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Clowney says "Luck better have his head on a swivel"


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According to TFY Draft Insider's Tony Pauline, "a number of teams" believe there's a "real chance" Stanford ILB Shayne Skov will go undrafted.

Skov had a big college name, but lacks NFL-caliber athleticism and has injury red flags. "He’s a good guy but slow with major medical red flags," said one college scouting director. "The whole (pre-draft) process has hurt him." Skov didn't work out at the Combine. He ran a 5.09 forty at Stanford's Pro Day.



I hope your right. I'd love to pick him up in the 6th. I just don't see it happening.

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Personally I don't like players that trash talk.  IMO, they should let their play do their talking for them.


That being said, if this quote was a from a player the Colts were likely to draft, many of the fans on this forum would be praising that player and saying things like, "that is the kind of fire this defense needs." or "That is the attitude that has been missing from this D since Mike Curtis..."

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Personally I don't like players that trash talk.  IMO, they should let their play do their talking for them.


That being said, if this quote was a from a player the Colts were likely to draft, many of the fans on this forum would be praising that player and saying things like, "that is the kind of fire this defense needs." or "That is the attitude that has been missing from this D since Mike Curtis..."

I agree on all accounts.  It's interesting to look at it from different perspectives.  

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Well no crap...of course we don't know (and I said possibly but I guess you missed it) but when every analyst and expert is drooling over you there is a reason. He has potential whether you want to admit it or not. If we do get Clowney then he and Watt will be on the quarterback so much Hilton won't be a problem...don't be so defensive, the guy didn't threaten to break Andrew's arm or anything he was speaking common sense. But...as usual...things are getting blown out of proportion.


Luck and co. will destroy your pathetic team - with or without Clowney.

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Luck and co. will destroy your pathetic team - with or without Clowney.

Right...keep living in denial. Why be so hostile to someone not talking down on your team at all unless you're intimidated? We were the champions in the South two out of the last three years, so don't pretend like it can't or won't happen again. Now chill out kid, I'm really not in the mood for a flame war.
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Well, he would fit right in with the Texans fans.....always yapping before they have actually accomplished anything.


So true.


Unaccomplished, loser franchises like Houston love to celebrate accolades they get off the field:  like being picked by some to goto the Super Bowl last year (lololololol), being merely scheduled for a prime time game (even if they get manhandled in said game, which they almost always do) or, in this case, a guy who's not even on their team that they might pick in the draft talking trash about a franchise that absolutely owns Houston.


Inferiority complex 101.....lmao

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The Texans are definitely going to get a lot better from this draft.  I see them drafting Clowney and then a QB with the 33rd pick.  I would not be surprised at all if Manziel or Bortles are available around 20 and the Texans trade up from 33 and get their guy.  


That being said, I think we will be a lot better this year too!!!  I see us being REALLY good now and in the foreseeable future.  We will win the division for the next 7 years. 

If they don't find a dancing partner that wants to trade up for Clowney (So Texans can get Bortles + pick{s} ), then yes.  I see this scenario.

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[Quot name=Dustin" post="798807" timestamp="1399548140]1. He was asked a question about teaming up with JJ Watt.

2. Calling him lazy and not having to work is just ridiculous. Nobody gets picked #1 overall and regarded as the best defensive prospect ever if he was lazy and didn't have a good work ethic.

3. I find it hard to believe he wasn't saying this in a joking manner.

4. This is the same fan base who loves to hear how Peyton said he was going to kick the Colts' * for 15 years if they didn't draft him. This is no different.

Basically, y'all are taking this too seriously.[/Quote ]

All good points. I have watched Clowney play for 3 years and he is the real deal on and off the field. He is a practical joker that loves to have fun. I feel pretty confident that his comment is being taken out of context and he was definitely joking around. And the nonsense that he is lazy is a bunch of crap. When you are having to chase down plays from the backside most of the time because teams are running away from you and having to face double and triple team blocks when they do come at you tends to wear a guy down. Especially in these games down here in SC in Sept and Oct where the humidity is so thick you could cut it with a knife. Houston will be making a mistake if they don't take him. I doubt he will dominate in his rookie year but he will be future star.

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Right...keep living in denial. Why be so hostile to someone not talking down on your team at all unless you're intimidated? We were the champions in the South two out of the last three years, so don't pretend like it can't or won't happen again. Now chill out kid, I'm really not in the mood for a flame war.

if we are counting south champs, How many of the last 10 have we been the Champions of the south?

