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Tony Dungy doesn't see anybody beating Denver


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Guess what?

Tony said this last year, and Denver was the first team sent to the golf course.

Tony Dungy is a shameless Peyton Manning cheerleader. He's also wrong all the time. He was also a crappy head coach.

pretty sure five teams went home before the broncos last year

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Dungy's Manning love is embarrassing at times but honestly it is this type of comment that makes him a lousy commentator. Of course Denver is the favorite but how about some analysis? The fact is ALL three teams that beat Denver this year (NE, Colts, Chargers) are in the playoffs and they could have to face two of them to get to NY. I can easily see anyone of those three teams beating them again especially the Chargers given they dominated Denver in Denver just a few weeks ago.


I really believe and I said this on another thread last week that if the seedings held this week and they did that the Colts would beat the Chiefs in Indy and head to Denver as I think Cincy takes out SD. Luck is not intimidated at all by the big stage and proved earlier this year in what I considered his coming out party that playing against Peyton does not phase him mentally. The Colts also have the better cold weather team IMO. So I think the Colts get the first crack at them and win again.

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Of course Tony said this. Let's look at the real reason Why.

Denver was in the Toughest Division. They Won that division. Not only did they win it, two "other" teams in that division also had Winning Records.

How many other AFC Divisions had more than one team with a Winning Record you ask..?? I'll tell you ~~ ZERO. The closest any of the other teams came to winning records were ties @ 8-8 and I think there were 4 teams with those records.

Denver ties with Seattle with the Best Record for the Season at 13 -3. Yes they lost 3 games, ALL by a TD or less, and they dominated most of their Wins. They, as a team, broke a lot of records this year.

Of course Tony would say they are gonna be hard to beat, at home. They are the Obvious pick.

Yes, I know ~ it's the Playoffs, all bets are off when it comes to the Playoffs but I totally understand Tony's pick, and it's not because he's a Peyton Homer. That would be Me ;) haha

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How is the AFC West the toughest division in football? lol Koolaid much?

Because Kansas City achieved a winning record against teams fielding back up quarterbacks and because the Chargers lucked into the play offs?

Which AFC Division was the toughest then...??

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Of course Tony said this. Let's look at the real reason Why.

Denver was in the Toughest Division. They Won that division. Not only did they win it, two "other" teams in that division also had Winning Records.

How many other AFC Divisions had more than one team with a Winning Record you ask..?? I'll tell you ~~ ZERO. The closest any of the other teams came to winning records were ties @ 8-8 and I think there were 4 teams with those records.

Denver ties with Seattle with the Best Record for the Season at 13 -3. Yes they lost 3 games, ALL by a TD or less, and they dominated most of their Wins. They, as a team, broke a lot of records this year.

Of course Tony would say they are gonna be hard to beat, at home. They are the Obvious pick.

Yes, I know ~ it's the Playoffs, all bets are off when it comes to the Playoffs but I totally understand Tony's pick, and it's not because he's a Peyton Homer. That would be Me ;) haha

Gramz......Tony D' home team is Indy


Its like you say...he's just stating the obvious..AFC West ios the only division in the NFL with 3 playoff teams


No one has stopped Denver's offense all season.....no one has smoked Seattle's defense...


Denver and Seattle have huge home field advantages and they get all playoff games at home.


Peyton Manning is a proven champion and Seattle intimidates everyone they play



a Super Bowl that is NOT Denver-Seattle is an upset..

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Gramz......Tony D's home team is Indy


Its like you say...he's just stating the obvious..AFC West ios the only division in the NFL with 3 playoff teams


No one has stopped Denver's offense all season.....no one has smoked Seattle's defense...


Denver and Seattle have huge home field advantages and they get all playoff games at home.


Peyton Manning is a proven champion and Seattle intimidates everyone they play



a Super Bowl that is NOT Denver-Seattle is an upset..

What I meant to say is: Dungy is an Indy homer..

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The most dangerous teams in the AFC right now to me are New England and Indy. Denver's defense is horrible, KC doesn't scare me, Dalton is insanely inconsistent, and San Diego is also inconsistent

Yet, NE and Indy have been incredibly inconsistent as well. They've won, but you never know who's gonna show up for the game. It looks like the Super Bowl winner will come out of the NFC this year. NFC looks more physical to me this season.

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Yet, NE and Indy have been incredibly inconsistent as well. They've won, but you never know who's gonna show up for the game. It looks like the Super Bowl winner will come out of the NFC this year. NFC looks more physical to me this season.

New England has been fairly consistent.  Indy has been consistent recently.  With that said, the Chargers do come in on a 4 game winning streak, so they could also be labeled as consistent recently.

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What he based it on was that he didn't see any dominate defenses in the AFC and the fact that they would have to go to Denver.  It's a fair point.  The Broncos have home field and are the favorite for a reason if people thought they were going to lose they wouldn't be a favorite. 


As for the Colts they are pretty much completely off the radar at this point.  No one sees them doing anything and with Luck that's when this team has played it's best when they feel like no one in the world gives them any kind of chance at all. 



