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It doesn't make a difference man. I wouldn't want to go to the playoffs with this O-line if we did have a chance to go. They'll have Luck in a full body cast before the game is over. Just say it with me. "2016 Draft W/O Grigs as GM = Everything we should have gotten the last 3 drafts".

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With as weird as this season has been and with how many bad breaks the Colts have caught, it would be nice if everything went the Colts' way as far as the playoffs are concerned.


Even if that miracle does happen, I still want Grigson and Pagano gone after the season.



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1 minute ago, ColtsUrUs said:

It doesn't make a difference man. I wouldn't want to go to the playoffs with this O-line if we did have a chance to go. They'll have Luck in a full body cast before the game is over. Just say it with me. "2016 Draft W/O Grigs as GM = Everything we should have gotten the last 3 drafts".

The redskins are going to make the playoffs. If they got a shot in the playoffs, than so would we

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5 minutes ago, NorthernBlue said:

The redskins are going to make the playoffs. If they got a shot in the playoffs, than so would we


We have a hurt QB, none existent O-line and a terrible LB core. It's not going to happen this year and I can deal with that. I'll rather my team being able to build through the draft with better players than trying to get our QB hurt more trying to make the playoffs when everyone knows we are not.

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3 minutes ago, ColtsUrUs said:


We have a hurt QB, none existent O-line and a terrible LB core. It's not going to happen this year and I can deal with that. I'll rather my team being able to build through the draft with better players than trying to get our QB hurt more trying to make the playoffs when everyone knows we are not.

Oh yeah I'm not disagreeing that our team is heavily flawed. But I think if you have a shot at making the playoffs, you should take it. The skins are probably gonna get destroyed in round one (they're either playing green bay, minny or seattle) but they have a chance. Thats all that matters 


I still want he colts to make the playoffs. But if they don't, that's okay. Considering our circumstances this season, I'm honestly proud of what the team has accomplished 

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Just now, NorthernBlue said:

Oh yeah I'm not disagreeing that our team is heavily flawed. But I think if you have a shot at making the playoffs, you should take it. The skins are probably gonna get destroyed in round one (they're either playing green bay, minny or seattle) but they have a chance. Thats all that matters 


I still want he colts to make the playoffs. But if they don't, that's okay. Considering our circumstances this season, I'm honestly proud of what the team has accomplished 


I would love for the Colts to make the playoffs. That is when we have a chance to win the Superbowl and not just going to a playoff game. I would rather get a better draft pick than watch my team get the brakes beat off them in the playoffs.

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14 minutes ago, 18Manning said:


Probably have a better chance of being struck by lightning in January, several hundred feet into a coal mine. :)


Just saw another post the odds are about 3300 to 1. I feel much better now. The odds aren't nearly as slim as my scenario above.

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Next week is just going to be fun. Whatever happens this has been an interesting year for football. Every team in the AFC playoffs is very flawed. 


Bengals have issues winning in the playoffs.

Patriots are very injured and have less talent than last year

Broncos have some questions on offense

Jets have lost some head scratchers 

KC looks pretty hot but I have a hard time believing they win they AFCG 


The Colts are not perfect but I think it's possible, not especially probable, with Luck we could take any of those teams. 

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4 minutes ago, YourNextGM said:

The Pats will hang 70 on a Dolphins team that is already on vacay,  just so they can laugh at us.  Its over. #draftday


Probably, but they were a big favorite against the Jets too. It's not just the Miami/NE game that's unlikely to go our way. There are a few other games that are unlikely to play out our way, but we can hope I guess.

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5 hours ago, 18Manning said:


Probably, but they were a big favorite against the Jets too. It's not just the Miami/NE game that's unlikely to go our way. There are a few other games that are unlikely to play out our way, but we can hope I guess.


dont see ne losing especially with denver winning last night they have to win for number 1 seed 

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Honestly, I was gonna root for Denver anyway regardless of whether or not INDY's season hung in the balance or not. Ware's fumble recovery of AJ MCcarron was very nice.  


I just think we won't go very far if we make the playoffs this year. Luck is still on the mend, Matthew is already banged up, Charlie is on IR. What's the point of making the post season if our o-line is still suspect, yes Gore looked solid vs the fins but come on it's Miami, & I just get the feeling that's it's not our time right now. 


I like the prospect of displaying confidence not limping into the playoffs. INDY's in no position to make a deep run. I hate early exits & if we do squeeze on through that's exactly what will happen too. One & done. 

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Look, I get the argument that just making the playoffs is something to celebrate on the surface. However, it's like being nominated for an Oscar you have no shot at or a raffle for a dream house in Hawaii that you never won. It doesn't mean a whole hades of a lot.


Can a miracle happen? Sure, maybe one week in the post season the football gods can bless your team but 2? Highly doubtful considering how uneasy we are at the QB position right now. Yeah, I know that the NY Giants had a miracle season in 2007, but they also had a tremendous pass rush that year. Something Walden, Mathis, & Cole are no replica of at this moment I'm afraid. 


I'd rather just start our HC & GM search as soon as possible, hire a solid o-line coach, & put the pieces in place to beat NE & Pittsburgh within 3 years & just let Houston take the AFC South crown this year. Time to build for the Colts longterm future. The next week is minor potatoes to me personally. JMO. 

