQUIRED it BUT one day a switch went off and I REALIZED that life was too short to spend it ANGRY (wasn't worth it either) SO I have nothing but LOVE for everyone!! I'm just here from time to time to chat football with other Colt fans about the team nothing more nothing less....


What I meant about Grigs refusal is more of the fact that it's YEAR 5 of terrible o-line play and he chose THIS year's draft to FOCUS on said o-line. I'm not saying every lineman drafted should start but THIS TEAM needed MORE starting caliber type of guys to UPGRADE a continually bad group of subpar players tasked to protect Luck as well open holes for some type of run game. There are only a few teams that went the route of drafting and having MULTIPLE 1st rd o-lineman as starters to begin with. The Cowboys, Steelers and the Niners from a few years back come to mind BUT most o-lineman come from the LATER rounds anyway. Teams like the Pats, Vikings and Seahawks to name a few MIGHT have one 1st rounder starting. It's all about WHO you bring in via the draft or FA. What makes Grigs a little odd is the fact that HE was an o-lineman himself so you would THINK his priority would be to PROTECT the franchise qb.  


Lastly I never said ANYTHING was special about my post. It was about the franchise as a whole playing its part in Luck's OVERALL growth to this point or his future success. I spoke on Chuck and Grigson combined. Luck's contract is on Irsay as the highest paid and I don't know WHO'S decision it was to hire ANY of the coordinators because we've heard different stories. Hopefully the boys can get off the mat and pull off a victory against the Bears! :thmup:

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2 hours ago, bluephantom87 said:


Ahhh.... Mr Jason S! The notorious one who seems to OFTEN take personal shots with SARCASM when Colt fans discuss football on this forum. I notice your demeaning tone and name calling on various threads to different fans so mine was bound to happen BUT I can't figure out WHY do you feel so SUPERIOR hiding behind a keyboard on a forum FILLED with different opinions about the team. You either AGREE or you DON'T and I don't mind feedback but it's the OTHER nonsense you can leave behind because you ALSO have the OPTION not to read said post. I for one USED to handle things a lot different in my life by lashing out with aggression even on jobs that REQUIRED it BUT one day a switch went off and I REALIZED that life was too short to spend it ANGRY (wasn't worth it either) SO I have nothing but LOVE for everyone!! I'm just here from time to time to chat football with other Colt fans about the team nothing more nothing less....


What I meant about Grigs refusal is more of the fact that it's YEAR 5 of terrible o-line play and he chose THIS year's draft to FOCUS on said o-line. I'm not saying every lineman drafted should start but THIS TEAM needed MORE starting caliber type of guys to UPGRADE a continually bad group of subpar players tasked to protect Luck as well open holes for some type of run game. There are only a few teams that went the route of drafting and having MULTIPLE 1st rd o-lineman as starters to begin with. The Cowboys, Steelers and the Niners from a few years back come to mind BUT most o-lineman come from the LATER rounds anyway. Teams like the Pats, Vikings and Seahawks to name a few MIGHT have one 1st rounder starting. It's all about WHO you bring in via the draft or FA. What makes Grigs a little odd is the fact that HE was an o-lineman himself so you would THINK his priority would be to PROTECT the franchise qb.  


Lastly I never said ANYTHING was special about my post. It was about the franchise as a whole playing its part in Luck's OVERALL growth to this point or his future success. I spoke on Chuck and Grigson combined. Luck's contract is on Irsay as the highest paid and I don't know WHO'S decision it was to hire ANY of the coordinators because we've heard different stories. Hopefully the boys can get off the mat and pull off a victory against the Bears! :thmup:

Your shift key and bold function looks to be broken.....

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On ‎10‎/‎8‎/‎2016 at 11:04 AM, braveheartcolt said:

How dare they. The Nation Football League that is. Making it so difficult for us to have a multiple Super Bowl winning team under our new super #1 draft pick. Stupid rules like reverse order drafting and salary cap limitations etc. We are the INDIANAPOLIS COLTS, we totally have a divine right to have a perfect team. You should not allow the other 31 teams to have better players. It's ridiculous. Have you not heard of Johnny Unitas or Peyton Manning? Geez.


No wonder half this forum is reacting like like a bunch of brattish spoilled selfish know it all cry babies. 


Fix it now Goodell, or I'm not going to watch your messed up league ever again. 


