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What's Worse Than 1-2?

John Waylon

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Not our best game, but a win is a win is a win is a win.


That only leaves us to ponder what's worse than 1-2?


The Titan's onside kicking game. Just so many bad things about that play... Lol. That was baaaad. 



What's worse than 1-2?


Jurassic Park 3. Had to re-live that with my 6 year old this weekend. Good god almighty. 



What's worse than 1-2?


The Rams wanting out of St. Louis so bad they set the turf on fire in an attempt to burn the building down. (Anyone remember what that happened at LOS?)

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Davonte Freeman sitting on my bench  :hissy:  :argh:  :wall:


Don't feel bad. I have Joseph Randle on a couple of mine. 


Jalston Fowler's 16 yard loss on the two point conversion. Ugly.


I thought he was gonna toss it back to Mariota to see if he could do something with it. Not sure why he didn't, honestly.

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1) Hiring Lance Louis as your Oline coach

2) Pep as GM

3) Driving to Popeye's and they're out of biscuits.

4) The huge lady in my office twerking to My Humps at the Christmas party.

5) Planning a trip to Six Flags and it suddenly starts storming.

6) Rooting for the Jaguars with the five other fans that exist worldwide.

7) Getting the stomach flu in a traffic jam.

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The Jags week 3 defense.


No no, that's the typical Jags against the Pats. 


Today in the chat someone was like "Man, I hope the Jags beat the Pats" everyone lol'd and the guy was like "any given Sunday".


Sure, any given Sunday. Except that Sunday the Jags play the Pats. That is going to be a blowout in favor of the Pats. Every time.


Every. Single. Time. 

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M Night Shyamalan's The Visit. Anyone else waste $9 on that piece of tripe?


Yeah his only really good movie was The Sixth Sense, others have been mediocre at best or flat out are atrocious.  Signs, is a perfect example of his garbage.  Aliens that are venerable to . . . water . . .  come to a planet that is primarily water!  The Village, ohhh scary people dressed up as animals terrorize a small village. 


I personally think he's one of the worst highly overrated directors out there. 

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What's worse than 1-2, is 0-3 and the season being over. Ravens are 0-3 with an experienced Flacco who has won a SB. I am glad Andrew pulled this out because this Forum would've just poured it on him after those 2 INT's. He's a Great QB though and never quits. We will not only be 2-2 after next week but 3-2 after we beat Houston.

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