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Marshawn Lynch fined 100 thousand


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All the dude needs to do is step in front of the camera for media and give cookie cutter answers and be done with it, The fine is ridiculous however, If the dude don't have anything to say to some reporters and other media types .....many of which just looking for some quote they can run with and turn into a story of some sort, Then don't force him to do it

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I am not sure what his deal is, but I remember back during Super Bowl week,  he practically broke out in a cold sweat when he had to do interview day and I remember one of his teammates sitting by his side for moral support or something.


It's almost like he has a panic attack when having to talk to the Media.  :dunno:

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I don't think he understands that fans want to hear from him. I know I look forward to the player interviews way more than the coach. But then again Bill never gives us anything. But I love hearing from Brady, Vince, Gronk.

"I don't think he understands that fans want to hear from him."


I get what your saying but I don't think he is anywhere near stupid, That quote kinda (without meaning to) implies he is stupid, He knows he has a massive fan base

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"I don't think he understands that fans want to hear from him."


I get what your saying but I don't think he is anywhere near stupid, That quote kinda (without meaning to) implies he is stupid, He knows he has a massive fan base

It does? I never called him stupid. Just more a failure to recognize that fans want to hear from him but I know he has anxiety issues and all. I wonder if he has ever considered counseling. It is shame to see him have to pay those fines. He is a stand up guy on the field. Never shows up the other team. Just does his work and eats his skittles.

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I don't blame Lynch. For one, some guys are just plain private. Marvin hardly talked to the media for years and nobody gave him grief over it.


The media will take and dissect every single thing you say and try to make a story of it.


I know I wouldn't give them the time of day - I'd just focus on preparing for the next game.  Answers would be BB-esque and the bare minimum to honor the parts of the job contract requiring media interaction.


It's a colossal waste of time and any person in their right mind wouldn't tell the public what you're going to do to prepare for the next game.

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Lynch is starting to be annoying. Talking to the media is part of your job. You're getting paid a lot of money. Check your ego and do what is expected of you

He did talk to the media. I didn't click the article but my understanding was he was supposed to talk to the media or else he would be fined 100,000. And he did talk to them this week.
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100k is bogus

I agree that does sound excessive. Is there a clause in NFL contracts that specifies players must speak to the media or is it an unwritten rule of obligation? I've always wondered that. 


Like Gavin said, just step behind the mike & give cookie cutter answers or just answer questions no one asked just to mess with a reporter's head. That way, if you have a phobia about speaking, journalists leave you alone because you don't furnish them with juicy soundbytes before they have to meet social media deadlines. 


Or go the other way, tell them what your fear is, reporters work with you to overcome this ailment/paralyzing weakness, the media turns you into a everyman with flaws to root for, & the endorsement deals roll in as you learn to hold this fear at bay. People love athletes who have stage fright speaking wise because it humanizes them & makes them feel more real & grounded. 


If Lynch does have a petrifying fear of speaking, maybe he can get a note from a doctor or psychologist. I don't wanna see him get punished again if this circumstance is a legitimate one.  

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I don't blame Lynch. For one, some guys are just plain private. Marvin hardly talked to the media for years and nobody gave him grief over it.


The media will take and dissect every single thing you say and try to make a story of it.

That is a superb point MOW. Some players are just private. Marvin was extremely tight lipped & so is Bill Belichick. I like quiet guys because when they talk you better shut up & listen. 


That's been my experience in life anyway. Their intellectual wheels are always turning. 

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Lynch is starting to be annoying.  Talking to the media is part of your job.  You're getting paid a lot of money.  Check your ego and do what is expected of you

I don't totally disagree with you but I'd say that the Seahawks are paying him for his talents on the field and I really don't completely agree with players having to be subjected to answering questions from the media. A lot of people aren't comfortable with be interviewed and the media has a reputation for twisting what people say into their own agenda.

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I am not sure what his deal is, but I remember back during Super Bowl week,  he practically broke out in a cold sweat when he had to do interview day and I remember one of his teammates sitting by his side for moral support or something.


