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Kaep extends with 49ers


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Defenses dictated that he pass more. I think it is only fair to also mention that his receiving corp suffered some injuries as well especially early in the season which hurt his passing production.


Yup. No Crabtree, no Vernon Davis...

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S.F.'s passing game was ranked 30th overall last year.

When you rank in the bottom 3 of passing, that isn't a very good sign for the future.

I could make the argument that he's overpaid, but then again all quarterbacks are overpaid in this league, just as all sports players in this country are incredibly overpaid just to play a game.

there is no such thing as bring overpaid. You are worth what someone is willing to pay you

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This goes back to another comment I read the other day on these forums in regards to the handling of not-elite-but-still-good QBs.  When you have an elite QB, it's easy to pay them as such.  But a guy like Kaepernick hasn't shown the consistency of an elite QB.  His physical abilities indicate that the potential is there, but a lot of development is required, and it's hard to pay a guy based on potential and development.  You don't want to lose a guy with his talents, but he needs to show significant improvement for the 49ers to be able to justify this contract.

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You said it.  He has the potential, but I don't think a $100+ mil contract should be paid out on potential.  I wouldn't really care about the deal (if the 49ers want to give themselves a bad deal, please do), but its impacts on Luck's contract negotiations will be big

Then what should be paid out of? They've got to pay them based on something. If your best player or one of your best players has a new deal you've got to pay them based on something or else you'll just end up seeing them walk for someone else's deal. 

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Wow. I think Kaep is still in the early part of his career and has gone to two title games and a SB. He is also as an explosive as a runner as we have ever seen since Vick from the pocket and he has a big arm. Flacco was really just the big arm with not much else. He also had a penchant for coming up small in the post season save for 2012 whereas Kaep has had a couple of monster games and strapped the niners to his back last year. Joe was always along for the ride IMO.

The Niners got to one NFC title game and one SB, not Kaepernick. And as you well now, Mark Sanchez got to two title games with the jets. I'm not saying Kaepernick stinks, I just don't think he is worth that kind of money.

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Then what should be paid out of? They've got to pay them based on something. If your best player or one of your best players has a new deal you've got to pay them based on something or else you'll just end up seeing them walk for someone else's deal. 

Yeah, that's the thing.  That's what I tried alluding to in my other post.  It's hard to pay them since they haven't done as much and you're paying for potential, but if you don't pay, you lose what could be a big talent.


The Niners got to one NFC title game and one SB, not Kaepernick. And as you well now, Mark Sanchez got to two title games with the jets. I'm not saying Kaepernick stinks, I just don't think he is worth that kind of money.

I'm not a big fan of Kaep, but putting him in the same sentence as Sanchez....ouch

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It's why I said some of you. Didn't say you specifically. Those who are flat out dismissing it know I'm talking to them.

Well, you specifically quoted me when addressing it.....and that's why I responded.

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Yeah, that's the thing.  That's what I tried alluding to in my other post.  It's hard to pay them since they haven't done as much and you're paying for potential, but if you don't pay, you lose what could be a big talent.


I'm not a big fan of Kaep, but putting him in the same sentence as Sanchez....ouch

That shouldn't have been what you took from that

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Flacco had started more than twice as many games total as Kaep has, and his team was not reliant on his play for success. While he had shown a little more in the postseason in the last two years, Flacco wasn't the kind of talent Kaep is, and didn't/doesn't have the upside.

After five years of Flacco, and a Super Bowl win, and 29 starts from Kaep and a Super Bowl loss to Flacco's Ravens, I'd definitely take Kaep. IMO. That's not proof that he's worth $18-21m/year, but that's a separate conversation.

I'm not convinced the Niners are reliant on Kaepernick for their success either. The Niners are a hugely talented team that made the NFC title game with former bust alex smith. Although I would much rather pay Kaepernick than Flacco....at least Kaepernick has a chance to live up to his contract.
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Defenses dictated that he pass more. I think it is only fair to also mention that his receiving corp suffered some injuries as well especially early in the season which hurt his passing production.

Very true. I think if they build a solid group of recievers around him it would help him along... and this year I expect them to be more of a passing team. We shall see if it works out, or not.

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I'm not convinced the Niners are reliant on Kaepernick for their success either. The Niners are a hugely talented team that made the NFC title game with former bust alex smith. Although I would much rather pay Kaepernick than Flacco....at least Kaepernick has a chance to live up to his contract.