Your point? I guess you want me to acknowledge you also with YOUR sarcastic posts within the thread. I've heard of them both. Unitas was surrounded by HOF players and played under two HOF coaches. Manning with the Colts was drafted by an HOF gm, played for an HOF coach, passed to a HOF receiver, had a HOF rb (Faulk) in the backfield his rookie season only to be replaced by a HOF nominated rb in Edge. Let's not forget about the FUTURE HOFs in Saturday and Wayne. So NO matter how good Luck is or can be HE can't do it ALONE!!


Of course no team will win it every year but the GREAT teams like the Pats and Steelers stay in the conversation. You must STRIVE for GREATNESS instead of settling for MEDIOCRITY so I don't think ANY fan wanting his team to win is spoiled or a cry baby. When problems arrive people usually FIX them and if this team CONTINUES to LOSE especially starting today against the lowly Bears with a lackluster backup qb then I think you will see how spoiled the owner will be because changes WILL be made...

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Excellent original thread and excellent post. Despite others excuses for Grigson's lack of improving the O line in 5 years, he has only added one capable O lineman to this team in 5 years-Mewhort. I believe Kelly will be fine, but we shall see. But in 5 years, one would expect a GM to find at least 1 good O lineman every 2 years or so-but this has not been done. Luck runs for his life and stats show this as well as the naked eye. Loved the Colts for too long to see a good QB be wasted in his prime, but I don't have confidence that it will be fixed by this GM.

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Thanks Blueblazes. Can you imagine how many MORE sacks Luck would have taken so far IF it weren't for his escaping the pocket and using his legs. I don't know what worries me MORE the THOUGHT of Andrew getting hurt or the possibility of Scott Tolzien STARTING in his place due to injury....

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On 10/3/2016 at 3:41 AM, bluephantom87 said:

You start by hiring a FIRST time gm who REFUSES for whatever reason until year 5 to address the PITIFUL o-line to PROTECT said qb. This year's draft was FOCUSED on said atrocious line yet when the season started ONLY one player drafted (Kelly) could crack the starting lineup. Are you kidding me on a team with HOLES galore (pass rushers, playmaking lbs or a dynamic young rb) the lineman drafted NEEDED to be starter material instead of projects waiting for playing time due to injury ESPECIALLY on a team with one of the WORST o-lines in the league.


Next you hire a stubborn FIRST time hc who DREAMS of being a power running team and FORCES the issue to a fault in his OVERALL gameplan even though the team's strength is the passing game. Chuck was dc for ONE season with a talented Ravens defense full of playmakers set on cruise control. Some of the all time greats like Ray Lewis, Suggs, Ed Reed and Haloti Ngata were ALREADY stars LONG before Chuck. Entering year 5 with the Colts Chuck had been validated by some as a "good" hc based on his record ALONE but a closer look shows he greatly BENEFITTED from Bruce's CREDITED 9 wins and by stacking wins in one of the WORST divisions winning % wise in NFL history with said qb. The BASIC qualities of a good to great coach is his ABILITY to... a) GAMEPLAN week to week BASED on opponent   b) MAXIMIZE and DEVELOP talent on hand  c) UTILIZE your team's STRENGTH... and to me Chuck FAILS on ALL counts BUT I will give him an A+ when it comes to selling a dream! Too many games I have seen this team come out flat and undisciplined falling behind big ONLY to be blown out by the big boys or be in a dogfight with the bottom feeders. This defense has gotten worse and all the aggressive talk about the exotic blitzes I have yet to see it under Chuck's buddy Ted Monachino ANOTHER first timer. It STILL pains me to recall the Lions in their ONLY win march nearly 60yds in 29 seconds leaving 8 seconds on the clock to kick the game winner AFTER Luck had led the Colts to what appeared to be the gw drive. Greg Manusky (no fan) was FIRED as dc after 4 yrs because the scheme was deemed too vanilla (his MO that led to job losses as dc in the past) yet Chuck just stood back and used him as a scapegoat for poor play that had them ranked nearly last in most defensive categories.


Hamper him by hiring Pep (who was in over his head from jump) from the college ranks who had NO nfl experience as oc to replace Bruce Arians. Bare in mind that Pep was oc at Stanford in title alone because hc Shaw called the plays. I still remember Chuck singing Pep's praise about Stanford's power running game and the two tight end set that they used when Pep was brought onboard but I think after the slow starts trying to establish the run with the Colts and falling behind big led Pep to COMPLETELY abandon the run for the quick strike chunk plays downfield leading to gaudy numbers while resulting in comeback wins. Against the good teams that style didn't translate leading to Pep's firing. Enter Chud (Luck's 3rd oc in 4yrs) a former subpar hc who has experience as an avg nfl oc but who is NOT elite by any means. Funny how the OVERALL gameplan hasn't changed LEADING to the SAME slow starts and getting down big then trying to use Luck's arm to bail the team out.