It's almost like he has a panic attack when having to talk to the Media.   :dunno:


They used to call it 'shy', now it's Social Anxiety Disorder.

I know that when I was his age, if I were in his shoes, I'd pay the fine.

RGIII should exercise a little shyness.

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I agree that does sound excessive. Is there a clause in NFL contracts that specifies players must speak to the media or is it an unwritten rule of obligation? I've always wondered that. 


Like Gavin said, just step behind the mike & give cookie cutter answers or just answer questions no one asked just to mess with a reporter's head. That way, if you have a phobia about speaking, journalists leave you alone because you don't furnish them with juicy soundbytes before they have to meet social media deadlines. 


Or go the other way, tell them what your fear is, reporters work with you to overcome this ailment/paralyzing weakness, the media turns you into a everyman with flaws to root for, & the endorsement deals roll in as you learn to hold this fear at bay. People love athletes who have stage fright speaking wise because it humanizes them & makes them feel more real & grounded. 


If Lynch does have a petrifying fear of speaking, maybe he can get a note from a doctor or psychologist. I don't wanna see him get punished again if this circumstance is a legitimate one.  

The bigger picture is money. The NFL want's it's players to speak and be seen. It brings in the advertising money to the NFL and then on to the teams. I quite understand why someone wouldn't want a camera with a media person shoved into their face but it makes money. Like him or not look at the notoriety that Sherman brought to the Seahawks. It made a lot of money.

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The bigger picture is money. The NFL want's it's players to speak and be seen. It brings in the advertising money to the NFL and then on to the teams. I quite understand why someone wouldn't want a camera with a media person shoved into their face but it makes money. Like him or not look at the notoriety that Sherman brought to the Seahawks. It made a lot of money.

Yes, I agree with you CC1. Cameras documenting players lives at post game press conferences does generate a boatload of money for the league worth billions in revenue. No argument there except for 1 thing: Richard Sherman can flip on his bad boy persona at will like the light switch whenever he wants.


The issue here is Lynch. Can a soft spoken guy who won the SB in February be left alone & not heavily fined due to their preferred reclusive temperament? Because he if has a paralyzing fear of addressing reporters publicly, wouldn't that qualify as psychological torture & inhumane treatment especially since the league is taking over a 100 grand out of his pocket just because they incorrectly interpret his behavior as selfish taking all the toys out of the sandbox & going home? 


I get that Roger Goodell doesn't want to give any NFL athlete any excuse to not speak to the media, but special allowances must be made on rare occasions as well.  


I have no knowledge of Marshawn's mental issues; I'm just saying that the league can't unilaterally apply a 1 size fits all media obligation to all NFL athletes with no exceptions that's all. 

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They used to call it 'shy', now it's Social Anxiety Disorder.

I know that when I was his age, if I were in his shoes, I'd pay the fine.

RGIII should exercise a little shyness.

Add to that not throw his teammates under the bus for the Redskins season record too buccolts. 



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Looking more like a Manning/Leaf situation all the time.


"Leaf had a successful college career at Washington State University, where he was a finalist for the Heisman Trophy after his junior year. He was selected as the second overall pick in the 1998 NFL Draft, but his career was short and interrupted by poor play, bad behavior, and injuries. An episode of NFL Top 10 ranked him as the No. 1 "draft bust" in NFL history.


On the plus side, RGIII hasn't been incarcerated.

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Looking more like a Manning/Leaf situation all the time.


"Leaf had a successful college career at Washington State University, where he was a finalist for the Heisman Trophy after his junior year. He was selected as the second overall pick in the 1998 NFL Draft, but his career was short and interrupted by poor play, bad behavior, and injuries. An episode of NFL Top 10 ranked him as the No. 1 "draft bust" in NFL history.


On the plus side, RGIII hasn't been incarcerated.

I even heard Skip Bayless go after RG3 on "First Take" for the franchise QB deflecting blame on others, getting to big for his own britches, & attitude wise playing his way out of Virginia among the fanbase who are tired of losing & tired of his excuses. I almost fell out of my chair. Way to man up Skippy & state the obvious dude.


