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I'm Not Worried


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I'm not worried and here's why:


- Ben Roethlisberger, who in my opinion is a Hall of Famer, had himself one of the greatest games you'll ever see from any quarterback. It was pure magic out there and he made huge plays. Games like that rarely happen, and this guy was on and there weren't many defenses in the league that could have stopped him today.


- The Colts did score 34 points, which more than their average and a very healthy amount.


- The game was in Pittsburgh and their fans were fired up. Playing in Pittsburgh (maybe not on paper this year) has been tough for the last 25 years (some older fans would say even longer).


- The Colts are at 5-3 and have won 5 of their last 6 games. They have a nice grip on the division and are still very much in the chase for the top spot in the AFC. THe Broncos are at 6-1 and the Patriots are at 6-2. 


- This team is so resilient. Andrew Luck is a real fighter and this offense is amongst the best in the league. Donte Moncrief is an animal as well and he needs to get that #3 receiver spot (full time) over Nicks. The Nicks project isn't working out too well.  


This is where we need to just stay patient, overcome this loss and move forward. 

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Yes.  I think that was the best game he'll ever have.  I just hate it when people or teams always seem to have record-breaking days against us.


D needs to make adjustments with creative blitzes etc.  The zone D wasn't working either.  In addition, Toler was getting outplayed.  

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I'm not worried and here's why:


- Ben Roethlisberger, who in my opinion is a Hall of Famer, had himself one of the greatest games you'll ever see from any quarterback. It was pure magic out there and he made huge plays. Games like that rarely happen, and this guy was on and there weren't many defenses in the league that could have stopped him today.


- The Colts did score 34 points, which more than their average and a very healthy amount.


- The game was in Pittsburgh and their fans were fired up. Playing in Pittsburgh (maybe not on paper this year) has been tough for the last 25 years (some older fans would say even longer).


- The Colts are at 5-3 and have won 5 of their last 6 games. They have a nice grip on the division and are still very much in the chase for the top spot in the AFC. THe Broncos are at 6-1 and the Patriots are at 6-2. 


- This team is so resilient. Andrew Luck is a real fighter and this offense is amongst the best in the league. Donte Moncrief is an animal as well and he needs to get that #3 receiver spot (full time) over Nicks. The Nicks project isn't working out too well.  


This is where we need to just stay patient, overcome this loss and move forward. 

You failed to mention our "defense" 

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The Colts making the playoffs is not what I'm worried about (thank you AFC South), it's the fact that we are not a good road team. So when it comes down to the playoffs, I think we are in trouble when we potentially vs the Broncos or Pats on the road.

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I'm not worried and here's why:


- Ben Roethlisberger, who in my opinion is a Hall of Famer, had himself one of the greatest games you'll ever see from any quarterback. It was pure magic out there and he made huge plays. Games like that rarely happen, and this guy was on and there weren't many defenses in the league that could have stopped him today.


- The Colts did score 34 points, which more than their average and a very healthy amount.


- The game was in Pittsburgh and their fans were fired up. Playing in Pittsburgh (maybe not on paper this year) has been tough for the last 25 years (some older fans would say even longer).


- The Colts are at 5-3 and have won 5 of their last 6 games. They have a nice grip on the division and are still very much in the chase for the top spot in the AFC. THe Broncos are at 6-1 and the Patriots are at 6-2. 


- This team is so resilient. Andrew Luck is a real fighter and this offense is amongst the best in the league. Donte Moncrief is an animal as well and he needs to get that #3 receiver spot (full time) over Nicks. The Nicks project isn't working out too well.  


This is where we need to just stay patient, overcome this loss and move forward. 

Now if only our offense could play Defense we might have a chance that was very discouraging our D has always prevented us from moving ahead same old story another wasted season down the drain. 

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The Colts making the playoffs is not what I'm worried about (thank you AFC South), it's the fact that we are not a good road team. So when it comes down to the playoffs, I think we are in trouble when we potentially vs the Broncos or Pats on the road.

Yep. You can thank the AFC South again cause division winners are guaranteed a home game

But once we leave the Oil Drum (if we even win that game)...... Chances get slim of winning

Been to New England & Denver in the past year and haven't won either game

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Now if only our offense could play Defense we might have a chance that was very discouraging our D has always prevented us from moving ahead same old story another wasted season down the drain.

Colts defense has 5 games of near total domination, and you're calling it a season after ONE bad game? Nice
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The Colts making the playoffs is not what I'm worried about (thank you AFC South), it's the fact that we are not a good road team. So when it comes down to the playoffs, I think we are in trouble when we potentially vs the Broncos or Pats on the road.

At this point everyone has trouble going into Den and NE
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Colts defense has 5 games of near total domination, and you're calling it a season after ONE bad game? Nice

How come the board is so active after loss, but these crazed "we suck!" posts are nowhere to be found after a win? Why do so many people get so much pleasure from being drastic and negative?

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This game was just the perfect storm. Ben and the Pitt Oline played the game of their lives and had a counter for everything the Colts did. Every pass he made was on target and with the injuries om D everything just snowballed. Cant do much about it but move on to the next week. Bens performance is kinda like when a basketball player is in the zone and cant miss a shot.

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How come the board is so active after loss, but these crazed "we suck!" posts are nowhere to be found after a win? Why do so many people get so much pleasure from being drastic and negative?