I hear alot, but as in background as dio things b not sure what channels or shows but many say ias far as afc , anyone may get iut


Noted were Broncos no D, Colts with Luck ended strong with balanced team that can play well on the road , Cinncy balanced but better at hiome & beat some big name teams , Brady & BB combo can never count out , esp BB's adjustments at halftime & then Brady following what he says to do, CHarger snuck in but won in Denver and 4 in row, Chiefs u never know  if offense or defense both will show up but are rested


Best of Luck Colts, I may not be here ,  priorities getting progressively serious unfortunately, not how I wanted to close out Dec 31 and enter a new year 

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Wow, Tony Dungy is a shameless Manning homer because he's foolish enough to pick the top seed in the AFC to go to the Super Bowl.




top seed usually doesnt win , poor peyton cant catch a break, save for yardage record


Good night all

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New England has been fairly consistent.  Indy has been consistent recently.  With that said, the Chargers do come in on a 4 game winning streak, so they could also be labeled as consistent recently

yes- consistent poor man's football :-)

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Doesn't mean anything. Certainly doesn't mean it's a mistake to pick them. It's not like Dungy is the only one picking the Broncos at this point.


of course i would rather have 1st seed if i were on a team, also agree doesnt mean a thing in terms of predicting this year, just saying in past has happened that way quite often, should of ended it with ( LOL )

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Denver's d-line is gone and Von Miller is done for the season.


I don't see how they get to the Super Bowl with that defense. It is easily the worst defense of any playoff team.


I'm with Anton on this. If another team figures out a way to make Manning and the offense a little uncomfortable or slow to start, the Denver defense is going to have to hold down the fort for a quarter or three. I don't think they'll be able to do it. We've seen that same pattern in all three of Denver's losses this season.


If that scenario plays out and Manning ends up with a fairly pedestrian stat-line, holy cow... forget everything you've known about negative mass-media. It will be, "Even in a season when he rewrote the record books, Manning still falters in the playoffs." They will be all over it like white on rice. Fair or not. 


BTW, I just noticed this for the first time, but is the guy behind you in your avatar pic photo-bombing whilst wearing a Brady jersey? If so, that is absolutely delightful.  ;)  :thmup:

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I'm with Anton on this. If another team figures out a way to make Manning and the offense a little uncomfortable or slow to start, the Denver defense is going to have to hold down the fort for a quarter or three. I don't think they'll be able to do it. We've seen that same pattern in all three of Denver's losses this season.


If that scenario plays out and Manning ends up with a fairly pedestrian stat-line, holy cow... forget everything you've known about negative mass-media. It will be, "Even in a season when he rewrote the record books, Manning still falters in the playoffs." They will be all over it like white on rice. Fair or not. 


BTW, I just noticed this for the first time, but is the guy behind you in your avatar pic photo-bombing whilst wearing a Brady jersey? If so, that is absolutely delightful.  ;)  :thmup:


Yes that is one of my many ill-advised Patriot friends.

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I'm with Anton on this. If another team figures out a way to make Manning and the offense a little uncomfortable or slow to start, the Denver defense is going to have to hold down the fort for a quarter or three. I don't think they'll be able to do it. We've seen that same pattern in all three of Denver's losses this season.


If that scenario plays out and Manning ends up with a fairly pedestrian stat-line, holy cow... forget everything you've known about negative mass-media. It will be, "Even in a season when he rewrote the record books, Manning still falters in the playoffs." They will be all over it like white on rice. Fair or not. 


BTW, I just noticed this for the first time, but is the guy behind you in your avatar pic photo-bombing whilst wearing a Brady jersey? If so, that is absolutely delightful.  ;)  :thmup:

New category for our annual award ceremony......"and the award for best eyesight is.....GoPats...."

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Of course Tony said this. Let's look at the real reason Why.

Denver was in the Toughest Division. They Won that division. Not only did they win it, two "other" teams in that division also had Winning Records.

How many other AFC Divisions had more than one team with a Winning Record you ask..?? I'll tell you ~~ ZERO. The closest any of the other teams came to winning records were ties @ 8-8 and I think there were 4 teams with those records.

Denver ties with Seattle with the Best Record for the Season at 13 -3. Yes they lost 3 games, ALL by a TD or less, and they dominated most of their Wins. They, as a team, broke a lot of records this year.

Of course Tony would say they are gonna be hard to beat, at home. They are the Obvious pick.

Yes, I know ~ it's the Playoffs, all bets are off when it comes to the Playoffs but I totally understand Tony's pick, and it's not because he's a Peyton Homer. That would be Me ;) haha


The interesting thing is that Denver's 3 losses came to playoff teams that they might see again. They lost to the Colts, Patriots, and Chargers, and none of these teams are going into the playoffs 'fearing' Denver. It will be very interesting to see.

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Yes that is one of my many ill-advised Patriot friends.


There is something deliciously poetic in that! 


But at least it's just a mate and not your better half.


Right Wallace?  ;)  


New category for our annual award ceremony......"and the award for best eyesight is.....GoPats...."


It only took several months for me to see it! 

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Look, the Broncos SHOULD win. They have the #1 seed and will play all games at home. That is the advantage they earned and that is why they will be favored going forward. I just think it's odd that Dungy says he doesn't see anybody heaving a chance to beat them when the Broncos have been very average against teams with winning records this year.


The Broncos played 7 games against teams above .500. Their record in those games? 4-3.


They are 9-0 against teams .500 or below...as they should be.


The only problem is that there are no sub .500 teams in the playoffs, and they've already shown that they aren't unbeatable at home.


It wouldnt surprise me one bit to see them win the Superbowl. But can anyone really say they would be surprised if they didnt?

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The interesting thing is that Denver's 3 losses came to playoff teams that they might see again. They lost to the Colts, Patriots, and Chargers, and none of these teams are going into the playoffs 'fearing' Denver. It will be very interesting to see.

Yea that is true. Many times the regular season winner loses in he playoff rematch.

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The most dangerous teams in the AFC right now to me are New England and Indy.  Denver's defense is horrible, KC doesn't scare me, Dalton is insanely inconsistent, and San Diego is also inconsistent

It's crazy to think about all the players New England lost and they are still playing like this!

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