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Quarterly surprises & disappointments.


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Now that a quarter of the season is in the books we have a pretty decent gauge of the 2014-2015 Colts! With just 4 games which 3 players have surprised you in these 4 games? Also which 3 players disappointed you? Not staying these players will always suck but in these 4 games they have just not performed to your initial thought.


1. My number one has to be Ahmad Bradshaw. Not only has he stayed healthy he has shown he is the best runner on the roster. He has been a great reciever snagging 4 TDs, which is already more than his career total before the season. He also is the 10th best running back and ranked 1st in receiving backs (according to football outsiders). http://www.footballoutsiders.com/stats/rb


2. My number 2 is Andrew Luck. The only reason why he is a surprise because I didn't think he would outperform Peyton Manning, Tom Brady, or Drew Brees in the first 4 games. Not only is he out performing, is he is on pace for MVP numbers.


3. My third one is Cory Redding. I picked Redding because he filled Mathis spot as a defensive leader and he has been playing great. He has been good in run defense and also has been a good pass rusher for a 3-4 DE. He also has been rushing standing up and been really versatile. 



1. For my first disappointment it has to be Bjorn Werner. His pass rushing is the reason why. He hasn't logged in one sack in any of the games. To put it in perspective Kelcy Quarles already has a sack and he's only played 2 games. 


2. For my second It has to be Josh McNary. I didn't expect him to be an elite ILB but he hasn't even been decent. He has gotten torched in the pass game and has missed some tackles. He had a lot of promise at the end of last year but looks totally different this year.


3. My third has to be Trent Richardson. I didn't expect him to be Marshawn Lynch but I thought his rushing would improve, especially since he has a whole offseason with the Colts. Have not been impressed at all.



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That moment when you realize that every thread on this forum that's about Underachieving players or disappointing players will always involve Bjoern Werner & Trent Richardson somehow <<<<<<<<<




*Moonwalks Out of Thread*


Definitely gets pretty old. Or should I say got old October of last year. 

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I think Mcnary has been okay, but not great.  I would'nt say awful.  He's gotten beat by some solid tight ends, and who can blame him for getting beat by Lashon Mcoy and Darren Sproles? I think he's been reliable in the run game for the most part.

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1. Toler, he's played great!

2. OL- I'd have them as #1 but I felt like they weren't great last week. Still way better than I can ever remember it.

3. Luck- I did not expect MVP type numbers yet.


1. Werner- I really drank the kool-aid after being a huge doubter, but he hasn't been what we need.

2. McNary- We probably expected too much from him, and he is in a bad situation (he just isn't cut out for covering great receiving TEs) but he hasn't been the McNary of last season.

3. Art Jones- he hasn't been great when he played, which is admittedly not much and against very good lines. Hopefully when he returns he'll go back to Baltimore form.

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Now that a quarter of the season is in the books we have a pretty decent gauge of the 2014-2015 Colts! With just 4 games which 3 players have surprised you in these 4 games? Also which 3 players disappointed you? Not staying these players will always suck but in these 4 games they have just not performed to your initial thought.


1. My number one has to be Ahmad Bradshaw. Not only has he stayed healthy he has shown he is the best runner on the roster. He has been a great reciever snagging 4 TDs, which is already more than his career total before the season. He also is the 10th best running back and ranked 1st in receiving backs (according to football outsiders). http://www.footballoutsiders.com/stats/rb


2. My number 2 is Andrew Luck. The only reason why he is a surprise because I didn't think he would outperform Peyton Manning, Tom Brady, or Drew Brees in the first 4 games. Not only is he out performing, is he is on pace for MVP numbers.


3. My third one is Cory Redding. I picked Redding because he filled Mathis spot as a defensive leader and he has been playing great. He has been good in run defense and also has been a good pass rusher for a 3-4 DE. He also has been rushing standing up and been really versatile. 



1. For my first disappointment it has to be Bjorn Werner. His pass rushing is the reason why. He hasn't logged in one sack in any of the games. To put it in perspective Kelcy Quarles already has a sack and he's only played 2 games. 


2. For my second It has to be Josh McNary. I didn't expect him to be an elite ILB but he hasn't even been decent. He has gotten torched in the pass game and has missed some tackles. He had a lot of promise at the end of last year but looks totally different this year.


3. My third has to be Trent Richardson. I didn't expect him to be Marshawn Lynch but I thought his rushing would improve, especially since he has a whole offseason with the Colts. Have not been impressed at all.



As for disappointments Werner I agree has been a total disappointment but the other two I disagree with. here are my three disappointment players 1.) Werner, 2.) LaRon Landry, 3). Walden.

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The o-line is one thing that has impressed me the most with Shipley & Mewehort being standouts. Trent Richardson has the most yards of any member of the offense rushing/receiving as noted in another thread. I think Werner would have had a safety on Bortles if not for a poorly timed penalty on someone else. Now I will be glad when Freeman returns because we need him to help get some more big play on defense.  

