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The Pep Hamilton thread [Mega-merge]


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Except Solder is out for the season.  Cannon is hurt.  And they have two rookies at Center and Guard.  And they go up and down the field.


Yes....  today.      I'm not interesting in debating over one day.


The next Sunday will be different.


But, on balance,  in the 4 seasons that Luck has been with the Patriots,  NE has had a better OL than Indy.   


Better personnel and better coaches.


Just my opinion of course,  your mileage may vary.....

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I would fire Pep Hamilton immediately. I just think the play calling is horrible. A telegraphed running game and too often abandoned running game. Failure to take advantage of play action and Gore's effectiveness despite the bad running game plan. Failure to balance deep routes by the receivers with quick route alternatives. Failure to exploit the relentless blitzing. The list just goes on and on. I was patient with Pep's first year. Frustrated with his 2nd year, but now growingly intolerant of his 3rd year. Just crap offensive game planning.

I'm not a fan of Clyde Christensen, but at this point I'd fire Hamilton and hand the offence over to Clyde Christensen. He knows the offence and worked effectively with Peyton Manning (though I give most of that credit to Peyton). Clyde will give some continuity for the remainder of this year, though, and I just don't see how he can do any worse.

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That seems to be the only real option. Fire Chuck and Pep, promote Chud and Clyde. It's basically what Miami did with Philbin and the DC. It's for only nine games, so it doesn't really matter, but this situation has become so stale that I'll take any kind of change I can get. Anything that gets Pep out the door.

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Something has to be done with this team. And I think it starts with Pep Hamilton.  I am tired of the excusing being the talent level or offensive line.  I think in order to judge the Colts talent, you have to compare to other teams.  Ok, so offensive line.  We don't have any less talent on our oLine than the Patriots do.  Patriots are a bunch of free agents and mid level draft picks.  Don't see them having a hard time moving the ball.  Ok, so skill positions.  Overall, I don't think the Patriots have better overall talent at receivers and tight ends than we do.  But the Patriots have no problem finding guys wide open;   Frank Gore, I believe, is a better RB than what the Patriots have.     Yet, the Patriots run when they need to.    Is there anyone that doubts that if the Colt offense was run by Belichick with the 2 second drop, cross routes, picks, and drump offs out of the backfield that they Colts would be successful??  And I know Andrew Luck isn't Tom Brady right now.  But most NFL Qbs can hit wide open receivers on short routes.


This is not a talent issue.  I think it is all about Pep Hamilton and Manusky just not being top coaches..   If you look around the NFL, few teams have a good oline.  They usually a couple offensive weapons.


I think if Pagano has any say, Hamilton should be replaced tomorrow tih Chud.  Otherwise, Pagano is doomed.

great post, I agree

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First, I hope you're right.

But, I'm not sure any of that has been clearly demonstrated. And Holmes got yanked at halftime. I don't know if it was due to performance or injury, but I suspect it was performance. Harrison was the center in the 2nd half.

I like both Mewhort and Thornton, but our line has tremendous trouble pass blocking, especially up the middle. Hard to say we have that much talent when they've had so much trouble.

You may turn out to be right. But right now, we're not seeing it on the playing field.

But I appreciate your post.......

We struggle to pass block because we pass on every play. Pep doesn't run the ball. The D can just pin their ears back and rush the QB. We rushed the ball 10x today?

This can be turned around and it's pretty simple kick Pep to the curb hand the playbook to Chud

For those that just think Chud is Chucks pal He's successfully taken the Panthers and Browns from the bottom of the league in O to the top 10. Peps ridden Lucks ridden Luck not helped him. Let's get him some help

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They wouldn't fire a HC midseason, but canning an OC isn't out of the question....especially if things go further south as the season goes on. I don't really expect it, but I wouldn't rule it out.


Slide Chud into that position.  He did a good job with Carolina and Cleveland as OC.  


Then, have Pagano run the D and HC then see what happens if he turns it around.

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Luck has played terribly for the most part.  I agree and I doubt you'd get much argument from him either.  However, Pep IS part of the cause as well.  This whole "Gore on a pitch-count" thing has GOT to stop.  Whoever put this rule in needs to get rid of it ASAP.  Saving him for WHAT?  To get mud-stomped in the playoffs in Foxboro or Pitt or Denver?  This makes no sense.  It's OK if you are winning games.  It's NOT OK to quit giving him the ball when he's effective and you lose games.  Luck is struggling, we all can agree on that.  So what is one of the best ways to help him come out of his funk?  RUN THE BALL!  Then the play-action is effective.  But if you are only giving him the ball every so often, what good is getting 4.5-5.0 ypc?  One series in particular struck me as odd and infuriated me.  Whether it was Pep or Luck we'll never know, but it was just dumb.  And it was in the first half BEFORE they were down so much.  They gave Gore the ball on back-to-back carries and he got 8 yards then 14.  So what did they do next?  Three straight incompletions and punt.  I mean Gore is gaining pretty good yardage so it only makes sense to stop going to him, right?  RIGHT?  I understand the second half when we have to play catch-up, but the first half?  REALLY?


