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Could grigson be doing this on purpose?


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No mean to start a fire on this thread but there was a lot of talk about how snyder is behind the stunting of growth with the redskins. It's assumed that they stay bad so he can win bets against the redskins. Grigson makes worse decisions:


Sign 10 runningbacks throughout the season and only sign 1 unknown olineman who never even saw the field this season?


How do you bench Shipley with great performances to put in Harrison who does a horrible job? The 2015 season starts and Harrison comes back to start halfway through the season.


How do you put sio moore rather on special teams than to start him when dquell Jackson and freeman are hurt? Nate irving did well but they put a ps player in instead?


Draft a wr in the first round?


Toler plays more than half the season without getting benched. He gets hurt and they put in Butler who is just as bad and djoun smith barely gets a chance.


Anyone of us fans can make better decisions than this guy. And this guy is paid big bucks to spend colts money and make dumb decisions. Is it really hard to use common sense?


We lose to the Texans, hasselbeck is beat up, no backup to whitehurst and grigson signs another runningback? Something is fishy here...


I think we all need to do a petition to give pagano another chance. Unless harbaugh is available, no other coach is available right now. Saban is only successful in college and Payton really? His team is horrible.

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2 minutes ago, bap1331 said:

No mean to start a fire on this thread but there was a lot of talk about how snyder is behind the stunting of growth with the redskins. It's assumed that they stay bad so he can win bets against the redskins. Grigson makes worse decisions:

Sign 10 runningbacks throughout the season and only sign 1 unknown olineman who never even saw the field this season?

How do you bench Shipley with great performances to put in Harrison who does a horrible job? The 2015 season starts and Harrison comes back to start halfway through the season.

How do you put sio moore rather on special teams than to start him when dquell Jackson and freeman are hurt? Nate irving did well but they put a ps player in instead?

Draft a wr in the first round?

Toler plays more than half the season without getting benched. He gets hurt and they put in Butler who is just as bad and djoun smith barely gets a chance.

Anyone of us fans can make better decisions than this guy. And this guy is paid big bucks to spend colts money and make dumb decisions. Is it really hard to use common sense? A high school football coach can make better decisions.

We lose to the Texans, hasselbeck is beat up, no backup to whitehurst and grigson signs another runningback? Something is fishy here...


You're saying that Grigson can't suck that bad, that he must be sucking on purpose?

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6 minutes ago, grmasterb said:


So, he's the anti-Pete Rose?? Seems far fetched.


This team has been capable of improving or atleast trying to. Why does he continue to put the players who don't work out? Harrison and toler for example. Or add what needs to be improved? Oline. He thought herremans was going to change the whole oline?

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1 hour ago, bap1331 said:

No mean to start a fire on this thread but there was a lot of talk about how snyder is behind the stunting of growth with the redskins. It's assumed that they stay bad so he can win bets against the redskins. Grigson makes worse decisions:


Sign 10 runningbacks throughout the season and only sign 1 unknown olineman who never even saw the field this season?


How do you bench Shipley with great performances to put in Harrison who does a horrible job? The 2015 season starts and Harrison comes back to start halfway through the season.


How do you put sio moore rather on special teams than to start him when dquell Jackson and freeman are hurt? Nate irving did well but they put a ps player in instead?


Draft a wr in the first round?


Toler plays more than half the season without getting benched. He gets hurt and they put in Butler who is just as bad and djoun smith barely gets a chance.


Anyone of us fans can make better decisions than this guy. And this guy is paid big bucks to spend colts money and make dumb decisions. Is it really hard to use common sense?


We lose to the Texans, hasselbeck is beat up, no backup to whitehurst and grigson signs another runningback? Something is fishy here...


I think we all need to do a petition to give pagano another chance. Unless harbaugh is available, no other coach is available right now. Saban is only successful in college and Payton really? His team is horrible.

Unless he's trying to get fired no.  Also, Shipley is overrated.  I am not saying Harrison or Holmes is the answer because they aren't but a Shipley wasn't either.  I remember when he got benched last year Venturi did a good job explaining that Shipley wasn't that good and that he was just a journeymen lineman.  


Also, would the fans have gotten some of the moves right he got wrong?  Maybe but I'd put money on the whole that our team would be worse than his team as I doubt we would have never thought to do some of the things he got right.  


I would have liked to see Smith get more of a chance but he clearly has issues staying healthy. I think Toler stinks too for the record.  However, who plays, especially during a game, is more of a coaching call.


the week isn't over.  I am sure the plan was to bring Tanney up if Matt can't go but the Titans signed him before they could, so I am guess he will find another QB before Sunday.


i got news for you short term the Dorrsett pick looks bad but what I've seen way too many times this year is Moncrief, Hilton, and Johnson not being able to get open.  Give Dorrsett some time and we may yet end up being glad he's here.  


This team is leading the league in turnovers and kills themselves with flags.  Those reflect coaching and show this team is undisciplined.  Coaching is a major issue as well.  They need a change in department no matter how much we all may like Pagano the person.  Also, this team isn't playing for him.  They have scored two offensive TDs in three weeks and three points total in the second half combined of the past three games.  Two of them they were blown out to the point they quit and yes they quit.  That's not playing to save your coaches job.  I've said it before I think we confuse the players liking Pagano the person for meaning they will play hard for him at all times.  


Personally I think and expect both Grigson and Pagano to go.

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No.    Grigson is NOT doing this on purpose.


And no,  Daniel Snyder is NOT making his team suck deliberately so he can win bets.    By the way,  do you know ho the hottest team in the NFC East is right now?      Yup,  the Washington Redskins.


There you go again.............                :facepalm:

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He doesn't suck.  He fixed the DL in one offseason and can get out of the AJ, Cole, and some other FA contracts with little penalty...who were signed to make a run at the SB.


I wouldn't be surprised if this is MH's last season here as well.  Plenty of ammunition for the offseason, IMO.

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40 minutes ago, Myles said:

I think Grigson and Pagano should be fired.  

This team is a train wreck on the field and on paper.  

I don't see any one player changing what is happening on the field.   


That's not exactly where this thread is going... but OK.


Now how do you feel about the OP's supposition that Grigson is intentionally tanking for some nefarious purpose... Maybe he is trying to get Pagano fired... Maybe he is trying to find the Holy Grail... MAYBE he put the bop in the bop shu-* shu-*... All this and more will be discovered in UNSOLVED MYSTERIES...

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37 minutes ago, CptHooligan said:


That's not exactly where this thread is going... but OK.


Now how do you feel about the OP's supposition that Grigson is intentionally tanking for some nefarious purpose... Maybe he is trying to get Pagano fired... Maybe he is trying to find the Holy Grail... MAYBE he put the bop in the bop shu-* shu-*... All this and more will be discovered in UNSOLVED MYSTERIES...

I think the OP's supposition is silly.   Hardly worth discussion.  


Did you just point out that I was derailing this thread?      You were talking anal probing a few post up.

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16 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


No.    Grigson is NOT doing this on purpose.


And no,  Daniel Snyder is NOT making his team suck deliberately so he can win bets.    By the way,  do you know ho the hottest team in the NFC East is right now?      Yup,  the Washington Redskins.


There you go again.............                :facepalm:


You do know their gm is the same gm that built the 2012 -2014 seahawks, right? Redskins fans still agree that their coach stinks. It's kirk cousins that is lighting the team on fire right now.

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