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I know the Richardson stuff gets really old.  But I would invite anyone to go back and look at his runs where he gets nowhere and look how often he is met the line by 1 or 2 defenders.  RBs need holes.  When he gets holes, he makes things happen.   This is where I think Holmes might add a bit more then Shipley. Shipley is a good pass blocker but I think he lacks in run blocking.  He doesn't move the pile.  I think Mewhort, Holmes, and Thornton inside could potentially move some bodies because of their size and strength.  But I am sure it will work itself out. One of these weeks, Shipley will look bad and be put back on bench.

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I don't understand how anyone could have a problem with RJF or Walden so far.

I was thinking the exact same thing. Walden has been an absolute beast this year and Freaky Jean has filled in more than admirably for Art Jones. Both are, in my opinion, playing some of the best ball of their careers right now.

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As for disappointments Werner I agree has been a total disappointment but the other two I disagree with. here are my three disappointment players 1.) Werner, 2.) LaRon Landry, 3). Walden.

My expectations havent been too high on Landry or Walden in the first place.

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I know the Richardson stuff gets really old. But I would invite anyone to go back and look at his runs where he gets nowhere and look how often he is met the line by 1 or 2 defenders. RBs need holes. When he gets holes, he makes things happen. This is where I think Holmes might add a bit more then Shipley. Shipley is a good pass blocker but I think he lacks in run blocking. He doesn't move the pile. I think Mewhort, Holmes, and Thornton inside could potentially move some bodies because of their size and strength. But I am sure it will work itself out. One of these weeks, Shipley will look bad and be put back on bench.

I see what you mean. With Richardson he is a physical beast. He can break tackles, is a good recieving back, is a monster in pass blocking, and is actually faster than people think. My biggest knock on Richardson is his vision. He only can run when the holes are as big as they were against the Eagles. For example if they call a power play Richardson will just run in the pile if there is a hole or not. He doesnt use his natural RB ability and find other running lanes.

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I'm glad that Andrew Luck is throwing the ball more and we are drifting slightly away from Chuck and Pep's 2013 fantasy of

power football..

...I think it gives us a better chance in the post-season


I think the exact opposite is true.  First, yes Luck is throwing the ball more, but it's not at the expense of the running game.  They're both getting more opportunities because they've been dominating time of possession the past couple of weeks.  They still ran the ball 34 times against Philly, 25 times vs. Jax and 37 times against Tenn, and I'm not including runs by the QBs.  The running game is still definitely a big and important part of the offense, just like it should be.


Second, airing the ball out more and running less is what the Colts have done for the past decade.  How many SB trophies did that get them?  None..because the one SB win in '06 came when the Colts were able to have a successful running game that they stuck with throughout the playoffs.  

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I think the exact opposite is true. First, yes Luck is throwing the ball more, but it's not at the expense of the running game. They're both getting more opportunities because they've been dominating time of possession the past couple of weeks. They still ran the ball 34 times against Philly, 25 times vs. Jax and 37 times against Tenn, and I'm not including runs by the QBs. The running game is still definitely a big and important part of the offense, just like it should be.

Second, airing the ball out more and running less is what the Colts have done for the past decade. How many SB trophies did that get them? None..because the one SB win in '06 came when the Colts were able to have a successful running game that they stuck with throughout the playoffs.

I totally agree. One thing I will say is I hope they get more creative with their run plays though. It seems like they always run on 1st down and they make it so predictable.

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Someone else disappointed with Trent what a surprise? I wonder how we are keeping Bradshaw healthy and fresh??  McNary is back up being asked to do a lot for someone who hadn't played in 2yrs saw his first action in wk 13 last year. He should be more like Freeman.



Surprises Kerr no one saw this monster coming Purifoy has impressed me thought that was a big mistake by Grigs I was wrong please continue to prove me wrong and don't end up with the 3 below and Shipley out of the blue and the rest of his mates.


Disappointments Rogers Mathis and Landry pretty easy on those three.

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TRich is leading the team in all purpose yards so I cant call him a disappointment. He blocks and catches the ball out of the backfield very well. I know some expect him to be an all star runner but it is what it is. He don't have a big contract so having him on the roster is OK by me,

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Someone else disappointed with Trent what a surprise? I wonder how we are keeping Bradshaw healthy and fresh?? McNary is back up being asked to do a lot for someone who hadn't played in 2yrs saw his first action in wk 13 last year. He should be more like Freeman.

Surprises Kerr no one saw this monster coming Purifoy has impressed me thought that was a big mistake by Grigs I was wrong please continue to prove me wrong and don't end up with the 3 below and Shipley out of the blue and the rest of his mates.

Disappointments Rogers Mathis and Landry pretty easy on those three.

Richardson was the 3rd overall pick, he rushed for 1,000+ yards with 11+ TDs his rookie season while partially injured, and he's had the best team of his 3 year career. He should be putting up number one running back numbers. I should not expect a player we used a 1st round pick on to keep the back up running back fresh.

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TRich is leading the team in all purpose yards so I cant call him a disappointment. He blocks and catches the ball out of the backfield very well. I know some expect him to be an all star runner but it is what it is. He don't have a big contract so having him on the roster is OK by me,

I don't think he is a horrible player by any means. He has improved from last year but he still was technically our first round pick. Whiffing on Werner and Richardson two years in a row is a big hit. I will honestly say as a 3rd overall pick i expect him to be putting up all star numbers.