It's definitely a risk, but I think the Niners can project Kaepernick to be a star level QB. It makes sense to do so. 


I think the yearly average is a little high. Even at $18m/year, it's kind of steep. Apparently, incentives can take it higher than that. Very costly. And with his legal situation unclear, and him being under contract for another year, I think I might have waited before doing this deal. But I get it.

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Schefter says it has a $12m signing bonus. Prorates at $2m/year, which is a good level for a top QB contract. 


They probably stagger the guarantees with future roster bonuses and base salary guarantees that kick in on a yearly basis. The first two years, and probably a portion of the third year, are probably guaranteed, provided he's still on the roster. Maybe an option bonus next season. 

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Per Albert Breer, these are the big money QB deals done since January 2013, by APY: Flacco, $20.1m; Romo, $18m; Rodgers, $22m; Stafford, $17.67m; Ryan, $20.75m; Cutler, $18.1m.


I'm taking Rodgers out, because he's a top tier QB. But that's five QBs that are not "elite," and they average $18.9m/year.


There is no second tier pay for clearly second tier (or worse) QBs. Unless you consider the difference between $18m/year for these guys and the $20-22m/year that Brees and Rodgers make. But that's muddy, because Flacco and Ryan are in that range. I think Ryan has more business being up there than Flacco, but it's not relevant. The point is, if you have any accomplishments as a QB, whether it's regular season stats, postseason success, wins, etc., you're going to get PAID. The market clearly dictates nearly $20m/year. I expect Alex Smith and Andy Dalton to get similar APY before long.


So the Niners have pegged Kaepernick as a second tier QB, with the potential to be better than that. His deal is $18m/year, with incentives that can push it to $21m/year. Makes sense...


Stay tuned for the eventual Cam Newton and Russell Wilson contracts, both of which probably come before Luck and Griffin.

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If this is correct, and if there are no other details missing that relate to Year 1, Kaep's 2014 cap hit should be $2.745m.


The big money will kick in in 2015, which allows the Niners to work on deals for other players, should they choose to do so. Give and take, because it also means that they'll be accounting for between $107-123m on the cap over five years. Yikes.

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I can see it now... Andrew Luck signs a 8 year 200 million dollar deal. 


Not gonna happen.


Not even close, in my opinion.


Andrew Luck doesn't strike me as the kind of guy who wants....  the Biggest Contract Ever....


I don't think he's wired that way.....


He's going to get PAID.    And it's going to be Big.    I just don't think it'll be anywhere near that big.....


(I sure hope not.....)

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Not gonna happen.


Not even close, in my opinion.


Andrew Luck doesn't strike me as the kind of guy who wants....  the Biggest Contract Ever....


I don't think he's wired that way.....


He's going to get PAID.    And it's going to be Big.    I just don't think it'll be anywhere near that big.....


(I sure hope not.....)


By then, $25m/year will probably be justified. Andy Dalton and Alex Smith are working on new deals, Cam Newton and Russell Wilson are up soon, and Robert Griffin might get done before Luck as well. And Brady might re-do his deal before then.


The cap has shown signs of ballooning here, and might be upwards of $150m by 2016/17, which would make $25m/year right in line with the 15-17% of the cap that top QBs are getting right now.


And if the Colts have some major success in the postseason between now and then, or if Luck pulls down a league award, he could have the status and platform to justify being made the highest paid player in the league. Even now, if you ask who is the best young player in the league, many people would say Luck already. Imagine if he or the team makes some real noise in the next couple of years.


So don't be so sure. There's a lot of time between now and then. Some else said eight years, $188m, which is $23.5m/year, and maybe that's more like it. But let's see what Newton and Wilson do, and let's see what Luck and the Colts accomplish between now and then. It will definitely be interesting, either way.


And never forget, far more important than the total money and the APY, and even more important than the so-called "guaranteed money" (which is a misnomer anymore), is the structure. All those other things are included, but the overall structure is the key.

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Too much guaranteed money, but the APY is what I expected. Kaep is a qb that fluctuates in and out of the top 10, but always is right around that range, so it's a good contract in that sense.  I think this is a better contract for the 49ers than the cutler and flacco ones for the bears and ravens respectively.