I'm proud of you Bayless. Fans actually wanna see Colt McCoy play again vs RG3. 

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I don't totally disagree with you but I'd say that the Seahawks are paying him for his talents on the field and I really don't completely agree with players having to be subjected to answering questions from the media. A lot of people aren't comfortable with be interviewed and the media has a reputation for twisting what people say into their own agenda.

As a player, you know that's going to be expected of you.  The NFL even gives lessons on it during the rookie symposium.  He knows it's expected of him, but he still acts like this.  If you hate the media that much, just give Belichick style answers.  I don't think many players like the media for the reasons you listed, but I've heard it justified as those reporters have jobs to do and families to feed and bills to pay.  The players need to respect them and their jobs and hold up their end of the bargain.  That's why you'll see guys like Peyton and Brady act very professionally in front of the media even if they would rather be doing something else


He did talk to the media. I didn't click the article but my understanding was he was supposed to talk to the media or else he would be fined 100,000. And he did talk to them this week.

He's been on and off, from what I recall.  He's also had a few other distractions, like his holdout and I think he didn't attend the White House visit for the Seahawks' Championship

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Wasn't there some quote from Keith Jackson or Frank Gifford or 1 of those guys about how the media are the people who kick the dead after the battle? It was a perfect analogy that gets hushed because the media is "so" important now but my favorite was Mike Ditka's. I don't remember his exact words either but he once flat out said that they're the worst people on Earth.

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Yes, I agree with you CC1. Cameras documenting players lives at post game press conferences does generate a boatload of money for the league worth billions in revenue. No argument there except for 1 thing: Richard Sherman can flip on his bad boy persona at will like the light switch whenever he wants.


The issue here is Lynch. Can a soft spoken guy who won the SB in February be left alone & not heavily fined due to their preferred reclusive temperament? Because he if has a paralyzing fear of addressing reporters publicly, wouldn't that qualify as psychological torture & inhumane treatment especially since the league is taking over a 100 grand out of his pocket just because they incorrectly interpret his behavior as selfish taking all the toys out of the sandbox & going home? 


I get that Roger Goodell doesn't want to give any NFL athlete any excuse to not speak to the media, but special allowances must be made on rare occasions as well.  


I have no knowledge of Marshawn's mental issues; I'm just saying that the league can't unilaterally apply a 1 size fits all media obligation to all NFL athletes with no exceptions that's all. 

I quite understand exactly what you are saying for sure. I think your correct if any players problem could be classified as a mental thing, he should be exempt.

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This is ridiculous, does everyone have to talk to the media to please the league and give people drama to talk about?



100 thousand is more than any fine for hits on the entire year.


So the NFL's point is that not talking to the media or saying F bombs like Rex Ryan is much worse than trying to kill someone with an illegal hit.


This league with it's good guy badges and pseudo-morals are off the hook.

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This is ridiculous, does everyone have to talk to the media to please the league and give people drama to talk about?



100 thousand is more than any fine for hits on the entire year.


So the NFL's point is that not talking to the media or saying F bombs like Rex Ryan is much worse than trying to kill someone with an illegal hit.


This league with it's good guy badges and pseudo-morals are off the hook.

Yep, you pretty much nailed it Bogie if you're a star QB who blows sunshine & lollypops up Goodell's backside you can do whatever you want, but if your a RB who took down the Broncos in the SB, you're on the Commissioner's naughty list. 


Former Saints LB Jonathan Vilma who told Roger to shove it over "Bounty Gate" knows all about getting Mr. Protect the shield mad. 

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To be fair,  Lynch wasn't fined $100k for this offense.


He was fined $50k.    The other $50k was for a fine for the same exact offense last year.   That fine was put on hold and Lynch was told he'd be OK if he cooperated in the future.     Well, he didn't.    So, in essence,  he got two $50K fines.


And it's part of every player's contract.    If you're considered an important player to the team, and the media requests you,  you are required to cooperate with the media.    This is the NFL at its corporate finest.  (sarcasm!)