Last but not least make Luck the highest paid player in nfl history SO that as the scrutiny of this team's shortcomings (staff and players) start to mount and the losses start to pile it will fall squarely on his shoulders. At the end of the day the Colts are 1-3 with their only win coming against another team that's 1-3. Let's add to the fact that the Lions and Jags only win came via the Colts. To me Chuck was exposed with the lopsided losses in the last couple of seasons against the big boys and the added dogfight struggles against the bad teams as of late. I still don't understand the hype about Philbin being the o-line coach because Tannehill was one of the MOST hit qbs beside Luck when Joe was the pitiful hc at Miami. This will be a long season! UNTIL Irsay decides to go out after an ELITE front office and coaching staff this WILL be the norm.



If only I had $1 for every time a poster has claimed that Grigson has "refused for whatever reason" to build an offensive line.      I'd be flipping rich!




2013,   we spent big money on an OT, Cherilus...   and OG, Thomas,  and spent a 3 on Thornton and a 4 on Holmes.        That hardly qualifies as "refusing to build an o-line"...


Turns out,  we missed on 4 players.      But that's not the same as not trying to build a line.


It was the first draft after Luck and the first free agency period where we could spend big money.    Grigson made it his NUMBER ONE priority.       We just missed on all four players.     Sucks for us.


But the argument that Grigson ignored the line is simply not true.


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Boy.....    it's a good thing the Colts won!     I'd hate to see this site today if we had lost.


The top threads today in this section are (1) how we're ruining Luck....    (2)  should we continue to win and run the risk of keeping Pagano and Grigson...     and (3)  how bad our defense is.


Nothing about a much needed win.



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On 10/8/2016 at 9:04 AM, braveheartcolt said:

How dare they. The Nation Football League that is. Making it so difficult for us to have a multiple Super Bowl winning team under our new super #1 draft pick. Stupid rules like reverse order drafting and salary cap limitations etc. We are the INDIANAPOLIS COLTS, we totally have a divine right to have a perfect team. You should not allow the other 31 teams to have better players. It's ridiculous. Have you not heard of Johnny Unitas or Peyton Manning? Geez.


No wonder half this forum is reacting like like a bunch of brattish spoilled selfish know it all cry babies. 


Fix it now Goodell, or I'm not going to watch your messed up league ever again. 


Right, I thought we won today LOL. 


Honestly, these fans have no idea. They think they know something about bad football after an 8-8 record, but they have no clue. This team has it's faults no doubt, for instance the defense is a complete joke, and the offensive strategy is a headscratcher leaves me scratching my head every week. But when I look at a team like Cleveland... 0-5, 5 starting QBs SINCE Johnny Manziel, and they just cannot catch a break, I try to keep the whining to a minimum. Those fans would kill for a 2-3 record & a chance to take the lead in the division next week. Not good enough for the high & mighty Colts fanbase though.

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30 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:



If only I had $1 for every time a poster has claimed that Grigson has "refused for whatever reason" to build an offensive line.      I'd be flipping rich!




2013,   we spent big money on an OT, Cherilus...   and OG, Thomas,  and spent a 3 on Thornton and a 4 on Holmes.        That hardly qualifies as "refusing to build an o-line"...


Turns out,  we missed on 4 players.      But that's not the same as not trying to build a line.


It was the first draft after Luck and the first free agency period where we could spend big money.    Grigson made it his NUMBER ONE priority.       We just missed on all four players.     Sucks for us.


But the argument that Grigson ignored the line is simply not true.


I beg to differ because it seems like he's MISSED a lot on that o-line because it's STILL bad but I AM glad we won today... :applause:

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8 minutes ago, bluephantom87 said:

I beg to differ because it seems like he's MISSED a lot on that o-line because it's STILL bad but I AM glad we won today... :applause:


The point is you claimed Grigson didn't even try.


He did try.     He just failed.


Trying and failing is different than not trying at all.     Or not trying until year 5.      Big difference.


