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Patriots being investigated for Deflating footballs.....(Mega Merge)


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How do you know they wouldn't. Personally I think its obvious they both lied.

Because Goodell would have told them the league had something. The investigation is going on at Foxboro ... and they would have addressed what the league found if anything. All they did was talk about themselves. No one else and nothing else.

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We don't have to wait for the PSI on the balls.    We have them.


11 of the 12 were at 10.5 PSI....   2 full pounds below the minimum.


The 12th ball was said to be just below 12.5,  also below the minimum allowed,  but just a little bit.


And no one in the football community is saying you can lose 2 pounds per ball due to weather, which (A) wasn't that cold, and (B) the Colts balls were all legal.     They were measured also and all found to be between 12.5 and 13.5.


I think Brady is saying nothing because (A) the NFL can't prove it's him right now, and (B) he does not want to risk being suspended for the Super Bowl.    So, until the NFL can prove it's him,  he'll deny.      But as of now,  John Madden says it's him,  Troy Aikman says it's him and Mark Brunell says it's him.    And I suspect there are a lot more NFL types saying the exact same thing.

What is wrong with you NCF ~  Those NFL professionals don't know as much as amfootball does....    Get with it.   ;)   :P

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I'll tell ya what. If you walked into a room and only your kids were in in, and there was a broken lamp on the ground, they denied knowing anything about it......what would your conclusion be? 

I have already told my kids about this and told them to wait for the investigation before condemning ... pretty much how I would want to be treated ...

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The league has not even spoken to Brady yet. Big flag right there.

That shows the league is pretty bad at doing their job. Tom is the one who has his hands on those balls more than anyone aside from the ball boy... and should have been the second man in the proverbial principals office. They should make him sitout the Super Bowl, but spend the game standing with his nose in the corner.

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Few thoughts:


1) I think this thing is over. Pats know the league has nothing on them to prove tampering. They were very measured in their responses both pressers.

2) I think the league may end up saying that the refs did not do their job with the inspection. I have thought this all along.

3) This is going to look bad again for Goodell trying to prove a ball tampering job .. nearly impossible as so many talking heads have said.


This is embarrassing.     The NFL has clear proof of cheating.    The balls were legal 2 hours and 15 minutes before the game.   They were illegal by halftime.      There's your proof.


What the NFL doesn't have is who committed the crime?


The NFL has already come out and said the Refs did their job correctly.    And the only talking heads who are saying they can't prove anything are ones that don't understand what has happened.    There are lots of those guys.   They don't read the stories, which you clearly have not.   Otherwise you would not have written what you wrote here.


But at some point,  if no one admits things,  it won't make a difference.   An  NFL crime was committed, and the Patriots will be punished.    Bank on it.

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And no proof as to how they got deflated ...

Correct me if I'm wrong but once handed over its up to the Pats' staff to ensure the balls are kept within the league criteria... The burden of proof lies with them now, not the league. If they can prove to was a genuine error then it's going to be punished accordingly, I.e. A slap on the wrists as a minimum.

The longer it goes without someone from the Pats stepping forward to say sorry my bad the more suspicious it looks.

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Listen, I need to see the investigation. I will not say anything until the league reveals ALL the details. I suggest you guys do the same. But I am certain the league has nothing on them.

Let me interpret this:

Listen, I'm not going to admit that my team cheated even tho I know they did. I'm going to wait til the nfl blames someone and if they don't, my team is clear and i can say your argument is invalid because it was never proven.

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I have already told my kids about this and told them to wait for the investigation before condemning ... pretty much how I would want to be treated ...

There is an analogy that says "if it sounds like a duck...quacks like a duck...."

I mean, it's obvious it cleary a ventriloquist pretending to be a duck here I get it :/

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2 full psi in under 2 hours in 11 balls. All the while the colts balls checked out fine. odd no?