When I covered the Rams and Raiders in the 80's and 90's I often didn't get the athletes I wanted to talk to if they didn't want to talk.    Especially the Raiders who treat most everyone -- especially the media -- with complete contempt.


But since then,  the league has become much more vigilant in these matters and much more willing to slap heavy fines on players.


Like it or not,  this is the New NFL World we live in......

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This is ridiculous, does everyone have to talk to the media to please the league and give people drama to talk about?


Yes.   They do.   It's part of a players responsibility.   They all know it.



100 thousand is more than any fine for hits on the entire year.


This is NOT one 100 thousand dollar fine.    This is TWO 50K fines.    One from last year for the exact same offense.   But the NFL put a hold on it to encourage Lynch to cooperate withe media this year.     He didn't.    And he got hit with the 2nd fine. 


So the NFL's point is that not talking to the media or saying F bombs like Rex Ryan is much worse than trying to kill someone with an illegal hit.


No.   that's not the NFL's point.   And if you had taken the time to actually -- you know -- read the story you would've figured it out all on your own.


This league with it's good guy badges and pseudo-morals are off the hook.


There is some degree of truth here.   But not as much as you think.    Don't overplay a weak hand.


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To be fair,  Lynch wasn't fined $100k for this offense.


He was fined $50k.    The other $50k was for a fine for the same exact offense last year.   That fine was put on hold and Lynch was told he'd be OK if he cooperated in the future.     Well, he didn't.    So, in essence,  he got two $50K fines.


And it's part of every player's contract.    If you're considered an important player to the team, and the media requests you,  you are required to cooperate with the media.    This is the NFL at its corporate finest.  (sarcasm!)


When I covered the Rams and Raiders in the 80's and 90's I often didn't get the athletes I wanted to talk to if they didn't want to talk.    Especially the Raiders who treat most everyone -- especially the media -- with complete contempt.


But since then,  the league has become much more vigilant in these matters and much more willing to slap heavy fines on players.


Like it or not,  this is the New NFL World we live in......

Interesting NCF. Yeah, I could easily picture Raiders teammates being very standoffish with media personnel given that the last time they won a ring was with Howie Long in 1984. 


I do feel bad for beat writers who need to file a column with their editor & can't if no one talks to them. It's not easy getting something out of an angry or depressed locker room. Being a reporter is not always as glamorous as it sounds.  

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Interesting NCF. Yeah, I could easily picture Raiders teammates being very standoffish with media personnel given that the last time they won a ring was with Howie Long in 1984. 


I do feel bad for beat writers who need to file a column with their editor & can't if no one talks to them. It's not easy getting something out of an angry or depressed locker room. Being a reporter is not always as glamorous as it sounds.

True. I remember when Ryan Leaf was pretty close to hitting a reporter. Then Jeff George did actually put his hands on Bob Kravitz for asking a question about his mother. The good old days!! lol
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Lynch is starting to be annoying.  Talking to the media is part of your job.  You're getting paid a lot of money.  Check your ego and do what is expected of you


I mean if he wants to pay the 100K fine for not talking to the media then let him do it. When you got money like that who cares?

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The NFL should be on Monday through Friday in daytime slots because it is now nothing but a SOAP OPERA!!

Add the mandatory rule of wearing uniforms teams wore when dinosaurs ruled we now have a combination traveling circus/soap opera. What's next, Wink Marindale.....oh, that's right he was on pregame last week.

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It's not about that. It's an anxiety thing with him.

He's been in front of big crowds and cameras for a long time.  He has no problem rolling out in the streets in his Lambo and putting velvet ropes around it when he parks (as if that won't create attention), but he has too much anxiety to talk to the media?  This also seems to be more of a recent thing for Lynch.  Check out these interviews from before and you can see he looks pretty comfortable in front of a camera with a mike in his face.


This is from when Whitehurst was on the team (2010-2011):


A 2011 pre-season interview:


An interview before Super Bowl 42 (2007):


To be honest, I can't remember him being so anti-media until the last Super Bowl.

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