As for trying and MISSING,   yes,  agreed.     Very much agreed.   


The rookies this year are going to be a work in progress.    Hang struggled badly today.     And next year,  Clark should start at RT....    and he's going to have growing pains too as he learns on the job.


The one thing we can give them is that we're run-blocking much better.     Gore has run very well for 3 straight weeks.


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2 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:



If only I had $1 for every time a poster has claimed that Grigson has "refused for whatever reason" to build an offensive line.      I'd be flipping rich!




2013,   we spent big money on an OT, Cherilus...   and OG, Thomas,  and spent a 3 on Thornton and a 4 on Holmes.        That hardly qualifies as "refusing to build an o-line"...


Turns out,  we missed on 4 players.      But that's not the same as not trying to build a line.


It was the first draft after Luck and the first free agency period where we could spend big money.    Grigson made it his NUMBER ONE priority.       We just missed on all four players.     Sucks for us.


But the argument that Grigson ignored the line is simply not true.



Huh... From this it simply sounds like Grigson isn't very good at his job? A GM... A trained scout... and he played Oline in college. Fire Grigson and the pathetic Pagano! They have sold Iray a pile of ---- .

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2 hours ago, Indy B said:


Huh... From this it simply sounds like Grigson isn't very good at his job? A GM... A trained scout... and he played Oline in college. Fire Grigson and the pathetic Pagano! They have sold Iray a pile of ---- .


That was one of my arguments this January when the move to fire Pagano looked like it would succeed.


If Pagano lost his job,  I argued Grigson should lose his too.   


Neither were fired.      They were re-hired with new 4-year contracts.    And that's where we are.


But Grigson DID TRY to build a line.     He just failed.     Some of it was injuries and bad luck.    Some of it was scouting.         But Grigson DID try.....


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On 10/9/2016 at 8:15 AM, bluephantom87 said:


Ahhh.... Mr Jason S! The notorious one who seems to OFTEN take personal shots with SARCASM when Colt fans discuss football on this forum. I notice your demeaning tone and name calling on various threads to different fans so mine was bound to happen BUT I can't figure out WHY do you feel so SUPERIOR


I don't feel superior to anyone. 



hiding behind a keyboard on a forum FILLED with different opinions about the team.


You're right, this is a forum...an internet forum, so "hiding" behind my keyboard is kind of my only choice.  It's not like forum members get together at a local bar to have discussions where I can speak face to face with those whom I disagree with.  And I have no problems with differing opinions.  My problem is with people who incessantly whine and make things up to express their displeasure with the team.  A perfect example is your complaint that Grigson waited until year 5 to address the OL.  That is simply not true in the slightest. 



You either AGREE or you DON'T and I don't mind feedback but it's the OTHER nonsense you can leave behind


You leave out the nonsense and I will as well.



because you ALSO have the OPTION not to read said post.


And you have the obligation, as a registered member of this forum who agreed to the terms of service, to follow the rules of the site and to respect the instructions of the moderators.  As I said, there are threads pinned for complaints about Grigson and complaints about Chuck and the mods have asked that all complaints go into those 2 threads...your opinions in this thread could have and should have been expressed in those threads.  There was no need to create YET ANOTHER thread to express your displeasure with the way they're running the team.



What I meant about Grigs refusal is more of the fact that it's YEAR 5 of terrible o-line play and he chose THIS year's draft to FOCUS on said o-line.


Well, this is also completely untrue.  But NCF has already pointed that out. 

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13 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


That was one of my arguments this January when the move to fire Pagano looked like it would succeed.


If Pagano lost his job,  I argued Grigson should lose his too.   


Neither were fired.      They were re-hired with new 4-year contracts.    And that's where we are.


But Grigson DID TRY to build a line.     He just failed.     Some of it was injuries and bad luck.    Some of it was scouting.         But Grigson DID try.....



Prior to this last draft he only spent 2 day 2 picks on OL and no first rounders.  He only spent money on 1 high priced FA on the OL.  Sure he might have gotten some low priced FA's and some day 3 picks but that doesn't count as trying IMO. 


This is while we are starting often 3 different day 3 picks or UDFA's and Luck is getting clobbered.  


Not only did he fail but IMO he didn't try hard enough.  

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33 minutes ago, Jason_S said:


try to keep up...the original argument was that he didn't try. 


Clearly Jason S, you are the one not keeping up, my response was NOT to the original argument. Let me know if you need more help?

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