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Grigson has some explaining to do...


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They are going by what Ian Rapaport reported a few days ago. It seems like Virdulant ( smiley face) is not the only one to read "many" as "all." While the report might be saying that only one ball was seriously deflated , it doesn't specify that that is indeed the case. It says 1 of the balls was 2LB's under and many other were just a tick under. The remaining balls could be anywhere from  2 lbs to a "tick" under.  

Yeah, I did find it a bit funny how the reports were all unreliable, and then when some come to support their argument, it's that "my report is newer and therefore more reliable."  It's laughable.  The NFL is investigating, and I've always maintained the wait and see approach.  I can't count how many times I posted on those threads with conditions "if this then that" and whatnot.  Eventually, you've got 50 different ways the facts could pan out and it's pretty exhausting arguing about it with someone who just refuses to see your point of view or failing that, be reasonable.  Needless to say, I just ignored a significant portion of Pats fans over hte past couple of weeks. 

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Sigh, this scandal didn't even matter to me at the start. Yes, New England has a cheating history, but we got destroyed by them in the AFCCG, so the balls wouldn't have mattered to me anyway. They're beating a dead horse at this point.


You're right in that it wouldn't have mattered in the AFCCG, but it could have mattered in other games. So, it's important to figure out what is the truth, if possible. If it's determined the balls were manipulated, who's to say they weren't manipulated in the game with Baltimore? That was a close game. If Baltimore won, the AFCCG game would have been in Indianapolis. We have faired well against Baltimore lately. Maybe it would have been an Indianapolis vs Seattle SB? I know this in football, but suggesting "They're beating a dead horse" is like not trying to find a person that murdered someone. Well, the person is dead, so why bother? Can't bring them back. A penalty must be levied if proven guilty.

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There's lots of reports that need to be corroborated. Some of them conflict. First it was all the footballs were 2psi below. Then it was they are "closer to 1psi than 2 psi" below the limit, and this report says 1 was 2 psi below the limit and 11 were a "tick" below the limit - whatever that means.

To top it off i heard on both Cowherd and Mike & Mike (Mortensen said it)that the 1 ball that was under 2 psi was the one the Colts turned out over that set this whole thing off.

All these reports together is basically what I meant when I said grigson (or the NFL) needs to explain a few things. I thought most knew of these reports.

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My memory really isn't the best, but I vaguely remember someone (i thought it was grigs) denying starting anything, my mistake there.

I know there was an article somewhere that had DJax saying it wasn't him who squealed. Can't site it cause I don't know which one I read. But if you googled it, I'd bet you would find it somewhere.
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I am not sure whether or not the Pats will be dinged for this but let's all be clear here, Tom Brady wanted those balls deflated and can anyone posting here( pats fans too) have any doubt that Tom Brady or any accomplished QB, not be able to tell that ball was under inflated? Tom Brady denying he had any knowledge of the ball is almost a certain lie as every other QB asked says they can tell the difference. Had Tom said, you know I thought the balls felt a little soft but that is the way I like them anyway and the refs already weighed them so I just assumed they were legal weight. Had he said something like that, I may have bought this whole I didn't know anything.

Had any of the Colts balls been under inflated, I could buy a weather factor into balls weight. None were and 11 of theirs were. And we all know, nobody would be authorized to under inflate or inflate a ball for a Tom or a Manning or any professional football QB. I'd bet they come up with something and the fingers may come back to Brady himself. Someone will talk at some point, they always do.

Griggs was right for taking the matter to the league. If he has known about it from other games, he failed his responsibility as a GM of his team IMO.

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If the latest reports are true, only one ball was 2 PSI lower, and one was like 1 PSI and the others were just a tick below 12.5 PSI. If that turns out to be fact when the Wells report comes out, a whole lotta people are going to look quite silly. And then, we need to find out why the ball the Colts took to the sideline, and "checked" is the only ball under by 2 PSI. Imagine the irony, if the Colts are found to have tampered with "the ball?"


I just ordered my official Super Bowl game ball (the 4th for my collection) and I will certainly do some testing;)


But if the Colts did something unscrupulous, I hope I hear it here from the fans, as I was on here like day one ready to crucify my own team if this was true. I feel much better now, and can't wait for the final report.

