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Patriots being investigated for Deflating footballs.....(Mega Merge)


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Brady and Belichick's penalty should be a trip to the Russian front !


A better punishment, for Belichick anyway, would be the one suggested by Cowherd earlier this week.  Make the Patriots do the Hard-knocks show for two years.  That would drive Bill crazy.

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Correct.. they were under inflated at half time.. fortunately the refs fixed the problem so the Patriots could get back into their groove and put up another 28 points. Those deflated balls were really cramping their style

it doesn't change the fact that its against the rules. In a league where sock height and color of cleats can get you fined or suspended, some kind of punishment is upcoming

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I am telling you guys from a Comms perspective this over. Bill and Brady would have never denied anything if the league had anything on them.


Remember spygate? Bill admitted immediately. He knew the league had the goods.


As much as this could be true, I can only think of a situation where you know someone did something, and you have the group before you. No one fesses up, so you never know who really did it.


So, you punish them all.

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Funny , I forgot the owner already got sent to the Russian front ! His ring went to another spygate guy , Edward Snowden !

Yeah, Putty took his ring saying he could kill someone with it... and walked away with it in his pocket. I bet he went all Gollum on him afterward too. 

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Why is there a rule? Because you have to draw the lines somewhere. If they had no rule, then teams could bring a football with 0 psi in it...

The rule exist to level the playing field and to make the competition eg the game eg the sport FAIR for ALL competitors!

Sport is about fair competition!

When a team breaks the rules and looks for every loophope in the rule book to gain advantages even if they are unfair they are cheaters and are showcasing horrible sportsmanship worthy of disqualification!

Bradys comments about respecting the integrity of the "game" are a joke! CLEARLY the Pats do NOT respect fair competition!

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Watch this, Brady is a damn liar and to these guys they think so as well.




When I heard Brady saying that he did not notice a difference between the footballs in the first half vs the second half, that is when I started to not believe what he was saying.  I just find it very difficult to believe that a NFL QB that pays attention to as much detail as Brady does can't tell the difference between a football at 12.5 psi and one that is less than 10.5 psi.

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I have lost all interest in the super bowl. I have watched every super bowl since 1967 and always rooted for one team to win. I dislike both the Patriots and the Seahawks. Patriots have no respect for the integrity of the game and the Seahawks are too full of the "Look at me" mentality. Both the head coaches are known cheaters. That is just my opinion and has no bearing whatsoever. Needless to say I will find something more satisfying to do with my time than to waist it on these two teams.

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When I heard Brady saying that he did not notice a difference between the footballs in the first half vs the second half, that is when I started to not believe what he was saying.  I just find it very difficult to believe that a NFL QB that pays attention to as much detail as Brady does can't tell the difference between a football at 12.5 psi and one that is less than 10.5 psi.

Especially a QB who says in one sentence that he prefers his balls to be at 12.5 PSI ..

I immediately say well heck if you know enough about the balls to know you want them at that PSI - you sure as heck would know if they were at 10.5!

Everything out of his mouth today was a lie to cover up other lies!

The Patriots should be disbanded and removed from the NFL all together! They do NOT understand what sport and competition means! They only feel bad when they get caught!

Sport: an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment.

Competition: the activity or condition of competing.

Sportsmanship: an aspiration that a sport be enjoyed for its own sake, with proper consideration for fairness, ethics, respect, and a sense of fellowship with one's competitors.

Fariness: the state, condition, or quality of being fair, or free from bias or injustice; evenhandedness.

Advantage: benefit; gain, a position of superiority

Cheating: breaking of rules to gain unfair advantage in a competitive situation.

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Lol.. I'll admit I'm not much of a scientist, but my friend went to an ivy league school for chemical engineering and works in a lab making cancer treatment medication..

He absolutely knows what he's talking about, most assuredly more than you.

and your friend is a NE fan
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Especially a QB who says in one sentence that he prefers his balls to be at 12.5 PSI ..

I immediately say well heck if you know enough about the balls to know you want them at that PSI - you sure as heck would know if they were at 10.5!

Everything out of his mouth today was a lie to cover up other lies!

The Patriots should be disbanded and removed from the NFL all together! They do NOT understand what sport and competition means! They only feel bad when they get caught!

Sport: an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment.

Competition: the activity or condition of competing.

Sportsmanship: an aspiration that a sport be enjoyed for its own sake, with proper consideration for fairness, ethics, respect, and a sense of fellowship with one's competitors.

Fariness: the state, condition, or quality of being fair, or free from bias or injustice; evenhandedness.

Advantage: benefit; gain, a position of superiority

Cheating: breaking of rules to gain unfair advantage in a competitive situation.


The bolded might be a tad harsh, but the NFL does need to clamp down on this type of behavior.  Teams/Players should not be able to choose which rules they will follow and which ones they will not.  If they do not like a rule then go to the competition committee and try to have it changed.

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I have to ask. Do you really want to play the Pats again?