It's all the fluoride in the drinking water, man.
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If our defense letting up 51 points doesnt the slightest bit worry you.. your crazy. 6 tds and over 40 completions for 522 passing yards is alarming.. the fact that they didnt punt all day until 3 minutes left in 4th quarter is alarming. Luck getting hit and on his back almost every other play is alarming.. everybody here is in denial is they can truly say that arent at the slightest bit worried

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How come the board is so active after loss, but these crazed "we suck!" posts are nowhere to be found after a win? Why do so many people get so much pleasure from being drastic and negative?

That's not always true. Maybe not a "crazed we suck post" but even after a big win I`ve mentioned glaring things the Colts need to work on and its always called "never happy, negativity, when`s enough ever enough", good teams take advantage of mistakes or weak links. The Steelers did that today with no Colts pass rush which in turn really made the secondary look worse than it is IMO. Not as good as we think and not as bad as we think really seems to fit today 

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That's not always true. Maybe not a "crazed we suck post" but even after a big win I`ve mentioned glaring things the Colts need to work on and its always called "never happy, negativity, when`s enough ever enough", good teams take advantage of mistakes or weak links. The Steelers did that today with no Colts pass rush which in turn really made the secondary look worse than it is IMO. Not as good as we think and not as bad as we think really seems to fit today


We talk about what the team is and isn't good at all the time. Some people troll with threads about how Luck can't throw a deep ball, but other people actually want to talk about the team, with no agenda. Most posters here can tell the difference.

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There are two types of people on this forum:


1) The type that overreacts equally to wins and losses and either proclaims us the best team in the league or one that will be lucky to make the playoffs.


2) The type that says "we're fine" after everything, no matter what. 


The Colts have looked ridiculously good the past 5 games, almost synthetically good.....like it can't last. Today was the stopping point and we were due. We saw it last year with San Diego, St. Louis, Arizona and Cincinnati. We just saw a possibly worse defensive performance than any of those today. We came crashing back down to earth and go our butts whipped bad.....BAD. Will we bounce back? You bet. Will we make the playoffs? I think so. But regardless, there were some very worrying things today--if you didn't catch them, watch the game again (who wants to relive that nightmare?). The o-line couldn't protect Luck no matter what, even with double TE's. The middle of the field was extremely soft, the corners were picked on, and there was zero pressure on Ben. It was terrible but I think we'll bounce back strong. Hopefully this wakes them up and knocks some sense into them. They're not that good and they need to play a whole lot better to do anything this year. 

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How come the board is so active after loss, but these crazed "we suck!" posts are nowhere to be found after a win? Why do so many people get so much pleasure from being drastic and negative?

The board was very active after our recent wins; "are we the best team in the NFL" "Where are the Manusky haters" just to name a few. Ppl in the threads thinking we'd walk all over the Steelers

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There are two types of people on this forum:

There are more than two types of people on this forum.

Maybe part of the issue is this desire to box people and things into these tidy little categories so we don't have to think about what other people say or do. We can just label it and move on.

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The board was very active after our recent wins; "are we the best team in the NFL" "Where are the Manusky haters" just to name a few. Ppl in the threads thinking we'd walk all over the Steelers

Not even close to the level of activity today, and after the first two games.

We have a very active board, with a lot of good posters. But, as is true of every message board, after a loss -- and definitely after a bad loss, like today -- there's a surge of manic negativity that is conspicuously absent when you're winning five games in a row.

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There are more than two types of people on this forum.

Maybe part of the issue is this desire to box people and things into these tidy little categories so we don't have to think about what other people say or do. We can just label it and move on.

OK, fine. There are 7 types of people on this forum.....?


Happy? What I just said is not even close to "part of the issue." Calm yourself. 

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I'm a little worried we only had 1 QB hurry and no sacks.

Any elite QB will pick us apart with that.

That's a big reason why we lost to DEN.

Call me crazy, but outside of our DLINE and OLINE I thought we played pretty well.

Im gonna call you crazy.. lol our secondary let up 6 passing TDs and 522 passing yards. Top 5 most passing yards against a defense in nfl history.. id say pretty well is an over statement.

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I'm not worried and here's why:


- Ben Roethlisberger, who in my opinion is a Hall of Famer, had himself one of the greatest games you'll ever see from any quarterback. It was pure magic out there and he made huge plays. Games like that rarely happen, and this guy was on and there weren't many defenses in the league that could have stopped him today.


- The Colts did score 34 points, which more than their average and a very healthy amount.


- The game was in Pittsburgh and their fans were fired up. Playing in Pittsburgh (maybe not on paper this year) has been tough for the last 25 years (some older fans would say even longer).


- The Colts are at 5-3 and have won 5 of their last 6 games. They have a nice grip on the division and are still very much in the chase for the top spot in the AFC. THe Broncos are at 6-1 and the Patriots are at 6-2. 


- This team is so resilient. Andrew Luck is a real fighter and this offense is amongst the best in the league. Donte Moncrief is an animal as well and he needs to get that #3 receiver spot (full time) over Nicks. The Nicks project isn't working out too well.  


This is where we need to just stay patient, overcome this loss and move forward. 



netter worry  houston  is play good 4-4  next game easy win tenn  they be 5-4    colts play giants and lose be 5-4  with ne  after .

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