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I am not sure whether or not the Pats will be dinged for this but let's all be clear here, Tom Brady wanted those balls deflated and can anyone posting here( pats fans too) have any doubt that Tom Brady or any accomplished QB, not be able to tell that ball was under inflated? Tom Brady denying he had any knowledge of the ball is almost a certain lie as every other QB asked says they can tell the difference. Had Tom said, you know I thought the balls felt a little soft but that is the way I like them anyway and the refs already weighed them so I just assumed they were legal weight. Had he said something like that, I may have bought this whole I didn't know anything.

Had any of the Colts balls been under inflated, I could buy a weather factor into balls weight. None were and 11 of theirs were. And we all know, nobody would be authorized to under inflate or inflate a ball for a Tom or a Manning or any professional football QB. I'd bet they come up with something and the fingers may come back to Brady himself. Someone will talk at some point, they always do.

Griggs was right for taking the matter to the league. If he has known about it from other games, he failed his responsibility as a GM of his team IMO.

There's a lot of mis-information in your post.


1) Brady likes the balls on the low end of the legal range. That's what he said. If the new reports are true, then there is only one ball in rotation that was materially under inflated, and he threw a terrible ball for a pick with that ball.


2) The circumstantial retort regarding the Colts balls not deflating has been rule out due to the fact that there were no initial readings taken. So the fact that the Colts balls weren't below 12.5 at the half does NOT mean that they didn't deflate during the game by some amount. It simply means that they didn't deflate below 12.5, and that could be because they started closer to 13.5.


3) I've always been curious about this notion that the Colts were suspicious from the November game. That game was in Indy...as we know from the video, the refs hand the game balls for both teams to a home team attendant who brings them to the field. So how would the Patriots have been able to deflate them in that circumstance


4) It's also now known that the "ball boy" who had 90 seconds to deflate 12 balls was an elderly man...that makes it more unlikely that this guy deflated 12 balls in the bathroom in 90 seconds.

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I am not sure whether or not the Pats will be dinged for this but let's all be clear here, Tom Brady wanted those balls deflated and can anyone posting here( pats fans too) have any doubt that Tom Brady or any accomplished QB, not be able to tell that ball was under inflated? Tom Brady denying he had any knowledge of the ball is almost a certain lie as every other QB asked says they can tell the difference.


That's totally beside the point. What Tom wants or likes has nothing to do with what actually occurred, if anything at all if you read the latest reports. Him knowing or not knowing the PSI of a ball in a 2 PSI window doesn't mean he wanted under-inflated balls or is lying that he couldn't feel the difference.


And if the latest reports are true, only one ball was 2 PSI under, the rest were close to legal pressure, so he wouldn't be able to tell the difference of <1 PSI.


Also, every QB you ask *that hates Brady* will tell you they can tell the difference. I'd love to do a blind study on that one...


At this point, all we are speaking on are rumors. Wait until the full report comes out. Further speculation is futile.

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Sigh, this scandal didn't even matter to me at the start. Yes, New England has a cheating history, but we got destroyed by them in the AFCCG, so the balls wouldn't have mattered to me anyway. They're beating a dead horse at this point.

I agree wholeheartedly. I'm so tired of hearing about Deflate-Gate and the Patriots. Ready for the day when everyone stops talking about it.

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this is a dead story, an inside report (or rumor) has the balls going just below the minimum on their own because they were inflated to the minimum.  all things point to grigson/pags being the whistle blower(s).  if they haven't already, the NFL will probably have this put to bed in the next day or two.

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There's a lot of mis-information in your post.


1) Brady likes the balls on the low end of the legal range. That's what he said. If the new reports are true, then there is only one ball in rotation that was materially under inflated, and he threw a terrible ball for a pick with that ball.


2) The circumstantial retort regarding the Colts balls not deflating has been rule out due to the fact that there were no initial readings taken. So the fact that the Colts balls weren't below 12.5 at the half does NOT mean that they didn't deflate during the game by some amount. It simply means that they didn't deflate below 12.5, and that could be because they started closer to 13.5.


3) I've always been curious about this notion that the Colts were suspicious from the November game. That game was in Indy...as we know from the video, the refs hand the game balls for both teams to a home team attendant who brings them to the field. So how would the Patriots have been able to deflate them in that circumstance


4) It's also now known that the "ball boy" who had 90 seconds to deflate 12 balls was an elderly man...that makes it more unlikely that this guy deflated 12 balls in the bathroom in 90 seconds.