No, but the pats should have to forfeit the game, and hold the AFCCG in Indy between the Colts and the Ravens.  Winner of that game then goes to the SB !!!  Sounds fair to me !!!

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Couldn't tell you...but I do find it very odd that whoever is leading the NFLs investigation hasn't thought to even contact Tom yet...

They are in charge. Why should they contact Tom? He is not in charge of anything in the NFL front offices. Matter of fact Tom is in an union. The NFL is management. I am quite sure the union would advise Tom to say zero to management.

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Like this thread is the only one who is drawing conclusions? This goes way past a Colts forum in case you haven't noticed.

That may be...but I ask you this. If the NFL concludes their investigation and finds no real answers, and the only penalty is something like a fine, is anyone going to admit that they formed their opinions about this on pure speculation?

I highly doubt it, but regardless of whether you believe the patriots or don't, if the NFL finds nothing then what? Everyone would have been chastising them based on no facts and when they 'officially' did nothing.

That opens Pandora's box a bit in terms of rumors and facts going forward, no?

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Couldn't tell you...but I do find it very odd that whoever is leading the NFLs investigation hasn't thought to even contact Tom yet...


I found that odd too, not that Tom would have said anything different.  I would have thought they would have at least ask him for an explanation.

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So 4 days later and I don't know much more than I did 4 days ago. But here is what I wrote in the Seahawks forum. I wish somebody would tell me some truths...




I'm a lifelong Patriots fan, but let me tell you, today, first Belichick lied to me, then Brady lied to me. I at least had some hope after Belichick essentially said, I don't know anything, but Tom does. So I waited for Brady to come clean and let me know what happened, good or bad. He essentially said, sorry guys, I know just as little as my coach. And he chose his words very carefully by saying, and I paraphrase, "the balls I choose before the game are the balls I expect to play with." OK, so were these the balls you chose before the game and are these the ones you expected, or were these different?

I knew a couple days ago that the only way out for them was to play the 12.5 PSI card, which both Belichick and Brady did today. So by essentially saying 12.5 PSI, that means that *any* loss, no matter how small, already starts them outside the lines of the legal limit, but since they were "approved" at 12.5 PSI, they feel they are good. So right now, they are essentially saying, NFL, prove we did something wrong.
And guess what, that's probably the best approach for them, even know I know they are lying to me. Because I'll bet you that the refs DID NOT initially measure the PSI in those balls, I'll bet they just felt them, they felt good, just like they felt during the game, and that's that. The only measurements they have is the balls AFTER the first half, and after they have been played. So Brady and Belichick have a pretty good alibi since for their purposes, they had no opportunity to do anything. So if the NFL only has measurements of the balls at the end, and not the beginning, you have Brady confirming he had them 12.5 PSI, then you have refs confirming they were below that level at halftime. But by how much?
Even if the balls are 10 PSI or lower, without a confession or evidence/proof, there is no way the NFL can put this on any one person within the Patriots. So my guess is that they will fine the team, change rules for next year, and the SB will be played as usual.
So Belichick comes up and says, talk to Tom. Brady comes up and says "I have no idea how balls got deflated." I'm assuming the equipment manager needs to come to the podium and explain he did what Brady wanted 12.5 PSI, then who knows what happened after he gave the balls to the ball boy. Then the ball boy comes to the podium and says everything was fine, and nobody touched them once he got them on the field. And there you go, everyone passes the buck, and nobody admits anything, and the NFL is left to just fine someone or some entity.
Bottom line for me, Brady lied. Belichick lied. But, right now, there is still a chance the Patriots actually offered the refs balls that were below 12.5 PSI and the refs OKd them, without checking them very well. So if that's the case, the Patriots offered say 10.5/11 PSI balls, the refs didn't catch it, and they played the game.
If that is the case and the Patriots DID NOT tamper with those balls after the refs initially inspected them, some people may not like me for this, but I would have much less of a problem if that were the case. If that happened, the NFL didn't do their job. But if someone actually went and tampered after the refs inspected them, I think Patriots/Belichick/Brady deserve big fines. I can't see any suspensions unless it's found someone actually tampered.
IN any event, I was so excited and looking forward to this game, and now for an entire week I've had to go through this. Through no fault of my own, other than being a fan. The NFL is totally inept in this matter if they haven't even interviewed Brady on day 4. That's beyond belief.
I understand teams try to play loose with rules, and I bet Brady has been doing this since he injured his throwing hand back when, I heard he had ligament damage. But if they gave the NFL under sized balls, and the NFL didn't do their job inspecting, this is a totally different case than tampering with balls post inspection. Just saying. It sucks either way, and I don't like being lied to!
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That may be...but I ask you this. If the NFL concludes their investigation and finds no real answers, and the only penalty is something like a fine, is anyone going to admit that they formed their opinions about this on pure speculation?

I highly doubt it, but regardless of whether you believe the patriots or don't, if the NFL finds nothing then what? Everyone would have been chastising them based on no facts and when they 'officially' did nothing.

That opens Pandora's box a bit in terms of rumors and facts going forward, no?

