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Wonder Why


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I wonder why none of the top GM'S seem to want this job. Maybe it is time to go after Brian Billick.I know that JI said there would be no real rush, but come on the two top names have both said no. Let's get this thing rolling there is a ton of work to be done.Man I wish Jimmy Johnson was 15 years younger, best talent evaluator ever.

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It's a valid concern. I just wonder if Irsay and Peyton are trying to work out their little deal before a GM gets involved. Perhaps no one wants to come here, because it's a big gamble. There's potential to win some Super Bowls with Peyton now, or hope to win them in 7 years with Luck; but there's also the potential for transition disaster, and not a lot of guys want to walk into that. Just look at how many contracts and coaches we have to deal with or replace this off-season.

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I wonder why none of the top GM'S seem to want this job. Maybe it is time to go after Brian Billick.I know that JI said there would be no real rush, but come on the two top names have both said no. Let's get this thing rolling there is a ton of work to be done.Man I wish Jimmy Johnson was 15 years younger, best talent evaluator ever.

who are the top GMs? that arent working..

Isnt that hard to say?

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Brian Billick for GM? If your calling for him to be the HC, then heck yeah. Perfect for this job skill set wise.

As for GM, I'd like someone who can rate players well, board them, and Draft the players accordingly . (Duh)

For both , that is what Billick wants. Just curious why his name does'nt even get talked about.
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For both , that is what Billick wants. Just curious why his name does'nt even get talked about.

I like Billick as Head Coach a lot but I'm not crazy about him being GM at the same time..... not because he's not capable of evaluating players too, but so much goes on in both realms that in most cases it winds up not working.

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What about NFL Network's Mike Mayock? Probably not as GM, but as Director of Scouts? Or something of that nature, after all he does know College players...

He is actually a very polished play-by-play guy. I have been impressed with his TV savvy. I think that fella has it made in the TV biz and would likely not want the crap that comes with this whole NFL racket.

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I wonder why none of the top GM'S seem to want this job. Maybe it is time to go after Brian Billick.I know that JI said there would be no real rush, but come on the two top names have both said no. Let's get this thing rolling there is a ton of work to be done.Man I wish Jimmy Johnson was 15 years younger, best talent evaluator ever.

they may have declined to interview for the job, but they havent "turned us down", because Jim said he hasnt offered the job to anyone yet, only that he has been interviewing guys for the position

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It's a valid concern. I just wonder if Irsay and Peyton are trying to work out their little deal before a GM gets involved. Perhaps no one wants to come here, because it's a big gamble. There's potential to win some Super Bowls with Peyton now, or hope to win them in 7 years with Luck; but there's also the potential for transition disaster, and not a lot of guys want to walk into that. Just look at how many contracts and coaches we have to deal with or replace this off-season.

did you just pull the #7 out of a hat, or do you have some valid reason that it would take 7yrs for Luck? not flaming, only curious to your rational

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they may have declined to interview for the job, but they havent "turned us down", because Jim said he hasnt offered the job to anyone yet, only that he has been interviewing guys for the position

The definition of decline is, not to want, i.e. turn down!
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The definition of decline is, not to want, i.e. turn down!

they may have turned down an interview request, but they were NOT offered the job!

Say for example, Jeff Fisher says that he isnt interested in interviewing for position of Colts head coach...does that mean he turned us down, even if we never even offered him a job?

Fine, i will go on record now... I do not want to be Colts GM....i guess by your standard, then i have also turned down the job? lol

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they may have turned down an interview request, but they were NOT offered the job!

Say for example, Jeff Fisher says that he isnt interested in interviewing for position of Colts head coach...does that mean he turned us down, even if we never even offered him a job?

Fine, i will go on record now... I do not want to be Colts GM....i guess by your standard, then i have also turned down the job? lol

ok, This isn't the direction I was headed when I started this.you win.
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I meant of the so called available ones. Both Packer guys and Decosta.

McKenzie is a Raiders lifer. Obviously couldn't wait to get back there. DeCosta is a Ravens lifer. He didn't interview with anyone. The other Packer is still an option to my knowledge.

And what makes them the "big names"? Because we've happened to have heard of them because the media decided to mention them? Irsay seems to be interviewing a bunch of people in the same age range, so it's clear what direction he'd like to go in. I'm sure that any of them would be thrilled to come here.

That being said, there ARE lots of things that make the job potentially extemely difficult, unpleasant, and possibly damaging to ones career. Whomever takes it is someone who is probably more interested in (and confident enough) in taking on a risky challenge than taking the easy path or playing politics - and that's a good thing.

(PS: I hated Jimmy Johnson and his insufferable Cowboys teams. That's not something I'd wish for.)

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He is actually a very polished play-by-play guy. I have been impressed with his TV savvy. I think that fella has it made in the TV biz and would likely not want the crap that comes with this whole NFL racket.

