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Does ray rice deserve a second chance?



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  1. 1. does he deserve a second chance

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Not my decision to make.  


I certainly wouldn't lose any sleep over him getting a 2nd chance in the NFL.


A 2nd chance in a relationship (if I was his GF or wife)  well that's an entirely different subject.  I don't give 2nd chances there.

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Stick him in an elevator with Ronda Rousey for a few rounds... That may earn him a second chance...

Or maybe he shouldn't fight women altogether. Besides, Rhonda couldnt match the violence NFL D-Lineman have already inflicted upon him. Not even close.

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I'm in no position to condemn anyone for saying no, but I would ask these individuals hypothetically why they are so opposed to Ray Rice's ability to earn a living on another NFL roster? 


--He has undergone therapy/domestic violence counseling, he married his fiancee, he deserves a chance to show his baby girl what a real father is: A man who accepts responsibility for his actions, changes his behavior, & demonstrates to his daughter that life is all about dusting yourself off & redemption from bad transgressions. 


I never condone striking any woman or loved one in anger, but how can people grow & evolve if we throw them & their lives away? I sure as hades am not a saint. People make mistakes & they deserve a shot at showing those they may have disappointed that they are not the anti-christ but a good person who made a terrible decision. I don't want to live in a world where 1 blemish on a person's record black balls them unnecessarily & harshly forever. 


I like Ray Rice & I wanna see him play ball again. 

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Ray Rice should be in jail right now, not getting a second chance in the NFL. This so called justice system in America is borderline disgusting. People are committing crimes left and right and getting off with minimal time. Even 1st degree murder gets you life in prison the majority of the time instead of death. The Athletes like Ray Rice that commit crimes are the worst, they beat women, get DUI's and hit and runs, and so much more and rarely if ever get jail time. He should be in Jail for 5 years, not getting a 2 game suspension. That's how the NFL runs things though and what they think of these crimes. Basically encourages them to do it again without consequences. They won't go to Jail, and they'll get a 2 game suspension. Whooopeee. You see what Aldon Smith did? 5 arrests in 3 years. He should of been booted from the NFL permanantly after the 3rd one. Then he doesn't even get jail time after a 5th one, just 3 years probation from alcohol. The only way an athlete will go to jail or get punished is by killing someone, and that's what could happen if you give Ray Rice a 2nd chance. Shame on all of you who voted yes here.

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In QuizBoy's defense, maybe he just believes that Rice's production in his last year with the Ravens was not all that impressive & therefore not worth the backlash a team might face should they decide to sign him to a contract. Age & production or the lack of are something that GMs must consider so I can grasp that line of thinking I guess. 

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Ray Rice should be in jail right now, not getting a second chance in the NFL. This so called justice system in America is borderline disgusting. People are committing crimes left and right and getting off with minimal time. Even 1st degree murder gets you life in prison the majority of the time instead of death. The Athletes like Ray Rice that commit crimes are the worst, they beat women, get DUI's and hit and runs, and so much more and rarely if ever get jail time. He should be in Jail for 5 years, not getting a 2 game suspension. That's how the NFL runs things though and what they think of these crimes. Basically encourages them to do it again without consequences. They won't go to Jail, and they'll get a 2 game suspension. Whooopeee. You see what Aldon Smith did? 5 arrests in 3 years. He should of been booted from the NFL permanantly after the 3rd one. Then he doesn't even get jail time after a 5th one, just 3 years probation from alcohol. The only way an athlete will go to jail or get punished is by killing someone, and that's what could happen if you give Ray Rice a 2nd chance. Shame on all of you who voted yes here.

Jared, you are certainly well within your right to believe that it is a honor to play in the NFL & you can't jeopardize that good standard of living by drinking, taking drugs, or striking a woman you claim to love. I get that, but let's not create the illusion that Rice has had problems off the field other than the elevator incident with booze, weed, violence, or reckless driving. We have to view each criminal infraction on a case by case basis. 


Too many people love to live in this perfection bubble where they think I would never do that or have a zero tolerance policy about mistakes that quite frankly is just a plateau that few individuals can hope to attain & even if they did, your gonna be alone on your own isolated perch.