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By then, $25m/year will probably be justified. Andy Dalton and Alex Smith are working on new deals, Cam Newton and Russell Wilson are up soon, and Robert Griffin might get done before Luck as well. And Brady might re-do his deal before then.


The cap has shown signs of ballooning here, and might be upwards of $150m by 2016/17, which would make $25m/year right in line with the 15-17% of the cap that top QBs are getting right now.


And if the Colts have some major success in the postseason between now and then, or if Luck pulls down a league award, he could have the status and platform to justify being made the highest paid player in the league. Even now, if you ask who is the best young player in the league, many people would say Luck already. Imagine if he or the team makes some real noise in the next couple of years.


So don't be so sure. There's a lot of time between now and then. Some else said eight years, $188m, which is $23.5m/year, and maybe that's more like it. But let's see what Newton and Wilson do, and let's see what Luck and the Colts accomplish between now and then. It will definitely be interesting, either way.


And never forget, far more important than the total money and the APY, and even more important than the so-called "guaranteed money" (which is a misnomer anymore), is the structure. All those other things are included, but the overall structure is the key.

(Sorry, but this response will be long....)


But, you keep talking about "then"....   post after post refers to "then"....


Then, is two years from now.    And that's assuming we don't do something preemptively next year when we're legally allowed to.


And in all the names that you've mentioned, I don't see anyone that's going to move the needle to make $25 Mill a year for 8 years seem justifiable.    Wilson would have to win another SB before his contract is done, which he might, but I don't see him getting more than 22.    That doesn't effect Andrew.


Newton?    Even if he wins 1 super bowl,  he's not getting more than 21-22.    Andy Dalton and Alex Smith.   You seriously brought those names into the discussion?     Those guys aren't going to move the needle.    They're struggling to get $18 Mill.


Who else?    RG3?     He's going to win two SB's in the next two years?    On that team?


Then for some reason you mentioned Brady?   Who re-did his last deal downward, so his team could spend more money on the rest of the roster.


If Luck wants to someday make $25 Mill per year (and I'm not entirely sure he does....)   then he should do a 6-year deal that he knows will be re-done after 4-years, so he's still in his prime.    Then we'd be at a period where the cap has already soared and we can see if a $25 Mill number is cap friendly.


I don't think Andrew Luck wants to be the first QB to get that kind of number.    I'm not even sure he wants $20 MIll per year without a Super Bowl victory.    So, perhaps he does a Kaep-like deal for $19+ per year with incentives.


But none of that gets us even close to $25 MIll per year.


This maybe a quarterback driven league,  but the way the next few years are set-up,  I don't see anyone getting that kind of money and that includes Andrew Luck.    I don't think he'd deserve it, and nor do I think he'd want it.


I think he'd take a more Brady-like approach and want that money put into the team.


All just my humble opinion of course.....   and I'm sure there will no shortage of people lining up to tell me I'm wrong.....


And here that comes in....  3.....  2......   1!!       :Nuke:

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(Sorry, but this response will be long....)

But, you keep talking about "then".... post after post refers to "then"....

Then, is two years from now. And that's assuming we don't do something preemptively next year when we're legally allowed to.

And in all the names that you've mentioned, I don't see anyone that's going to move the needle to make $25 Mill a year for 8 years seem justifiable. Wilson would have to win another SB before his contract is done, which he might, but I don't see him getting more than 22. That doesn't effect Andrew.

Newton? Even if he wins 1 super bowl, he's not getting more than 21-22. Andy Dalton and Alex Smith. You seriously brought those names into the discussion? Those guys aren't going to move the needle. They're struggling to get $18 Mill.

Who else? RG3? He's going to win two SB's in the next two years? On that team?

Then for some reason you mentioned Brady? Who re-did his last deal downward, so his team could spend more money on the rest of the roster.

If Luck wants to someday make $25 Mill per year (and I'm not entirely sure he does....) then he should do a 6-year deal that he knows will be re-done after 4-years, so he's still in his prime. Then we'd be at a period where the cap has already soared and we can see if a $25 Mill number is cap friendly.

I don't think Andrew Luck wants to be the first QB to get that kind of number. I'm not even sure he wants $20 MIll per year without a Super Bowl victory. So, perhaps he does a Kaep-like deal for $19+ per year with incentives.

But none of that gets us even close to $25 MIll per year.

This maybe a quarterback driven league, but the way the next few years are set-up, I don't see anyone getting that kind of money and that includes Andrew Luck. I don't think he'd deserve it, and nor do I think he'd want it.