I wouldn't mind getting Mayock. He really knows his draft prospects. He did say CJ2K would be a 3rd round pick at best, but I'm willing to bet that every single person in scouting has made a mistake at some point. I agree though, I don't think he would want to leave his position at NFL Network

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McKenzie is a Raiders lifer. Obviously couldn't wait to get back there. DeCosta is a Ravens lifer. He didn't interview with anyone. The other Packer is still an option to my knowledge.

And what makes them the "big names"? Because we've happened to have heard of them because the media decided to mention them? Irsay seems to be interviewing a bunch of people in the same age range, so it's clear what direction he'd like to go in. I'm sure that any of them would be thrilled to come here.

That being said, there ARE lots of things that make the job potentially extemely difficult, unpleasant, and possibly damaging to ones career. Whomever takes it is someone who is probably more interested in (and confident enough) in taking on a risky challenge than taking the easy path or playing politics - and that's a good thing.

(PS: I hated Jimmy Johnson and his insufferable Cowboys teams. That's not something I'd wish for.)

Like his teams or not,you can't agrue his ability to evaluate talent or coach as far as that goes.
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How do we these guys don't want it? Irsay may not have offered it to anyone yet.

With that said if they are turning it down they could be turning it down because Irsay has made it known he is going to make the call on Peyton and who knows maybe he has also said we are taking Luck with our top pick and the GMs don't feel like they are going to have real control here.

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Thing is why is it taking so long

Too long by want standards? We have had one GM for over a decade, and we are making a monumental switch. Wouldn't it be prudent to make the choice carefully instead of fast, just so fans can have fun talking about it? Mr Irsay cleaned house when he took over this franchise. It may have been hard at that time, but this time he is firing HIS people, not his fathers. Pretty darn tough thing to do. My guess is that he is doing everything he can to make THE right choice for the future.

My thoughts would be to relax about the "running out of prospects thing. Truth is, there could me more outstanding general managers out there than are currently leading NFL teams. They just need to be discovered and given a chance,

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McKenzie is a Raiders lifer. Obviously couldn't wait to get back there. DeCosta is a Ravens lifer. He didn't interview with anyone. The other Packer is still an option to my knowledge.

And what makes them the "big names"? Because we've happened to have heard of them because the media decided to mention them? Irsay seems to be interviewing a bunch of people in the same age range, so it's clear what direction he'd like to go in. I'm sure that any of them would be thrilled to come here.

That being said, there ARE lots of things that make the job potentially extemely difficult, unpleasant, and possibly damaging to ones career. Whomever takes it is someone who is probably more interested in (and confident enough) in taking on a risky challenge than taking the easy path or playing politics - and that's a good thing.

(PS: I hated Jimmy Johnson and his insufferable Cowboys teams. That's not something I'd wish for.)

I agree with you. Just pointing out that John Dorsey, Packers Director of College Scouting, declined to interview as well. Not just with us, but with anyone. He probably knew that Reggie McKenzie was going to the Raiders, and has a good shot at his job as Director of Football Operations for the Packers. He's a Packers lifer, been there in one capacity or another for 27 years.

I don't know why people feel so slighted when certain people decline interviews or withdraw their names from consideration. Eric DeCosta didn't tell the Colts no; he told EVERYONE no. Same thing with the guy from the Pats. These guys are happy where they are, their organizations are taking good care of them, they have families that they don't want to move, etc. I could see if certain people were saying that they don't want to interview with the Colts but want to interview with the Rams or other teams. That's not what's happened, though.

Let Irsay do what he's going to do, on his timeline. I think he knows that it's in the team's best interests to get a new GM as soon as possible. But it's only been a week. Imagine that! You would think we were looking for a GM for the past two months, the way people are reacting. It's been a week. Irsay has interviewed 7 people, according to his Twitter feed. No word on whether he's done or not, but he's obviously doing his due diligence. We'll hire someone well-qualified in short order, and then we'll be off to the races with something new to talk about (hopefully the new head coach).

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Choosing someone to basically run your business isn't a decision you take lightly. heck, I went through 8 interviews to get the position I now hold with my company. This is fantasy football folks.....it's real money. Just because Adam Schefter says someone is a top candidate doesn't mean they really our. Due dilligence folks.....

Finally, would you want to be the guys who fires Peyton Manning? I'll pass....

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I think a lot of GM candidates are wary of Irsay at this point. Can't imagine many of them like the Polians, but they respect their success (that said, I firmly believe it was time for them to go, or for Chris to never arrive. If his last name were Smith, he'd be flipping burgers at a fast food franchise), and there's just a feel that Irsay wants to have more control/input than an owner should have. I'm not criticizing, I like Irsay, I think he's a good owner, just seems like that's the aura floating over us right now. I'd actually like us to fire Caldwell and hire a head coach first, then have the coach bring in a personnel man that knows his needs, but doesn't seem like that's going to happen. Overall, we're still an attractive job this year for both GM's and coaches, and I'm confident we'll get at least someone who's viewed as an up and comer, we just need him to live up to it

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