The report I saw said that the the footballs were "gauged" before the game and were within the limits but that the psi was not recorded.


Another report showed that you could actually deflate 12 footballs in 40 seconds.

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There's a lot of mis-information in your post.

1) Brady likes the balls on the low end of the legal range. That's what he said. If the new reports are true, then there is only one ball in rotation that was materially under inflated, and he threw a terrible ball for a pick with that ball.

2) The circumstantial retort regarding the Colts balls not deflating has been rule out due to the fact that there were no initial readings taken. So the fact that the Colts balls weren't below 12.5 at the half does NOT mean that they didn't deflate during the game by some amount. It simply means that they didn't deflate below 12.5, and that could be because they started closer to 13.5.

3) I've always been curious about this notion that the Colts were suspicious from the November game. That game was in Indy...as we know from the video, the refs hand the game balls for both teams to a home team attendant who brings them to the field. So how would the Patriots have been able to deflate them in that circumstance

4) It's also now known that the "ball boy" who had 90 seconds to deflate 12 balls was an elderly man...that makes it more unlikely that this guy deflated 12 balls in the bathroom in 90 seconds.

Time will tell about the report and all but if you think for a minute that Brady could tell the ball was soft, you are in severe denial. You also think the Colts balls were inflated to the high end of the legal limit and the Pats were to the bottom of the lower limit, well except for one ball anyways. I could give the Pats the benefit of the doubt perhaps if this was the first time caught cheating but as we all know, they are already a strike in on the cheat scale.

At any point, once the report comes out, we will all know what the story is and move on from there. Not one of us here has any bearing on what occurs from being right or wrong.

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The report I saw said that the the footballs were "gauged" before the game and were within the limits but that the psi was not recorded.


Another report showed that you could actually deflate 12 footballs in 40 seconds.

Right - I saw that report too. But the point is that the Colts balls could have been at 13.5 pre-game. We don't know because they didn't record. Then at the half, the Colts balls could have been 12.5...so in that scenario, both of the following statements would be true:


1) The Colts balls were legal before the game and they were still legal at the half

2) The Colts balls deflated by 1 lb during the half


I've not seen a realistic study that shows the balls could be deflated in 40 seconds (taken out of a bag, deflated, put back). I've seen it done by a guy working REAL fast in like 75 seconds. But now we know the "person of interest" was an elderly man...so probably not quite as quick as a 25 year old. At any rate, this story really and truly is running out of air.

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Right - I saw that report too. But the point is that the Colts balls could have been at 13.5 pre-game. We don't know because they didn't record. Then at the half, the Colts balls could have been 12.5...so in that scenario, both of the following statements would be true:


1) The Colts balls were legal before the game and they were still legal at the half

2) The Colts balls deflated by 1 lb during the half


I've not seen a realistic study that shows the balls could be deflated in 40 seconds (taken out of a bag, deflated, put back). I've seen it done by a guy working REAL fast in like 75 seconds. But now we know the "person of interest" was an elderly man...so probably not quite as quick as a 25 year old. At any rate, this story really and truly is running out of air.


Honestly, I will withhold further judgement until I see the data/report.  If the report shows that there was a big difference in the psi of the Patriots footballs vs the Colts then there should be a punishment, if not then the people and the NFL should just drop it.

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WOW - can not believe how many people are posting that deflategate is no longer an issue.


IF it is proven that the did in fact cheat I expect that their SB championship will be stripped of them!

your going to be disappointed with expectations like that

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WOW - can not believe how many people are posting that deflategate is no longer an issue.


IF it is proven that the did in fact cheat I expect that their SB championship will be stripped of them!


With 100% certainty I say this - that will not happen.

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Well.....   we know it was Grigson who contacted the NFL during the first half of the AFC Championship game.


I don't think that is in dispute.


What is unknown is....   did Grigson contact the NFL prior to the AFC Championship game to alert the league?


Could have been after the regular season game when Mike Adams picked off Brady twice.    Maybe he noticed something?


But even if he did,  I don't see a problem here.   If you think you've detected cheating by the opposing team,  what's the problem alerting the league office?


I don't think there's much explaining to do.....     And all that explaining is not going to come until the NFL finishes conducting it's investigation.