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The Lions have at least 2 very good guys on the D line and everybody thought they were going to be scary. It hasn't happened (and they have a decent QB). Same with Texans, it takes more than 2 good players on the D line.

"Takes more than 2 good players on the Dline"

We're Colts fans, we know this from the Freeney & Mathis days. Outside of those 2, our defensive line was horrible

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if we are counting south champs, How many of the last 10 have we been the Champions of the south?

I'm not initiating a pissing contest here I'm pointing out that this terrible team everyone is going on about was successful not too long ago and would have split a game with you guys if not for a heart attack. All I'm saying is that US having Clowney would make an impact, something the homers here just want to deny. Idk, I'm just ready for the season to start.
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"Takes more than 2 good players on the Dline"

We're Colts fans, we know this from the Freeney & Mathis days. Outside of those 2, our defensive line was horrible

Clowney is a bigger prospect than either Freeney or Mathis were coming out.
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I'm not initiating a pissing contest here I'm pointing out that this terrible team everyone is going on about was successful not too long ago and would have split a game with you guys if not for a heart attack.

Oh i know, was just making a point... I know How good of a defense the texans have when Cushing is healthy especially... The past is the past, until the champs is beaten they are still that..

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Oh i know, was just making a point... I know How good of a defense the texans have when Cushing is healthy especially... The past is the past, until the champs is beaten they are still that..

True. In order to be the best you have to beat the best, and we haven't done that in a while lol. I hope the South is like the NFC East when it comes to beating the crap out of each other this year, but obviously I hope my boys come out on top :D
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Freeneyy was the same weight and ran a 4.48. He'll be lucky to ever be half as good as Freeney was in his prime.

Yeah, there is a phenomenal difference between 4.5 and 4.4. Again...I said PROSPECT...I didn't say anything about being in their prime, but if we do get the guy I hope he blows the league out of the water. He'll have a lot of help with S.Watt standing next to him.
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and to be Honest Freeney broke the mode for what the Typical DE was... when he came out they considered him to small thats why he fell to the colts

Yeah, goes to show that even the experts can be wrong when it comes to measurables. We learned that a while ago with Brady too, or even as recently as Wilson.
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Yeah, there is a phenomenal difference between 4.5 and 4.4. Again...I said PROSPECT...I didn't say anything about being in their prime, but if we do get the guy I hope he blows the league out of the water. He'll have a lot of help with S.Watt standing next to him.

What does them as prospects have to do with the comment you responded to? You were implying he'll be better than Freeney was.

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What does them as prospects have to do with the comment you responded to? You were implying he'll be better than Freeney was.

I'm saying he'll more than likely have a bigger impact early on. More oft then not huge prospects have immediate impacts as starters, and I just think that Clowney/the rest of our defense in general will do better then the defense that was content to be carried by Manning. If anything our defense will be carrying our offense lol.
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Hey Qwizboy, so you think he'll be playing olber for you guys? I could see him doing that as mostly a pass rusher and dropping back at times. Dude has freakish size and speed with a huge wingspan.

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Hey Qwizboy, so you think he'll be playing olber for you guys? I could see him doing that as mostly a pass rusher and dropping back at times. Dude has freakish size and speed with a huge wingspan.

Yeah as we saw at his pro day he has the right movement for a big guy and could indeed drop back for coverage. I guess it all depends how Crennel uses him, I think he will be standing up a lot rather than having his hand in the dirt and hopefully if Cushing returns to form then the DC could get exotic with rushing the passer.
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Money involved= Corruption looms

No doubt there's a chance the Texans have already told Clowney

It's a lot of under the table stuff in the NFL

But if they haven't told him anything & he's just assuming he's going #1 overall, he's gonna look foolish if they pick someone else

Well the Texans have the #1 pick in the draft....technically they could start negotiating with him if they wanted to...at least under the old CBA they could. Isnt unusual for the #1 pick to know where they are going. It's the NFL who wants ratings for the draft show and the suspense that wants it a secret.


As for his comments...they are harmless...sure he is confident..and having Watt and him on that line it will be hard to decide who to double and slide protection to. That is going to be a dangerous DL...but lets be real...Luck always has his head on a swivel...our OL has been pathetic at best. I imagine most teams will still double Watt and chip with backs and TEs on Clowney or try to wear him down by running at him.

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I'm not initiating a pissing contest here I'm pointing out that this terrible team everyone is going on about was successful not too long ago and would have split a game with you guys if not for a heart attack. All I'm saying is that US having Clowney would make an impact, something the homers here just want to deny. Idk, I'm just ready for the season to start.

Oh, the heart attack excuse...priceless.

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