I think he'd take a more Brady-like approach and want that money put into the team.

All just my humble opinion of course..... and I'm sure there will no shortage of people lining up to tell me I'm wrong.....

And here that comes in.... 3..... 2...... 1!! :Nuke:

its not entirely up to him He has his union brothers to think about. He won't take much (if any) of a discount. Also, with the new rookie wage scale he wasn't able to cash in on his number one overall pick status He is going to get big dollars. As superman has pointed out the other young guys contracts and the jump in the salary cap will be huge determining factors on his pay day

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(Sorry, but this response will be long....)


But, you keep talking about "then"....   post after post refers to "then"....


Then, is two years from now.    And that's assuming we don't do something preemptively next year when we're legally allowed to.


And in all the names that you've mentioned, I don't see anyone that's going to move the needle to make $25 Mill a year for 8 years seem justifiable.    Wilson would have to win another SB before his contract is done, which he might, but I don't see him getting more than 22.    That doesn't effect Andrew.


Newton?    Even if he wins 1 super bowl,  he's not getting more than 21-22.    Andy Dalton and Alex Smith.   You seriously brought those names into the discussion?     Those guys aren't going to move the needle.    They're struggling to get $18 Mill.


Who else?    RG3?     He's going to win two SB's in the next two years?    On that team?


Then for some reason you mentioned Brady?   Who re-did his last deal downward, so his team could spend more money on the rest of the roster.


If Luck wants to someday make $25 Mill per year (and I'm not entirely sure he does....)   then he should do a 6-year deal that he knows will be re-done after 4-years, so he's still in his prime.    Then we'd be at a period where the cap has already soared and we can see if a $25 Mill number is cap friendly.


I don't think Andrew Luck wants to be the first QB to get that kind of number.    I'm not even sure he wants $20 MIll per year without a Super Bowl victory.    So, perhaps he does a Kaep-like deal for $19+ per year with incentives.


But none of that gets us even close to $25 MIll per year.


This maybe a quarterback driven league,  but the way the next few years are set-up,  I don't see anyone getting that kind of money and that includes Andrew Luck.    I don't think he'd deserve it, and nor do I think he'd want it.


I think he'd take a more Brady-like approach and want that money put into the team.


All just my humble opinion of course.....   and I'm sure there will no shortage of people lining up to tell me I'm wrong.....


And here that comes in....  3.....  2......   1!!       :Nuke:


A few points of contention:


1) I mentioned the other QBs who will do new deals between now and when Luck gets his deal, not because they will necessarily be comps, but because they will affect the market. Maybe they don't push the market upward, but they will be part of the picture.


2) Brady's deal is interesting. If he in fact plays 2015-17 without a new deal, that will be even more interesting. But as it stands, he will make a total of $40.2m between 2013 and 2014. A lot of that money doesn't hit the cap until later on because of the big signing bonus, so yes it frees up cap space. But it seems like a deal that lays the groundwork a future deal with more guaranteed money. (We were talking about "dummy years" in another thread; the Brady deal is set up perfectly for that kind of situation.) As of now, he hasn't play for less than market value, even though that's the narrative. Andrew Brandt mentioned this in an MMQB piece a few weeks ago.


3) The Colts have a fifth year option that they will no doubt exercise. Doesn't mean Luck will necessarily play that fifth year without a long term deal, but the Colts have control through that year. So we might be talking about Luck's deal three years from now, not two. Yes, that assumes that we don't do something next year, but I personally don't see that happening. There's little incentive for the team to work an extension for Luck prior to 2015, and while it might be smart for Luck to take a new deal at that point, it would likely cost him money.


4) Things will change between now and whenever Luck's new deal is done. How exactly they change is unknown at this point, because none of us knows the future. But how players like Newton, Wilson and Griffin impact the market is yet to be seen. I don't know why you think that any of those players needs to win a Super Bowl -- or multiple Super Bowls, for that matter -- to command more than $20-22m/year. If Russell Wilson puts together a couple of great seasons to go along with his SB, he could push $23m. He's already more accomplished than Kaepernick individually and in terms of team accomplishments.  (Don't forget that, 80 games into his mediocre career, Joe Flacco was signed for more than Manning, Brees and Brady, and all it took was one SB.)


