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Message From Bill Obrien.....


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He was fantastic in the Titans game, his first game back from the bench, and he made the plays he needed to make, including a few quarterback scrambles, to win our last game. Granted the Colts are a different animal than the Titans and Jaguars, so I guess we will see. Everyone and their mother knows that Arian will be seeing the ball early and often, and when he is in a groove good things tend to happen for the offense.

We'll be at the game. You can usually tell right away if a team is going to steamroll us. If we stuff Foster in the first few series, it could be a long day for you. If he starts breaking runs early, we're in trouble.

We don't seem to be able to adjust very fast on D. By the same token, if you're not pressuring Luck the entire game, you're in trouble.

Two years ago you needed that game and we didn't. Turned out well for us that time.

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We'll be at the game. You can usually tell right away if a team is going to steamroll us. If we stuff Foster in the first few series, it could be a long day for you. If he starts breaking runs early, we're in trouble.

We don't seem to be able to adjust very fast on D. By the same token, if you're not pressuring Luck the entire game, you're in trouble.

Two years ago you needed that game and we didn't. Turned out well for us that time.

You're right about Arian, but in our offense we force feed the guy to the opponent whether the run game is working or not. Has been that way since the Kubiak days, and sometimes it pays off, and other times it doesn't. I agree that if we don't get to Andrew early to disrupt his timing and to get him to make some bad throws, we will be in trouble. Though it should be easier now that Bradshaw is out, though I admit I haven't kept up with Herron. I don't have any worry about Richardson doing anything against us on the ground.

As far as the game from two years ago, that may be true, but this is a different year, with a different team and coach. I know this game is going to be a dogfight, and it could honestly go either way. You're lucky to have the opportunity to be there, I wish I could've flown to Indianapolis for the occasion :) Ah well, I'll be just as good sitting in front of the T.V. with a couple of burgers and fries here in Houston.

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Well now we know they are screwed. Whenever the Texans over the years build up a game as "the" game. Or "the Super Bowl". Or "a playoff game." It's over.



Mentally they never can handle the pressure of these sorts of games which is why they usually end up being on the outside looking in.

Jules, no one will ever accuse you of being too vague & not direct enough in expressing your viewpoints. 


Your last sentence went from "never" to "usually" does that mean that you left open the door a slight crack for the remote possibility of a defeat this weekend?


Yeah I know, on any given Sunday any team can go down. I'm just messing with ya. LOL! 

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We'll be at the game. You can usually tell right away if a team is going to steamroll us. If we stuff Foster in the first few series, it could be a long day for you. If he starts breaking runs early, we're in trouble.

We don't seem to be able to adjust very fast on D. By the same token, if you're not pressuring Luck the entire game, you're in trouble.

Two years ago you needed that game and we didn't. Turned out well for us that time.

True post.

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I love this of course. He's gotta get the guys fired up, we have goals to win the division, but if not, hopefully get a WC due to best conference record, and losing to any of our last few opponents isn't going to help us attain that. I know we've never won at LOS, but there's a first time for everything. :)

Texans have a good coach.  He will get this team over the hump that Kubiak failed to do.  Of course the Texans have never had the right QB and I'm not yet sold on Mallet.  Until the QB position gets fixed you're still 2nd best in the Division barring injuries to the Colts.

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Texans have a good coach. He will get this team over the hump that Kubiak failed to do. Of course the Texans have never had the right QB and I'm not yet sold on Mallet. Until the QB position gets fixed you're still 2nd best in the Division barring injuries to the Colts.

Yeah, QB has been our main Achilles heel and just when we were starting to get optimistic Mallett got hurt. Tough break, but life goes on. Winning the division will be tough but it can still be done.
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The Texans have every right to feel optimistic about this game. The Colts have looked erratic and rattled offensively over, really, the majority of the season. Yes, we have generated big plays. Many. That is not the point. How consistent have we been? Look at the Texans defensively and how they are built to disrupt with their front seven. A few miscues or tipped passes to start this game and you can easily see this getting ugly in a hurry. It would be easy to say "Just eliminate the turnovers". Sure. Well, we don't have a respectable run game, so, the ball is going to the air 50+ times a game. This has to change.


I don't agree with this at all.


Minus Watt, the best defensive player to come along in a long time, their front 7 is very pedestrian.


I suppose they're effective when they play the Titans, Jaguars, Raiders, Redskins or whichever sorry teams the Texans have gotten their wins against this year, but against good teams?  Not so much.