I think deflategate is a dead issue.  The NFL let this spin out of control and now it looks like most of the leaked information is at least suspect.  SI is saying only one ball was underinflated and Michael David Smith is saying that Grigson initiated the investigation.  If it turns out that Grigson initiated the investigation and no one can prove that the one underinflated ball is not the ball that was on the Colts sideline, then there might be a different problem.  I doubt anyone will prove that the ball was deflated by a Patriot or a Colt, but this could be a career ender for the commish and a black eye for the Colts.

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Goodness, that just doesn't make any sense at all. 


If only one ball was underinflated to an extent which could not be attributed to environmental issues, and one ball was handed to the refs by a colt official, and no one noted which ball was turned over by the colt, then it is possible that the deflated ball was deflated on the colt sideline and handed over to the refs.  That's all.  

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WOW - can not believe how many people are posting that deflategate is no longer an issue.


IF it is proven that the did in fact cheat I expect that their SB championship will be stripped of them!


As of right now, with the latest news, it's not an issue. And IF it were proven they did something wrong, vacating their SB win isn't an option that would ever be used. From the latest reports, if they are to be believed, this will be a huge embarrassment for the Colts and the NFL if the latest comes to pass as fact.

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U got me. I've been caught holding the general manager accountable for failing to do his job. I should focus on him snitching on a deflated ball instead of the horrible roster moves he's made. I've been caught trolling/holding the gm accountable.


Acting like a jerk ?  Holds only you accountable & gives a perception that is unfavorable to you .

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U got me. I've been caught holding the general manager accountable for failing to do his job. I should focus on him snitching on a deflated ball instead of the horrible roster moves he's made. I've been caught trolling/holding the gm accountable.

You should try holding yourself accountable for better posts.

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How can you guys not care about a team that cheats....consistently? 



Am I saying we would've won the game if the balls were inflated to the rule specification? 

Of course not. 


Am I saying that a team should be punished for not following the rules??




If the Colts would've cheated like the Pats did and won the game, the Pats fans would've come unglued and this whole Deflategate thing would've already been handled. It seems to me like the NFL is trying to sweep this whole thing under the rug now. 

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How can you guys not care about a team that cheats....consistently? 



Am I saying we would've won the game if the balls were inflated to the rule specification? 

Of course not. 


Am I saying that a team should be punished for not following the rules??




If the Colts would've cheated like the Pats did and won the game, the Pats fans would've come unglued and this whole Deflategate thing would've already been handled. It seems to me like the NFL is trying to sweep this whole thing under the rug now. 

Can you define "consistently"? I've got "spygate 2007". What else?

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Can you define "consistently"? I've got "spygate 2007". What else?


Are you a Colts fan or a Pats fan? Serious question. 



****This superbowl win for the NE Cheaters will forever have an asterisk on it.****


Deflategate and Brady lying through his teeth about deflating balls....

Mark Brunell and Troy Aikman both said there's no way that comes from anyone but the QB.


Illegal (or gray area) formations 

Ineligible receivers catching TD's 

Rodney Harrison juicing 



But Belichick is a great guy you say! 





I'm sure you could research to find more examples. 



Cheating is cheating regardless of how it's done. Whether its failing a drug test, or not using the specified pressures of a football. 





v. cheat·edcheat·ingcheats
1. To deceive by trickery; swindle: cheated customers by overcharging them for purchases.
2. To deprive by trickery; defraud: cheated them of their land.
3. To mislead; fool: illusions that cheat the eye.
4. To elude; escape: cheat death.
1. To act dishonestly; practice fraud.
2. To violate rules deliberately, as in a game:
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Are you a Colts fan or a Pats fan? Serious question. 



****This superbowl win for the NE Cheaters will forever have an asterisk on it.****


Deflategate and Brady lying through his teeth about deflating balls....

Mark Brunell and Troy Aikman both said there's no way that comes from anyone but the QB.


Illegal (or gray area) formations 

Ineligible receivers catching TD's 

Rodney Harrison juicing 



But Belichick is a great guy you say! 





I'm sure you could research to find more examples. 



Cheating is cheating regardless of how it's done. Whether its failing a drug test, or not using the specified pressures of a football. 





v. cheat·edcheat·ingcheats
1. To deceive by trickery; swindle: cheated customers by overcharging them for purchases.
2. To deprive by trickery; defraud: cheated them of their land.
3. To mislead; fool: illusions that cheat the eye.
4. To elude; escape: cheat death.
1. To act dishonestly; practice fraud.
2. To violate rules deliberately, as in a game:


You seem pretty upset.

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