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I don't think he is a horrible player by any means. He has improved from last year but he still was technically our first round pick. Whiffing on Werner and Richardson two years in a row is a big hit. I will honestly say as a 3rd overall pick i expect him to be putting up all star numbers.

So you fall into the some category? That's fine but I do get tired of the nonstop whine about him. Just me I guess.

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Jack Mewhort is my first surprise. We were unsure on Richardson and Moncrief is going through somewhat of a redshirt year, so it was very important to hit on Mewhort, and have we ever. This guy gets it. His pass blocking is spectacular, his run blocking is very good, he is easily the second best O-Lineman on our team behind Costanzo already. A huge surprise and a huge hit by Grigson.

My second surprise is Vontae Davis, he has been spot on this year and been a shutdown corner that we've all hoped he'd be. Yes, he was expected to be good, but he was very inconsistent last year, and this seems to be the year he put it together.

I may catch some Flack for this, but my last surprise is Trent Richardson. He is doing very well and seems to be trying to shed that bust label. His last game was terrible with his YPC, but even Bradshaw was lousy in that game in that regard Vs the Titans. He's making a lot of run and pass plays for first downs and 10+ yards. His blocking has been superb, and he's playing his role wonderfully. Just look at the people drafted around him (RGIII, Matt Khalil, Justin Blackmon, Morris Claiborne, Mark Barron, Ryan Tannehill). One is out of the league and several are inconsistent or injury prone players that are a liability to the team. I'd rather have Richardson than a few of them right now.


First disappointment is Bjoern Werner. He looks lost out there and I think it's about time to throw in the towel. You can't bat 1.000 all the time and it seems he is outmatched and doesn't get it. Hopefully he proves me wrong this year, but 0 sacks and 7 tackles isn't an encouraging sign through 4 games.

Second disappointment is Da'Rick Rogers. This is taking the easy way out, but he screwed up and put us in a slight hole for next year if Nicks and Wayne both leave. He showed 0 signs of improvement and 0 catches through 4 games. Was basically just roster depth for the season and had little to no purpose.

Last disappointment is Robert Mathis. This isn't an attack on Mathis but it's a disappointment what happened and the domino effect it brings to our defense really will hurt our team this year. The suspension and the injury are a disappointment and I hope we can survive the year.


Honorable Mention: Surprise/Ahmad Bradshaw     Disappointment/ Laron Landry

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So you fall into the some category? That's fine but I do get tired of the nonstop whine about him. Just me I guess.

I feel like the nonstop whine is justifiable to a degree. I mean Richardson was a 3rd overall pick, had 1,000+ yards, 11+ TDs, with a crap team, and he was injured while doing it. He was also heralded as the next Adrian Peterson. Then he comes here and has played like a back up RB at best. So for fans to be let down its understandable. Like look at Darren McFadden he isn't a bad RB but he was drafted 9th, he was injury prone all the time, and under performed his whole career. For Raiders fans to be mad about him makes sense.

Saying he is horrible and a piece of garbage is too much and i don't agree with people who say that. Cause he isn't bad he just under performs. I will say there is 12 games left and if he amps it up then I will 100% eat my words about him.

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I feel like the nonstop whine is justifiable to a degree. I mean Richardson was a 3rd overall pick, had 1,000+ yards, 11+ TDs, with a crap team, and he was injured while doing it. He was also heralded as the next Adrian Peterson. Then he comes here and has played like a back up RB at best. So for fans to be let down its understandable. Like look at Darren McFadden he isn't a bad RB but he was drafted 9th, he was injury prone all the time, and under performed his whole career. For Raiders fans to be mad about him makes sense.

Saying he is horrible and a piece of garbage is too much and i don't agree with people who say that. Cause he isn't bad he just under performs. I will say there is 12 games left and if he amps it up then I will 100% eat my words about him.

Out of curiosity, what kind of numbers would you like to see Trent end the season with?
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I feel like the nonstop whine is justifiable to a degree. I mean Richardson was a 3rd overall pick, had 1,000+ yards, 11+ TDs, with a crap team, and he was injured while doing it. He was also heralded as the next Adrian Peterson. Then he comes here and has played like a back up RB at best. So for fans to be let down its understandable. Like look at Darren McFadden he isn't a bad RB but he was drafted 9th, he was injury prone all the time, and under performed his whole career. For Raiders fans to be mad about him makes sense.

Saying he is horrible and a piece of garbage is too much and i don't agree with people who say that. Cause he isn't bad he just under performs. I will say there is 12 games left and if he amps it up then I will 100% eat my words about him.

The line was crap too & when the line gets better the team gets better as you have seen this year. There has been improvement all around.


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Out of curiosity, what kind of numbers would you like to see Trent end the season with?

I think he should be putting out 1,000 yards and at least 6 TDs with at least a 4.0 average. My biggest thing with Richardson is he just underachieves. I don't think he is horrible but for a first round pick he should be producing 1st round numbers or at least starting running back numbers.

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