I understand your frustration that superior athletes due to their talents are often afforded passes that ordinary civilians may not receive & that their lucrative salaries provide them access to the best legal representation money can buy but at the end of the day if we threw every criminal in jail & threw away the key there wouldn't be many law abiding citizens left roaming the streets. Now, just to be clear, rapists, serial killers, & child sexual assault criminals need to be behind bars for as long as humanly possible IMO, but for most people who made 1 terrible decision & that's it prison makes the person worse not better & it masks the problem vs solve it in a meaningful way perpetuating longterm change.


This country has the military industrial complex & the prison industrial complex & neither entity tends to foster lasting change for the better on a massive scale.  

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Why not? All these other guys who have shown little or no contrition for similar actions not caught on camera are still playing in the NFL.

I just don't like woman beaters period. I think the NFL is flawed when it comes to punishment/reinstatement of these criminals. I kind of subscribe to forgive don't forget. But that's just me. I'm not the decision maker in the NFL when it comes to this stuff but it's still my opinion on it lol.
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In QuizBoy's defense, maybe he just believes that Rice's production in his last year with the Ravens was not all that impressive & therefore not worth the backlash a team might face should they decide to sign him to a contract. Age & production or the lack of are something that GMs must consider so I can grasp that line of thinking I guess.

Well I just don't like abusers, and seeing the video just cemented my opinion on a guy I already didn't like. But yeah his production did fall off before the incident that is true.
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Jared, you are certainly well within your right to believe that it is a honor to play in the NFL & you can't jeopardize that good standard of living by drinking, taking drugs, or striking a woman you claim to love. I get that, but let's not create the illusion that Rice has had problems off the field other than the elevator incident with booze, weed, violence, or reckless driving. We have to view each criminal infraction on a case by case basis. 


Too many people love to live in this perfection bubble where they think I would never do that or have a zero tolerance policy about mistakes that quite frankly is just a plateau that few individuals can hope to attain & even if they did, your gonna be alone on your own isolated perch.


I understand your frustration that superior athletes due to their talents are often afforded passes that ordinary civilians may not receive & that their lucrative salaries provide them access to the best legal representation money can buy but at the end of the day if we threw every criminal in jail & threw away the key there wouldn't be many law abiding citizens left roaming the streets. Now, just to be clear, rapists, serial killers, & child sexual assault criminals need to be behind bars for as long as humanly possible IMO, but for most people who made 1 terrible decision & that's it prison makes the person worse not better & it masks the problem vs solve it in a meaningful way perpetuating longterm change.


This country has the military industrial complex & the prison industrial complex & neither entity tends to foster lasting change for the better on a massive scale.  

Thanks for the well written response, you are a solid poster and am always glad to talk with you. I do feel that that punishment is too light for crimes in this country, but i also disagree that prison makes things worse. It is supposed to be a punishment for criminals (light and heavy) to teach them not to commit another crime. It doesn't work though, when the athletes spend only a few hours and get bailed out. They feel invincible after that and do it over, they need a reality check. The NFL doesn't provide it either. That's why you see so much crime from NFL players IMO. I think we just have to agree to disagree on this one.

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Well I just don't like abusers, and seeing the video just cemented my opinion on a guy I already didn't like. But yeah his production did fall off before the incident that is true.

We're fine QuizBoy. You're a standup guy who detests the Cowboys as much as I do. Love you for that. LOL! In all seriousness, I'm not here to change your mind just offer my take on the Rice situation. I respect your stance, your intelligence, your humor, & your frequent presence on this site. We're cool bro. No worries. 


Thanks for the well written response, you are a solid poster and am always glad to talk with you. I do feel that that punishment is too light for crimes in this country, but i also disagree that prison makes things worse. It is supposed to be a punishment for criminals (light and heavy) to teach them not to commit another crime. It doesn't work though, when the athletes spend only a few hours and get bailed out. They feel invincible after that and do it over, they need a reality check. The NFL doesn't provide it either. That's why you see so much crime from NFL players IMO. I think we just have to agree to disagree on this one.

I appreciate that Jared & I also know your are sharp, witty, & insightful too. We're cool as well man. Yeah, I catch your drift. Hard crimes of brutality deserve a firm response not a patty cake don't do that again lecture almost minimizing the gravity of the act of violence itself. A very valid point Jared. "Invincibility" is a good word for it & it also explains why I'm so frustrated with Brady over deflate gate: Don't you know who I am goodell? A football god & therefore codes of conduct don't apply to me. Sigh...Different issue obviously, but it gets to what your driving at: Pardons based on athletic talents. Touche. 