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3 minutes ago, Andrew Luck's Beard said:

3 weeks ago, I was rooting for every team they played to absoultely destroy them for a really good draft pick. Now I'm starting to realize that there's only one week of Colts football left till the long offseason. :(


I know. I was so excited leading up to this season. For me, it has gone by quickly. I guess that's good since our season has been so bad.

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15 minutes ago, Andrew Luck's Beard said:

3 weeks ago, I was rooting for every team they played to absoultely destroy them for a really good draft pick. Now I'm starting to realize that there's only one week of Colts football left till the long offseason. :(

I know this season has flown by and it's been real disappointing. I don't think anyone ever thought Andrew would get injured. He has never been injured. It stinks but this season may be a wake up call for the team and with a good Draft we should rebound.

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10 hours ago, zibby43 said:

With as weird as this season has been and with how many bad breaks the Colts have caught, it would be nice if everything went the Colts' way as far as the playoffs are concerned.


Even if that miracle does happen, I still want Grigson and Pagano gone after the season.



So let me get this straight, if you were the owner of the Colts, you're saying that even if everything broke right for the Colts and by miracle they get into the playoffs, then once in the playoffs, the team does their best 2006 impression having everything come together, thus going on a playoff run leading to a Super Bowl victory, you as owner, despite winning the championship, will let go of / fire the staff that has gotten to the playoffs four years in a row, going further in the playoffs each year, ultimately becoming champs in year four?


You'd be viewed as a loon!  lol



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11 minutes ago, rockywoj said:

 the team does their best 2006 impression having everything come together,




that team had everything they needed to win a SB, this one doesnt.  sure the other teams are flawed too, but not like this one.

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9 hours ago, 18Manning said:


Probably, but they were a big favorite against the Jets too. It's not just the Miami/NE game that's unlikely to go our way. There are a few other games that are unlikely to play out our way, but we can hope I guess.

the difference is the jets are actually a good team and they still have something to play for, and they were only 3 point under dogs.  that is not a big upset


the dolphins quit on themselves weeks ago.

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20 minutes ago, rockywoj said:

So let me get this straight, if you were the owner of the Colts, you're saying that even if everything broke right for the Colts and by miracle they get into the playoffs, then once in the playoffs, the team does their best 2006 impression having everything come together, thus going on a playoff run leading to a Super Bowl victory, you as owner, despite winning the championship, will let go of / fire the staff that has gotten to the playoffs four years in a row, going further in the playoffs each year, ultimately becoming champs in year four?


You'd be viewed as a loon!  lol




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8 minutes ago, southwest1 said:

So, the Colts are dog food now? Just messing with ya BOTT. :P It's been a long disappointing year I know.

I guess at this point I'm just looking forward to a productive off season and a much better 2016 season for the Colts.  Years like this happen.

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38 minutes ago, BOTT said:

They are like a sick horse that just won't die. 


i can picture it now.  all 9 of these games that matter to us will go to over time.  we get the first 8, but on the last game of the day a kicker misses a FG as time expires for a tie.  colts eliminated 

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2 minutes ago, aaron11 said:



i can picture it now.  all 9 of these games that matter to us will go to over time.  we get the first 8, but on the last game of the day a kicker misses a FG as time expires for a tie.  colts eliminated 

I gave it a like because I could see all the Colts fans getting excited again, then a game where we could get in some FG kicker will blow an easy kick.

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4 hours ago, southwest1 said:

Honestly, I was gonna root for Denver anyway regardless of whether or not INDY's season hung in the balance or not. Ware's fumble recovery of AJ MCcarron was very nice.  



I'm rooting for Denver too at this point. Denver has become my second team because of Peyton. He most likely won't play, but at least he's part of the team.

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51 minutes ago, BOTT said:


I can only laugh at this answer if it is genuinely true.


I don't necessarily disagree that the Colts need a new coaching direction (I had been calling for Pep to be let go ... since last season), even if I am not sold on them needing to go in a new GM direction, but if the miracle of miracle were to happen ... and you'd still fire everybody after winning the Super Bowl, well, just wow.  I would NEVER work for a guy like you, a guy that would fire everybody for accomplishing the stated goal of winning a Super Bowl.  Sure it was all a hypothetical, but your answer to that hypothetical is disturbingly telling with regards to your character.


For me, I could never get rid of the staff that exceeded expectation by making the playoffs in each of their first three years, advancing a step further in each of those years, then in year four, with expectations and hopes being for a Super Bowl, achieved that goal, despite the terribly distressing path taken (unless they committed some some heinous moral violation).  


That you would outwardly say that you would not cut some slack for the path, in light of the goal being achieved, well like I said, that in and of itself speaks VOLUMES.  I have no doubt that under such a scenario you would become the laughing stock of the sports world, and I would say for good reason.

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1 hour ago, aaron11 said:

that team had everything they needed to win a SB, this one doesnt.  sure the other teams are flawed too, but not like this one.

Though perhaps a valid observation, it's completely irrelevant pertaining to the context in which I outlined the hypothetical miracle scenario in asking Bott if he as owner would still fire everybody after winning the Super Bowl.

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