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Our O-Line moving foward


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First up this is just one of our offensive issues, The main one is play calling, but I said all offseason we needed to majorly address the interior. And it looks like that's the case. Our guards were terrible tonight. So tell me this. Why is Lance Louis on our team? He's a complete bum. Joe Reitz could possibly give us a competent line if he's at LG. What's you guys' thoughts moving forward. I just cant understand why Grigson hasn't swung for the fences in FA as far as the O-Line goes. Grigs seems like he has no interest in fixing the problem.

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I'm at a loss.  I'm usually one of the most positive posters around but this team just looks soft and lost.  And when I say soft, I mean liquid butter in Death Valley soft.


It's gut-wrenching because the team looks like it is on the verge of completely imploding. 

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I'm at a loss.  I'm usually one of the most positive posters around but this team just looks soft and lost.  And when I say soft, I mean liquid butter in Death Valley soft.


It's gut-wrenching because the team looks like it is on the verge of completely imploding. 


This. I feel you on this. I am normally an optimist too but man oh man.....ouch.


And it does not remind me of last year either. We did start 0-2 but Philly and Denver were competitive as hell in both games and we SCORED a lot.

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We're finally set at tackle. Wonder if we could or "would" somehow pull off a trade for somebody. If we could get a good enough guard it'd be worth trading away a 2nd or 3rd rounder for them IMO. I cant remember an O-Lineman getting traded like that during the season though.  But I've said before. Grigs could be offered Zach Martin for a 6th rounder, and Joel Bitionio for a 7th and he wouldn't do it. LOL. No he'd be fine with guys like Louis and bad draft picks like Thornton out there.

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It's play calling, substitution, WRs, QB, and OL.   Everything, this offense in general is one of the worst in the league.  I have a feeling though when they play a bad team they will score 30+ points, but the fact of the matter is the O can't beat a capable D. 


On the flip side, I thought the D played well.  For the Colts not to score even close to 20 points against the Jets D is absolutely pathetic. 

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I'm at a loss.  I'm usually one of the most positive posters around but this team just looks soft and lost.  And when I say soft, I mean liquid butter in Death Valley soft.


It's gut-wrenching because the team looks like it is on the verge of completely imploding. 

looks like the team will be getting a high draft pick doesn't it? no never mind, they play in the afc south. we need to stop pretending like us dominating this weak sauce division makes us a super bowl contender. I'd rather we suck and get a high draft pick, than dominate the afc craphole and get whooped in the playoffs.

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Ok first up we're not imploding. We'll still bounce back and win 10 games or more and make the playoffs. But we do have some issues. That's for sure. And the O-Line's just one of them. Luck isn't really overrated. He just makes stupid decisions leading to INT's. He'll be fine. He may throw 16 picks, but he'll still be the man in the end. Bret Farve threw some Int's too, but I thought Luck would grow out of that ****.

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It's play calling, substitution, WRs, QB, and OL.   Everything, this offense in general is one of the worst in the league.  I have a feeling though when they play a bad team they will score 30+ points, but the fact of the matter is the O can't beat a capable D. 


On the flip side, I thought the D played well.  For the Colts not to score even close to 20 points against the Jets D is absolutely pathetic. 

Our defense played well considering the field position the offense put them in and the injuries in the secondary. Barring that and we could easily have shut them out. But seriously what is happening on our offense? Luck is playing like crap and everything else is falling apart. We've had o line issues before but Luck has still played well. The oline looks like it has improved some but still not good enough.

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Our defense played well considering the field position the offense put them in and the injuries in the secondary. Barring that and we could easily have shut them out. But seriously what is happening on our offense? Luck is playing like crap and everything else is falling apart. We've had o line issues before but Luck has still played well. The oline looks like it has improved some but still not good enough.


I don't see any improvements and Luck was the most hit QB the last three years I think he finally lost his trust in the line and that with Peps playcalling is killing him right now. 

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I don't see any improvements and Luck was the most hit QB the last three years I think he finally lost his trust in the line and that with Peps playcalling is killing him right now. 

How much of the play calling is pep right now? If it's him sure but last week Luck was the one who kept checking out of all the runs. Seriously it looks like Luck is the biggest problem on this team right now but he has done so much the last 3 years that most fans don't want to admit it.

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How much of the play calling is pep right now? If it's him sure but last week Luck was the one who kept checking out of all the runs. Seriously it looks like Luck is the biggest problem on this team right now but he has done so much the last 3 years that most fans don't want to admit it.

Pep is the OC. He is completely responsible. It's his job to reel Luck in. To coach him to make right reads and throws. He's regressed.

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First up this is just one of our offensive issues, The main one is play calling, but I said all offseason we needed to majorly address the interior. And it looks like that's the case. Our guards were terrible tonight. So tell me this. Why is Lance Louis on our team? He's a complete bum. Joe Reitz could possibly give us a competent line if he's at LG. What's you guys' thoughts moving forward. I just cant understand why Grigson hasn't swung for the fences in FA as far as the O-Line goes. Grigs seems like he has no interest in fixing the problem.

Lol. The oline isn't all pro but it is serviceable. Grigson has brought in tons of people to fix these issues. The biggest thing is coaching and game planning. A ton of people like to point to the Patriots oline as the standard but they often are starting undrafter players. The biggest difference is their coaching staff and QB mask their deficiencies.

Imo the defense has almost no blame tonight and the oline has some but not much blame. This game was heavily influenced by the inadequate play of Luck and the horrid horrid calling and coordinating of the offense.

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looks like the team will be getting a high draft pick doesn't it? no never mind, they play in the afc south. we need to stop pretending like us dominating this weak sauce division makes us a super bowl contender. I'd rather we suck and get a high draft pick, than dominate the afc craphole and get whooped in the playoffs.

grigs would whiff on the pick

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Lol. The oline isn't all pro but it is serviceable. Grigson has brought in tons of people to fix these issues. The biggest thing is coaching and game planning. A ton of people like to point to the Patriots oline as the standard but they often are starting undrafter players. The biggest difference is their coaching staff and QB mask their deficiencies.

Imo the defense has almost no blame tonight and the oline has some but not much blame. This game was heavily influenced by the inadequate play of Luck and the horrid horrid calling and coordinating of the offense.


Completely agree with you.  Blaming the oline has to stop.  Luck holds the ball too long and Pep seems to be clueless on game planning.  Manning didn't get sacked much because he got rid of the ball very quickly.  Luck too often is looking around for someone to throw to.  Is that Luck or Hamilton giving him nobody to throw to?  But can't put that on Oline.  There are many olines in the NFL at the level of ours that don't have the problem we have.

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The O-line is horrible and Pep does nothing to help, Pep has to calls plays to help the situation, dink and dunk, screen passes, draw plays and short passing game, he just continues to call deep drops and patterns that take time to develop and time is what we don't have. Chud should take over for Pagano and Pep, there is no way he could do any worse.

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Amazing that anyone could defend the online. The only thing they excel at is racking up holding penalties. Lack of talent or crap coaching is the only debatable point. It's no wonder Luck makes some bad throws. Even a guy who likes contact is bound to get shaken when he is constantly being hit.

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We have 2 good Tackles, but you need more than those 2 to make a line.  Would also help a heap if our much vaunted RB from FA didn't drop the ball a yard out.  After Dorsett was drafted, people questioned the need for another WR so early in the draft--apart from Moncrief, the other WR's may as well have stayed home

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