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Robert Mathis with another video silencing doubters day by day


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To be absolutely honest, and this is just by watching a few videos he likes to post on Instagram, he looks like nothing happened to his achilles. I would be ecstatic to see him back week 1, but if we have him back by the Patriots game at least, I would be super stoked.

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I know he is chomping at the bit to get back ASAFP...but don't rush it. Look at RG3 for a lesson in rushing back from serious injury. Ease him into the lineup, then unleash him on Brady. I'd love to see him strip sack Mr. Cheating Crybaby and put him on his *.

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No offense to the team but.....he's seen how injured players are dealt with. Case in point Bob Sanders, Peyton, Reggie, now Gosder. He's 34 and wants to eek out as many years as possible. If he can't perform now I doubt any team will pick him up if released.

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No offense to the team but.....he's seen how injured players are dealt with. Case in point Bob Sanders, Peyton, Reggie, now Gosder. He's 34 and wants to eek out as many years as possible. If he can't perform now I doubt any team will pick him up if released.


thats every team in the league. if you cant perform, then youre gonna get cut, doesnt matter who you are or what team youre on.

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........... How?

More of a feeling than anything empirical. Kind of like the guy who keeps talking about what he is going to do, but then.... Mathis traditionally has not gone out of his way to talk, (or make videos), he has just gone out and performed. Hopefully, he can come back full strength, because that would greatly help the Colts' defense.

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The #Sandpit is the hidden gem in the art of passrushing. #HappyFeet #DontLetOLinemenJumpOnYourBackhttps://t.co/HpScxesZOn

— ROBERT MATHIS The1st (@RobertMathis98)

July 28, 2015

It's getting serious folks, Mathis wants to play opening week


 I just want to say i still have serious doubts he will be as quick as before.

Kinda silly the $$$ they guaranteed him. JMO of course.

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 I just want to say i still have serious doubts he will be as quick as before.

Kinda silly the $$$ they guaranteed him. JMO of course.

There is no new money guaranteed to him.  He simply gave the Colts a team option to retain him for 2016 at $5M. 

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More of a feeling than anything empirical. Kind of like the guy who keeps talking about what he is going to do, but then.... Mathis traditionally has not gone out of his way to talk, (or make videos), he has just gone out and performed. Hopefully, he can come back full strength, because that would greatly help the Colts' defense.

Traditionally, Robert Mathis has never really been injured, let alone a season ender. So posting videos of how his rehab is going is not comparable to how he didn't post videos pre-injury.

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Im hoping he is ready week 1


Personally, I hope he starts the season on the PuP list.  I'd rather have him 110% healthy and back, maybe for October 18th.


Plus, it would give one of the younger guys a chance to see if they can really play (maybe Adongo?). 


As far as the video, I keep thinking about RG3 doing jumping jacks in front of the fans before the season started last year.  It's not exactly the same as playing football.

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Personally, I hope he starts the season on the PuP list. I'd rather have him 110% healthy and back, maybe for October 18th.

Plus, it would give one of the younger guys a chance to see if they can really play (maybe Adongo?).

As far as the video, I keep thinking about RG3 doing jumping jacks in front of the fans before the season started last year. It's not exactly the same as playing football.

Maneuvering in sand is much more difficult than jumping jacks

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