You're a good man Jared & I'm glad your contributing here so frequently on the forum. We're perfectly fine. 


Oh, I respect veterans & the military BTW. I just know that you can't solve every problem with a machine gun, a missile, or bombing another country back to the stone age just to steal their oil under a false flag of liberation, but I digress...

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Yes.  He was instructed to attend and complete a program. He did.  All charges were not only dropped, but now expunged from his record.  This an order of magnitude higher than the Greg Hardy's of the world that batter then get charges dropped on technicalities (paying off and hiding his adversary).  Yet Hardy has a job and Rice does not. 




Hope you get a shot Ray.  If/when RB's start going down in camp, i only have Pierre Thomas above you on the got to call list...


P.S. I attribute some of his poor production due to poor line play that year.  Plus he is fresh now, with the time off.  If he has stayed in shape, he could be worth draining the remaining gas in his tank.

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Posted · Hidden by ColtsBlueFL, August 13, 2015 - Personal shot
Hidden by ColtsBlueFL, August 13, 2015 - Personal shot

Ray Rice should be in jail right now, not getting a second chance in the NFL. This so called justice system in America is borderline disgusting. People are committing crimes left and right and getting off with minimal time. Even 1st degree murder gets you life in prison the majority of the time instead of death. The Athletes like Ray Rice that commit crimes are the worst, they beat women, get DUI's and hit and runs, and so much more and rarely if ever get jail time. He should be in Jail for 5 years, not getting a 2 game suspension. That's how the NFL runs things though and what they think of these crimes. Basically encourages them to do it again without consequences. They won't go to Jail, and they'll get a 2 game suspension. Whooopeee. You see what Aldon Smith did? 5 arrests in 3 years. He should of been booted from the NFL permanantly after the 3rd one. Then he doesn't even get jail time after a 5th one, just 3 years probation from alcohol. The only way an athlete will go to jail or get punished is by killing someone, and that's what could happen if you give Ray Rice a 2nd chance. Shame on all of you who voted yes here.





Seek therapy.

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I'm in no position to condemn anyone for saying no, but I would ask these individuals hypothetically why they are so opposed to Ray Rice's ability to earn a living on another NFL roster? 


--He has undergone therapy/domestic violence counseling, he married his fiancee, he deserves a chance to show his baby girl what a real father is: A man who accepts responsibility for his actions, changes his behavior, & demonstrates to his daughter that life is all about dusting yourself off & redemption from bad transgressions. 


I never condone striking any woman or loved one in anger, but how can people grow & evolve if we throw them & their lives away? I sure as hades am not a saint. People make mistakes & they deserve a shot at showing those they may have disappointed that they are not the anti-christ but a good person who made a terrible decision. I don't want to live in a world where 1 blemish on a person's record black balls them unnecessarily & harshly forever. 


I like Ray Rice & I wanna see him play ball again.

I have nothing against Ray Rice earning a living; I just think he should do it out of the spotlight. He should work at a fast food joint or some other job where kids won't grow up idolizing him. This "thug" generation deserves better role models.

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I have nothing against Ray Rice earning a living; I just think he should do it out of the spotlight. He should work at a fast food joint or some other job where kids won't grow up idolizing him. This "thug" generation deserves better role models.

Believe it or not this sort of incident is not exclusive to this generation, Never has been

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I just don't like woman beaters period. I think the NFL is flawed when it comes to punishment/reinstatement of these criminals. I kind of subscribe to forgive don't forget. But that's just me. I'm not the decision maker in the NFL when it comes to this stuff but it's still my opinion on it lol.

OK, I get you. Maybe I will let you meet my niece after all. :P

All kidding aside, Ray Rice paid his dues; he has apologized and seems much more remorseful than all the other alleged women batterers playing in the NFL (like Greg Hardy).

At this point, this is a personal matter between Rice and his wife. I strongly believe Janay should not have married him. However, when it comes to him earning a living in the NFL, I believe he should get another chance. Had he put up big numbers in 2013, he would probably be on some team's roster by now. I really hope he gets the chance to redeem himself.

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Believe it or not this sort of incident is not exclusive to this generation, Never has been

That's technically true, but with this rap music teaching these kids about raping women, stealing, and killing people and making them think it's okay, having Ray Rice actually hit a woman reinforces that rap music is correct in the lesson it teaches and kids grow up to be woman beaters.

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Yes but NOT because he completed the "Rice was required to submit to anger-management counseling and check in with a probation officer for a year."