5) More important than that, as I mentioned, is what Luck and the Colts do. If he pulls down an MVP/OPOY and a SB appearance, he'll have all the clout he needs to blow everyone we've mentioned out of the water.


6) I mentioned that I think $25m/year is probably too high. It could happen, but I think $23.5m/year is probably more like it. All I'm saying is that I think the market will gradually improve for marquee QBs like Luck in the next two to three years, and that could lead to a blockbuster deal for him.


7) Last thing, you are probably more familiar with Luck's personality, his family, etc., than I am, so maybe you're right that he won't want to be "the highest" anything. But I'm assuming that he's like everyone else in the NFL who wants to maximize their earning potential, including charitable and altruistic players like Brady and Manning, neither of whom have ever left a single dollar on the table in contract negotiations. And I don't think that's a bad thing. It's part of the business of being in the NFL, no matter what side you're on.



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If it makes you feel any better (and me any less confident of my own view) tonight on SportsCenter, Adam Shefter predicted Wilson and Luck will get 24-25 mill per year.    He didn't say how many years,   but only a yearly basis.   24-25 large per...



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If it makes you feel any better (and me any less confident of my own view) tonight on SportsCenter, Adam Shefter predicted Wilson and Luck will get 24-25 mill per year.    He didn't say how many years,   but only a yearly basis.   24-25 large per...




"Wow" is right.

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"Wow" is right.


Here's yet another reason to think you're right and I'm wrong........


Mike Wells writes that he expects Wilson to get $20 Mill.     (Kiss of death.....)


Wilson will now get more -- a lot more.    And so will Luck....



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Colin Kaepernick's new contract is a year-to-year deal.

Armchair GMs that spent Wednesday bashing the 49ers for the "$126 million" deal with "$61 million guaranteed" need to click the link below. Essentially, the Niners can cut Kaepernick before April 1 of each year without owing any more money -- so the actual guarantee is just $13 million ($12.3M signing bonus, $645K '14 base salary, $100K '14 workout bonus). There is also a de-escalator in the contract that can only be halted if Kaepernick takes the team to the Super Bowl or he is named first- or second-team All-Pro. A source tells Pro Football Talk that San Francisco is "thrilled" with the pact.

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The Niners got to one NFC title game and one SB, not Kaepernick. And as you well now, Mark Sanchez got to two title games with the jets. I'm not saying Kaepernick stinks, I just don't think he is worth that kind of money.

That's not true.  They, including Kaep, got to the title game last year, and the title game and the SB the year before.

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I hate Florio.


But he breaks down the contract here: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2014/06/05/the-full-kaepernick-contract-details/


The guarantees are staggered, and clean-cut. His 2015 salary is only guaranteed for injury, until April 1, 2015, when it's fully guaranteed. That pattern continues yearly. It also looks like there is up to $22m in playing time and achievement incentives. I don't see anything about an option bonus, either, so it wouldn't be too painful if they chose to cut him in a couple years.

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A few points of contention:


1) I mentioned the other QBs who will do new deals between now and when Luck gets his deal, not because they will necessarily be comps, but because they will affect the market. Maybe they don't push the market upward, but they will be part of the picture.


2) Brady's deal is interesting. If he in fact plays 2015-17 without a new deal, that will be even more interesting. But as it stands, he will make a total of $40.2m between 2013 and 2014. A lot of that money doesn't hit the cap until later on because of the big signing bonus, so yes it frees up cap space. But it seems like a deal that lays the groundwork a future deal with more guaranteed money. (We were talking about "dummy years" in another thread; the Brady deal is set up perfectly for that kind of situation.) As of now, he hasn't play for less than market value, even though that's the narrative. Andrew Brandt mentioned this in an MMQB piece a few weeks ago.


3) The Colts have a fifth year option that they will no doubt exercise. Doesn't mean Luck will necessarily play that fifth year without a long term deal, but the Colts have control through that year. So we might be talking about Luck's deal three years from now, not two. Yes, that assumes that we don't do something next year, but I personally don't see that happening. There's little incentive for the team to work an extension for Luck prior to 2015, and while it might be smart for Luck to take a new deal at that point, it would likely cost him money.