What are we saving him for?  The next regime?  I simply don't understand.

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It drives me nuts. I was yelling at the TV, "Throw the ball!!!!"

I think it's the play calling but he's not hitting his check downs fast enough either. By the time he would throw it to a check down they were already all over the receiver. It's sad how he's running the offense. Just drop back, put pressure on him and watch his eyes

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I think it's the play calling but he's not hitting his check downs fast enough either. By the time he would throw it to a check down they were already all over the receiver. It's sad how he's running the offense. Just drop back, put pressure on him and watch his eyes

I would agree wholeheartedly.  I was there and you could just SEE open guys and they would be there just waiting for him to notice they are open and throw them the ball.  Fleener and Allen in particular early and then he missed a WIDE OPEN Hilton down the sideline late.  I mean WIDE OPEN.  We punted on that drive.

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There is a case FOR peppy?

Apparently, he is protected by Grigson...and it looks like Irsay likes to turn over all the football decisions and authority to his GM (like he did with Polian).

It should be set up like other organizations where the Head Coach hires all his own staff (including OC and DC) and has authority over players playing or sitting.

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Pep has been mediocre to awful from day 1 on the job. The offense immediately took a couple of steps back in year 1 with him at the helm from where it was with Arians. He was brought it to install a west-coast style of offense to minimize the hits on Luck that still utilized some of Arians' own longer passing schemes (remember Pep's own words calling his offense the "No-Coast Offense" on an account of the blending of the two?). Instead, Luck has continued to get nailed at the highest rate in football, and we have also lost the ingenuity of Arians plays and play-calling in the process, being replaced by vanilla, college-style routes that take a long time to develop and just horrible play-calling from Pep (20+ passing plays in a row, zero slants, zero check down options, etc.). There is almost no short-passing game in this offense from what I can see watching these games on Sunday.


As mediocre as he was the past two years, Pep has just been awful this year. Getting rid of him I think would immediately improve this team. There are a lot of problems, but Pep Hamilton is the biggest one IMO.

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Pep has been mediocre to awful from day 1 on the job. The offense immediately took a couple of steps back in year 1 with him at the helm from where it was with Arians. He was brought it to install a west-coast style of offense to minimize the hits on Luck that still utilized some of Arians' own longer passing schemes (remember Pep's own words calling his offense the "No-Coast Offense" on an account of the blending of the two?). Instead, Luck has continued to get nailed at the highest rate in football, and we have also lost the ingenuity of Arians plays and play-calling in the process, being replaced by vanilla, college-style routes that take a long time to develop and just horrible play-calling from Pep (20+ passing plays in a row, zero slants, zero check down options, etc.). There is almost no short-passing game in this offense from what I can see watching these games on Sunday.

As mediocre as he was the past two years, Pep has just been awful this year. Getting rid of him I think would immediately improve this team. There are a lot of problems, but Pep Hamilton is the biggest one IMO.

Good post. Amazing how at one point last season, he was considered to be a possible head coaching candidate this year.

At this point, I'd fire Pep and let Chud run the offense. Not sure how much better it'll be but if rumors are true, he's the guy that Pagano wanted in the first place at the position.

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I would agree wholeheartedly. I was there and you could just SEE open guys and they would be there just waiting for him to notice they are open and throw them the ball. Fleener and Allen in particular early and then he missed a WIDE OPEN Hilton down the sideline late. I mean WIDE OPEN. We punted on that drive.

Yeah, it's getting ridiculous. Tryint to force the big play or big gain every drop back. Need to worry about completions and moving the chains. Not rattling off big chunks of yards. That's the coaching staffs job to coach him up. Pull him to the side and tell him hit your damn short or check down passes dammit!!

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I'm down with seeing how Chud is any different than Pep if a move is made. However Luck shoulders plenty of the blame. I'm not real sure what solves the problem. It's real frustrating to me the guy is still getting sacked on the same blitzes from the Buffalo game. Along with over throws, ignoring wide open receivers breaking out of routes.

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