I guess we'll deal with that whenever the time comes.  I can't imagine this just goes away....  Someone will eventually be held accountable.

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Seeing all of the angry Patriots fans on my FB feed is becoming a little old at this point. I'd love to see Seattle smack them around just so they'll quiet down for another year.


This post caught my attention though:





If you commit PI or UC, yes, you broke a rule. You might not get fined for it (although with some unsportsmanlike conduct penalties there are fines involved), but it costs your team yards on the field.


"Oh no, they broke a rule." - so if I go murder someone I can just say "Oh no I murdered somebody."?

It looks like they try to get away with whatever they can by staying on the verge of cheating all the time this is not an isolated incidence, To me  they win by whatever means are necessary and if they get caught they have all there ducks in a row before they address the public. I wonder what they did in the win against the ravens hard to say but I think all there wins are questionable. They are guilty of this crime call it cheating or breaking the rules or whatever you want but the balls were under inflated.That gave them a decided advantage,  What other underhanded crap have they done we dont know about? We already know of a bunch of stuff that is not what i would consider respectful of a team going to participate in the super bowl. just my thoughts  . 

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That may be...but I ask you this. If the NFL concludes their investigation and finds no real answers, and the only penalty is something like a fine, is anyone going to admit that they formed their opinions about this on pure speculation?

I highly doubt it, but regardless of whether you believe the patriots or don't, if the NFL finds nothing then what? Everyone would have been chastising them based on no facts and when they 'officially' did nothing.

That opens Pandora's box a bit in terms of rumors and facts going forward, no?

What happens if they are found guilty, and then suspensions are handed down... will you then leave the forum for the duration of those suspensions?

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So 4 days later and I don't know much more than I did 4 days ago. But here is what I wrote in the Seahawks forum. I wish somebody would tell me some truths...




I'm a lifelong Patriots fan, but let me tell you, today, first Belichick lied to me, then Brady lied to me. I at least had some hope after Belichick essentially said, I don't know anything, but Tom does. So I waited for Brady to come clean and let me know what happened, good or bad. He essentially said, sorry guys, I know just as little as my coach. And he chose his words very carefully by saying, and I paraphrase, "the balls I choose before the game are the balls I expect to play with." OK, so were these the balls you chose before the game and are these the ones you expected, or were these different?


I knew a couple days ago that the only way out for them was to play the 12.5 PSI card, which both Belichick and Brady did today. So by essentially saying 12.5 PSI, that means that *any* loss, no matter how small, already starts them outside the lines of the legal limit, but since they were "approved" at 12.5 PSI, they feel they are good. So right now, they are essentially saying, NFL, prove we did something wrong.


And guess what, that's probably the best approach for them, even know I know they are lying to me. Because I'll bet you that the refs DID NOT initially measure the PSI in those balls, I'll bet they just felt them, they felt good, just like they felt during the game, and that's that. The only measurements they have is the balls AFTER the first half, and after they have been played. So Brady and Belichick have a pretty good alibi since for their purposes, they had no opportunity to do anything. So if the NFL only has measurements of the balls at the end, and not the beginning, you have Brady confirming he had them 12.5 PSI, then you have refs confirming they were below that level at halftime. But by how much?


Even if the balls are 10 PSI or lower, without a confession or evidence/proof, there is no way the NFL can put this on any one person within the Patriots. So my guess is that they will fine the team, change rules for next year, and the SB will be played as usual.


So Belichick comes up and says, talk to Tom. Brady comes up and says "I have no idea how balls got deflated." I'm assuming the equipment manager needs to come to the podium and explain he did what Brady wanted 12.5 PSI, then who knows what happened after he gave the balls to the ball boy. Then the ball boy comes to the podium and says everything was fine, and nobody touched them once he got them on the field. And there you go, everyone passes the buck, and nobody admits anything, and the NFL is left to just fine someone or some entity.


Bottom line for me, Brady lied. Belichick lied. But, right now, there is still a chance the Patriots actually offered the refs balls that were below 12.5 PSI and the refs OKd them, without checking them very well. So if that's the case, the Patriots offered say 10.5/11 PSI balls, the refs didn't catch it, and they played the game.


If that is the case and the Patriots DID NOT tamper with those balls after the refs initially inspected them, some people may not like me for this, but I would have much less of a problem if that were the case. If that happened, the NFL didn't do their job. But if someone actually went and tampered after the refs inspected them, I think Patriots/Belichick/Brady deserve big fines. I can't see any suspensions unless it's found someone actually tampered.


IN any event, I was so excited and looking forward to this game, and now for an entire week I've had to go through this. Through no fault of my own, other than being a fan. The NFL is totally inept in this matter if they haven't even interviewed Brady on day 4. That's beyond belief.


I understand teams try to play loose with rules, and I bet Brady has been doing this since he injured his throwing hand back when, I heard he had ligament damage. But if they gave the NFL under sized balls, and the NFL didn't do their job inspecting, this is a totally different case than tampering with balls post inspection. Just saying. It sucks either way, and I don't like being lied to!

nicely put
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