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I don't agree with this at all.


Minus Watt, the best defensive player to come along in a long time, their front 7 is very pedestrian.


I suppose they're effective when they play the Titans, Jaguars, Raiders, Redskins or whichever sorry teams the Texans have gotten their wins against this year, but against good teams?  Not so much.


They have my respect, let me say that. They disrupt. Give them a short field, it's going to be a long day cause that offense has picked it up a notch as well. I have been pretty content in the past to dismiss the Texans, but I don't like the way the Colts have been playing as of late. 

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I have a dream that someday the Texans will have a "biggest game in franchise history" against someone OTHER than us... It does get rather tiring...


Whenever we do that we usually get blown out, so we should probably stop.


John McClain said after the Browns game (Mallet's debut) that it would be considered one of the biggest. I thought that was a bit overblown. The last time I heard that phrase uttered before a game was the NE massacre of 2012.

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Jj watt has more tds than all of the chiefs receivers.. more than reggie wayne.. same amount as a.j green.. only has only one less than calvin johnson.. and the same amount as levon bell.. find another way to bash trent.. its old bro.

Ok--More TD's then Nicks, how's that?

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They have my respect, let me say that. They disrupt. Give them a short field, it's going to be a long day cause that offense has picked it up a notch as well. I have been pretty content in the past to dismiss the Texans, but I don't like the way the Colts have been playing as of late. 


Complete agreement.  Continued sloppy play and a slow start will result in us getting a nice L this weekend.

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Yeah, but the Colts didn't have any gametape to review on Manziel. I'm not sure how the Browns running game was but it would have been even better with the threat of Manziel keeping the ball to run himself and as the Bills found out, he isn't afraid to run at the NFL level either. He would have been showing out for his first start no doubt, that's just the way Johnny is, he wouldn't have been worried about injuries I don't think. You are right about the Browns...I think Johnny can be the franchise guy if they develop him properly. He has a good defense to fall back on, along with a stud receiver, so he is in a good position.

not sure if you noticed but the series he rushed for the TD, the entire starting d line for the bills was on the sideline. He had zero success when they came back in

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Uhm, excuse me but didn't read the Raiders beat San Francisco last week? Weren't we stifled by the Browns for three solid quarters last week? Are the Colts on there way to a Super Bowl this year or are we going to be sent back home at some point in the playoffs? JJ Watt will be there and so will a pretty good running back the Texans have. A cakewalk-who are you kidding?

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You're right about Arian, but in our offense we force feed the guy to the opponent whether the run game is working or not. Has been that way since the Kubiak days, and sometimes it pays off, and other times it doesn't. I agree that if we don't get to Andrew early to disrupt his timing and to get him to make some bad throws, we will be in trouble. Though it should be easier now that Bradshaw is out, though I admit I haven't kept up with Herron. I don't have any worry about Richardson doing anything against us on the ground.

As far as the game from two years ago, that may be true, but this is a different year, with a different team and coach. I know this game is going to be a dogfight, and it could honestly go either way. You're lucky to have the opportunity to be there, I wish I could've flown to Indianapolis for the occasion  :) Ah well, I'll be just as good sitting in front of the T.V. with a couple of burgers and fries here in Houston.



Herron is just as dangerous as Bradshaw when it comes to running the football.  The bad part is he fumbles just as much as Bradshaw.  I'm hoping somehow we'll let Tipton get some carries in this game but I doubt it.  You're right, Richardson is going to do next to nothing.  Honestly the way things have been going lately we'll probably just sit back and chuck the ball up 40 to 51 times and abandon the running game.  It's very frustrating!

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What a joke. He's going to coach the game like he does every other game with poor play calling.


The Texans have only beaten one team above .500 and that was the Browns, who might not even win another game.


Can we say overhyped and overrated coach and team any louder please?


We beat the Browns & the Bills... not saying a lot, but at the moment, they are both over .500


But I wish we had some hype, or even a highly rated coach, but neither are true. The only hype surrounding the Texans right now is that Jj Watt is going to be on an upcoming episode of South Park. Other than that, nothing. 


I was watching ESPN a couple of weeks ago & they were showing the play-off picture as the wild cards & all the seven other teams in the wild card hunt. Yesterday, they showed the wildcard teams & the 7th seed. Not even acknowledging that there's a slim chance the Texans could get in. 