That quote is key, If for any reason he quits the counseling or misses an appointment with probation officer then I say cut him lose

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BTW, if Ray Rice went to Jail for a decent amount of time (even a year would be acceptable), I would say he learned his lesson. He didn't experience any hard lessons, and he could easily do it again. Until he actually gets punished, he is just as likely to do it again.

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That's technically true, but with this rap music teaching these kids about raping women, stealing, and killing people and making them think it's okay, having Ray Rice actually hit a woman reinforces that rap music is correct in the lesson it teaches and kids grow up to be woman beaters.

Rap in of itself is not bad, Not all rap teaches bad messages, Much of it yes(When I say rap is not bad I mean the act of doing it not the messages sent from it in many cases) but you can find lyrics in just about all genres of music that teach the wrong message....Country for example can to. Much of it starts in the home and about the environment a person came from. Also this is NOT an excuse but the AVERAGE male is not good with sharing feelings especially when adrenaline is going and quite honestly many feel challenged when someone gets up in there face regardless if its a man or woman in there face. This time the person just happened to be a woman


He has to find a means of finding an outlet for situations like that.....Which he MAY have never be shown to do....I don't know but from the footage I saw it was bad but in was not a premeditated hit...It was what I'd call a flight or fight slap just from what I saw may have spit at her she jumped up over in his face and reacted without thought...He did not walk into a room suddenly haul off and hit someone just to hit someone. He made a terrible spur of the moment decision

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Ray Rice should be in jail right now, not getting a second chance in the NFL. This so called justice system in America is borderline disgusting. People are committing crimes left and right and getting off with minimal time. Even 1st degree murder gets you life in prison the majority of the time instead of death. The Athletes like Ray Rice that commit crimes are the worst, they beat women, get DUI's and hit and runs, and so much more and rarely if ever get jail time. He should be in Jail for 5 years, not getting a 2 game suspension. That's how the NFL runs things though and what they think of these crimes. Basically encourages them to do it again without consequences. They won't go to Jail, and they'll get a 2 game suspension. Whooopeee. You see what Aldon Smith did? 5 arrests in 3 years. He should of been booted from the NFL permanantly after the 3rd one. Then he doesn't even get jail time after a 5th one, just 3 years probation from alcohol. The only way an athlete will go to jail or get punished is by killing someone, and that's what could happen if you give Ray Rice a 2nd chance. Shame on all of you who voted yes here.


Everyone is entitled to their opinion. What grinds my gears is the self-professed moral superiority of the bolded, as if anyone who disagrees with you is a low class moral citizen. If I could roll my eyes any harder, I'd fall over backward.

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BTW, if Ray Rice went to Jail for a decent amount of time (even a year would be acceptable), I would say he learned his lesson. He didn't experience any hard lessons, and he could easily do it again. Until he actually gets punished, he is just as likely to do it again.

"Until he actually gets punished, he is just as likely to do it again."


If this was the case why do we have inmates who cant stay out of prison after their original sentence is up

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Everyone is entitled to their opinion. What grinds my gears is the self-professed moral superiority of the bolded, as if anyone who disagrees with you is a low class moral citizen. If I could roll my eyes any harder, I'd fall over backward.

I guess I'll explain myself there. I find it funny how we all are against the Pats for what they did, but for the people voting yes here, they are basically saying that cheating in a football game is worse than hitting a woman. Everyone that voted here is against what the Pats did and they'll admit it. Yet a lot of them aren't against a woman beater.

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"Until he actually gets punished, he is just as likely to do it again."


If this was the case why do we have inmates who cant stay out of prison after their original sentence is up

Some people don't learn. However, I'd be willing to give him a second chance if he spent time in jail. Then I'd know he'd have suffered and thought about what he did very carefully. He basically got off scot-free.

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I guess I'll explain myself there. I find it funny how we all are against the Pats for what they did, but for the people voting yes here, they are basically saying that cheating in a football game is worse than hitting a woman. Everyone that voted here is against what the Pats did and they'll admit it. Yet a lot of them aren't against a woman beater.

Just because someone thinks he deserves a second chance doesn't mean they think it's ok to hit a woman

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Some people don't learn. However, I'd be willing to give him a second chance if he spent time in jail. Then I'd know he'd have suffered and thought about what he did very carefully. He basically got off scot-free.

His wallet and current employment status says different

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