Yes, its very odd.. but its not proof of any wrong doing and hopefully this investigation runs its course and we can all get some answers so that this can have some closure.. because focusing on this for the 2 weeks leading up to the SB is pretty horrible, for the fans and the teams that have earned the right to play in this game.

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Listen, I need to see the investigation. I will not say anything until the league reveals ALL the details. I suggest you guys do the same. But I am certain the league has nothing on them.



What a hard head.. they have 11 out of 12 balls that were exactly 2 LBs under. The other ball was also under standard. Doesn't that sound to you like someone put a needle in that little hole and pulled it out when the scale read 10.5 ?  Hardly anyone with a half brain is saying the weather did this. Don't you think if there were any possibility of this that it would have come out and this would indeed be over ?

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Yes, its very odd.. but its not proof of any wrong doing and hopefully this investigation runs its course and we can all get some answers so that this can have some closure.. because focusing on this for the 2 weeks leading up to the SB is pretty horrible, for the fans and the teams that have earned the right to play in this game.

its not going away before the game, or probably ever for that matter. They would have been better suited using the "misinterpretation of the rule" excuse....... again

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If I were the Colts and warned the league in advance, I would have had a camera(s) trained on the Patriots balls on the sidelines and have made sure if anything was being done WE had proof.  


That would make things quite interesting.

You and I both know the NFL is not that smart.

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It is evidence of intentional tampering, as badly as you don't want it to be. You support a crooked, scumbag, farce of a franchise. You lose credibility with everyone but yourself and your Patriot buddies every time you open your mouth (type). Just quit. Not one single ounce of a crap will be given about anything you have to say, until you speak the truth which you lack the ability to do. Bye Felicia!


I don't see a future in law for you, thats for sure.


I don't know any Felicia, you must be confused.. probably all of that anger you have stored up inside.


We'll find out soon enough when the NFL releases their reports on the investigation, but until then all fans of both the Pats and other teams have is speculation and rumor.

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What a hard head.. they have 11 out of 12 balls that were exactly 2 LBs under. The other ball was also under standard. Doesn't that sound to you like someone put a needle in that little hole and pulled it out when the scale read 10.5 ?  Hardly anyone with a half brain is saying the weather did this. Don't you think if there were any possibility of this that it would have come out and this would indeed be over ?

I will say this. Mort is the only one that reported that not the league itself. And nothing else has come out since then. As you said yourself, you have to prove it which is near impossible. Also it was horrific weather AND the Pats had their balls at the minimum to start. Lots going on here and suspicion is not proof. It's just not. Not sure what else to tell you.

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Yes, its very odd.. but its not proof of any wrong doing and hopefully this investigation runs its course and we can all get some answers so that this can have some closure.. because focusing on this for the 2 weeks leading up to the SB is pretty horrible, for the fans and the teams that have earned the right to play in this game.

But they didn't earn the right...

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I will say this. Mort is the only one that reported that not the league itself. And nothing else has come out since then. As you said yourself, you have to prove it which is near impossible. Also it was horrific weather AND the Pats had their balls at the minimum to start. Lots going on here and suspicion is not proof. It's just not. Not sure what else to tell you.

The league is still conducting an investigation hence not issuing a statement. Also please just STOP with the weather and the fact they were at minimum. You are insulting everyone's intelligence including your own.


Your messiah is a fraud.

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I am having a difficult time understanding how anyone in their right mind could come away from that Press Conference thinking it somehow made things better or helped the Pats cause.    :scratch:  :dunno:  :loco:


I think it was clear to most everyone  HOW BAD this really is.

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That's actually true. The Patriots have been accused more than other teams, and twice it was true. They're watched as much as any other team, but they've been guilty in a couple of investigations. If a sexual predator lives in a neighborhood, and a child comes up missing in that neighborhood, should there be some scrutiny of that sexual predator?


Of course there would be more scrutiny, but thats my point.. if there is 1 team that couldn't possibly get away with anything it would be the Pats who are under a microscope by everyone.

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