No one in Houston thinks the Texans are going to the play offs. There's a lot of hope. There may be one person on Kirby who thinks we'll get in, but that's it. 


So I don't know where you're getting "overhyped" & "overrated" from. 

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Herron is just as dangerous as Bradshaw when it comes to running the football. The bad part is he fumbles just as much as Bradshaw. I'm hoping somehow we'll let Tipton get some carries in this game but I doubt it. You're right, Richardson is going to do next to nothing. Honestly the way things have been going lately we'll probably just sit back and chuck the ball up 40 to 51 times and abandon the running game. It's very frustrating!

haha reminds you of the Manning days, doesn't it? Passing all day could mean trouble for us if we don't contain Hilton. We can give up the underneath to the TE or even a few first downs to other guys, but we can't let Hilton get going. With all that passing though I'm hoping for sacks from multiple players and hopefully some of those lucky turnovers lol.
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haha reminds you of the Manning days, doesn't it? Passing all day could mean trouble for us if we don't contain Hilton. We can give up the underneath to the TE or even a few first downs to other guys, but we can't let Hilton get going. With all that passing though I'm hoping for sacks from multiple players and hopefully some of those lucky turnovers lol.


It won't be as clear cut as stopping HIlton now that we've started to break out Moncrief more and more. He may be faster than Hilton with a 6'2" frame at 220lbs.  Closer to Julio Jones/A.J. Green type. He's been playing more and more and very capable of burning you over the top on the deep ball if Hilton is jammed up for some reason.  We'll see on sunday!


We are very capable of running the football with Herron if we ever make the commitment.  Problem is all of a sudden we act like we are scared to run the football with any consistency.

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It won't be as clear cut as stopping HIlton now that we've started to break out Moncrief more and more. He may be faster than Hilton with a 6'2" frame at 220lbs.  Closer to Julio Jones/A.J. Green type. He's been playing more and more and very capable of burning you over the top on the deep ball if Hilton is jammed up for some reason.  We'll see on sunday!


We are very capable of running the football with Herron if we ever make the commitment.  Problem is all of a sudden we act like we are scared to run the football with any consistency.

Hmm, the thing about Moncrief is consistency. He's only had two games where he reached 100 yards so far, and I think one or two games where he had more than four catches. His averages are superb though. I do get that it is part of his development, but I like our chances against him better than our chances against a proven thorn in our side in Hilton. Hopefully I don't end up regretting my words lol but I know Romeo knows more about this then I do. You are right about the commitment, though when do the Colts ever commit to the run, even if it is working? I'm asking this honestly, because it seems they have a reputation for going back to the pass, though that might have been out of necessity to maintain leads and of course the Richardson/Bradshaw fresh legs problem lol.

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Hmm, the thing about Moncrief is consistency. He's only had two games where he reached 100 yards so far, and I think one or two games where he had more than four catches. His averages are superb though. I do get that it is part of his development, but I like our chances against him better than our chances against a proven thorn in our side in Hilton. Hopefully I don't end up regretting my words lol but I know Romeo knows more about this then I do. You are right about the commitment, though when do the Colts ever commit to the run, even if it is working? I'm asking this honestly, because it seems they have a reputation for going back to the pass, though that might have been out of necessity to maintain leads and of course the Richardson/Bradshaw fresh legs problem lol.



They've been easing Moncrief in slowly but surely.  The more we are finding out the small value we've been getting out of Hakeem Nicks, the more Moncrief has been eating into his playing time heading into the playoffs.  You may not find out what you're looking for using stats alone right now, but everybody on this forum will let you know quickly that he's the real deal.  One thing about Luck is he tends to lock in on his proven targets.  Many times Moncrief has been open and Luck has not thrown him the football.   Lately though Luck has been giving him some more love so look out!

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They've been easing Moncrief in slowly but surely.  The more we are finding out the small value we've been getting out of Hakeem Nicks, the more Moncrief has been eating into his playing time heading into the playoffs.  You may not find out what you're looking for using stats alone right now, but everybody on this forum will let you know quickly that he's the real deal.  One thing about Luck is he tends to lock in on his proven targets.  Many times Moncrief has been open and Luck has not thrown him the football.   Lately though Luck has been giving him some more love so look out!

haha Yeah, he will have to throw him the ball if Wayne keeps on playing the way he has since the injury. I hope we aren't that team that gives up a monster game to Moncrief and makes him a star overnight. That just wouldn't do. But no, let Nicks play...please, I insist lol.

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