4) Things will change between now and whenever Luck's new deal is done. How exactly they change is unknown at this point, because none of us knows the future. But how players like Newton, Wilson and Griffin impact the market is yet to be seen. I don't know why you think that any of those players needs to win a Super Bowl -- or multiple Super Bowls, for that matter -- to command more than $20-22m/year. If Russell Wilson puts together a couple of great seasons to go along with his SB, he could push $23m. He's already more accomplished than Kaepernick individually and in terms of team accomplishments.  (Don't forget that, 80 games into his mediocre career, Joe Flacco was signed for more than Manning, Brees and Brady, and all it took was one SB.)


5) More important than that, as I mentioned, is what Luck and the Colts do. If he pulls down an MVP/OPOY and a SB appearance, he'll have all the clout he needs to blow everyone we've mentioned out of the water.


6) I mentioned that I think $25m/year is probably too high. It could happen, but I think $23.5m/year is probably more like it. All I'm saying is that I think the market will gradually improve for marquee QBs like Luck in the next two to three years, and that could lead to a blockbuster deal for him.


7) Last thing, you are probably more familiar with Luck's personality, his family, etc., than I am, so maybe you're right that he won't want to be "the highest" anything. But I'm assuming that he's like everyone else in the NFL who wants to maximize their earning potential, including charitable and altruistic players like Brady and Manning, neither of whom have ever left a single dollar on the table in contract negotiations. And I don't think that's a bad thing. It's part of the business of being in the NFL, no matter what side you're on.



In terms of Brady deal, it will be interesting to see what happens in 2015 and beyond. Kraft was on record as saying we don't do fake deals and that the deal Brady signed is the deal he will play under through 2017. That being said, with the cap projected to go up a lot in the coming years, I could see the Pats signing him to more money. I think much may depend on Brady's level of play. There have been some articles recently detailing that he is declining and of course that is based on his stats from last year when his entire receiving corp changed over. I have yet to see a decline in terms of his arm strength or decision making but the Pats drafting Jimmy is also a sign of where they see things headed. Bill is not the type to keep Brady around just for posterity sake and Brady knows that.

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The Niners got to one NFC title game and one SB, not Kaepernick. And as you well now, Mark Sanchez got to two title games with the jets. I'm not saying Kaepernick stinks, I just don't think he is worth that kind of money.

The comparison to Sanchez is comical.


I get that you don't think that much of Kaep. But you still have no said (or maybe I missed it) who you would like to have and what you would be willing to pay for that QB. You said you don't like Flacco, Romo, Cutler who are all making as much or more than Kaep. Guys like Wilson and Newton are going to make as much or more than Kaep. Do you only think teams should pay for the elite like Brady, Manning, Brees and Rodgers? I mean that is only 4 guys. And the last two SB winners have been Flacco and Wilson. So, I am wondering how you see the QB position in terms of talent vs pay. Because even guys you think that are all not that good are getting north of $15 mil.

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In terms of Brady deal, it will be interesting to see what happens in 2015 and beyond. Kraft was on record as saying we don't do fake deals and that the deal Brady signed is the deal he will play under through 2017. That being said, with the cap projected to go up a lot in the coming years, I could see the Pats signing him to more money. I think much may depend on Brady's level of play. There have been some articles recently detailing that he is declining and of course that is based on his stats from last year when his entire receiving corp changed over. I have yet to see a decline in terms of his arm strength or decision making but the Pats drafting Jimmy is also a sign of where they see things headed. Bill is not the type to keep Brady around just for posterity sake and Brady knows that.


At this point it's all speculation. We'll see what happens with Brady as it happens. I just don't think his contract is a precedent for anything, and I only mentioned him because he could potentially get a new deal with more money, which would influence the QB market.

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I hate Florio.


But he breaks down the contract here: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2014/06/05/the-full-kaepernick-contract-details/


The guarantees are staggered, and clean-cut. His 2015 salary is only guaranteed for injury, until April 1, 2015, when it's fully guaranteed. That pattern continues yearly. It also looks like there is up to $22m in playing time and achievement incentives. I don't see anything about an option bonus, either, so it wouldn't be too painful if they chose to cut him in a couple years.


Yeah, the deal is actually pretty team friendly.


The de-escalation clause: Potential $12M of de-escalation at $2M per year from 2015-2020. This can be voided annually with 80% of snaps AND Super Bowl Appearance or 1st/2nd Team All-Pro.


Super Bowl or All-Pro (not Pro Bowl). Annually. That's a very high bar. He has to be ELITE every single year to get that money. 


Deadspin's breakdown: link.

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